Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of E


Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1.BACKGROUND WORK/GLOSSORY ............................................................................................... 2.1 USER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 2.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................

2.USERS OF THE SYSTEM ............................................................................................................... 2.2.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS.2.2.2 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 2.2.3 DOMAIN REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 2.2.4 INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 3.1RISK DRIVEN ....................................................................................................................... 3.2 RISK ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 3.3 RISK DECOMPOSITION ........................................................................................................... 3.4 RISK REDUCTION ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................... 3.5 Safety 3.5.1 Functional safety Requirements ........................................................................................... 3.5.2 Safety Integrity Requirements ............................................................................................. 3.6 Security .......................................................................................................................... 3.7 Reliability ........................................................................................................................ 3.7.1Hardware Reliability 3.7.2 Software Reliability 3.7.3 Operator/User Reliability

3.CRITICAL SYSTEM SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................

4. Software process model used. 5. System Design Architecture... 6. Software Testing.6.1 Component and System testing..

6.2 Performance testing..6.3 Stress Testing...

7. Validation and verification 8. UML diagrams8.1 Use case.. 8.2 Class... 8.3 Sequence.

8.4 Activity......8.5 State chart

9. Algorithm 10. Reference.. 11. Conclusion

1.INTRODUCTION:The main objective of this project is building a website which will help farmers from Indian villages too sell their products to different cities. Here if suppose some village farmers want to use this facility and want to learn how is it possible and how they can use e-farming to sell their products, If they have knowledge of computer then they can directly register in the site and sell their product otherwise they can contact company's computer professional who will schedule classes to teach them basics of computers and internet like how they can open this site and register with it and sell their products online etc. On the other side, wholesaler from town can also register and buy products as per their needs.

1.Background Work:Now a days the E-Forming system is latest system.In previous system the formers and wholesalers are taking risks and many problems to buy products or to sell productsMainly transportation is the main problem to formersNow a days they will not face this problem because they are using this E-Forming process..The main use of this process is they will not take risks and problems on the transportation. The farmers and wholesalers are just simply go to internet and register their details and their product details to buy or sell products or goods..

2.Users of the System:

1. Director Admin 2 . Users Farmers, wholesaler who wants to buy product 3 . directly from Farmers 4. Computer professionals

2.1User Requirements:

People can register in the site for some basic e learning like if some user wants to learn how to operate computer, they can go and learn it from the site. (It will be just HTML page with all basic courses on how to operate computer) Site should also be available in Hindi and local languages as per States. While registering there should be option of selecting whether one who is registering is farmer or wholesaler.

2.2System Requirements:2.2.1Functional Requirements:i. People can register in the site for some basic e learning like if some user wants to learn how to operate computer, they can go and learn it from the site. (It will be just HTML page with all basic courses on how to operate computer). ii. Site should also be available in Hindi and local languages as per States. iii. While registering there should be option of selecting whether one who is registering is farmer or wholesaler If user select as farmer then there should be option to select whether he wants to take lesson or if he is already familiar with online buying and selling then he can directly go to sell his products. If user select as wholesaler then he needs to fill all details as per requirement place, shop address, which product he wants to buy, quantity etc. v. Admin should be able to see all record from any users. vi. The records shown for selling should be available in a format of Quantity name , Quantity available, price. vii. The database should be robust enough to handle all the online transactions which will be happening parallely. viii. The data should be stored inside database such that when queried with different parameters the query should retrieve the results quickly , for example there should be in build query for farmers to view what all products they are selling and how many have been sold + the quantity left. Another query must be there for wholesaler to query for products and also drill down the results in the result page to view how much quantity of that product is available with single farmer in case they are interested in single lot. ix. There should be facility of scheduling classes for farmers who enrolled for basic courses. x.Automatic transfer of mails to company's computer professional (teachers) if some user (farmer) enrolled for basic course.

2.2.2Non Functional Requirements:

i.Secure access of confidential data (users details). SSL can be used. ii. 24 X 7 availability iii.Better component design to get better performance at peak time Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension.

2.2.3Domain Requirements:1) There shall not be an user who will see the private and protected contents without registering. 2) There shall be an interface which shall provide the information in proper, simple and in readable format. 3)There shall be database which should be viewed, edited, or modified only by the Administer, and not to the Users.

2.2.4Interface Requirements:1) Procedural Interfaces:a. The Application Programming Interfaces used for the code will be JDBC (Java Data Base API) Java Swing API (Graphical API) b. The interfaces are been used in a JavaScript program and are called in the browsers to provide Java's interfaces along with web interface design to the users. 2) Data Structures that are passed to the Other service routines will be of STRING types mostly. This is because the variables we are using are about String type for easier processing 3)For Data Representation, the interfaces are used to maximum extent and its embedded in the real time system.

3.Critical System Specification:3.1 Risk Driven:Risk Identification:

Server might produce problems due to overload

Network problems and traffic The user name password database might hacked by some bad programmers. Details upload/download might not be properly done . System hangs when anyone tries to do something bad , causing an unknown or even an unrecoverable exception. Database might be corrupted due to viruses.

2.2Risk Analysis :Identifi ed Risk Server overloa d Networ k proble ms Hacking Probabi Severit lity y Medium High Medium Medium Estimat Accepta ed Risk bility High ALARP High ALARP


High Medium

high Medium

Unknow Low n Excepti on Databa Low se corrupti on

Intolerab le Tolerabl e ALARP



3.3Risk decomposition:The main root causes for the problems to Occur are A. Human Interference: a. Interfering with the server by humans with wrong intension or with curiosity. b. Programmers who wish to damage others hard work. (A type of Hackers) B. Programs Interference: a. The Dangerous Programs, so called viruses these days might use our database to spread. C. Network Interference a. Traffic in network. b. Internet Server Down.

3.4Risk reduction Assessment:During the Implementation stage the Work is done so seriously that the , A) Risk or hazard cannot arise. (Risk avoidance)

B) Risks are detected and neutralized before they result in an accident. (Risk detection and removal) C)Consequences of an accident are minimized. (Damage limitation)


3.5.1 Functional safety requirements : The Exceptions that occur when the user is running the system is taken The Database is given double the protection to restrict hackers frommessing with another users account . Server, almost never occurs at all. prevent the action of Viruses. care by the Exception Handler mechanism which is embedded inside the code for different types of exception.

The Architectural Model is chosen in such a way that the Overloading of The Database uses the code very similar to Linux Kernel which help to

3.5.2Safety integrity requirements :

The Database Protection System, Exception Handling Mechanism etc. is made for a purpose, i.e to make the system easier, safer , better to use. Assurance can be given to this Safety system as it is made to work 24 X 7 , round the clock. The Code is designed in such a way.

3.6Security: Identification requirements: The Database Protection System is designed forthe system to identify its users before its interaction with them.

Authentication requirements: The Users are identified with secret user

name and Secret Password. The Administer is identified by his / her own Special Secret Root Password

Authorization requirements: The privileges and access permissions of

identified users are posting files ,polls ,thought of day , searching Archives etc. The Administer manages all the activities.

Immunity requirements: System protects itself against viruses, worms andsimilar threats as it uses Linux based Programming.

Integrity requirements:

The Database Protection System prevents data corruption .

Intrusion detection requirements: The Database Protection System,

Exception Handling Mechanism are used to detect attacks on the system.

Privacy requirements: Data privacy is to be maintained only for Administeras he manages all the operations. The files for proper functioning of the system are held private and no one but the Administer can access it.

Security auditing requirements: System can be audited and checked by the

Administer and the Board of Directors to give a well maintained , refined and updated system to the users.

3.7Reliability :3.7.1 Hardware Reliability:The chances of the system getting damages due to hardware faults like server damage etc. are practically rare but possible. The Equipments are used are to be maintained in a perfect state to prevent problems in the near future.

3.7.2 Software Reliability:

The viruses are being developed day by day as we speak. Its impossible to completely prevent a system from Viruses. So in the future the viruses may be programmed to even get past through programming made with Linux kernel as the base. In that case the system is likely to produce faults.

3.7.3 Operator/User Reliability:a. Interfering with the server by humans with wrong intension or with curiosity. b. Programmers who wish to damage others hard work. (A bad type of Hackers) c. Administer unknowingly might make errors. d.The User might unknowingly give wrong inputs..

4.Software Process model:The model used is waterfall model At first, the defects in the present model were identified and a new system has been designed.

5.System Architecture:Client server architecture has been chosen for the following reasons: The software stores all the data in a server and which should be retrieved from the same. Client server architecture supports the distribution of data straight forward. Another reason is that this architecture makes effective use of networked systems.

6.Software Testing:6.1)Component and System testingA)

Component Testing: 1) Test whether the main Server can hold high amount of data in its database. 2) Test the reaction time taken for a simple and complex transaction. 3) Test the individual Software and Hardware components of the working system. 4) Testing all operations associated with an object 5) Setting and interrogating all object attributes 6)Composite components with defined interfaces used to access their functionality.B) 1)

Test the login mechanism using correct and incorrect logins to check that valid users are accepted and invalid users are rejected. 2) Test the search facility using different queries against known sources to check that the search mechanism is actually finding documents. 3)Test the feedback mechanism is functioning as it should do.

System Testing:

6.2 Performance testing:Test whether the Performance of the System (along with the server and Database) is as expected because performance is the one most people will expect more than the look and feel. Performance tests usually involve planning a series of tests where the load is steadily increased until the system performance becomes unacceptable.

6.3.Stress testing :As our project is relevant to networking , The Server can exhibit severe degradation as a network becomes overloaded.

7. Validation and Verification:Validation:Validation involves checking and review the processes and system testing. Matter or topic which will be posted by group members should need to mention the name of the post in clear manner so, that Administer can easily validate. Topic should need to be related. if not that should be validated.

Only valid users or group members can access this to post or look through....! So, this also needs to be validated.

Verification:Verification of group members is done in a process by viewing the user accounts. The person who have logged in must need to check whether the person belong to the club or not. Only the Registered members of system can post or Delete the above mentioned several topics so, this should be verified.

8.UML Diagrams:8.1 Use Case Diagram:

8.2 Class Diagram:

8.3 Sequence Diagram:

8.4 Activity Diagram:

8.5State chart Diagram:

9. Algorithm:

Here four members are play main role in this E-Forming system They are 1)Farmer 2)Wholesaler 3)Administrator 4)Computer professional Here if suppose some village farmers want to use this facility and want to learn how is it possible and how they can use e-farming to sell their products. If they have knowledge of computer then they can directly register in the site and sell their product otherwise they can contact company's computer professional who will schedule classes to teach them basics of computers and INTERNET like how they can open this site and register with it and sell their products on line etc. On the other side, wholesaler from town can also register and buy products as per their needs.

10. Reference:www.creatly.com,www.gliffy.com (on line UML editors), www.google.com and Wikipedia.org.


The objective of this project is build a website which will help farmers from Indian villages too sell their products to different cities.