E XPERIENCE SIERRA: UCSC E XPERIENCE. 5 campuses Milano, Brescia, Piacenza-Cremona, Roma,...

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Transcript of E XPERIENCE SIERRA: UCSC E XPERIENCE. 5 campuses Milano, Brescia, Piacenza-Cremona, Roma,...


5 campuses

Milano, Brescia, Piacenza-Cremona, Roma, Campobasso

1 unique catalogue

2,000,000+ Items

32,000+ Printed serials

12,000+ Ejournals

120,000+ Ebooks

UCSC Library System - Numbers

Global Stewardship and Preservation

Australian National University * Australia Humboldt University – Berlin * Germany Indiana University * USA National Institute of Informatics * Japan OCLC * USA Rice University * USA Stanford University * USA Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore * Italy University of Alberta * Canada University of Edinburgh * United Kingdom

University of Hong Kong * Hong Kong University of Virginia * USA

CLOCKSS – Archive Nodes

Current version :

Sierra 1.1.1

Application-Database Servers

III hosting solution

VMware Virtual Machines

Red Hat Linux


1 main DB + 2 ref DB

Theses and Historical Ordering (running on Millennium)

120 simultaneous staff Sierra users

Unlimited web OPAC users

2 languages ita/eng

12 Scopes

5 additional acquisitions units

1 additional Associated Library (Collegio S. Carlo)



Extended Approval plan Interface, Electronic Ordering



SIP2 Circulation Interface, Patron partitioning



Management Reports

Patron Services

WebPAC PRO, AirPAC, RSS Feed, My Record Feed, Spell Check

Sierra Software Products (1/2)


Encore Synergy


ERM (+ SerialsSolutions), WebBridge LR

Digital Asset Management

Media Mgmt.

Campus Computing

Web Access Mgmt.


Load Scheduler

Sierra Software Products (2/2)

Sierra - Step #1: Millennium Hosting


Oct 2011 Signed Up as Early Implementer

Jun 2012 Project Start-Up

Access to the Sierra partner test environment (“Grizzly Uni”)

Nov 2013 local Millennium upgraded to a hosted server

Dec 2013 Sierra Basecamp project

Sierra Servers preparation (III)

Jan 2013 Preview Mode

UCSC staff could login, search, look at all the functions, but not completetransactions in the system

Feb 2013 UCSC went live

Millennium used for 2 Ref DB’s only

Sierra – Road Map

Overnight implementation

Staff worked on Sierra from day 1

No specific training support needed

Initial slowness at some stations

Local network issues

Sierra implementation

Good overall experience

Library staff got familiar with the new interface in a short time period

Sierra – Overall Experience

Urgent issues resolved quickly

Acquisition receiving, Ref DBs and Media Mgmt. images on WebPAC

Non-critical issues resolved over time

Creating lists of records, Call No searches in WebPAC, rotated indexation for subjects, monitoring space for heading reports, custom limits in Advance search, changes to records not taking effect

Only a few Sierra issues still to be solved

Some part of known issues

Improve display and navigation for subject searches in SDA,display issues for vendors

Sierra – Issues

III team

Project manager

Tech expertsProfiling specialistsSystems engineering

UCSC team

Project manager

Systems librarian

Focal points

Network specialist

Sierra – Project Organization

Sierra – Project Milestones (III)

Task Resource Time

Build Application Server III November – December 2012

Build Database Server III December 2012

Create Sierra database III December 2012

Preview Access to Sierra III December (end) 2012 – January 2013

Prepare Application Server III January 2013

Final Sierra Conversion III February 12, 2013

Sierra – Project Milestones (UCSC)

Task Resource Date

Workstation preparation before moving to hosted solution (120)

Systems Librarian November 2012

Provided new IP address to database vendors

Acquisitions Staff November 2012

Updated Limit Network Access table

Systems Librarian November 2012

Updated DNS and Firewall IT November 2012

Sierra Self-Training Focal Points December 2012

SDA Installation IT (all campuses) December 2012 – January 2013

Staff training Focal Points – Library Staff January 2013

Sierra Access (read-only) All library staff January 2013

Workstation preparation before Final Conversion (Offline Circ)

Systems Librarian February 11, 2013

GO LIVE! February 12, 2013


Focal points (7)CSDirect Sierra Videos CSDirect Sierra FAQ CSDirect Sierra WebHelp

In-House information Training (by focal points)120+ people (all campuses)5 sessions x 2 hours


Millennium – Sierra SDA : what is new …what is different(Function/Mode, Tab, Browse Display, Advanced Search,…)

Sierra – Staff Training

Went live with Sierra

Final conversion4 hours system downtime

Post-event checklist2 hours x 5 people at night

… The day afterSDA updated on all PC’s

Primary modules (CIR, ACQ, CAT) stopped for 3 hours

WebPAC worked!

Sierra – Go Live Day


Login & Initials



Sierra – Login

UCSC could choose among different solutions to create Sierra users

Every Sierra user has Basic Info (Language, Locations served, Stat group, etc.), Applications, Permissions, Workflows, Options, Settings, and Preferences

III generated Sierra users by turning every Millennium login and every Millennium initials set into a Sierra user

UCSC created workflows by grouping the Sierra functions required by multiple staff members to perform their tasks

Based on the Millennium login-initials pair used by every person or on every circulation workstation, UCSC took every initials-generated Sierra user, kept the Permissions, and imported Basic Info, Options, Settings, and Preferences from the login-generated Sierra user. Then adjusted the Accounting Unit (initials element to be integrated into the Basic Info coming from the login). At last, assigned the Workflow(s) as needed.

Sierra – Users

No Offline Circulation software has been released for Sierra, so far.In order for the existing Millennium Offline Circ software to work with Sierra, UCSC updated the file


by entering the Sierra-specific port (64001 instead of 4600):  lax.command.line.args=ip=millennium.unicatt.it dataport=64001 $CMD_LINE_ARGUMENTS$

Sierra – Off-Line Circulation

UCSC two reference databases (Theses, and Archived Orders Information) were not migrated to Sierra – this is an enhancement for a future release. UCSC still uses Millennium to access the databases after the Sierra conversion, by means of the existing Millennium icons and by entering the same logins and initials as before.

Preserve Millennium old icons

Download the new JAR’s necessary for Millennium

Sierra – Reference DB’s

JARS Download

BE SURE that your network capacity is suitable

An alternative to having every  PC download the jars is to update ONE pc and copy the contents of the C:\Sierra Desktop App\jarcache subdirectory to other awaiting workstations via thumb-drive or CD or similar, thus bypassing the need to use the network to deliver the update

Sierra – Tips for release updates

Sierra – Documentation and Resources

Listserv – Sierra Forum

to post any issues you find while using Sierra and to see the experiences other libraries are sharing 

Renato Mazzocchi renato.mazzocchi@unicatt.it

Fabio Marzani fabio.marzani@unicat.it