E Learning E Strategie Didattiche All Universita

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Slide del mio intervento al Convegno "LA TELEMEDICINA:REALTÀ E PROSPETTIVE" tenuto presso l'Università di Padova il 10 ottobre 2008. NB: Concultare le note.

Transcript of E Learning E Strategie Didattiche All Universita

Learning should not only take us somewhere;

it should allow us to go further more easily.Jerome Bruner, 1960

e-training ?e-learning …


Alejandro Jodorowsky

I significati cambiano rapidamente come le nuvole

Conclusions  Internet-based learning is associated with large positive effects compared with no intervention. In contrast,

effects compared with non-Internet instructional methods are heterogeneous and generally small, suggesting effectiveness

similar to traditional methods. Future research should directly compare different Internet-based interventions.


Tecnologia in evoluzione

e-learning all'università