E-Inclusion The ITEA perspective Gérard Roucairol Vice - Président ITEA 2.

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Transcript of E-Inclusion The ITEA perspective Gérard Roucairol Vice - Président ITEA 2.


The ITEA perspective

Gérard Roucairol Vice - Président ITEA 2

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ITEA 2 - 2

CGTI/DGE 6 Février 2008ITEA 2 : European leadership in Software Intensive Systems and Services

An Industry driven Eureka process led by

an industrial Core Group

Airbus, Alcatel, Barco, Bosch, Bull, Daimler,

European Federation of High Tech SMEs, Italtel,

Nokia, Philips, Siemens, Telvent, Thales and Thomson.













1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007







26 countries, > 500 partners> 200 SMEs

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ITEA 2 - 3

CGTI/DGE 6 Février 2008

Scope: ITEA roadmap

Content Acquisition & Processing NOW ST MT LT

Digital Sensory System

- Standardized exchange of positioninginformation

domain specific generic

- high-precision open-space localisation

- localization in buildings- cheap location positioning with increasing

precision- new or extended intelligent sensors

- sensor fusion to integrate raw physical datafrom different sensors toinformation/knowledge

domain specific generic

- software architectures of collaborativesensory systems

Context capturing and management

- efficient & standardised context exchange(e.g. user profiles)

- context fusion; integration of context

Efficient analysis of data

- Dynamic filtering and transformation foradaptation to session context

- Pattern matching of media data- Media interpretation algorithms off-line Near real

timeReal time

Integration of information

- Algorithms for media integration (e.g.camera images, position and digital maps)

off-line Near realtime

Real time

- Real-time projection algorithms for fullwindscreen projection.

- More efficient compression algorithms / bit-rate reduction (transmission time(isochronous – asynchronous), cost, space,quality (perceived quality - full integrity)

H.261/H.263 H.264

- Compression with scalable complexity foroptimisation of coding parameters withrespect to overall performances of thetransmission channel and terminal nodecapabilit ies (cpu resources, power, …)

Generating knowledge from data

- self adapting learning algorithms forcontent & context

- descriptive coding of context evolution inspace and time (e.g. derived delay timesfrom traffic data)

- behaviour prediction based on actual andhistorical data



- derive high level knowledge from low levelknowledge or data (e.g. Enhanced routefinding algorithms taking into accountadditional attributes, like user preferences,security aspects)

Content Acquisition & Processing NOW ST MT LT

Digital Sensory System

- Standardized exchange of positioninginformation

domain specific generic

- high-precision open-space localisation

- localization in buildings- cheap location positioning with increasing

precision- new or extended intelligent sensors

- sensor fusion to integrate raw physical datafrom different sensors toinformation/knowledge

domain specific generic

- software architectures of collaborativesensory systems

Context capturing and management

- efficient & standardised context exchange(e.g. user profiles)

- context fusion; integration of context

Efficient analysis of data

- Dynamic filtering and transformation foradaptation to session context

- Pattern matching of media data- Media interpretation algorithms off-line Near real

timeReal time

Integration of information

- Algorithms for media integration (e.g.camera images, position and digital maps)

off-line Near realtime

Real time

- Real-time projection algorithms for fullwindscreen projection.

- More efficient compression algorithms / bit-rate reduction (transmission time(isochronous – asynchronous), cost, space,quality (perceived quality - full integrity)

H.261/H.263 H.264

- Compression with scalable complexity foroptimisation of coding parameters withrespect to overall performances of thetransmission channel and terminal nodecapabilit ies (cpu resources, power, …)

Generating knowledge from data

- self adapting learning algorithms forcontent & context

- descriptive coding of context evolution inspace and time (e.g. derived delay timesfrom traffic data)

- behaviour prediction based on actual andhistorical data



- derive high level knowledge from low levelknowledge or data (e.g. Enhanced routefinding algorithms taking into accountadditional attributes, like user preferences,security aspects)

Content Acquisition & Processing NOW ST MT LT

Digital Sensory System

- Standardized exchange of positioninginformation

domain specific generic

- high-precision open-space localisation

- localization in buildings- cheap location positioning with increasing

precision- new or extended intelligent sensors

- sensor fusion to integrate raw physical datafrom different sensors toinformation/knowledge

domain specific generic

- software architectures of collaborativesensory systems

Context capturing and management

- efficient & standardised context exchange(e.g. user profiles)

- context fusion; integration of context

Efficient analysis of data

- Dynamic filtering and transformation foradaptation to session context

- Pattern matching of media data- Media interpretation algorithms off-line Near real

timeReal time

Integration of information

- Algorithms for media integration (e.g.camera images, position and digital maps)

off-line Near realtime

Real time

- Real-time projection algorithms for fullwindscreen projection.

- More efficient compression algorithms / bit-rate reduction (transmission time(isochronous – asynchronous), cost, space,quality (perceived quality - full integrity)

H.261/H.263 H.264

- Compression with scalable complexity foroptimisation of coding parameters withrespect to overall performances of thetransmission channel and terminal nodecapabilit ies (cpu resources, power, …)

Generating knowledge from data

- self adapting learning algorithms forcontent & context

- descriptive coding of context evolution inspace and time (e.g. derived delay timesfrom traffic data)

- behaviour prediction based on actual andhistorical data



- derive high level knowledge from low levelknowledge or data (e.g. Enhanced routefinding algorithms taking into accountadditional attributes, like user preferences,security aspects)

HomeHome NomadicNomadic Services & Software Creation

Services & Software Creation

CyberEnterpriseCyberEnterprise Intermediation Services & Infrastructures

Intermediation Services & Infrastructures




ContentContent Infrastructures & Infrastructures & Basic ServicesBasic Services

Human SystemHuman SystemInteractionInteraction


Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term

Scenario: InfotainmentAspect: The car is an extension/continuum of my living room / office

Applianceswith separate

user interfaces

Local back-seatentertainment


in private cars

Stand-alone applianceswith user interfaces

suitable for usewhen driving

Specialized appliancesto access and integrate data

from home / office

Web-based back-seatentertainment

Personalizedadjustmentsin hired cars

Seamless accessto data from home / office

also on the move

One vehicle integratedgeneral purpose device

with commonuser interface

Multiple applianceswith own

user interfaces

Web-based back-seatentertainment inpublic vehicles

Remote personalizedadjustmentsin hired cars

Seamless integrationof portable appliances

into the vehicleelectronic architecture

Portable applianceswith own user interface

independent fromvehicle features

Access to vehicle‘sdata based on standards

Wireless in-car networks

Access to vehicle’s position(world coordinates, e.g. GPS)

Access to vehicle’s position(identifiers, e.g. ALERT-C)

Command based speechrecognition with limitedamount of vocabulary

Access to vehicle‘sdata based on enhancedperformance standards

Car as a node ofhome / enterprise

Access to vehicle’s position(based on standardized

“coding on the fly”)

Open integration platformsto integrate up-to-date

external appliances

Speech recognition innoisy environments

with application relatedsemantic interpretation

Context awareness driver’sinterface taking into accountdriver’s work-load, situation,

and preferences

Digital Audio Broadcastingwith associated data

and still images

Digital Multimedia Broadcastingincl. Live-TV, video,push of web-content

Hybrid interactiveDigital Multimedia Broadcasting

Speech controlledinternet browsing

Larger automotive approved flat-screens (12“ - 17“) at an affordable price

Enablingtechnologiesoutside ITEA

Personal preferencesstored in car’s electronics

Authentication and securetransmission of

personal preferences

Authentication and securetransmission ofcyber identity

Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term

Scenario: InfotainmentAspect: The car is an extension/continuum of my living room / office

Applianceswith separate

user interfaces

Local back-seatentertainment


in private cars

Stand-alone applianceswith user interfaces

suitable for usewhen driving

Specialized appliancesto access and integrate data

from home / office

Web-based back-seatentertainment

Personalizedadjustmentsin hired cars

Seamless accessto data from home / office

also on the move

One vehicle integratedgeneral purpose device

with commonuser interface

Multiple applianceswith own

user interfaces

Web-based back-seatentertainment inpublic vehicles

Remote personalizedadjustmentsin hired cars

Seamless integrationof portable appliances

into the vehicleelectronic architecture

Portable applianceswith own user interface

independent fromvehicle features

Access to vehicle‘sdata based on standards

Wireless in-car networks

Access to vehicle’s position(world coordinates, e.g. GPS)

Access to vehicle’s position(identifiers, e.g. ALERT-C)

Command based speechrecognition with limitedamount of vocabulary

Access to vehicle‘sdata based on enhancedperformance standards

Car as a node ofhome / enterprise

Access to vehicle’s position(based on standardized

“coding on the fly”)

Open integration platformsto integrate up-to-date

external appliances

Speech recognition innoisy environments

with application relatedsemantic interpretation

Context awareness driver’sinterface taking into accountdriver’s work-load, situation,

and preferences

Digital Audio Broadcastingwith associated data

and still images

Digital Multimedia Broadcastingincl. Live-TV, video,push of web-content

Hybrid interactiveDigital Multimedia Broadcasting

Speech controlledinternet browsing

Larger automotive approved flat-screens (12“ - 17“) at an affordable price

Enablingtechnologiesoutside ITEA

Personal preferencesstored in car’s electronics

Authentication and securetransmission of

personal preferences

Authentication and securetransmission ofcyber identity

Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term

Scenario: InfotainmentAspect: The car is an extension/continuum of my living room / office

Applianceswith separate

user interfaces

Local back-seatentertainment


in private cars

Stand-alone applianceswith user interfaces

suitable for usewhen driving

Specialized appliancesto access and integrate data

from home / office

Web-based back-seatentertainment

Personalizedadjustmentsin hired cars

Seamless accessto data from home / office

also on the move

One vehicle integratedgeneral purpose device

with commonuser interface

Multiple applianceswith own

user interfaces

Web-based back-seatentertainment inpublic vehicles

Remote personalizedadjustmentsin hired cars

Seamless integrationof portable appliances

into the vehicleelectronic architecture

Portable applianceswith own user interface

independent fromvehicle features

Access to vehicle‘sdata based on standards

Wireless in-car networks

Access to vehicle’s position(world coordinates, e.g. GPS)

Access to vehicle’s position(identifiers, e.g. ALERT-C)

Command based speechrecognition with limitedamount of vocabulary

Access to vehicle‘sdata based on enhancedperformance standards

Car as a node ofhome / enterprise

Access to vehicle’s position(based on standardized

“coding on the fly”)

Open integration platformsto integrate up-to-date

external appliances

Speech recognition innoisy environments

with application relatedsemantic interpretation

Context awareness driver’sinterface taking into accountdriver’s work-load, situation,

and preferences

Digital Audio Broadcastingwith associated data

and still images

Digital Multimedia Broadcastingincl. Live-TV, video,push of web-content

Hybrid interactiveDigital Multimedia Broadcasting

Speech controlledinternet browsing

Larger automotive approved flat-screens (12“ - 17“) at an affordable price

Enablingtechnologiesoutside ITEA

Personal preferencesstored in car’s electronics

Authentication and securetransmission of

personal preferences

Authentication and securetransmission ofcyber identity

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term

Scenario: Knowledge Management

KM is an ad -hocinformation system

repository + independenthuman resources

management.No standardisedmethodologies

Integratedsystem/human,automated and

standardised KM

Knowledge capture frombusiness processes and

external sources (Internet)

Capture of informationfrom legacy support

Knowledge ontologies ,KM standardisation

Intelligent, self organizing,adaptive KM systemembedding the user

Partly automated KM+ Fusion/cross -

fertilization from differentdomains

Ambient KMembedding the user

Partially automated KMfor specific domains

Standardisation tovisualise existing and

needed KM

Ad-hoclimited KM

Knowledge retrieval anddiffusion according to


Capturing knowledge frompeople behaviours.

Semantic analysis tools

· Partly automated electroniccapture and retrieval of

knowledge.Context and profileaware specific KM

Stored knowledge is entirelytrustable/certified

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term

Scenario: Knowledge Management

KM is an ad -hocinformation system

repository + independenthuman resources

management.No standardisedmethodologies

Integratedsystem/human,automated and

standardised KM

Knowledge capture frombusiness processes and

external sources (Internet)

Capture of informationfrom legacy support

Knowledge ontologies ,KM standardisation

Intelligent, self organizing,adaptive KM systemembedding the user

Partly automated KM+ Fusion/cross -

fertilization from differentdomains

Ambient KMembedding the user

Partially automated KMfor specific domains

Standardisation tovisualise existing and

needed KM

Ad-hoclimited KM

Knowledge retrieval anddiffusion according to


Capturing knowledge frompeople behaviours.

Semantic analysis tools

· Partly automated electroniccapture and retrieval of

knowledge.Context and profileaware specific KM

Stored knowledge is entirelytrustable/certified

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term

Scenario: Knowledge Management

KM is an ad -hocinformation system

repository + independenthuman resources

management.No standardisedmethodologies

Integratedsystem/human,automated and

standardised KM

Knowledge capture frombusiness processes and

external sources (Internet)

Capture of informationfrom legacy support

Knowledge ontologies ,KM standardisation

Intelligent, self organizing,adaptive KM systemembedding the user

Partly automated KM+ Fusion/cross -

fertilization from differentdomains

Ambient KMembedding the user

Partially automated KMfor specific domains

Standardisation tovisualise existing and

needed KM

Ad-hoclimited KM

Knowledge retrieval anddiffusion according to


Capturing knowledge frompeople behaviours.

Semantic analysis tools

· Partly automated electroniccapture and retrieval of

knowledge.Context and profileaware specific KM

Stored knowledge is entirelytrustable/certified

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term


Scenario:Connected HomeAspect: The fully and seamlessly self-configured connected home


Adaptation tonetwork and








Wired wirelesshome network

Dedicated control

Global p-2-p



SW upgrades

Simple query

Local videoRemote audio &pict.

Function registr.and discovery

Integrated remote control

Streaming to the world

Follow me atpresentation

Handover in home

+remote video

High bandwidthwirelessHN


High bandwidthaccess network

Dynamicallocation of


Follow me ofapplications

Limited DRM sol. secure DRM sol.

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term


Scenario:Connected HomeAspect: The fully and seamlessly self-configured connected home


Adaptation tonetwork and








Wired wirelesshome network

Dedicated control

Global p-2-p



SW upgrades

Simple query

Local videoRemote audio &pict.

Function registr.and discovery

Integrated remote control

Streaming to the world

Follow me atpresentation

Handover in home

+remote video

High bandwidthwirelessHN


High bandwidthaccess network

Dynamicallocation of


Follow me ofapplications

Limited DRM sol. secure DRM sol.

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term


Scenario:Connected HomeAspect: The fully and seamlessly self-configured connected home


Adaptation tonetwork and








Wired wirelesshome network

Dedicated control

Global p-2-p



SW upgrades

Simple query

Local videoRemote audio &pict.

Function registr.and discovery

Integrated remote control

Streaming to the world

Follow me atpresentation

Handover in home

+remote video

High bandwidthwirelessHN


High bandwidthaccess network

Dynamicallocation of


Follow me ofapplications

Limited DRM sol. secure DRM sol.

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term

Scenario: The understanding and helping systemAspect: System Intelligence


Low levelSingle user

Context independentalgorithms

Single useradaptation

Single userrecommendation

Single user


High levelSingle user

Context dependentalgorithms

Single useradaptation

Improved Single userrecommendation

ImprovedSingle user



High levelMulti user

Context dependentalgorithms

Multi useradaptation

Multi userrecommendation

Multi usercommunity

`Life data‘ interpretation

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term

Scenario: The understanding and helping systemAspect: System Intelligence


Low levelSingle user

Context independentalgorithms

Single useradaptation

Single userrecommendation

Single user


High levelSingle user

Context dependentalgorithms

Single useradaptation

Improved Single userrecommendation

ImprovedSingle user



High levelMulti user

Context dependentalgorithms

Multi useradaptation

Multi userrecommendation

Multi usercommunity

`Life data‘ interpretation

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term

Scenario: The understanding and helping systemAspect: System Intelligence


Low levelSingle user

Context independentalgorithms

Single useradaptation

Single userrecommendation

Single user


High levelSingle user

Context dependentalgorithms

Single useradaptation

Improved Single userrecommendation

ImprovedSingle user



High levelMulti user

Context dependentalgorithms

Multi useradaptation

Multi userrecommendation

Multi usercommunity

`Life data‘ interpretation

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term


Scenario: Domain Modelling : towards evolutive domain engineering for user adaptive systemAspect: Capturing domain complexity

Domain specificationLanguage engine.

Domain VisualSpecificationLanguage

Domain Meta modelling

UML 2.0


Use driven(Dynamic) DomainNomadic systems

Industry WideDomain Model

Multi domain EvolutiveIndustry wideDomain Model

Enterprise WideDomain Model

Product line

Product families



Domain Patterns

Domain Visualand executable

specification language(VXDSL)

User Behaviour Capturing

Domain Patterns engineering

Architecture descriptionlanguages (ADL)

Generic architecture.

Integrated “real time” Simulator

User Satisfaction Model.

Features modelling

Virtual Prototyping

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term


Scenario: Domain Modelling : towards evolutive domain engineering for user adaptive systemAspect: Capturing domain complexity

Domain specificationLanguage engine.

Domain VisualSpecificationLanguage

Domain Meta modelling

UML 2.0


Use driven(Dynamic) DomainNomadic systems

Industry WideDomain Model

Multi domain EvolutiveIndustry wideDomain Model

Enterprise WideDomain Model

Product line

Product families



Domain Patterns

Domain Visualand executable

specification language(VXDSL)

User Behaviour Capturing

Domain Patterns engineering

Architecture descriptionlanguages (ADL)

Generic architecture.

Integrated “real time” Simulator

User Satisfaction Model.

Features modelling

Virtual Prototyping

Short-Term Long-TermMedium-Term


Scenario: Domain Modelling : towards evolutive domain engineering for user adaptive systemAspect: Capturing domain complexity

Domain specificationLanguage engine.

Domain VisualSpecificationLanguage

Domain Meta modelling

UML 2.0


Use driven(Dynamic) DomainNomadic systems

Industry WideDomain Model

Multi domain EvolutiveIndustry wideDomain Model

Enterprise WideDomain Model

Product line

Product families



Domain Patterns

Domain Visualand executable

specification language(VXDSL)

User Behaviour Capturing

Domain Patterns engineering

Architecture descriptionlanguages (ADL)

Generic architecture.

Integrated “real time” Simulator

User Satisfaction Model.

Features modelling

Virtual Prototyping


Network transport NOW ST MT LT

Heterogeneous network interoperability

Smart ad-hoc networking based on context (e.g.user profiles, interoperability, multi-hopping …)

Interoperability User profile

Interoperability across heterogeneous networks Manually configured Automatic Seamless

Autonomic adaptation of an equipment to differentnetworks (e.g. software-defined radio)

Limited capability Wider Global

Standards consolidation

Increased bandwidth

Increased wireline home access bandwidth Cable, xDSL

Less than 10Mbits


Less than 50Mbits

Optical fibre Optical fibre


Symmetric broadband networks xDSL

Increase of bandwidth for mobile access networks(e. g. UMTS, generalized use, excluding LMDSand satellite connections)

< 0.5Mbits/s

<= 2 Mbits/s > 2 Mbits/s >> 2 Mbits/s

Increase of bandwidth for in -home wirelessapplications

50 Mbits 100


Seamless vertical handover

Handover up to fast train speed

Internet Protocol (IP) everywhere

Pervasive Internet Protocol deployment IPV6

IP in any device

Optimised streaming and broadcasting

QoS for various network technologies

QoS with multicasting


Optimised reliable multicasting streaming over IP(unique content sent to several personssimultaneously)

Improved digital content distribution (compressionand delivery)1

x 2 wrtMPEG2

x 8 wrtMPEG2

Improved distributed storage architecture

Fully distributed environments

Extended M2M service exchanges throughnetworks (e.g. automatic food delivery in fridges)





Web services (e.g. based on SOAP) implementedin sensors and actuators

Some devices (e.g.webcam capabilities)


All devices

Specific standardised application protocols indistributed (P2P) environments


“Follow me”applications

Network transport NOW ST MT LT

Heterogeneous network interoperability

Smart ad-hoc networking based on context (e.g.user profiles, interoperability, multi-hopping …)

Interoperability User profile

Interoperability across heterogeneous networks Manually configured Automatic Seamless

Autonomic adaptation of an equipment to differentnetworks (e.g. software-defined radio)

Limited capability Wider Global

Standards consolidation

Increased bandwidth

Increased wireline home access bandwidth Cable, xDSL

Less than 10Mbits


Less than 50Mbits

Optical fibre Optical fibre


Symmetric broadband networks xDSL

Increase of bandwidth for mobile access networks(e. g. UMTS, generalized use, excluding LMDSand satellite connections)

< 0.5Mbits/s

<= 2 Mbits/s > 2 Mbits/s >> 2 Mbits/s

Increase of bandwidth for in -home wirelessapplications

50 Mbits 100


Seamless vertical handover

Handover up to fast train speed

Internet Protocol (IP) everywhere

Pervasive Internet Protocol deployment IPV6

IP in any device

Optimised streaming and broadcasting

QoS for various network technologies

QoS with multicasting


Optimised reliable multicasting streaming over IP(unique content sent to several personssimultaneously)

Improved digital content distribution (compressionand delivery)1

x 2 wrtMPEG2

x 8 wrtMPEG2

Improved distributed storage architecture

Fully distributed environments

Extended M2M service exchanges throughnetworks (e.g. automatic food delivery in fridges)





Web services (e.g. based on SOAP) implementedin sensors and actuators

Some devices (e.g.webcam capabilities)


All devices

Specific standardised application protocols indistributed (P2P) environments


“Follow me”applications

Network transport NOW ST MT LT

Heterogeneous network interoperability

Smart ad-hoc networking based on context (e.g.user profiles, interoperability, multi-hopping …)

Interoperability User profile

Interoperability across heterogeneous networks Manually configured Automatic Seamless

Autonomic adaptation of an equipment to differentnetworks (e.g. software-defined radio)

Limited capability Wider Global

Standards consolidation

Increased bandwidth

Increased wireline home access bandwidth Cable, xDSL

Less than 10Mbits


Less than 50Mbits

Optical fibre Optical fibre


Symmetric broadband networks xDSL

Increase of bandwidth for mobile access networks(e. g. UMTS, generalized use, excluding LMDSand satellite connections)

< 0.5Mbits/s

<= 2 Mbits/s > 2 Mbits/s >> 2 Mbits/s

Increase of bandwidth for in -home wirelessapplications

50 Mbits 100


Seamless vertical handover

Handover up to fast train speed

Internet Protocol (IP) everywhere

Pervasive Internet Protocol deployment IPV6

IP in any device

Optimised streaming and broadcasting

QoS for various network technologies

QoS with multicasting


Optimised reliable multicasting streaming over IP(unique content sent to several personssimultaneously)

Improved digital content distribution (compressionand delivery)1

x 2 wrtMPEG2

x 8 wrtMPEG2

Improved distributed storage architecture

Fully distributed environments

Extended M2M service exchanges throughnetworks (e.g. automatic food delivery in fridges)





Web services (e.g. based on SOAP) implementedin sensors and actuators

Some devices (e.g.webcam capabilities)


All devices

Specific standardised application protocols indistributed (P2P) environments


“Follow me”applications

Human System Interaction NOW ST MT LT

Simple, self -explaining and easy -to-use multi -modal HSIs

Speech recognition, speech totext

Voice commands,noisyenvironments inspecific domains

Voice commands,noisy environmentsin multiple domains

Enhanced naturallanguageunderstanding,speakerindependence

Natural languageunderstanding, app’srelated semanticinterpretation,understand content,(some) emotions

Text to speech Monotonic Natural-sounding with intonation Understand content,(some) emotions

Gestures (to control applications) Monitoring,directions (games)

Interpretation, pointing Facial movements,(some) expressions

Eye movement (to controlapplications); eye -ball tracking

Calibration, focus control Understand (some)emotions

Multi-user interfaces; v irtual andaugmented reality

2-D and 3-D symbolic (games andsimulators)

3-D real, otherdomains

Full 3-D and contextsupport

Usability engineering Evolution of current approaches Disruptions

Platforms for HSI development Evolution of current systems Disruptions

HSI usability test systems Evolution of current systems Disruptions

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Seamless and interchangeable HSIs

Multi-device HSIs Basic Multi-diverse environment Full support

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Seamless and interchangeable HSIs

Multi-device HSIs Basic Multi-diverse environment Full support

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Human System Interaction NOW ST MT LT

Simple, self -explaining and easy -to-use multi -modal HSIs

Speech recognition, speech totext

Voice commands,noisyenvironments inspecific domains

Voice commands,noisy environmentsin multiple domains

Enhanced naturallanguageunderstanding,speakerindependence

Natural languageunderstanding, app’srelated semanticinterpretation,understand content,(some) emotions

Text to speech Monotonic Natural-sounding with intonation Understand content,(some) emotions

Gestures (to control applications) Monitoring,directions (games)

Interpretation, pointing Facial movements,(some) expressions

Eye movement (to controlapplications); eye -ball tracking

Calibration, focus control Understand (some)emotions

Multi-user interfaces; v irtual andaugmented reality

2-D and 3-D symbolic (games andsimulators)

3-D real, otherdomains

Full 3-D and contextsupport

Usability engineering Evolution of current approaches Disruptions

Platforms for HSI development Evolution of current systems Disruptions

HSI usability test systems Evolution of current systems Disruptions

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Seamless and interchangeable HSIs

Multi-device HSIs Basic Multi-diverse environment Full support

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Seamless and interchangeable HSIs

Multi-device HSIs Basic Multi-diverse environment Full support

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Human System Interaction NOW ST MT LT

Simple, self -explaining and easy -to-use multi -modal HSIs

Speech recognition, speech totext

Voice commands,noisyenvironments inspecific domains

Voice commands,noisy environmentsin multiple domains

Enhanced naturallanguageunderstanding,speakerindependence

Natural languageunderstanding, app’srelated semanticinterpretation,understand content,(some) emotions

Text to speech Monotonic Natural-sounding with intonation Understand content,(some) emotions

Gestures (to control applications) Monitoring,directions (games)

Interpretation, pointing Facial movements,(some) expressions

Eye movement (to controlapplications); eye -ball tracking

Calibration, focus control Understand (some)emotions

Multi-user interfaces; v irtual andaugmented reality

2-D and 3-D symbolic (games andsimulators)

3-D real, otherdomains

Full 3-D and contextsupport

Usability engineering Evolution of current approaches Disruptions

Platforms for HSI development Evolution of current systems Disruptions

HSI usability test systems Evolution of current systems Disruptions

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Seamless and interchangeable HSIs

Multi-device HSIs Basic Multi-diverse environment Full support

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

Seamless and interchangeable HSIs

Multi-device HSIs Basic Multi-diverse environment Full support

Intelligent, context -aware and adaptive HSIs

User profiles Profiles within closed or proprietaryenvironments

Dynamic and roamable profiles fordiverse environments

Context-awareness (withsensors and profiles)

Simple (presence,location)

Groups, morecontext, detailedpresence


Full context andsituation, (some)emotions

Learning user interfaces Adapting menus, mainly single users,simple collaboration


Understand (some)human behaviour

Privacy and security Basic Multi-diverse environments, trustaspects

Full support

Support for multi -display/device/HSI systems

Basic Session roaming, context support,complex systems

Full adaptation andsupport

System Engineering NOW ST MT LT

Evolutionary systems

software download/upload techniques and infrastructures,platform support for automatic, user- and provider drivenuploads3

firmware download seamless downloadfor embedded

runtime replacement techniques of components, services,firmware, operating systems, virtual platforms

Java, CLI platform feature

legacy source code transformation from outdated languages tostate-of-the-art OO design and programming languages, binarycode transformation, embedding legacy code intoobjects/components


evolution scenarios, business models, paymentsystems/strategies


Product Line Engineering

domain specific language (DSL) description and definitiontechniques, DSL generators from meta-descriptions, (visual)DSL editors, DSL transformation techniques

e.g., MetaCase

product family/line architecture patterns, guidelines to findstable architectures, mapping of domain analysis results toproduct line architectures

specific Platform support

feature models, feature description languages, grouping offeatures, feature based configuration

Application specificconfigurators

variability and dependency modelling, integration into designand implementation technologies,


Automation in Verification & Validation

automated software testing application specific Wide spread

test description languages application specific

testable programming languages and models application specific

specification of expected results

Automated testgeneration andexecution

model checking for high level models application specific

evolutionary testing

design for testability

System architecture trade -off analysis

simulation of systems e.g., SDL

design space exploration Specific

architecture patterns, description languages and best practices Specific

architecture description languages Specific

product family architectures Specific

More integration

specification of non-functional aspects Application specific

safety and security engineering Niche specific

Real time specification techniques UML extensions UML 2

fault tolerance evaluation

model checking State machines Complete softwaremodel

model reconciliation Application specific

reconfigurable architectures proprietary Application specific

methods for architecture trade-off analysis

virtual prototyping of systems in virtual environments

Globallyassistedevaluation ofarchitectures

Hardware / Software Co -design

automated testing of hardware and software proprietary integration

co-specification languages and techniques e.g., Esterel integration

methods to unify hardware and software design flows Organisationspecific

modelling and simulation of complete systems


System Engineering NOW ST MT LT

Evolutionary systems

software download/upload techniques and infrastructures,platform support for automatic, user- and provider drivenuploads3

firmware download seamless downloadfor embedded

runtime replacement techniques of components, services,firmware, operating systems, virtual platforms

Java, CLI platform feature

legacy source code transformation from outdated languages tostate-of-the-art OO design and programming languages, binarycode transformation, embedding legacy code intoobjects/components


evolution scenarios, business models, paymentsystems/strategies


Product Line Engineering

domain specific language (DSL) description and definitiontechniques, DSL generators from meta-descriptions, (visual)DSL editors, DSL transformation techniques

e.g., MetaCase

product family/line architecture patterns, guidelines to findstable architectures, mapping of domain analysis results toproduct line architectures

specific Platform support

feature models, feature description languages, grouping offeatures, feature based configuration

Application specificconfigurators

variability and dependency modelling, integration into designand implementation technologies,


Automation in Verification & Validation

automated software testing application specific Wide spread

test description languages application specific

testable programming languages and models application specific

specification of expected results

Automated testgeneration andexecution

model checking for high level models application specific

evolutionary testing

design for testability

System architecture trade -off analysis

simulation of systems e.g., SDL

design space exploration Specific

architecture patterns, description languages and best practices Specific

architecture description languages Specific

product family architectures Specific

More integration

specification of non-functional aspects Application specific

safety and security engineering Niche specific

Real time specification techniques UML extensions UML 2

fault tolerance evaluation

model checking State machines Complete softwaremodel

model reconciliation Application specific

reconfigurable architectures proprietary Application specific

methods for architecture trade-off analysis

virtual prototyping of systems in virtual environments

Globallyassistedevaluation ofarchitectures

Hardware / Software Co -design

automated testing of hardware and software proprietary integration

co-specification languages and techniques e.g., Esterel integration

methods to unify hardware and software design flows Organisationspecific

modelling and simulation of complete systems


System Engineering NOW ST MT LT

Evolutionary systems

software download/upload techniques and infrastructures,platform support for automatic, user- and provider drivenuploads3

firmware download seamless downloadfor embedded

runtime replacement techniques of components, services,firmware, operating systems, virtual platforms

Java, CLI platform feature

legacy source code transformation from outdated languages tostate-of-the-art OO design and programming languages, binarycode transformation, embedding legacy code intoobjects/components


evolution scenarios, business models, paymentsystems/strategies


Product Line Engineering

domain specific language (DSL) description and definitiontechniques, DSL generators from meta-descriptions, (visual)DSL editors, DSL transformation techniques

e.g., MetaCase

product family/line architecture patterns, guidelines to findstable architectures, mapping of domain analysis results toproduct line architectures

specific Platform support

feature models, feature description languages, grouping offeatures, feature based configuration

Application specificconfigurators

variability and dependency modelling, integration into designand implementation technologies,


Automation in Verification & Validation

automated software testing application specific Wide spread

test description languages application specific

testable programming languages and models application specific

specification of expected results

Automated testgeneration andexecution

model checking for high level models application specific

evolutionary testing

design for testability

System architecture trade -off analysis

simulation of systems e.g., SDL

design space exploration Specific

architecture patterns, description languages and best practices Specific

architecture description languages Specific

product family architectures Specific

More integration

specification of non-functional aspects Application specific

safety and security engineering Niche specific

Real time specification techniques UML extensions UML 2

fault tolerance evaluation

model checking State machines Complete softwaremodel

model reconciliation Application specific

reconfigurable architectures proprietary Application specific

methods for architecture trade-off analysis

virtual prototyping of systems in virtual environments

Globallyassistedevaluation ofarchitectures

Hardware / Software Co -design

automated testing of hardware and software proprietary integration

co-specification languages and techniques e.g., Esterel integration

methods to unify hardware and software design flows Organisationspecific

modelling and simulation of complete systems


Future of healthcare and medical systems

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ITEA 2 - 4

CGTI/DGE 6 Février 2008

Future of Healthcare

• Reactive to proactive/preventive patient/person care

• Hospital to outpatient care

• Expected results:– Enhanced quality of life– Access to relevant and up to date

patient medical and medication data for decision improvement

– Change in healthcare cost trend vs GDP growth rate

– Addressing cost increase and medical personnel shortage challenges related to European aging society

– …

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ITEA 2 - 5

CGTI/DGE 6 Février 2008Telemedicine a very fast growing market:(source BCC Research Nov. 2007)

telemedecine 2007 2012


ww market B $      

telehospital 4,4 8,8 14,70%

telehome 1,4 5,1 30%

total 5,8 13,9 19%

telemedecine 2007 20012


ww market B$      

technology 2,2 5,6 24,80%

service 3,6 8,3 18,30%

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ITEA 2 - 6

CGTI/DGE 6 Février 2008Project examples: NUADU(celtic god of healing)

Expected results:• roles of the various stakeholders in the value chain• common framework for backend service portal, communication protocols, information exchanges, data formats, …• pilot experiments in real world context in various countries

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ITEA 2 - 7

CGTI/DGE 6 Février 2008Project example: AmIE(Ambient Intelligence for the Elderly)

Partners:•Spain: Fagor, Orona, Siemens Spain, Telefonica + 1 SME + 3 Res.•Holland: Philips•Finland: VTT + 4 SME•Belgium: Alcatel•France: 2 SME (Morgan Conseil, C2 Innovativ Systems)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ITEA 2 - 8

CGTI/DGE 6 Février 2008

ITEA2 Call 3 Agenda

• Project Outline preparation meeting: Amsterdam, February 21-22

• Submission of project outlines: April 18

• Submission of Full Project Proposals: October 31


Thank you for your attention