e-Gram Cash Collection System - DGVCL Cash Collection System 2 e-Gram User Manual e-gram cash...

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Transcript of e-Gram Cash Collection System - DGVCL Cash Collection System 2 e-Gram User Manual e-gram cash...

Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd


Design & Developed by DGVCL

IT Department

e-Gram Cash Collection System

e-Gram Cash Collection System


e-Gram User Manual

e-gram cash collection system is an Online Cash Collection system for Gram Panchayat to collect the

electricity bill for DGVCL.

To access this site you first open Web Browser like IE, Mozilla, Chrome etc and type the following URL

into the address bar “http://www.dgvcl.co.in “

Login Screen will appear first

Enter you User Id & Passowrd and click on Login button.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


The following screen will appear after successful login attempt.

At right corner you can see the User name and Link of My Profile, Helpdesk, Sign Out. You can see

the different menu option like Home, Administrator, Upload, Download and Report.

Now we can see the different activity of e-Gram Cash Collection.

User Creation:

Navigation: Administrator Menu -> User Creation

You can see the above screen after clicking on User Creation. To search any user write the user name,

e-Gram Cash Collection System


user id or location or any other field in search textbox which is right side of the screen and press

enter. You will get all the detail for entered search criteria.

If you wan to update the perticular user’s deatil just click on Name of the user it will take you to

different page where you can update the user details. If you wan to add new user then just click on

“Add User” button it’ll take you to user creation page.

Now we can see How we can create the user?

Step 1: Click on Add User button

Step 2: Enter the user details step by step

New LoginID : It is unique number automatically generated by system which will use as a User Id for

particular user.

Name: enter name of the user.

User Type: Select User type i.e. Circle, Division, Sub Division, and Center. If you want to create the

circle user select the user type Circle, for Division User select Division, for Sub Division User select

Subdivision and for Center user select Center.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


As per the selection of user type location detail will populated as bellow screen shot.

Location: Select the appropriate location from drop down list.

Contact Number: Enter the contact number of user

Email Id: Enter the valid Email address of user

Password: Enter the new password for user to login into its account.

Retype Password: Enter the same password again for double check.

Active: If you want to set the user as an Active keep checked the checkbox. If you want to

block/deactivate the user then uncheck the checkbox. Block/Deactivate user can’t able to login into its


Step 3: Click on Submit button

e-Gram Cash Collection System


After click on submit button screen will display as above. “User created successfully” message will

appear on the screen.

Now we will see how we can delete the user?

Step 1: Click on user name which you want to delete from the list. Following screen will appear as


To delete the user click on “Delete User” button. Following screen will display after delete button click.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


If you click on button then following screen will appear and “User deleted successfully” message will

shown as below.

Password Policy:

After user creation user can login into e-Gram application. On the first login attemt system will ask for

password change. This is password policy in e-Gram application, in this password policy user must

insert the minimum 5 characters with atleast one alphabet & number in new password & retype

password feilds. Following screen will apear after first successful login.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


After successful password change following messge will appear as under

Reset Password:

Navigation: Administrator Menu -> Reset Password

e-Gram Cash Collection System


After click on Reset Password link above screen will display. Following are the steps for reset password

Step 1: Enter the Login id of user for reset the password

Step 2: Verify the detail of user which is display in Yellow field and if detail is ok then enter the below

reqired field.

Step 3: Enter the new password in New password field.

Step 4: Enter the same password which you already entered in password field in retype password


Step 5: Finally click on Save button for reset password.

Center Creation:

Navigation: Administrator Menu -> Center Creation

Above screen will display after click onto the Center Create button. Screen will display the list of a

gram panchayat and form for entering & updating the gram panchayat. You can see the Search Box

above the list of gram panchayat where you can enter the keyword and search the gram panchayat.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Below are the steps for Creating Center gram panchayat

Step 1: Enter the Center Code it must be numeric. Center code is subdivision wise unique number

Step 2: Enter the Center name in center name field which is also sub division by unique.

Step 3: Select the Circle, Division & Sub Division in which you want to create Gram Panchayat

Step 4: Enter contact no of gram Panchayat

Step 5: Enter the address of gram Panchayat

Step 6: If you want to set the Gram Panchayat as an Active keep checked the checkbox. If you want

to block/deactivate the Gram Panchayat then uncheck the checkbox. Block/Deactivate Gram

Panchayat are not listed in location list.

Step 7: Click on save button for create the gram Panchayat

After completed above steps Gram Panchayat will create successfully. You can find the same gram

Panchayat in list by typing the name of gram Panchayat in search box provided above the list of gram

Panchayat. Following screen will display after the center created successfully.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Upload Consumer:

Navigation: Upload Menu

After click on the upload menu above screen will display. You can see at right most there are a list of

record which are uplod history. It will help you to find last 10 upload records. It will give information

like who have uploaded the consumer master? On which Date & Time it has uploaded? How many

records have uploaded from consumer master file?

At the left most side you can see a form by which you can upload the consumer master file. Steps for

uploading the consumer master file.

Step 1: Click on “choose file” or “browse” button select the consumer master file from your hard


Step 2: Click on “Upload” button

Following screen will display after click on upload button.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


After successfully upload the file following message will be shown as display in the screen.

Download G21 Payment File:

Navigation: Download Menu

e-Gram Cash Collection System


After clicking on to the Download menu above screen will display. You can see at the bottom of the

page Download history is there. Its give information about for which gram panchayat you last

download the payment file? Who have download the payment file? On which date & time payment file

have downloaded? How many records are there in the file? How many issue receipt, cancel receipt,

issue amount, cancel amount & total receipt are there in given date period?

Following are the steps to download the G21 Payment file

Step 1: Select the center from the list for which you want to download the payment file

Step 2: Select the From Date form the calender control

Step 3: Select the To Date from the calender control

Step 4: Click on Download Data button for download the G21 payment file

Following screen will display after download data button click

Following screen will appear after successfully download the G21 payment file. Click on the link it will

download G21 payment file.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


After click on the above link (i.e in Green color), file will be download and it look like following


Navigation: Reports menu

Above screen will appeare after click on Report menu. Select the report from the report list, select

circle, division, sub division, center and create the reports. Following are some of the reports

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Center Detail Report:

Date wise payment report

Day Begin Report

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Receipt Cancellation Report

Receipt wise Payment Detail Report

User Detail Report

e-Gram Cash Collection System



Navigation: My Profile

After click on my profile button above sceen will appear. It will give information like name, user type,

circle, division, sub division, center, contact no, email address of user. You can also change the

contact no & email address by click on the save button.

Change Password

Navigation: My Profile -> Change Password

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Above screen will appear after click on Change password button. By this functionality you can change

your own password. Following are the steps for changing the password

Step 1: Enter the old password in the old password field

Step 2: Enter the new password according to the password policy.

Step 3: Enter the same password as(new password) into the retype password field

Step 4: Click on save button for change password

Following screen will appear after successfully change password.

Help Desk

Navigation: Help Desk

e-Gram Cash Collection System


After click on Help desk menu above screen will appear. You see that there is a list of ticket display at

left most section of the sceen. Following are the steps to put the ticket in help desk.

Step 1: Enter the Subject of the ticket which just one line – abstract detail of problem

Step 2: Enter the discription of the ticket. Discription is regarding to problem or issue faced by you.

So enter the proper desciption to understand the issue which is help to solve the problem

Step 3: Select the screen shot of problem if any for more understanding of the problem

Step 4: Click on “Send Ticket” button for post the ticket.

After successfully post the ticket following screen will appear and message will display as below

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Gram Panchayat Activity :

Now we can see the activity performed by the Gram Panchayat User. After gram panchayat user login

following screen will appear.

In this screen you can see that at left most side “Last day begin date” is display which shows the last

date on which you have did day begin activity. Now to start the Cash Collection activity click on to the

Cash Collection menu.

In Header section different detail will display like Day Begin, Today Collection, Receipt Cancelled,

Receipt issued & Receipt Pending.

Day Begin: Display the time of day begin for current day of collection

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Today Collection: Display the total amount of collection taken by user on the current date

Receipt Cancelled: Display the number of the cencelled receipt on current date

Receipt Issued: Display the number of receipt issued on current date

Receipt Pending: Display the pending receipt for receipt box which are already created by the gram

panchayat and currently used by the user

Now we understand the activity of cash collection.

Colour Coding

RED : Pending Steps (Yet to be implement)

GREEN : Steps Performed (already implemented)

You can see that five different buttons are appear in the screen. Functionality of each button is


Day Begin : To perform the cash collection, first begin day by clicking on Day Begin button. After

successful day begin the button colour will change from red to green.

Day End : After completed the cash collection activity next task is Day End Process. You cannot begin

the new day without end the previous day thus cash collection will not start for next day. You have to

perform the day end activity to srart the collection.

Create Receipt : After day begin process you are able to create the receipt for cash collection. You

can ceate the receipt for one counter at a time. Day begin is the pre-requisites for Receipt Creation.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Collection : After day begin & enough number of receipt is there for counter user will able to strat the

cash collection.

Cancel Receipt : You cannot cancel the receipt after Day End process. Receipt cancellation is done

sequentially. You cannot cancel the 3rd receipt without processing the 1st & 2nd receipt. During the

cancellation you have to select the valid reason for cancellation of receipt.

Now we can see each process in deatil

1) Day Begin Activity :

To perform the cash collection, first begin day by clicking on Day Begin button. If you plan to collect

the cash after 2 days there is no need to explicitly mark date as Holiday. It will done automatically.

We explain this scenatio with example your last day begin is 05-06-2013. Now you want to start cash

collection at 22-07-2013 so when you click on the Day Begin button followiong message will popup to

mark the day as holiday. So Given date from 06-06-2013 to 21-07-2013 will be marked as


After successfully day begin followin message will display and button colour will change from red to


e-Gram Cash Collection System


2) Collection Activity :

Following screen will appear to collect the cash. You have to option to print the receipt. First is in Laser

Jet printer and second is in Dot Matrix printer. Steps to perform the cash collection are as below.

Step 1: Select the Counter number from the list for very first time. Next time no need to select the

counter it will select the last counter automatically from which last payment will taken.

Step 2: Receipt Number will populated automatically while selecting the counter.

Step 3: Select the Type Of Charge “Energy Charge” fom the list.

Step 4: Select the paymode “cash” from the list

Step 5: Enter the consumer number into the consumer number field. Each Consumer can pay only

once in current date. You cannot allow to take payment of consumer who are different from your sub


Step 5: Consumer name will popup automatically on entering the consumer number. If consumer

number will right and name will not popup then you are allow to enter the name of consumer number.

Step 6: Enter the amount in the amount field.

Step 7: Select the printer from the list which are Laser jet or Dot Matrix.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Step 8: After verify the entered detail click on the “Create Payment” button it will display the following


Step 9: It will display the Receipt Print Preview with all the payment detail before actual receipt

printer. After verifing the detail if you found some worng information you can cancel the payment by

click onto the “cancel” button. If you found all the detail will correct then click on “pay & print receipt”

button for final receipt printing so below screen will appear after successful transaction.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


3) Receipt Creation

After day begin process you are able to create the receipt for cash collection. You can ceate the receipt

for one counter at a time. Day begin is the pre-requisites for Receipt Creation. Above screen will

appear after clicking onto the Receipt Create button. List of the already created receipts are there.

Steps to create receipt are as below

Step 1: Select the counter on which you want to create the receipts. You can ceate the receipt for one

counter at a time

Step 2: Enter the receipt box, in first text box enter the two alphabet characters, in second text box

enter the two digit numbers.

Step 3: Eneter the first receipt number which is four digit long.

Step 4: Eneter the last receipt number which is four digit long.

Step 5: Total Receipt are populated after entering first & last receipt number.

Step 6: Click on “save” button to create the receipt.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


Please see the above sceen for detail regrading to each and every field of receipts.

4) Receipt Cancellation

Above sceen will appear for receipt cancellation. You cannot cancel the receipt after Day End process.

Receipt cancellation is done sequentially. You cannot cancel the 3rd receipt without processing the 1st

e-Gram Cash Collection System


& 2nd receipt. During the cancellation you have to select the valid reason for cancellation of receipt

Steps to cancel the receipt as below

Step 1: Enter the receipt box, in first text box enter the two alphabet characters, in second text box

enter the two digit numbers.

Step 2: Eneter the receipt number which is four digit long.

Step 3: Click on “Cancel receipt” button to cancel the receipt

Step 4: After click onto cancel button ablve screen will appear. Validate the detail and select the

reason for receipt cancellation and final click on “cancel receipt” for final cancellation. If you found any

wrong deatil click on close button to cancel the operation, receipt will not cancel if click on close


5) Day End Activity

After completed the cash collection activity next task is Day End Process. You cannot begin the new

day without end the previous day thus cash collection will not start for next day. You have to perform

the day end activity to srart the collection. Following screen will appear after day end process.

e-Gram Cash Collection System


~ Thank You ~