Duty To God and Scouting Saturday October 17, 2009.

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Transcript of Duty To God and Scouting Saturday October 17, 2009.

Duty To God and Scouting

Saturday October 17, 2009

Purpose of the DTG Program►First Presidency message

“Called to make a difference in the world”►Provide service

►Fulfill priesthood duties

►Strengthen yourself

►Responsibility to learn your duty to God

►Preparation to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood

Guiding Principles1. It’s about the young men, not the


2. The most important people to influence are the bishop, parents, and mentors

3. DTG should be integrated throughout the YM program

4. Recognize progress

Duty to God


It’s all Priesthood

A “Program” Approach…

►Has proven Challenging Frustrating Less effective

Possibly… because this approach is too “linear”

A Linear Approach

A Linear Approach

Thinking in a less linear way(gaining a greater perspective)

Duty to God as the Central Focus

Duty to God as the Central Focus

Duty to God as theCentral Focus

Young Men’s Program as the Central Focus

Gail #4

Young Men’s Program as the Central Focus

Young Men’s Program as the Central Focus

An Individual Young Man as the Central Focus

An Individual Young Man as the Central Focus

An Individual Young Man as the Central Focus

An Individual Young Man as the Central Focus


►Seek revelation

►Meet with the parents

►Action Plan for each YM based on his specific needs

Involving Bishops

►YM President discuss DTG program during PPI with Bishop

►Bishop discuss DTG with each young man during yearly interview

►Bishops take lead in recognition of DTG progress

Involving Parents

►Quarterly scoutmaster’s conference

►YM Secretary send progress reports to parents

►Involve parents in recognition activities


►Used for Eagle advancement

►Nurture trust

►Set goals

►Follow up regularly

Integrating DTG

►Presidency meetings

►Patrol Leaders Council (PLC)

►Bishops Youth Council (BYC)

►Aaronic Priesthood Committee (APC)


►Bishops take the lead

►Quarterly milestones

►Recognized in priesthood opening exercises and sacrament meeting

►Special activity for meeting milestones

Duty To God Tracking

Duty To God Tracking

DTG Discussion

►What is working well in your quorum?

►How do you involve parents and families?

►How can you improve the DTG program in your quorum?

►How do you recognize DTG progress?