Duties and responsibilities of an executive housekeeper

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Duties and responsibilities of an executive housekeeper

Duties and Responsibilities of an Executive Housekeeper

Submitted By: Vidya Anant


Housekeeping refers to the management of duties and chores involved in the running of a hotel, such as cleaning, cooking, hotel maintenance, shopping and bill pay.

A housekeeper is a person employed to manage a hotel, and the domestic staff. 

Executive Housekeeper

He is the head of the housekeeping department and has control over all the actions

taking place under the housekeeping department. He id

responsible for all the actions that are taken up by the other

staff members of theHousekeeping department.

Duties & Responsibilities of an

Executive Housekeeper

A hotel executive housekeeper is responsible for the housekeeping function within a given facility. This doesn’t mean that they handle the actual day-to-day cleaning responsibilities, but rather oversee them.

They are the first line of defense if a problem arises within the housekeeping function, and therefore they must keep apprised of everything that is happening within the department at all times.

Not only do they handle all of the managerial responsibilities, but they may also be responsible for managing the budget for the department as well. They are a part of the management team and therefore must be able to provide assessments and updates on what is going on within the housekeeping department at all times.

They handle all personnel issues in some capacity for the housekeeping function. They handle the hiring, firing, and disciplinary actions if they become necessary.

They work by auditing and assessing how well the housekeeping function is working, and they provide any points for improvement. As they are solely responsible for the success or failure of the housekeeping function within that hotel, they must be able to account for all activities at any given time.

They are responsible for ensuring that all of the necessary equipment is in place for their employees, and they handle any training that is necessary.