Dulcibella Legacy-G8 c2

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Dulcibella Legacy-G8 c2

The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 8 Chapter 2

Welcome back to the Dulcibella Legacy, where we have yet another birthday to have.

And it is finally time for Averill to get bigger. It seriously feels like he has been a baby for forever. Stupid useless stage.

So many cute toddlers this generation! And his ears are so adorable! They stick out! And those pointy ears from Pony must be really dominant. She’s this kids great-grandmother and her ears are still on nearly every sim. Thanks Pony! I love the ears!

Estora: “There’s no cheese in this fridge.”

It’s not like you need it.

Estora: “I do! No one at the luau knows how to make a good grilled cheese.”

Too bad.

What? SteelSlayer just became an elder. Why is he gone already? I actually kinda miss him… Bye bye my little Slayer. *sniffle*

Raisa: “Where is everyone? They should be here. It’s my name day.”

*cough book reference cough*

Time to change.

Raisa: “Maybe.”

And here she is in her new dress.

Woot! Almeric has reached the top of his career and thus fulfilling his lifetime want!

Almeric: “Yeah, I’m the mayor now!”

Yay! Regalia went into platinum aspiration awhile ago through the lifetime aspiration meter.

I think this chapter is turning into just birthday slides. *sticks out tongue*

I also just realized that my legacy house didn’t have a piano, so I now have one. I just wish I could have found room for the grand piano. Oh well.

Averill: “How come I have to fly the girly ladybug kite?”

Hansen: “Because you’re the younger brother.”

Averill: “That’s not fair!”

And now it’s time for the twins of this generation to become teenagers. Yay!

Hansen is nice and let’s Micah go first.

Here they are before their makeovers.

Well, it wasn’t much of a makeover, but here they are! Micah is lucky and gets a custom outfit. I just realized that their outfits colors are flipped.

Feeling better about your decision Regalia?

Regalia: “I am. Now leave me alone.”

Hansen and Raisa: “Rock, paper, scissors!”

Hansen: “Yes, I won!”

Raisa: “I can’t believe I lost! I’ll shove my head in the wall. That’ll show you.”

Regalia reached the top of the music career!

Regalia: “I’m awesome.”

Hansen: “Come play a game with me Micah.”

Micah: “Sorry, can’t. I have to study.”

Hansen: “You’re so boring.”

Great. I thought we had gotten over this family tradition. *sticks out tongue*

Raisa: “How am I supposed to get to college with everyone standing in the way?”

I think it’s kind of sweet.

Raisa: “You’re the only one.”

Almeric: “Do you realize what a big responsibility you have as the ninth generation heir?”

Micah: “Well, I…”

Almeric: “I expect you to work extra hard for the honor of your mother’s legacy, to not disgrace this family, or myself as the mayor.”

Micah: “Um, okay.”

Averill: “It’s my birthday!”

Averill: “Haha! I’m stronger this is so cool!”

Rosie: “I’m tired of birthdays.”

Oh, hey! It’s my simself! She was also the first victim of the family cowplant.

Rosie: “No thanks to you.”

*sticks out tongue*

Family meal. Now this is rare!

Whoa guys. What is wrong?

Hansen: “Everything!”


Almeric: “What are you doing just sitting around? Isn’t there something you should be doing?”

Micah: “Well, I just maxed all my skills.”

Almeric: “That’s nice but there’s always more to do.”

Micah: “I don’t know how much more I can handle, though.”

Regalia: “Have you seen Micah?”

Almeric: “He should be in the study, you know, studying.”

Regalia: “I already looked there. I can’t find him anywhere.”

Almeric: “What?”

Micah: *sigh* “Now that I’m out of that house I can breathe.”

Fishnets: “Hello there!”

Micah: “Um, hi?”

Fishnets: “Isn’t it past curfew?”

Micah: “Yes. It is.”

Fishnets: “Oh. What was the fight about?”

Micah: “Fight?”

Fishnets: “Yeah, you had a fight with your parents so you ran off.”

Micah: “Well, I guess you could call it a fight. It was more like my dad has been pressuring me a lot. Mostly about honoring the family and all that stuff.”

Fishnets: “At least your dad cares enough to want you to do all that.”

Micah: “Yeah, I know. It’s just that I don’t think I can do it. “

Fishnets: “So you ran away.”

Micah: “Yeah… so the legacy will be better off without me.”

Fishnets: “Hey, kid, don’t talk like that. There are plenty of people who’ll put you down in life so you don’t need to do it to yourself.”

Micah: “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

Fishnets: “What you feel is up to you. Me, I decided what I think of myself is what counts. What they say don’t matter to me. I’ll be whoever I darn well please.”

Micah: “What I think of myself? I don’t know about that.”

Fishnets: “It works for me. You just have to find what works for you.”

Micah: “I was wondering how you knew I ran away.”

Fishnets: “Kid, you’re like a book. I just had to look to read you.”

Micah: “Oh.”

Fishnets: “Well, kid, I’ve got other things to do. Before I go, though, it sounds to me like you’re lucky enough to have people who care about you. I’d wager they’re mighty worried about you right now. If I had those kind of people I wouldn’t push them away. But again, that’s just me. You’re the one that has to live with yourself. So see ya, kid.”

Micah: “Hey thanks Miss.”

Fishnets: “No biggie, kid. It’s Shelly, by the way.”

Regalia: “Micah!”

Micah: {Uh-oh}

Regalia: “I was so worried about you!”

Micah: “Y-You’re not mad?”

Regalia: “Maybe a little, but the fact that you’re home safe makes it all better.”

Micah: “… and dad?”

Regalia: “Well…”

Almeric: “What were you thinking running off like that? Are you trying to disgrace me, your mother, and this legacy? I can always give heirship to one of your siblings.”

Regalia: “Almeric!”

Micah: “You know what. I don’t care. The only person who’s opinion of me matters is my own.”

Almeric: “Who told you garbage like that?”

Regalia: “Almeric! That’s enough. Micah, you must be tired. Why don’t you go get some sleep?”

Micah: “With pleasure.”

Almeric: “Regalia!”

Regalia: “Have you forgotten who the reigning heir is? I’m the one that decides who is the next heir, and that is Micah. And I have no intention of changing my mind. And have you forgotten that Micah is our son?”

Almeric: “Have you forgotten that he ran away? If anyone finds out it will be a disgrace for us.”

Regalia: “Have you forgotten that he came back safely? I don’t know what is going on with you lately, but you should remember who your family is and adjust your priorities appropriately.”

Almeric: “Regalia, I don’t understand…”

Regalia: “When the loveing man I married comes back, let me know.”

Regalia: “Dad…”

Almeric: “Regalia… I guess becoming mayor has gone to my head.”

Regalia: “Yeah, you could say that.”

Almeric: “Is it too late to say I’m sorry?”

Regalia: “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”

Regalia: “Though, I said some things that I shouldn’t have. So, I’m sorry.”

Almeric: “You were right, though.”

Regalia: “True, but I was a bit harsh.”

Almeric: “Morning.”

Micah: “Morning dad.”

Almeric: “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting lately. And I want you to know that I love you son. That’s why I wanted you to do your best.”

Micah: “Uh, thanks dad.”

Micah: “Well that was weird.”

Hansen: “Look who decided to show up!”

Micah: “Hey! Let me go!”

Hansen: “Haha!”

After this I sent them to College using the neighborhood tool, so no taxi pictures.

Regalia: “What should I wish for?”

Almeric: “Success!”

Regalia: “Sounds boring.”

Regalia: “I think I’ll retire now.”

I think you’d actually be the first Dulcibella to do so.

Regalia: “I don’t mind.”

Regalia: “I want a facelift.”

I don’t do that.

Regalia: “But we have the machine. I know because I past it in the storage room.”

Well, maybe a bit… but I don’t like to.

There. Not much change, but happy?

Regalia: “Oh, yes!”

It’s the next night already. Wow. Regalia is here. She’s just around the table somewhere.

Haha! Nice tie! And you can keep it!

Almeric: “Um, thanks?”

Congrats on maxing all your skills, Averill!

Averill: “Will you just let me go to school already?”

Fine. Be a stick in the mud.

Averill is off to Uni!

Averill: “I don’t think these fences where here before.”

They weren’t. I’ve been adding a few little touches to the house. Even though I know this is practically over.

Anyway. It’s time to end this chapter and head to university! See you then!