Dulcibella Legacy-G7 uni2

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Dulcibella Legacy-G7 uni2

The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 7 University 2

Welcome back to the Dulcibella Legacy! Let’s jump right in!

T’Telir: “Hey, guys, I know we’re siblings and all, but…”

T’Telir: “…would you please put some clothes on.”

Vasher: “Why?”

T’Telir: “That’s it. I’m getting out.”

Lucy: “How much longer is this going to take?”

Llarimar: “Impatient today?”

Lucy: “I’m just tired of sitting in this chair every time I come over.”

Llarimar: “I just want it to be as perfect as you.”

Lucy: “You’ve been reading up on cheesy romantic lines, haven’t you?”

Llarimar: “Maybe.”

Lucy: “I like it.”

Siri: “…”

Siri: “That jerk. I’ve never kissed before.”

T’Telir: “Yay! It’s finally time for my graduation party!”

… you look really strange without your normal hair and hat. But then, I think everyone looks strange in graduation robes anyway. Myself included.

Really Keika? Really?

Keika: “What?”

I’m not going to dignify that with a response.

T’Telir: “It’s strange to see you in a suit, you know.”

Normally hippie, but not tonight, dude: “I feel strange, too.”

T’Telir: “Pretty dashing, though.”

Shh, they are not in a completely different room than the last picture.


Lucy: “The painting looks amazing!”

Llarimar: “It’s hard to go wrong when you have such a beautiful model.”

Lucy: “There you go again.”

Keika: “Oh, right, before I forget. I’ve been doing some thinking and have decided to name you as the heir.”

Llarimar: “Really?”

Keika: “Do I joke about these things?”


Keika: “Shut it, you.”

Llarimar: “In that case, would you be my legacy wife?”

Lucy: “Oh, gosh, yes!”

Hmm… lama mascot guy has a big nose even without his fake head.

T’Telir: “Yes! I am so out of here!”

Llarimar: “Now that the party's winding down, do you want to go upstairs to hang up your picture with me?”

Lucy: “I’d love to!”

Llarimar: “Does it look straight to you?”

Lucy: “It looks perfect.”

Lucy: “You know, this is the first time I’ve been in your room.”

Llarimar: “Really?”

Lucy: “I think we’ve been avoiding it. Since that night. Anyway, it’s about time I get going.”

Llarimar: “I love you.”

Lucy: “I love you, too.”

Vasher: “Remind me why we’re still up again.”

Siri: “Because we are college students and therefore have strange sleeping schedules.”

Llarimar: “Do you really have to go?”

Lucy: “Yeah, I have an exam in the morning.”

Lucy: “I’ll see you tomorrow, well, more like today now.”

Llarimar: “See you.”

Llarimar: “Love you.”

Lucy: “I love you too.”

Vasher: “Llarimar, quick, I was in the hot tub and...”

Llarimar: “What?”

Vasher: “It’s Lucy!”

Llarimar: “No…”

Several days later…

Siri: “I haven’t seen Llarimar in awhile. Not since Lucy’s funeral.”

Vasher: “It’s got to be rough.”

Siri: “Yeah…”

Vasher: “Stupid shower. Why must you break so often?”

Siri: “I went to check on Llarimar.”

Vasher: “And?”

Siri: “You’re going to want to see this.”

Vasher: “Well this is freaky.”

Vasher: “Llarimar?”

Llarmimar: “…”

Vasher: “Seriously, Llarimar?”

Llarimar: “…”

Vasher: “You’re a great artist, but seriously, this is weird.”

Llarimar: “… I don’t want to forget.”

Vasher: “You won’t forget her, and you don’t have to.”

Llarimar: “...”

Vasher: “How about you come down, get something to eat, and I’ll clear this out for you.”

Llarimar: “I… can’t get rid of her.”

Vasher: “Hey, if you’re not ready, then I’ll get Siri to help me hang them up.”

Llarimar: “..okay…”

Llarimar: “Do you think Lucy’s happy? Wherever she is?”

Siri: “I’m sure she is.”

Siri: “Another one?”

Llarimar: “Don’t worry. It’s the last one.”

Siri: “This one might just be my favorite.”

Llarimar: “Thank you.”

Vasher: “Siri, I think we broke him…”

It’s about time they graduate.

Llarimar: “Weeeee!”

Lucy: “I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

Llarimar: “Huh?”

Lucy: “I love you, Llarimar.”

Well, this is it, the end of University for generation seven. Sorry about how long it ended up being. I just started playing again and I was really feeling the story. Happy simming!