DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd - Wakefield Council · APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD...

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Transcript of DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd - Wakefield Council · APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD...

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal


Report Date: 03 June 2014

Prepared by JVP


Summary Appraisal for Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Units 120 12,480.00 2,099.00 218,296 26,195,520 Social Rented Units 15 1,560.00 920.00 95,680 1,435,200 Intermediate 15 1,560.00 1,066.00 110,864 1,662,960 Totals 150 15,600.00 29,293,680



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 5,393,982 Stamp Duty 4.00% 215,759 Agent Fee 1.00% 53,940 Legal Fee 0.50% 26,970

5,690,651 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Units 12,480.00 m² 807.00 pm² 10,071,360 Social Rented Units 1,560.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,258,920 Intermediate 1,560.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,258,920 Totals 15,600.00 m² 12,589,200 12,589,200

Contingency 15.00% 1,888,380 1,888,380

Section 106 Costs Section 106 150,000


PROFESSIONAL FEES Proffessional Fees 6.00% 755,352


Marketing 3.50% 916,843 916,843

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 292,937 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 146,468

439,405 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 1,174,061 Construction (168,945) Total Finance Cost 1,005,117

TOTAL COSTS 23,434,948

PROFIT 5,858,732

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\Snowhill - update May 14.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 03/06/2014


IRR 21.06%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\Snowhill - update May 14.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 03/06/2014

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

Land to the North of St Andrews Road

Land to the North of St Andrews Road

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Land to the North of St Andrews Road

Summary Appraisal for Phase 1 Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

2 bed house 15 1,215.00 1,830.00 148,230 2,223,450 3 bed house 17 1,657.50 1,830.00 178,425 3,033,225 4 bed house 12 1,500.00 1,830.00 228,750 2,745,000 5 bed house 5 720.00 1,830.00 263,520 1,317,600 affordable housing SR 11 1,144.00 869.00 90,376 994,136 affordable housing - Int 10 1,040.00 1,006.00 104,624 1,046,240 Totals 70 7,276.50 11,359,651



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 929,041 Stamp Duty 4.00% 37,162 Agent Fee 1.00% 9,290 Legal Fee 0.50% 4,645

980,138 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

2 bed house 1,215.00 m² 807.00 pm² 980,505 3 bed house 1,657.50 m² 807.00 pm² 1,337,603 4 bed house 1,500.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,210,500 5 bed house 720.00 m² 807.00 pm² 581,040 affordable housing SR 1,144.00 m² 807.00 pm² 923,208 affordable housing - Int 1,040.00 m² 807.00 pm² 839,280 Totals 7,276.50 m² 5,872,136 5,872,136

Contingency 5.00% 293,607 293,607

Other Construction Contamination 877,000

877,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 70,000 70,000

PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 352,328


Marketing 3.50% 326,175 326,175

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 113,597 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 56,798

170,395 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 145,532 Construction 410 Total Finance Cost 145,943

TOTAL COSTS 9,087,721

PROFIT 2,271,930

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 45.22%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Land to the North of St Andrews Road - £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Land to the North of St Andrews Road

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Land to the North of St Andrews Road - £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

Castleford Tigers

Wheldon Road

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Castleford Tigers

Summary Appraisal for Phase 1 Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

2 bed house 22 1,782.00 1,830.00 148,230 3,261,060 3 bed house 26 2,535.00 1,830.00 178,425 4,639,050 4 bed house 19 2,375.00 1,830.00 228,750 4,346,250 5 bed house 7 1,008.00 1,830.00 263,520 1,844,640 affordable housing SR 16 1,664.00 869.00 90,376 1,446,016 affordable housing - Int 15 1,560.00 1,006.00 104,624 1,569,360 Totals 105 10,924.00 17,106,376



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 544,103 Stamp Duty 3.00% 16,323 Agent Fee 1.00% 5,441 Legal Fee 0.50% 2,721

568,588 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

2 bed house 1,782.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,438,074 3 bed house 2,535.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,045,745 4 bed house 2,375.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,916,625 5 bed house 1,008.00 m² 807.00 pm² 813,456 affordable housing SR 1,664.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,342,848 affordable housing - Int 1,560.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,258,920 Totals 10,924.00 m² 8,815,668 8,815,668

Contingency 5.00% 440,783 440,783

Other Construction contamination phase 1,250,000 flood risk 710,000 air pollution 250,000 noise pollution 61,000

2,271,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 105,000 105,000

PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 603,940


Marketing 3.50% 493,185 493,185

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 171,064 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 85,532

256,596 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 89,488 Construction 40,853 Total Finance Cost 130,341

TOTAL COSTS 13,685,101

PROFIT 3,421,275

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Castleford Tigers £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Castleford Tigers

Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 44.00%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Castleford Tigers £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

Land at Pemberton Drive

Pemberton Drive

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Land at Pemberton Drive

Summary Appraisal for Phase 1 Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

2 bed house 18 1,458.00 1,830.00 148,230 2,668,140 3 bed house 21 2,047.50 1,830.00 178,425 3,746,925 4 bed house 15 1,875.00 1,830.00 228,750 3,431,250 5 bed house 7 1,008.00 1,830.00 263,520 1,844,640 affordable housing SR 13 1,352.00 869.00 90,376 1,174,888 affordable housing - Int 13 1,352.00 1,006.00 104,624 1,360,112 Totals 87 9,092.50 14,225,955



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 1,466,765 Stamp Duty 5.00% 73,338 Agent Fee 1.00% 14,668 Legal Fee 0.50% 7,334

1,562,105 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

2 bed house 1,458.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,176,606 3 bed house 2,047.50 m² 807.00 pm² 1,652,333 4 bed house 1,875.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,513,125 5 bed house 1,008.00 m² 807.00 pm² 813,456 affordable housing SR 1,352.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,091,064 affordable housing - Int 1,352.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,091,064 Totals 9,092.50 m² 7,337,648 7,337,648

Contingency 5.00% 366,882 366,882

Other Construction contamination 607,000

607,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 87,000 87,000

PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 440,259


Marketing 3.50% 409,183 409,183

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 142,260 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 71,130

213,389 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 306,870 Construction 50,428 Total Finance Cost 357,298

TOTAL COSTS 11,380,764

PROFIT 2,845,191

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 31.87%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Land at Pemberton Drive £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Land at Pemberton Drive

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Land at Pemberton Drive £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

Land at Saxton Way

Saxton Way Pemberton Road

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Land at Saxton Way

Summary Appraisal for Merged Phases 1 2

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

2 bed house 25 2,025.00 1,830.00 148,230 3,705,750 3 bed house 30 2,925.00 1,830.00 178,425 5,352,750 4 bed house 21 2,625.00 1,830.00 228,750 4,803,750 5 bed house 9 1,296.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,371,680 affordable housing SR 18 1,872.00 869.00 90,376 1,626,768 affordable housing - Int 18 1,872.00 1,006.00 104,624 1,883,232 2 bed house 25 2,025.00 1,830.00 148,230 3,705,750 3 bed house 30 2,925.00 1,830.00 178,425 5,352,750 4 bed house 21 2,625.00 1,830.00 228,750 4,803,750 5 bed house 9 1,296.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,371,680 affordable housing - SR 18 1,872.00 869.00 90,376 1,626,768 affordable housing - Int 18 1,872.00 1,006.00 104,624 1,883,232 Totals 242 25,230.00 39,487,860



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 5,432,967 Stamp Duty 7.00% 380,308 Agent Fee 1.00% 54,330 Legal Fee 0.50% 27,165

5,894,769 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

2 bed house 2,025.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,634,175 3 bed house 2,925.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,360,475 4 bed house 2,625.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,118,375 5 bed house 1,296.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,045,872 affordable housing SR 1,872.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,510,704 affordable housing - Int 1,872.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,510,704 2 bed house 2,025.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,634,175 3 bed house 2,925.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,360,475 4 bed house 2,625.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,118,375 5 bed house 1,296.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,045,872 affordable housing - SR 1,872.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,510,704 affordable housing - Int 1,872.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,510,704 Totals 25,230.00 m² 20,360,610 20,360,610

Contingency 5.00% 1,018,030 1,018,030

Other Construction contamination phase 1 375,000 contamination phase 2 375,000

750,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 121,000 Section 106 121,000


PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 1,266,637


Marketing 3.50% 568,188 568,188

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 197,439

1.00% 197,439 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 197,439

592,318 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal)

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Land at Saxton Way £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Land at Saxton Way

Total Finance Cost 454,094

TOTAL COSTS 31,146,645

PROFIT 8,341,215

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 26.78% Profit on GDV% 21.12% Profit on NDV% 21.12%

IRR 33.28%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 8 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Land at Saxton Way £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Former C6 Solutions Site Phase 1


Report Date: 16 September 2013

Prepared by JVP


Summary Appraisal for Merged Phases 1 2 3

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Units 70 7,253.00 1,776.00 184,019 12,881,328 Intermediate 15 1,560.00 977.00 101,608 1,524,120 2 Bed Social Rented 15 1,215.00 844.00 68,364 1,025,460 Market Units 70 7,253.00 1,776.00 184,019 12,881,328 Intermediate 15 1,560.00 977.00 101,608 1,524,120 2 Bed Social Rented 15 1,215.00 844.00 68,364 1,025,460 Market Units 70 7,253.00 1,776.00 184,019 12,881,328 Intermediate 15 1,560.00 977.00 101,608 1,524,120 2 Bed Social Rented 15 1,215.00 844.00 68,364 1,025,460 Totals 300 30,084.00 46,292,724



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price (6,046,028)

(6,046,028) CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Units 7,253.00 m² 807.00 pm² 5,853,171 Intermediate 1,560.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,258,920 2 Bed Social Rented 1,215.00 m² 807.00 pm² 980,505 Market Units 7,253.00 m² 807.00 pm² 5,853,171 Intermediate 1,560.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,258,920 2 Bed Social Rented 1,215.00 m² 807.00 pm² 980,505 Market Units 7,253.00 m² 807.00 pm² 5,853,171 Intermediate 1,560.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,258,920 2 Bed Social Rented 1,215.00 m² 807.00 pm² 980,505 Totals 30,084.00 m² 24,277,788 24,277,788

Contingency 5.00% 1,213,889 Air Pollution 249,999 Contamination 9,000,000 Flood Risk 3,000,000 Demolition 999,999

14,463,887 Section 106 Costs

POS 100,000 POS 100,000 POS 100,000


PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 1,456,667


Marketing 3.50% 1,352,539 1,352,539

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 462,927 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 231,464

694,391 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Total Finance Cost 123,174

TOTAL COSTS 36,622,419

PROFIT 9,670,305

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 26.41% Profit on GDV% 20.89% Profit on NDV% 20.89%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Former C6 Solutions Site £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013


Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 8 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Former C6 Solutions Site £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Fryston Colliery

Report Date: 16 September 2013


Summary Appraisal for Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Housing 112 9,885.12 1,615.00 142,540 15,964,469 Intermediate 25 2,206.50 780.00 68,843 1,721,070 Social Rented 13 1,147.38 527.00 46,513 604,669 Totals 150 13,239.00 18,290,208



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price (4.86 Ha 27,699.84 pHect) 134,621 Stamp Duty 1.00% 1,346 Agent Fee 1.50% 2,019 Legal Fee 1.00% 1,346

139,333 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Housing 9,885.12 m² 940.00 pm² 9,292,013 Intermediate 2,206.50 m² 807.00 pm² 1,780,646 Social Rented 1,147.38 m² 807.00 pm² 925,936 Totals 13,239.00 m² 11,998,594 11,998,594

Contingency 5.00% 599,930 Statutory/LA 120,615

720,545 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 150,000 150,000

PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 719,916


Marketing 3.50% 558,756 558,756

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.50% 265,283 Sales Legal Fee 1.00% 176,855

442,138 FINANCE

Debit Rate 7.500% Credit Rate 3.500% (Nominal) Land 25,331 Construction (122,447) Total Finance Cost (97,116)

TOTAL COSTS 14,632,166

PROFIT 3,658,042

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 143.29%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 7.500%) 3 yrs

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Fryston £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

Park Dale

Park Dale

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Park Dale

Summary Appraisal for Phase 1 Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Units 64 6,656.00 1,830.00 190,320 12,180,480 affordable housing SR 14 1,456.00 869.00 90,376 1,265,264 affordable housing - Int 13 1,352.00 1,006.00 104,624 1,360,112 Totals 91 9,464.00 14,805,856



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 953,106 Stamp Duty 4.00% 38,124 Agent Fee 1.00% 9,531 Legal Fee 0.50% 4,766

1,005,527 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Units 6,656.00 m² 807.00 pm² 5,371,392 affordable housing SR 1,456.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,174,992 affordable housing - Int 1,352.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,091,064 Totals 9,464.00 m² 7,637,448 7,637,448

Contingency 5.00% 381,872 381,872

Other Construction Contamination 856,000 Air pollution 250,000

1,106,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 91,000 91,000

PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 458,247


Marketing 3.50% 426,317 426,317

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 148,059 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 74,029

222,088 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 206,943 Construction 309,244 Total Finance Cost 516,186

TOTAL COSTS 11,844,685

PROFIT 2,961,171

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 29.68%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Park Dale £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

Wheldale Farm

Wheldale Farm Wheldon Road

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Wheldale Farm

Summary Appraisal for Merged Phases 1 2 3 4 5

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales Adjustment

2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 0 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 0 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 0 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 0 affordable housing SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 0 affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 0 2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 0 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 0 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 0 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 0 affordable housing - SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 0 affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 0 2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 0 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 0 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 0 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 0 affordable housing -SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 0 affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 0 2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 0 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 0 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 0 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 0 affordable housing - SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 (987,358) affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 0 2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 0 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 0 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 0 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 0 affordable housing - SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 0 affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 0 Totals 750 77,847.50 121,540,805 (987,358)



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 17,497,244 Stamp Duty 7.00% 224,119 Agent Fee 1.00% 174,972 Legal Fee 0.50% 87,486

17,983,821 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253 4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253 4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing - SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253 4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing -SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Wheldale Farm £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Wheldale Farm

4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing - SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253 4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing - SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 Totals 77,847.50 m² 62,822,933 62,822,933

Contingency 5.00% 3,141,147 3,141,147

Other Construction contamination phase 1 320,000 archaeology 360,000 air 50,000 noise 31,000 contamination phase 2 320,000 archaeology 360,000 air 50,000 noise 31,000 contamination phase 3 320,000 archaeology 360,000 air 50,000 noise 31,000 contamination phase 4 320,000 archaeology 360,000 air 50,000 noise 31,000 contamination phase 5 320,000 archaeology 360,000 air 50,000 noise 31,000

3,805,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 150,000 Section 106 150,000 Section 106 150,000 Section 106 150,000 Section 106 150,000


PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 3,865,376


Marketing 3.50% 697,472 697,472

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 962,453

1.00% 243,082 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 602,767

1,808,302 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Total Finance Cost (324,811)

TOTAL COSTS 94,549,239

PROFIT 26,004,208

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 27.50% Profit on GDV% 21.57% Profit on NDV% 21.57%

IRR 36.09%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Wheldale Farm £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Wheldale Farm

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 9 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Wheldale Farm £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Wheldale Farm

Net Sales 4,743,360 6,601,725 5,947,500 2,635,200 2,078,648 2,301,728 4,743,360 6,601,725 5,947,500 2,635,200 2,078,648 2,301,728 4,743,360 6,601,725 5,947,500 2,635,200 2,078,648 2,301,728 4,743,360 6,601,725 5,947,500 2,635,200 1,091,290 2,301,728 4,743,360 6,601,725 5,947,500 2,635,200 2,078,648 2,301,728


File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Wheldale Farm £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Wheldale Farm

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Wheldale Farm £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Wheldale Farm

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Wheldale Farm £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

Stansfield Road

Stansfield Road

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Stansfield Road

Summary Appraisal for Merged Phases 1 2 3

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 affordable housing SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 affordable housing - SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 2 bed house 32 2,592.00 1,830.00 148,230 4,743,360 3 bed house 37 3,607.50 1,830.00 178,425 6,601,725 4 bed house 26 3,250.00 1,830.00 228,750 5,947,500 5 bed house 10 1,440.00 1,830.00 263,520 2,635,200 affordable housing -SR 23 2,392.00 869.00 90,376 2,078,648 affordable housing - Int 22 2,288.00 1,006.00 104,624 2,301,728 Totals 450 46,708.50 72,924,483



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 9,518,762 Stamp Duty 7.00% 666,313 Agent Fee 1.00% 95,188 Legal Fee 0.50% 47,594

10,327,857 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253 4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253 4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing - SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 2 bed house 2,592.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,091,744 3 bed house 3,607.50 m² 807.00 pm² 2,911,253 4 bed house 3,250.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,622,750 5 bed house 1,440.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,162,080 affordable housing -SR 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 affordable housing - Int 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 Totals 46,708.50 m² 37,693,760 37,693,760

Contingency 5.00% 1,884,688 1,884,688

Other Construction contamination phase 1 670,000 air 84,000 contamination phase 2 670,000 air 84,000 contamination phase 3 670,000 air 84,000

2,262,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 150,000

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Stansfield Road £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment Stansfield Road

Section 106 150,000 Section 106 150,000


PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 2,382,226


Marketing 3.50% 697,472 697,472

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 486,163

1.00% 243,082 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 364,622

1,093,867 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Total Finance Cost 411,911

TOTAL COSTS 57,203,781

PROFIT 15,720,702

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 27.48% Profit on GDV% 21.56% Profit on NDV% 21.56%

IRR 32.91%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 9 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Stansfield Road £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Healdfield Drive


Report Date: 16 September 2013

Prepared by JVP


Summary Appraisal for Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

4 Bed - Market Sales 23 2,875.00 1,917.00 239,625 5,511,375 4 Bed Intermediate 1 125.00 977.00 122,125 122,125 3 Bed Social Rented 2 195.00 844.00 82,290 164,580 3 Bed Intermediate 2 195.00 977.00 95,258 190,515 2 Bed Social Rented 2 162.00 844.00 68,364 136,728 Totals 30 3,552.00 6,125,323



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 1,180,858 Stamp Duty 5.00% 59,043 Agent Fee 1.00% 11,809 Legal Fee 0.50% 5,904

1,257,613 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

4 Bed - Market Sales 2,875.00 m² 807.00 pm² 2,320,125 4 Bed Intermediate 125.00 m² 807.00 pm² 100,875 3 Bed Social Rented 195.00 m² 807.00 pm² 157,365 3 Bed Intermediate 195.00 m² 807.00 pm² 157,365 2 Bed Social Rented 162.00 m² 807.00 pm² 130,734 Totals 3,552.00 m² 2,866,464 2,866,464

Contingency 5.00% 143,323 143,323

Section 106 Costs POS 21,930


PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 171,988


Marketing 3.50% 192,898 192,898

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 61,253 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 30,627

91,880 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 132,367 Construction 21,793 Total Finance Cost 154,160

TOTAL COSTS 4,900,256

PROFIT 1,225,067

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 42.64%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Healdfield Road £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Site Specific Viability Assessment

The Arriva Bus Depot

Wheldon Road

Castleford Wakefield

Report Date: 16 September 2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment The Arriva Bus Depot

Summary Appraisal for Phase 1 Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

2 bed house 12 972.00 1,830.00 148,230 1,778,760 3 bed house 14 1,365.00 1,830.00 178,425 2,497,950 4 bed house 9 1,125.00 1,830.00 228,750 2,058,750 5 bed house 4 576.00 1,830.00 263,520 1,054,080 affordable housing SR 8 832.00 869.00 90,376 723,008 affordable housing - Int 8 832.00 1,006.00 104,624 836,992 Totals 55 5,702.00 8,949,540



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 400,328 Stamp Duty 3.00% 12,010 Agent Fee 1.00% 4,003 Legal Fee 0.50% 2,002

418,342 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

2 bed house 972.00 m² 807.00 pm² 784,404 3 bed house 1,365.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,101,555 4 bed house 1,125.00 m² 807.00 pm² 907,875 5 bed house 576.00 m² 807.00 pm² 464,832 affordable housing SR 832.00 m² 807.00 pm² 671,424 affordable housing - Int 832.00 m² 807.00 pm² 671,424 Totals 5,702.00 m² 4,601,514 4,601,514

Contingency 5.00% 230,076 230,076

Other Construction Contamination 856,000 Air pollution 250,000

1,106,000 Section 106 Costs

Section 106 55,000 55,000

PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 6.00% 276,091


Marketing 3.50% 258,634 258,634

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 89,495 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 44,748

134,243 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 60,367 Construction 19,365 Total Finance Cost 79,732

TOTAL COSTS 7,159,632

PROFIT 1,789,908

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\The Arriva Bus Depot.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD Site Specific Viability Assessment The Arriva Bus Depot

IRR 57.74%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\The Arriva Bus Depot.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Report Date: 03 June 2014


Summary Appraisal for Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Units 105 10,920.00 2,045.00 212,680 22,331,400 Social Rented Units 23 2,392.00 818.00 85,072 1,956,656 Intermediate 22 2,288.00 947.00 98,488 2,166,736 Totals 150 15,600.00 26,454,792



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price 3,704,112 Stamp Duty 4.00% 148,164 Agent Fee 1.00% 37,041 Legal Fee 0.50% 18,521

3,907,838 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Units 10,920.00 m² 807.00 pm² 8,812,440 Social Rented Units 2,392.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,930,344 Intermediate 2,288.00 m² 807.00 pm² 1,846,416 Totals 15,600.00 m² 12,589,200 12,589,200

Contingency 15.00% 1,888,380 1,888,380

Section 106 Costs Section 106 150,000


PROFESSIONAL FEES Proffessional Fees 6.00% 755,352


Marketing 3.50% 781,599 781,599

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 264,548 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 132,274

396,822 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 806,935 Construction (112,292) Total Finance Cost 694,644

TOTAL COSTS 21,163,835

PROFIT 5,290,957

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00%

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\Wakefield East - update May 14.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 03/06/2014


IRR 23.42%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\Wakefield East - update May 14.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 03/06/2014

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Westfield Lane Improvement Area

First phase - 190 units 30% AH £0 CIL

Report Date: 16 September 2013

Prepared by JVP


Summary Appraisal for Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Units 142 14,768.00 1,722.23 179,112 25,433,893 Social Rented 23 2,392.00 947.22 98,511 2,265,750 Intermediate Units 24 2,496.00 818.06 85,078 2,041,878 Totals 189 19,656.00 29,741,521



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price (13.26 Ha 178,772.92 pHect) 2,370,529 Stamp Duty 7.00% 165,937 Agent Fee 1.00% 23,705 Legal Fee 0.50% 11,853

2,572,024 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Units 14,768.00 m² 807.29 pm² 11,922,059 Social Rented 2,392.00 m² 807.29 pm² 1,931,038 Intermediate Units 2,496.00 m² 807.29 pm² 2,014,996 Totals 19,656.00 m² 15,868,092 15,868,092

Contingency 15.00% 2,380,214 2,380,214

Section 106 Costs Metro Cards 85,050 Highways Improvements 140,994 POS 138,159


PROFESSIONAL FEES Proffessional Fees 6.00% 952,086


Marketing 3.50% 890,186 890,186

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 276,996 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 138,498

415,495 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 361,364 Construction (10,447) Total Finance Cost 350,917

TOTAL COSTS 23,793,216

PROFIT 5,948,304

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 48.67%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\WLIA £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Land off High Street, South Elmsall

30% AH £0 CIL

Report Date: 04 June 2014

Prepared by JVP


Summary Appraisal for Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Units 21 2,184.00 1,722.23 179,112 3,761,350 Intermediate 5 520.00 947.22 98,511 492,554 Social Rented 4 416.00 818.06 85,078 340,313 Totals 30 3,120.00 4,594,218



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price (3.93 Ha 81,858.58 pHect) 321,704 Stamp Duty 3.00% 9,651 Agent Fee 1.00% 3,217 Legal Fee 0.50% 1,609

336,181 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Units 2,184.00 m² 807.29 pm² 1,763,121 Intermediate 520.00 m² 807.29 pm² 419,791 Social Rented 416.00 m² 807.29 pm² 335,833 Totals 3,120.00 m² 2,518,745 2,518,745

Contingency 15.00% 377,812 377,812

Section 106 Costs Metro Cards 13,530 Highways Improvements 22,380 POS 21,930


PROFESSIONAL FEES Proffessional Fees 6.00% 151,125


Marketing 3.50% 131,647 131,647

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 42,539 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 21,270

63,809 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 29,827 Construction 8,389 Total Finance Cost 38,216

TOTAL COSTS 3,675,374

PROFIT 918,844

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 87.75%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\High Street South Elmsall £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 04/06/2014


File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\High Street South Elmsall £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 04/06/2014

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Ltd

Development Appraisal

Adjoing Station, South Elmsall

Report Date: 16 September 2013

Prepared by JVP


Summary Appraisal for Phase 1

Currency in £

REVENUE Sales Valuation Units m² Rate m² Unit Price Gross Sales

Market Units 55 5,720.00 1,722.23 179,112 9,851,156 Intermediate 12 1,248.00 947.22 98,511 1,182,131 Social Rented 11 1,144.00 818.06 85,078 935,861 Totals 78 8,112.00 11,969,147



ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price (3.93 Ha 223,468.06 pHect) 878,229 Stamp Duty 4.00% 35,129 Agent Fee 1.00% 8,782 Legal Fee 0.50% 4,391

926,532 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction m² Rate m² Cost

Market Units 5,720.00 m² 807.29 pm² 4,617,699 Intermediate 1,248.00 m² 807.29 pm² 1,007,498 Social Rented 1,144.00 m² 807.29 pm² 923,540 Totals 8,112.00 m² 6,548,736 6,548,736

Contingency 15.00% 982,310 982,310

Section 106 Costs Metro Cards 35,178 Highways Improvements 58,188 POS 57,018


PROFESSIONAL FEES Proffessional Fees 6.00% 392,924


Marketing 3.50% 344,790 344,790

DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee 1.00% 110,333 Sales Legal Fee 0.50% 55,166

165,499 FINANCE

Debit Rate 6.500% Credit Rate 0.500% (Nominal) Land 73,887 Construction (9,746) Total Finance Cost 64,140

TOTAL COSTS 9,575,317

PROFIT 2,393,829

Performance Measures Profit on Cost% 25.00% Profit on GDV% 20.00% Profit on NDV% 20.00%

IRR 77.45%

Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.500%) 3 yrs 6 mths

File: \\gbr-lon-apps-01\argusdeveloperleeds\Data\HISCOTT\WAKEFIELD SITE SPECIFIC VIABILITY ASSESSMENT\30% AH\Station Road, South Elmsall £0.wcfx ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 Date: 16/09/2013