DTMS Press, Issue #1, VOL. 1 Spring 2013

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DTMS Newspaper, Domingo Trevino Middle School in La Joya Texas in Deep South Texas.

Transcript of DTMS Press, Issue #1, VOL. 1 Spring 2013


EXTRA, EXTRA! Domingo Trevino Middle School Newspaper!!

Round Table Representative

Published by Creative Writing Class Volume 1 Issue #1 Feb. 2013 Spring Edition


by Hugh Rojas, Sports Writer MakeMyNewspaper.Com, Inc.

Baltimore Ravens hold off San

Francisco 49ers after long power

outage at Superdome, 34-31

The game might be remembered for

the blackout which left the Super-

dome in darkness for 34 minutes and

nearly changed the game. When the

lights went out – except for a few

lights that kept the field glowing – the

Ravens had a 22-point lead. When the

lights came back on, The Niners had

different plans.

“Oh my goodness, I mean we had a

ton of momentum at the time and had

everything rolling,” said Ravens tight

end Dennis Pitta. “Then the power

goes out and we’re waiting for what

felt like an hour. We lost a lot of mo-

mentum and they came storming


That they did, behind a reenergized

Kaepernick, who shook off a rough

start to throw for 302 yards and a

touchdown! Then, rushed for 62 yards

and another score had the crowd

cheering. He was unfazed when

Jones opened the second half with his

big return, putting the Ravens up 28-6

just 11 seconds in. It seemed like it

was lights out for San Francisco.

When the lights finally came back on,

power was restored to the

49ers. They went on to score 17

points in the next 10:12 to make it a

28-23 game.

Kaepernick scored on a 15-yard run

with 9:57 remaining. He pulled the

Niners within 31-29 with a two-point

conversion pending. But Kaeper-

nick’s pass failed, which allowed the

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President? Page 1 Super bowl Page 1

Upsets Page 2 Crime Page 4

Restrooms closed

After 2pm! By Mr. Potty Supposedly, the restrooms close at 2pm everyday, but in reality they are locked by 1:40pm. I have gone to the re-stroom everyday since the be-ginning of the school year dur-ing 7th period. It’s my thing. I wait until the end of my classes like a good student to go. Late-ly, the administration says they should be closed at two, but when I go before then they are closed. “Hey, I don’t think this is good for my kidneys and blad-der. I don’t want to develop an infection,” said an 8th grade student with serious health con-cerns. I understand that the Offic-ers have found that people have been causing trouble at these times in the restrooms, but please give my little bladder a brake and actually wait until 2pm.

On Thursday, February 7 of 2013, I

interviewed Bryanna Galvan, round

table representative student for Domin-

go Trevino Middle School.

Ahtziri: How do you feel about be-

ing the school’s president?

Bryanna: Well, I think it is super

cool because you get a lot of

attention and everyone

comes to you for stuff. I en-

joy it a lot.

Ahtziri: How did you get elected to

become the president or

round table representative?

Bryanna: Well, I’m not quite sure,

because Mrs. Espino called

me into her office. She

asked me if I wanted the

titles, because I had already

been appointed by the prin-

cipal, so I said yes!

Ahtziri: That’s cool! What was the

first thing that came into

your mind when you arrived

to your first round table

meeting with the Superin-


Bryanna: I was really nervous at first,

but on our way to La Joya I

was talking to other round

table students and I made

Ravens a 19-yard field goal, giving

them a 34-29 lead. The Ravens still

had to sweat out those final seconds.

Kaepernick brought the 49ers all the

way to the Baltimore 5-yard line.

On fourth-and-goal, he tried a fake

pass to Michael Crabtree, who got

tied up with Ravens cornerback at

the goal line. And the Ravens held

on to win, but Coach Jim Harbuagh

was sure there was a holding. The

Ravens obviously saw it a little dif-

ferently. They saw it as their desti-

ny. In the end we all know John

Harbuagh turned out the lights on his

brother, Jim’s, Super Bowl dreams.

Game TIME!!!

friends. When I got

there, it wasn’t as nerve

wrecking because not a

lot students talked,

mainly the outspoken


Ahtziri: Do you really

like your title as presi-


Bryanna: Yes! I love being

president of this school.

Ahtziri: You and Neyda are

both Presidents, am I


Bryanna: Well, in my opin-

ion I don’t think we

should have two presi-

dents because it’s con-

fusing and no one real-

ly knows what you are.

Are you president and

Neyda is vice president

or vise versa? That’s

something I get asked

all the time.

Ahtziri: So, let’s make it

clear. You are DTMS

Student Council Presi-

dent and Round Table

Representative, Neyda

Villarreal is president

for 8th grade, Celeste

Flores for 7th grade and

Christian Ortiz, Vice

President for 6th grade.

Bryanna: Yes.

There you have it DTMS stu-

dents, Bryanna Galvan is glad to

be representing our school in the

Round Table gathering of all

LJISD schools with the Superin-

tendent and many of us are proud

of her! We are looking forward to

meeting the entire DTMS Student

Council in an assembly like during the

lunch period presentation. Could

there be a Spring Break Kick

Off Pep Rally themed

Don’t Drink & Drive?

by Ahtziri Hernandez, Editor in Chief

Columnist, Ahtziri Hernandez P






trevino.ljisd.com BOOK TALK Page 2

AR Stress

by Brook Expert

Five books a week. Read five books


WEEK! Did you test? Have you test-

ed? You haven’t tested. You’re going

to have to stay for lunch detention. Test.

“How are we supposed to learn to

love reading when they force us to test

so many books for AR? ” ~ Panchita

“I’m trying to read my novel and I

have to take a brake because I’m being

hounded to test some simple book just

to meet some quota? I just learned that

word. Ha. Quota.” ~ 8th grade Husky

“I just want to read my book. May I

read my book?” ~ Daniel Mendoza

Students are required to read and test

on a minimum of five books a week.

Many students here at DTMS find this

very stressful. They feel pressured to

read for the sake of testing. We asked a

group of students if they would read one

of the books on the best sellers list and

the first thing they said was astonishing.

“Is it testable?”

Is this what educators want? Do you

want students to develop a love of read-

ing or alienate them form literature that

someone hasn’t had time to make a test

and put it on the AR program. Is there

an app for that?




BOOK REVIEW Veronica’s Reads

by Veronica Alvarez

Books are Annoying By Daniel Mendoza

Why do I have to read five

books every week!? This is an-

noying. We should be allowed to

read just like two books, but my

teachers make me read one book

everyday! It’s very difficult to

get a love for reading when they

make me read things I’m not in-

terested in just to test. That’s su-

per boring. I think they should

put more science books or detec-

tive novels in the school library,

which would definitely motivate

me to read more.

Prove It By Marco Caso Cerado

Yeah, books are boring.

No, man, you are boring.

Books are about the only

thing now a days that is un-

censored. At the risk of

sounding corny, use your


What do you do when

you want to know about

something? I usually ask

someone or turn on the TV.

Either way, whomever you

ask probably read it some-

where and TV is scripted.

That means someone wrote

something and then read it.

YOLO, your doing it

now. Read things your in-

terested in. Magazines,

newspapers, comics,

mengas. Turn on the subti-

tles on your TV.

You know, baby steps.

When Fabio looks at him funny,

Diego punches him in the face and

ends up on probation. At first he

wants nothing to do with his proba-

tion officer. Diego starts to open up,

he realizes that Mr. Vidas is the first

person who ever really wanted to lis-

ten to him. Diego begins to make

progress controlling his anger. He

even opens up enough to tell Vidas

about the shark tooth that his stepfa-

ther gave him and he also used to cut

himself. But only if Diego could find

the courage to trust Vidas with the

darkest secrets from his past will he

be able to heal completely.

In this bold story of a boy trying to

grow beyond a painful pas, award

winning author Alex Sanchez takes

from his personal experience as a pro-

bation officer to reveal the complexi-

ties of one of his most genuinely real-

ized characters to date.

“When I’m watching TV

& my mom tells me to

read more, I turn on

the subtitles.”

~ Teenager Post #192

“I love to read. I always carry around

a book with me, even during lunch.”

Photo by Naomi Lomeli & America Mora

February is National Black History Month. Go by the school library and pick up a book to enrich you mind. The Disney Chanel is also doing a series of shows that are dedicated to it. Turn on the English Subtitles and check it out.

trevino.ljisd.com 7th Grade Issues Page 3

PDA by Las Nenas (Public Display of Affection)

Love & Friendship Valentine’s Day

by Cupid

On February 7, 2013, Thursday, I

was on my way to the bus and I saw

an 8th grader making out with a 6th

grader, which I think is totally aw-

ful. The guy was kissing the girl like

if he wanted to eat her up. He is like

four years older than her.

Look 6th graders, you should have

a little bit of self-respect. You

should have some respect for the

school too. 8th graders, go out with

someone of your age, because the 6th

graders are too small and young for

you. Little 6th graders don’t know

what’s going on, they just came

from 5th grade. They’re barely expe-

riencing the true feeling of junior

high and should not be exposed to

such things right now.

Hands off the little ones!

Valentine's Day Dance Excitement! by Jazmn Cortez, Alejandra Lara, Christian, Aguilar

“Well, I think it’s going to be fun”

~ Katherine Schlieper

“It is going to be bad donkey!” Ariana and Vicky said excitedly. “I think it’s going to be the same as the other ones, where some are just sitting down watching,” Kimberly Munoz re-plied to our inquiry of what to ex-pect at the upcoming dance. “Well, I think it’s good for the students to be able to come together and have a good time together because we’ve been working very hard with bench-marks and the STAAR test right around the corner. So, it’s a good de-stressor and after it we can come back and get ready to really tackle the test.” ~ Mrs. Richardson, 7th grade Asst. Administrator

NO PDA “Pos claro. I’m going

to the dance. Clarines,

voy a bailar!” ~ Jerry

“La Ardilla”, 6th grade

“Are there going to be kings and queens?”

Briana Escobedo asked. “It`s going to be fun,” Leo Rivera said. “I am going for the

food,” Manny Eli-

With Valentine’s Day around

the corner suddenly everyone is

getting all mushy. Do you have a

special Valentine for the DTMS

Valentine’s Day Dance?

If you are solo in the loving

partner department, don’t worry

about it too much. It’s called the

day of love and friendship, Amor y

Amistad, for a reason.

It’s also a day for people with

no body that loves them to have

someone to give and receive choc-

olates from. Osea, friends.

So, that said. I’ll leave a

box marked CUPID at the

dance this Friday next to the

DJ booth where you may

leave this loveless “friend”

some chocolates or notes with

tips on how I can get a girl-

friend by next Valentine’s

Day. You think a year will be

enough time?

“There should be a contest of the

cutest couple,” Britney Acebedo proposed.

Photo by Naomi Lomeli & America Mora

trevino.ljisd.com Events Page 4

Photos by Leonel Peña

Chalupa BINGO! by Andrea Sabas

At DTMS so many people

enjoy a good game of Bingo

with good prizes no one can

complain. The prizes ranged

from blankets to an electric

oven. Excitement inhabited

little children and even their

grandparents at Tuesdays Cha-

lupa Bingo benefiting the 8th

grade student fund.

With 26 prizes chaos and

excitement filled the DTMS

cafeteria. At only two dollars

and fifty cents a card many

people had more than one to

play. Nachos, hot Cheetos,

tacos, soda, and candies were

sold at the concession stand. It

was a great time, laughing and

having a good time by all.

The DTMS Dance Team

gave a really good show with

only three girls and two boys

dancing on stage. The DTMS

Band played as best ever giv-

ing us a great time. The Dia-

mond Stars danced with all

their hearts to rap and amazed

the audience. All this thanks

to our teachers and student

council, they have created a

great Bingo Night.

trevino.ljisd.com TMZ DTMS Page 6

Do You Know What Really Grinds My Gears? by Tom Tucker

One Direction Scandal

By Cristal Clear

The latest rumor is that the guys in

the band One Direction are gay. I don’t

know about you , but their sexual orienta-

tion is nott going to change the way their

music sounds. Also, I am not going to

magically begin to like girls after listening

to “What Makes You Beautiful” . If it

does happen, lets focus on how in love we

are with their cool music and less on who

their dating.

Something that is really

going on in this school is

backstabbers! You help them

just to get slapped in the

face. I really want to get

involved and help with the

extracurricular activities, but

the people who are running it

make it really hard for me to

get inspired to help.

~ Back to you Dianne.

Happy Birthday

Harry Styles! ~ By Priscilla Valencia

On February 1, 2013 was a

super special day in One Direc-

tion history, 'cause we're cele-

brating the birthday of Harry

Styles! The young lad just

turned 19! You want to know

some reasons to love this

chap ? Check it out!

1. His Style! With his signature curls and style, you could recognize this guy in no time! No matter what looks he has, he’ll be rocking his blazer all the time! 2. His personality! Everyone thinks Harry would be the flirt and romantic guy in the group. Not only that, but he would give anything for his girl! Wouldn’t you love a guy like that!! 3. His Voice! Last but not least, his rich, deep voice. His voice could send chills down your spine by just saying the simplest of words. Plus, he can sing! That sexy voice that can sing in har-mony will have you fall over him in no time!

What Really Grinds My Gears... By Susan Simmons

Those sixth graders that

interrupt the eighth grade

classes. They can’t just do

whatever they want!

~ Back to you Tom.

Do You Know What

Really Grinds My

Thank, Tom.

Prince Charming breaks up with Rapunzel by Roxy Girl

Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013 at 1:35

pm, prince charming went up to

his friend and informed him he

had broken up with his girlfriend.

What he didn’t know is that she

was right behind him and heard

everything. Rapunzel was devas-


“I just don’t understand why

he didn’t have the courage to tell

me personally that it was over,”

sobbed Rapunzel.

Boys, please, if you do not

want to be with your girlfriends

anymore do the right thing. Be

polite and say that you are sorry

but it is over. We will understand.

Top Phones By Magdalena Ybarra

The iphone4 is one of the top

phones in the market. If your

able, you can have all the apps

you want you are able to access

Facebook and has fast internet

not like other phones that are

slow. Buy the iphone4 now it’s

available at Verizon, Sprint,

AT&T and T-Moble. Verizon is

the company I recommended.

“Yawning is your body’s way of saying 20% of battery remaining.”

~ Teenager Post #1,045

Fashion Bows By Isela Luna

Girls now a days are wearing

big bows on their hair. They

think it looks nice and they do.

It is the latest fashion trend.

Girls think that big bows are in,

and I say yes ladies. Rock it.

Photo by Edgar Hernandez Model Ana Salazar

~ Barack Obama

trevino.ljisd.com SPORTS Page 5

GOOOOAAAL! DTMS Beats De Zavala by Randy Villarreal & Jesus Garcia

Thursday’s soccer game

against De Zavala Middle

School here at Domingo Tre-

viño soccer field was a very

successful game for our team.

We won 3-0 with amazing

hard hitting goals made by

Homer Martinez, Jorge Mar-

tinez and Elias Adame. Our

power house goalie, Andrew

Rodriguez, stopped so many

balls from entering the goal.

Nothing could get passed


It proved to be an exciting

game and we hope to see you

at our next game against

Memorial Middle School!

Soccer is Dangerous: Did you know that soccer is considered one of the most dangerous

sports in the world? Think about it. They hardly use any gear. Accord-

ing to an article published in the US Soccer Players web page, Soccer’s

Concussion Problem by Stefan Bondy in May of 2010, soccer is often

overlooked as a concussion hazard.

Take care of those noggins players!

Photos by Emilly Torres

Last weeks game against Dr. Saenz was the best game we had before the B team it was a piece of cake. I don’t mean to brag but the Lady Huskies had this game in the bag, Dr. Saenz has had to be the easiest team we have ever faced before, sure they have some skills but we are the real thing with bet-ter players, the ones who made the shots was Dalila Romero who made about 10-15 shots and Laura Salinas who made two shots. They all worked as a team and together the defeated Dr. Saenz. We wiped the floor with them, leaving them a score of 26-6.

Lady Husky Basketball We Dominated! by Xiclali Cordova

“We have made many mis-takes, but next time we know

what to fix. Good job ladies.” ~ Coach Canchola

Photo by Neyda Villarreal

trevino.ljisd.com Movie & Music + More Reviews Page 7

Florence + The Machine By Brittany Ramirez, 8th grade

Rolando’s Movie Picks Mama, PG13

by Rolando Awesome. A scary movie I can actually see with out my mother checking if I need a change of pants every few seconds embar-rassing me in front of my buds. I felt all grown up with my friends at the theater ready to see just how scary this movie was. Let me just say that I was having second thoughts on making my mom go see Les Miserables two minutes into the movie. I went to see Mama, horror thriller, this weekend and it was awesome. Now all I do is whisper “Mama” every chance I get.. I still get chills. I highly recommend you go see this movie. It’s about

The Angry Birds game is awe-

some because it`s about cool birds

that are angry because pigs stole

their eggs for the king pig that

wants to eat their eggs. They get so

angry that they went to get their

eggs back.

They defeat the pigs in many

places with their special abilities.

One of their abilities is they use a

slingshot to launch themselves to

the pigs to defeat them. They have

different abilities in different

games. You can like many differ-

ent birds. Angry Birds seasons,

Rio, Space, and Star Wars. That’s

why Angry Birds are awesome.

“I’m going to the movies this

weekend!” ~ Juan C. Escobedo

“I’m going to an Eminem concert

to hear his new songs.”

~ Juan Villarreal

Known for the Lead Singer’s,

Florence Welch, Powerful

Voice Florence + The Machine

are phenomenal. Most of you

know them, and if you don’t,

Florence + The Machine are

artists that have a Indie Rock

Sound to their music genre.

They are well known in North

America, but are from the UK.

Their biggest hits are “Dog

Days are Over” & “Shake it

Out”. If I were you, I would

put this band on your favorites.

I love the beat to every one of

their song. Always have this

artist on replay on my MP3. If

you have not heard of them,

check them out on YouTube!

You will not be disappointed. If

you are already a fan of Adele,

you would love this artist, the

lead reminisces Adele’s same

style. Go buy their newest al-

bum “Florence +the Machine:

MTV Unplugged”. I give this

Artist a 4.5 notes.

That is how amazing they are!

By Jose Guerrero

Photo by Naomi Lomeli & America Mora

1hr 40min Rated: PG-13 Genre: Horror In Theaters Now

Directed by: Seth Gordon Starring: Jason Bateman &

Mellissa McCarthy

Rated R; Parent Needed

This weekend I went to go see one of the first new come-dies of the year, “Identity Thief” directed by Seth Gor-don. The film is about a fami-ly man, Sandy Bigelow Pat-terson (Jason Bateman), who makes an honest living in Denver, Colorado. He was always hoping that a big change would happen in his career to support his loving family. Just as he had been hoping, things are looking up. Until, his identity had been stolen by a ridiculous and bi-zarre woman. While this man has been struggling to get by, the woman who stole his identity, Diana (Mellissa McCarthy), has been having the time of her life, with his credit cards. When Diana starts putting his new job- that he has worked extremely hard for- on in jeopardy, it be-comes personal. Sandy Patter-son sets out to Florida to bring this wild thief to justice, so she can admit to her wrong doings and restore his life. After he meets her, he discov-ers that things are more com-plex than he thought. This film is a real enjoy-ment to watch. It is filled with laughter, thrilling excitement, and heartwarming moments. I would recommend this movie to any movie lover, because it really has it all. Mellissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman are extremely humorous and witty in this film, alongside an amazing cast. I give “Identity Thief” 5. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to take your parents because the film does have some strong language for our age and maturity level, plus they won’t let you in without them.

By Gabriela Peralez

trevino.ljisd.com Around Campus! Around Town! Page 8

Circo Hermanos Vazquez

by Humberto Martimez

Last year, I went to Ciro Her-

manos Vazquez. It was cool. I

recommend for you to go this

year. Today, the Circus is here in

Donna, TX. I know it might be a

long trip, but if you take some-

thing to entertain you on the way

it will be ok. It’s something to

keep you busy. It’s worth the

long wait. It’s cool, but the only

thing that is bad is the price of the

entrance. It is $35 for adults and

$15 for the kids.

Carnival! by Saul Guerrero

Explore The World

It is important for us to try new

things. We will try to let you know

what is going on around the RGV

that will interest the active YOLO

students. Lets go out and have fun!

“What’s there to do in the Valley anyway?”

Photo by Jazmin Cortez & her shadow Alejandra Lara

Last week, I went to the

carnival in McAllen. I went

with some guys and girls. I

told everybody that I would

pay for them. So, everybody

came to my house and then we

all went to the carnival togeth-

er. It was super cool. I spent

most of my time trying to

meet girls, but you should go

check out the rides. They

looked cool too.

Lookalike By Ulises Garcia Many people say I look

like my mother, all I need

is a wig. Do you think so?

I cannot really express

my feelings toward my

mother because I am a

guy. However, I do enjoy

the best of times with my

family. Where do you go

with your family on the

weekends to have fun?

“Call me. We’ll hang out. ~ Jerry Guerra

Juan Escobedo & Saul Guerrero

~ Mark Twain