Drupal User Guide

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Drupal User Guide

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    The DrThe DrG Book:G Book:

    An Intro to DrupalAn Intro to Drupal(DrG: Drupal Users Group - users, not


    This is an introduction to Drupal for site maintainersand beginning users; for people without any coder/programmer/ developer background.

    Originally developed by Greg Beuthin, withsubsequent edits from: [?]

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Version History / CC LicenseVersion History

    2007.02.11 - Original draft by

    Greg Beuthin


    Creative Commons License

    The text and images are licensed

    under the Creative Commons

    Attribution-Share Alike 2.5License

    Attribution: Any derivative work

    must contain Originally developed

    by Greg Beuthin

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Menu path conventions The location/ path of many configuration settings are

    described in

    Nested menus are shown with a vertical line

    The following items - after a colon (:) show whats on a

    page of the selected menu A specific tabbed item is shown with [square brackets]

    Items within a closed page view use a : @

    Items within a normal page view use a :

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Menu example Simple menu path:

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Menu example: expandable Menu path w/

    expandable item:

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Menu example: tab Menu path with tab


  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Register Register yourself on

    the Drupal site

    Check email for logininfo


  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Your profileFirst things first

    Look for Edit tab

    Change your password

    to something youll


  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    SafeguardingWe recommend you add a new admin user that is

    not the the root admin user (I.e. not user #1)

    Add new user

    Give new user pwd youll remember

    Log out and log in as this new user

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Quick look around Navigation menu

    Main column - the content area


    Top: Site name, slogan, and mission

    Bottom: Footer

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Quick look around II

    Navigation Menu

    Primary Links - by theme

    Primary linksIn sidebar

    Main content windowFooter

    Site Name


  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Basic site settings Site name, slogan and mission

    Site email (for admin purposes)

    Site logo

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    More site settingsGeneral settings

    Test and set clean


    Custom homepage (ifyou want custom

    splash page)

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Looking at Themes Themes list -

    Configure global settingsvs theme-specific

    Display options - enableor disable themes forindividual users to select

    Display post information -displays author,timestamp, etc

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Briefly: Users, Roles and

    PermissionsAccess control

    Permissions are set here


    Permissions are grouped byroles

    User profiles

    - and selectEdit for user

    Admins can assign a user one ormore roles

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Recommended modules




    TinyMCE* (others?)

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Process for installing modules Download / copy modules from

    http://drupal.org/project/Modules to your

    Drupal /modules directory

    Turn on modules

    Give permissions to appropriate roles

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Creating contentSelect content type



    Book page

    Blog Other common types: event; podcast;


  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Typical content options Comment settings

    URL Path settings

    File attachments

    Authoring information

    Publishing options


    Body (with

    WYSIWYG* editor)

    Input formats / filters

    Log message

    Menu settings

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Content: WYSIWYG Editor Typically, TinyMCE

    Disable rich text to turn

    off Can insert images and


    Site wide editor settings

    - select a user

    role to edit

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Content: Input formatsFilters out unwanted


    Typical options: Filtered HTML

    PHP Code

    Full HTML


  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Content: Comment and Menu

    SettingsMenu Settings

    Can only add this page as

    a new menu item into anexisting menu; cant

    create a new menu

    Comment Settings

    Use node-specific

    comment settings tooverride site-wide

    Read only useful to

    keep old comments

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Content: URL Path Settings Used to create natural language URL paths




    Full settings:

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr

    G Book:An Intro to Drupal

    Content: File Attachments Files must be attached while still on page.

    Page will refresh, showing:



    Path URL

    Uncheck list if inserting image File upload limits are set here:

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    Content: Authoring Information Authors name

    Date / timestamp

    Editable if you are a admin

    Authoring / timestamp display on/off here:

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    Content: Publishing options Published - Visible (according to access control


    In moderation queue - Awaiting moderation (ifmoderation is activated)

    Promoted to front page - Added to river of news

    blog list

    Sticky at top of lists

    Create new revision

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    More on content Full content list is available here:

    Can filter content by status, type, category

    Can apply limited actions to groups of posts

    (e.g. delete, etc)

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    Customizing block (sidebars) Blocks -

    Visual display of page areas

    Enabled turns block on or off

    Weight and placement determines location

    More options in configure

    Creating custom blocks

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    Customizing menus Menus -

    Default: Navigation, andPrimary links

    Ordering menus / items -Edit and select orderwithin hierarchical list

    Displaying menus Every menu gets own block(see customizing blocks)

    Expanded / collapsed

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    Customizing menus II Menu configuration

    Add new menu

    (container) Add new menu items

    (single links)

    Any new menu adds

    subsequent block

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    File upload settings Turn on "upload" module

    Give roles access control

    Configure settings

    Max. file upload size - for gen users, and admins

  • 8/8/2019 Drupal User Guide


    2007.02.11 The Dr G Book:

    An Intro to Drupal

    Suggested additions to guide How to enable/ disable public registration