Drunk driving

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Drunk driving

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving seriously isn't okay and it is something we all know, but it is definitely

still a major cause of all wrecks on the road.

If you are intoxicated, anything can happen and you may not be fast enough to handle it.

You can kill yourself, any of your passengers, and any one in another vehicle you may have

collided with.

It is best to remain where you are or to call a ride if you're drunk.

Drunk driving and Having Possessing Drugs

If you are pulled over and you have any drugs in the vehicle that may be a separate ticket than the one you can get for Drunk

driving and it can even get you time in jail.

If you are found with a high amount of drugs inside your vehicle, then it could turn into a

federal government case and you could spend most of your life behind bars.

Driving while Intoxicated and the Police

In the majority of states there is a hefty fine for driving while impaired.

Prior to now, cops used to determine your blood alcohol levels by making you try to

walk in a straight line.

Now they have gotten more advanced in determining your alcohol levels.

Now they are able to chemically analyze the alcohol in your blood.

Breathalyzers are the most typically used chemical testing methods used for testing

the alcohol levels.

Penalties for drunk driving have increased and are continually reviewed.

Drunk Driving affects your driving skills.

Don’t drive drunk, but if you do drive drunk and you are pulled over by a cop you would

want to be careful about what you say to the officer.

Regardless of how pleasant the police officer appears to be, something you say to them

may be used against you.

Know your rights.

Is it possible to Get Arrested

Before making an arrest there are a couple of big things that a cop thinks about.

They should make sure they know who was behind the wheel of the car they pull over.

Probable cause is if the cop sees you driving or can infer that you were driving.

Then the cop will check to see if your blood alcohol levels are higher than 0.08 percent.

If the officer determines that you were driving and that your blood levels are too

high, then they have the power to arrest you.