Drum, Music and Art Presentation Slide

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Drum, Music and Art Presentation Slide




Research Topic Drum, Music and Art

Background Ways of releasing stress. Drum therapy is an ancient approach that uses rhythm to promote healing and

self-expression. From the shamans of Mongolia to the Minianka healers of West Africa, therapeutic rhythm techniques have been used for thousands of years to create and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Current research is now verifying the therapeutic effects of ancient rhythm techniques.

Accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma, and reintegration of self. 


Problem Identification There are so many therapies available nowadays in release stress. This is an

experimental installation by combining several different therapies to test whether it will boost the effect or counter.

Aim and Objective Experiment the effect of stress release by combing several therapies. Aim to help people find an easy way in release stress.

Motivation Help people find the way to release stress efficiently in this busy world. Help people to maintain mental health besides than physical. Motivated by therapies nowadays

Ideation and Concept Combine drum, music and color and set like a stage. Freely express their feeling and release stress.

Survey A survey has been done online to see

how people manage their stress and

their knowledge on therapies available

available nowadays.

Research & Analysis

Result Most of the participants are student, the rest are workers. Almost all of them feel stress in study/working environment,

and half of them even used to feel like want to burnout. Most of them look forward to have a small space in their

school/ company to relax their mind. About 40% of them not aware of consequences of being

overstress. They prefer listen to music while they feeling stress, and

following by having some massage or go for spa. Most of them don’t know what is cognitive therapy and art

therapy. They enjoy listen to R&B, Jazz and Rock genre music.

• Drumming places one in the present moment: Drumming helps alleviate stress that is created from hanging on to the past or worrying about the future. When one plays a drum, one is placed squarely in the here and now. One of the paradoxes of rhythm is that it has both the capacity to move your awareness out of your body into realms beyond time and space, and to ground you firmly in the present moment.• Many benefits e.g.: Produce deeper self–awareness.• Why Drum, Music and Art? • Inform about this therapy• Can be linked together/ Interconnected• Experimental

• Art Therapy: Art therapy is a form of therapeutic practice which uses art in order to express their emotions and problems. User can express their feeling and creativity in this therapy.

•This therapy can make users relieve their stress very quickly in a direct way. There are many tools that user can use for example paint, water color, pencil, pen, and many more.

•Users express the mood on a board or cardboard and randomly create a unique painting by splashing, drawing, coloring, graffiti and others.

Idea Development

1st Sketch 2nd Sketch


The final project will be look something like this:

Arduino drum kit will be used in my installation. 3 drum alike device will be create and Arduino drum kit will be used to connect the device and computer.

Arduino Drum Kit

Arduino Drum Kit Tuning

Drum kit tuning is a code or program that will set the output sound when the device is hit or detected. The output effect is depends on the input we set.

The areas that can be tuned in drum kit is play time, velocity, midi channeland many more.

Contextual Studies

Flow Chart

Floor Plan

Conceptual DiagramFront View

Side View

Functional Spec Sheet


Video Teaser

The End