Driving Safety for SPE Workshop - SPEGCS Society of Petroleum ...

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Transcript of Driving Safety for SPE Workshop - SPEGCS Society of Petroleum ...

BP America- Driving Safety Mike W. Thompson, CSP





market positions

Where BP Operates

Objectives for Today’s Session

• Background/Context

• Brief Overview of BP Group Functional Standard for Personal Safety-Driving

• Discuss BP E&P Segment Immersions Process

• BP Onshore US BU Activities and Tools

• Sustaining the Progress

• Q & A

Driving Fatality Statistics

• Driving and vehicle related fatalities are the number one cause of fatalities in BP Group (82% in 2003).

• In E&P, 31 fatalities (9 within the OUSBU) over the past two years, including 3 children.

• In 2004, we have had 2 contractors and 2 members of the public die in driving and vehicle-related incidents – 3 in the US, 1 in Algeria.

Driving Safety- Why the Urgency?

• We drive 56,863,834 miles per year (116 round trips to the moon!)

• 73 Vehicle Incidents in 2003

• 3 of 22 HIPOS in 2003 were vehicle related

• 5 of 63 SORs in 2003 were vehicle related

• Our driving performance places us in the bottom one-third of E&P business units.

Severe Vehicle Incidents – 2004 thru YTD May 2005

30 Severe Vehicle Incidents 04’-05’ (20/30 in Operations; 28/30 Contractors)Operations / Wells

• 67% of severe vehicle incidents occurred in Operations

• 13% of 2004 HiPo’s are driving related (4 Incidents)

• One 3rd Party Vehicle Fatality in OUSBU / Two in Shelf

Assets• Two TUs (Arkoma and Canada) had 39% of the

severe vehicle incidents.

• Hugoton had 3 HIPOs involving vehicle incidents

• Two assets did not have any severe vehicle incidents: Permian and South Louisiana

Companies Involved• 21 companies (incl. BP) reported severe vehicle


• 76% of companies reported single incidents

• Companies reporting ≥2 incidents

• A & A Tank and Truck Co. (Arkoma)

• Bob Dale (FTE) (Canada)

• Flare Construction (Overthrust/Moxa)

• Hodges Trucking Company (Arkoma)

• Triple S Trucking (San Juan North and South)

Interventions• Developing contract language for high risk

& 100% use contractors

• 3rd Party Fatality Reviews - SET

• Implemented Driving Standard

• Targeted Transportation Sector Commitment Sessions

• U.S. Logistics - CVP




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Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May







Total SVAR Total Veh Veh TVAR Veh SVAR

2004 TVAR = 1.212005 TVAR = 0.98

Objectives for Today’s Session

• Background/Context

• Brief Overview of BP Group Functional Standard for Personal Safety-Driving

• Discuss BP E&P Segment Immersions Process

• BP Onshore US BU Activities and Tools

• Sustaining the Progress

• Q & A

The Golden Rule for Driving Safety

• All categories of vehicle, including self-propelled mobile plant, must not be operated unless:

vehicle is fit for purpose, inspected and confirmed to be in safe working order passenger number does not exceed manufacturer’s design specification for the

vehicle loads are secure and do not exceed manufacturer’s design specifications or legal

limits for the vehicle seat belts are installed and worn by all occupants safety helmets are worn by riders and passengers of motorcycles, bicycles, quads,

snow-mobiles and similar types of vehicle

Drivers must not be authorised to operate the vehicle unless: they are trained, certified and medically fit to operate the class of vehicle they are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and are not suffering from

fatigue they do not use hand-held cell phones and radios while driving (best practice is to

switch off all phones and two-way radios when driving)

OUSBU HSE Training23 January 2004

The Group Functional Standard – DrivingObjectives

The Driving Standard has

been designed to reduce the

number and frequency of

driving related accidents and

fatalities and improve safety

performance by reducing

both the risk to which BP

employees are exposed and

the potential for harm to

members of the public.

It will also protect

shareholder value by

reducing the consequential

cost of driving related


The new Standard will:

Be the first of the BP Group Functional HSSE Standards

Help save lives, by improving in areas that have contributed to driving related fatalities in BP in the past

Focus on improving:

Skill and competency of the driver

Safety of the journey

Safety of vehicle

The BP Driving Standard- A Standard with 10 Elements

BP Driving Standard

Vehicle Requirements

1. The vehicle is fit for purpose, well maintained with seatbelts

2. The number of passengers not exceed spec for the vehicle3. Loads are secure

Driver Requirements4. They are licensed, trained, and medically fit 5. They are appropriately rested and alert6. They do not use a mobile phone while operating the

vehicle7. In high risk countries journey management plans in place

8. Seatbelts worn by all occupants9. Not under the influence of alcohol or drugs10. Safety helmets worn by rider and passengers of

motorcycles etc

Implementation Planning - Overall Timeline

Stage 1Preparation and approval

Stage 2Base line and gap analysis

Stage 3Implementation and monitoring

Standard first


Summit Meeting

J uly 2003May 2003 Sept 2003 Jan 2004

FCG Endorsement



Standard into force for all BP employees and


30st April 2004 31st Dec 2007

All contractors in compliance

•Agree scope•Define standards •Create business case•Define measures•Review by Legal and HR•Obtain GCEM approval

Segment Accountabilities

1st J an 2005

Baseline and gap analysis completed. Implementation plans submitted

•Use tool to identify capabilities and resources

•Baseline level of compliance and conduct gap analysis

•Prioritise gaps and estimate costs•Submit plan of implementation

•Edit and publish final Standard •Communicate to Group Leadership•Develop baseline and gap analysis tool, including plan and costs

•Develop monitoring and online training tool

•Develop mechanism for ‘exceptions’•Contract template (legal)•Regional Implementation Workshops•Review implementation plans

•Develop good practice toolbox•Identify vehicle and training suppliers•Develop communications packs•Develop DCT support tools•Facilitate lessons learned forum•Create leadership workshops and toolbox

•Monitor implementation quarterly

•Implement standard•Run driver engagement workshops•Report implementation progress•Reflect intent of Standard in transport contracts

•Share good practices•Leadership engagement and support (ride-alongs etc)

•Self-verification and monitoring

•Assist development of Standard via RSLT

•Network impact widely•Support implementation pilot•Communicate pending approval of Driving Standard

Function Accountabilities

Engaging our Contractors

‘Business Segments, Functions and Regions shall

recommend the adoption of the Standard in

respect of BP business by all non-BP

Companies whose employees are members of

the workforce. Recommending the Standard in

respect of BP business to non-BP Companies

whose employees are members of the

workforce is mandatory. The decision whether

to make this Standard a condition of a new or

existing contract of a BP Company will be made

in consultation with the appropriate BP

Functions, including BP Legal.

If the Standard is accepted by a non-BP

Company, it should be incorporated into a

written agreement which states that

responsibility for implementing, monitoring and

auditing adherence to the Standard will rest with

the non-BP Company, not with the BP

Company, and that the non-BP Company shall

indemnify the relevant BP Company against the

consequences of non-compliance.

Page 3 Driving Standard

Objectives for Today’s Session

• Background/Context

• Brief Overview of BP Group Functional Standard for Personal Safety-Driving

• Discuss BP E&P Segment Immersions Process

• BP Onshore US BU Activities and Tools

• Sustaining the Progress

• Q & A

E&P Driving Safety ImmersionIntent and Objectives

Tony Hayward, GVP expectations of leadership – Make the program work– Make the program relevant to the local circumstance– Ensure everyone is included – Build personal competency and capability

Driving Safety Immersion Intent : Improve the competency and capability of workforce to operate vehicles safely

Learning Phase – April - July 2004• Create awareness and knowledge of driving risks and vehicle incident

causes • Share learnings from incidents

Practice Phase – August - November 2004• Improve knowledge of safe driving by application of Onshore US BU

Driving Practice • Verify safe driving expectations are clear with workforce (bp and

contractor) and resources available

Testing Phase – December 2004- February 2005

• Provide assurance of competency in safe driving practices and Group Driving Standard through testing and audit

Driving Safety Immersion

Driving Safety


Tier 1 & 2 Leadership Field Operations/ Wells Leadership

Driving Safety Team

Phase 1



•Attend Leadership Team Roll Out Introduce CD or Video

•Cascade to Teams All Employees

•Roll out session of Field (PUL, AM, Wells Supv,OCM)

•BU LT to review feedback on Rollout

•Organize Roll Out Session for Field . (Use CDs or videos and local examples PUL, AM, OCM, HSE)

•Ensure Expectations around driving are clear through use of Golden Rule

•Ensure that learning message makes it’s way to all workforce

•Conduct Roll Out Sessions for key contractors

•Feedback VDR roll out plans to Driving Safety Team

•Roll out to Leadership Team

•Ongoing activities to include Immersion, VDRs, and Group Standard

•Establish workforce training plans for approved driving courses (HSE +/- Driving Safety Team)

•Monitor completion of rollout plans (who, target date, completed date)

•Analyze employee feedback

What’s Expected

Objectives for Today’s Session

• Background/Context

• Brief Overview of BP Group Functional Standard for Personal Safety-Driving

• Discuss BP E&P Segment Immersions Process

• BP Onshore US BU Activities and Tools

• Sustaining the Progress

• Q & A

Driving Safety Team

Members:• BU Champion: Bryant Chapman Team Lead: Bruce


• Representatives:OC’s: Dave Rothbauer, Gary Munson, Dave McKenna, Kurtis PedenHSE: Duane Kortsha, Jerry Piper, Cheryl MetzlerTraining & Development: Mike Thompson

Drilling/Wells: David SimsSupply Chain Management: Fred FitzhughLegal: Ken George

• Intent

– To assess each element of the Driving Standard and provides a comprehensive process for conducting a baseline gap analysis and tracking the progress of implementation going forward

• Scope

– The Tool captures the detailed gaps, actions and resources which will inform the Implementation Plans - it is not, in itself, an Implementation Plan

• Format

– Four Excel spreadsheets

– One PowerPoint user training pack

Gap Analysis Tool

• The summary spreadsheets present the data in a user-friendly dashboard

Gap Analysis Tool - Summary Dashboard

9. Alcohol/Drugs

8. Seatbelts

7.Journey Mgm’t

10. Helmets

6. Mobile Telephones

5. Fatigue/Tiredness


4. Driver Training

3. Loads Secure

2. No. of Passengers

1. Vehicle fit for purpose


DecNov OctSept.AugJulyJuneMayAprilBP Implementation Gap Analysis-Action Plan

9. Alcohol/Drugs

8. Seatbelts

7.Journey Mgm’t

10. Helmets

6. Mobile Telephones

5. Fatigue/Tiredness


4. Driver Training

3. Loads Secure

2. No. of Passengers

1. Vehicle fit for purpose


DecNov OctSept.AugJulyJuneMayAprilBP Implementation Gap Analysis-Action Plan

COMPLETE; Assure thru administrative follow-up

COMPLETE; Assure thru administrative follow-up

COMPLETE; Assure thru administrative follow-up

COMPLETE; Assure thru administrative follow-up

N/A- OUSBU not operating in a “High-Risk” Classified Country; OUSBU Driving Safety “Practice” encourages Journey Management.

COMPLETE; Assure thru administrative follow-up

Assure loads, equipment and vehicle components are addressed

Develop trng. mat’ls

ID Instructors Conduct trng. for Prof. Drivers

ID BP Driversand document Conduct and continue medical assessments

Conduct trng. for Prof. Drivers

Retrofit/replace vehicles for ABS&Airbags

Assure manuf. specified vehicle maint schedules met and documented

6 April 2004

(Ongoing 3 yr. Freq.)Continue trng. for non-Prof. Drivers

Driving Safety Practice Aligned with Group Standard

Onshore US Driving Safety Practice- Attachments

Centralized Website for Driving Safety Information

What Is A VDR?

• A mechanical/electronic system which records and transmits to a portal key driving performance information

• A black box of sorts for vehicles to record (with set thresholds):

Location (via GPS) Speed/RPMs Harsh or rapid bumps, turns, acceleration and brakes Impact/crash data Seatbelt use Trip duration/mileage

• Option One - Basic Defensive Driving Training - Professional Drivers

Three Options for Training

• Option 2 - Basic Defensive Driving Training - Non-Professional Drivers

• Option 3 - Advanced Defensive Driving Training

Fatigue Training for Drivers

Fatigue is the body’s response to continued Physical or Mental Activity or Sleep Loss

Fatigue results from:

• Working for extended periods of time

• Not getting enough sleep

• Prolonged physical activity

• Irregular work schedules

• Poor physical and environmental conditions

““Driving Safety Day” Survey ResultsDriving Safety Day” Survey Results

Driving Safety ImmersionConducting an ASA

• Management can demonstrate their commitment to this Immersion and to promoting Driving Safety through the ASA process.

• An example of a Driving Safety ASA courtesy of San Juan North OC is available.

(click on icon for sample ASA)Microsoft Word


Objectives for Today’s Session

• Background/Context

• Brief Overview of BP Group Functional Standard for Personal Safety-Driving

• Discuss BP E&P Segment Immersions Process

• BP Onshore US BU Activities and Tools

• Sustaining the Progress

• Q & A

2005 Sustaining New Driving Safety Standard

Purpose and Objectives

Recognise and reward driving safety skills and behaviours

Motivate BP workforce drivers to achieve the highest levels of driving safety performance

Build awareness and understanding of safe driving techniques and behaviours

Regional and Final Events

Western Hem HV12-13 Nov 2004

Western Hem LV16–17 June 2005

Europe2-5 June 2005

Africa, Middle East, Russia and Caspian

1-3 Sep 2005

IDC FinalCape Town

4-6 Nov 2005

Asia Pacific7-9 July 2005

Thank you for being a safe driver

Questions ?????

Arrive safely. Drive Safely.