Dribbling in Circle

Post on 07-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Dribbling in Circle

Dribbling in Circle

Category: Soccer Dribbling Drills

Goal: This soccer drill emphasises dribblig and close control.

under U10, U10-U12, U13-U15, U16+

Difficulty Level 3


Create a cirle the same size as kick-off circle. Place the players on the line of the circle without a ball. Put 4 or more players into the circle with a ball. Place plenty of big cones unsettled into the middle of the area as shown.


Players in the middle dribble through the big cones. Players should dribble the ball between the cones without touching or tumbling the big cones. After they get across dribble towards an outside player and pass the ball to him. Outside player dribbles towards the middle and perform the same progression. Inside player replaces the outside player and asks for a ball.

Set Up

Soccer Dribblin Drill

Coaching Points

Communicate to ask balls Heads up while dribbling Close control between the big cones Quick feet Use both feet and all surface of the feet to control the ball

Set Up

Number of players: 12 - 22

Time: 10 - 15 min


Small Cones: 10 - 16