DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2013 Supported by: USACE Galveston District U. S. Coast Guard Sabine Neches...

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Transcript of DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2013 Supported by: USACE Galveston District U. S. Coast Guard Sabine Neches...

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2013 Supported by: USACE Galveston District U. S. Coast Guard Sabine Neches Navigation District Slide 3 DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2013 Organized By: CRA Hydrographic Surveyors Orion Marine Group Slide 4 DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2013 Dredging Private Terminal Slide 5 Permits Hydrographic & Pre-Dredge Survey Dredge Material Placement Areas Sediment Sampling Dredging Method Selection Cost & Scheduling Dredge Project Management Post Dredge Closeout Slide 6 PERMITS Maintaining a current USACE permit, includes: Current date, owner & information Execute a time extensions - 10 years, if required Amendment to add any potential DMPA Confirm dredge methods Submit any amendments for any new construction Approval process and or public notice Confirm USACE final approval Slide 7 USACE Consent to Easement Obtained thru the real-estate department Required prior to dredging in any USACE DMPA. Documents the disposal fees due to the USACE. Slide 8 PERMITS Nation Wide #35 The NWP #35 can be utilized for certain maintenance project. Dredging can be performed to previous authorized depths. Material must be deposited in upland site with proper siltation controls. Slide 9 PERMITS TCEQ Water Quality Certification Require owners to obtain a Water Quality Certification from the TCEQ TCEQ requirements 300 mg/l (TSS) or less suspended solids. It takes about s 1 to 2 weeks to obtain the certification. Slide 10 PERMITS Navigation Districts & Private DMPA Usually requires site specific criteria: Surveys Sediment sampling Payments Contract terms. Should be documented on the USACE Slide 11 HYDROGRAPHIC & PRE-DREDGE SURVEY Hydrographic Surveys Slide 12 HYDROGRAPHIC & PRE-DREDGE SURVEY Hydrographic Surveys Survey Recommendations annually Calculates siltation rates & dredge cycles Help evaluates annual dredge budgets Documents pre- post storm elevations Provides pilots & customers with depth data Slide 13 HYDROGRAPHIC & PRE-DREDGE SURVEY Pre-Dredge Survey Pre-Dredge Survey within two Weeks Compare Contractors with 3rd Party Verify, Quantities, Tide Gauge, & intervals Verify survey datum and station #s Include over-dredge and side slopes Slide 14 Pre-Dredge Survey Slide 15 Slide 16 DREDGE MATERIAL PLACEMENT AREA DMPA selection Location Permit Cost Availability Slide 17 DREDGE MATERIAL PLACEMENT AREA Submittal & Approval Process Application Fee Submittal of survey Dredge quantities Sediment samples Approval of application & sediment samples Contract Signing & Deposit (if required) Slide 18 SEDIMENT SAMPLING Sediment sampling criteria. Sampling technique. Number of sediment samples required. Understand submittal & approval process. Acceptable, discretionary, & disapproved. Schedule enough time submittal & review process. Slide 19 SEDIMENT SAMPLING Analytical Testing Metals Organics Hydrocarbons Pesticides Sample result are usually acceptable for 6 months to one year period Slide 20 SEDIMENT SAMPLING Field work Lab analysis Final report Submittal process Approval ***It takes approximately two week to obtain a final report*** Slide 21 DREDGING METHOD SELECTION Hydraulic Mechanical Mechanical/hydraulic offloading Hopper dredging Slide 22 Traditional diesel powered dredge Dredges available in different sizes Material is pipelined to spoil area Can move larger volumes of material Requires a larger spoil area HYDRAULIC DREDGING Slide 23 MECHANICAL DREDGING Can be used for relief dredging Several types of mechanical systems Requires multiple handling of material Material can be transported by barge Spoil does not contain much water Slide 24 MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC OFF-LOADING Hydraulic or electric powered Deployed by a crane barge Normally used for short distance pumps Slide 25 COST & SCHEDULING Slide 26 COSTS INCREASES Fuel Costs Steel Costs Disposal Costs Bonds & Insurance Operating & Labor Slide 27 FUEL COSTS Slide 28 STRUCTURAL STEEL COSTS (per ton.) Slide 29 DISPOSAL COSTS (per cu/yd.) Slide 30 DISPOSAL COSTS Availability of suitable DMPAs. Increase in operating cost. Land acquisitions. Slide 31 OTHER COST INCREASES Construction Costs Government regulations Distance to disposal areas Emission restrictions Slide 32 SCHEDULING Permit amendments 1 to 6 months DMPA application 2 to 5 weeks Sediment sampling 2 weeks DMPA contracts 1 to 4 weeks TCEQ Water Quality Certification 1 to 2 weeks Pre-dredge survey 1 week Dredge mobilization & pipeline 2 to 4 weeks ***Coordinate with dredge availability*** Slide 33 SCHEDULING Notification to customers Coordination with vessel traffic Actual dredge time at dock Channel closures Slide 34 DREDGE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Select contractor Notice to mariners Pre-construction meeting Vessel & dredge scheduling Dredge pipeline installation Slide 35 DREDGE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Dredging Manage & test effluent discharge Coordinate vessel traffic Debris & trash Schedule docks Daily time tickets Interim surveys Post dredge survey Slide 36 POST DREDGE CLOSEOUT Review dredge daily logs, and time tickets Review contractors & 3 rd party post dredge survey Evaluate the results Mutually agree on a quantities Submit to DMPA Owner Pay disposal fees Pay contractor Slide 37 PROJECT PLANNING Periodic hydrographic survey Review sedimentation rates Establish dredge cycles Be aware USACE projects Coordinating with neighboring facilities Slide 38 PROJECT PLANNING Cont. Keep permits up to date Have a dredging relief plan DMPA applications & contracts Establish alternate DMPA Consider on-site disposal options Slide 39 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2013