Dreams & Visions 2

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Transcript of Dreams & Visions 2

End-Time Visions And Dreams

God has begun to reveal to me visions and dreams of the end-time. I am puzzeled as to what God expects of me. Who should I tell about these visions and dreams, and why has God chosen me?

Moderator - Share them here and if they are truth, they will pass those with discernment.

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---A.V._Grant on 12/13/05 Helpful Blog Vote (16)

A warning of God's judgements to fall on California

By David Brandt Berg October 21, 1971

--A Dream

I WAS AWAKENED EARLY THIS MORNING BY THIS RATHER SHOCKING DREAM, which, like most dreams of spiritual significance, awoke me from a sound sleep, and was still vividly clear in my mind's eye with that strong impression that it was some kind of message from the Lord. I had had this burden on my heart for several days now, that it might not be long before the judgments of God would begin to fall on Southern California because of the way our enemies have treated us there from our earliest days to our present rejection by King Saul and persecution by parents!

I HAD EVEN SPOKEN SEVERAL TIMES TO MARIA THAT I MUST WARN YOU that I think California's going down before long, particularly Southern California, and that if you remain there, you may have to go down with it--and I was warned of this again last night when reading some of your reports from there, that I must write you immediately and fore-warn you of the price you may have to pay to stay there, especially some of you who have just written us asking if you should remain there.

THEN LAST NIGHT, WHILE LISTENING TO JOSH'S TAPE DESCRIBING THE EARTHQUAKE and how you all prayed and praised the Lord in mighty waves of supplication to the Lord, like the voice of many waters, I was deeply moved by such a mighty manifestation of total faith and utter dedication even unto death, and the Spirit immediately responded with the following in weeping tongues and interpretation: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Blessed are they which die in the Lord, for their works do follow them."

WE'VE HAD SEVERAL INDICATIONS, BOTH IN THE PAST AND THE PRESENT, that there would still be some of us in that area during California's final great catastrophe, great earthquake, and the final judgments of God on that wicked state. In each one the Lord seemed to indicate that some of us would be there to help them find Him in their last hours!

ONE OF THE MOST SPECIFIC OF THESE PROPHECIES WAS ONE GIVEN BY GRANDMOTHER in her little cottage there, in prayer with the first little family of about a dozen of God's children not long before her passing in 1968, and just before the beginning of this tremendous Revolution for the Lord, in which He said:

"FEAR NOT, LITTLE FLOCK, FOR IT IS YOUR FATHER'S GOOD PLEASURE TO GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM. And be thou not discouraged, for although thou art now only gleaning, thou shalt soon reap a mighty harvest, as My judgements begin to fall upon this land!" Surely the harvest has begun as His judgments have began to fall! Some of you can also remember some prophecies which we received in our last days at the Club which seemed to show some of us would still be there at that time!

IN MY DREAM THIS MORNING, IT SEEMED LIKE I WAS IN THOSE MOUNTAINS behind Altadena on the north side of San Gabriel Valley--you know those real high mountains northeast of L.A. above where King Saul lives.--You know where the Angeles Crest Highway is and the Mt. Wilson Observatory!--And I was looking for someone! I don't know how I got there, but it seems like I was with a car-load of people and there was a lot of excitement! We were looking for somebody, and we parked the car behind this very steep precipitous mountain ridge, through which King Saul had had this old man burrowing tunnels--like raw mining tunnels--through the rock--very rough--no supports or anything--not even enough room to stand up straight, through which you had to walk bent over, because they were so low!

AND WE PARKED BY THE ROAD ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE RIDGE, and walked through one of these tunnels onto the south side overlooking the Valley--the whole San Gabriel Valley, Altadena, Pasadena, and Los Angeles! Here on the south side of these mountain peaks where once there had been nothing but very steep sheer mountain slopes down into the valley far below, this old man and whatever others were working with him had built up big gravel fills, and he was busy leveling them off for home sites!

IT SEEMED THAT KING SAUL (David's former employer, Fred Jordon) WAS DEVELOPING THESE MOUNTAINSIDE HOME SITES as big money-making investment, and this old man and his helpers were busy tamping down the earth fill preparatory to building homes on it!

THERE IS A GORGEOUS VIEW--VERY HIGH--BUT REAL SCARY, as though just barely clinging to the side of the mountain, and I remember thinking, "This is certainly not a very safe place to build a house. What if that gravel fill would settle or slide and then your homes would be done for!" So I remember, after hurriedly looking around, remarking to the old man that it didn't look very safe to me!--And he said something like: "Oh, we're trusting the Lord!" And I replied, "Well, you can trust the Lord for this place if you want to, but I'm leaving!"

I REMEMBER THAT HE AND I WE'RE STANDING AT THE MOUTH OF ONE OF THESE TUNNELS his gravel fill and I was looking around to see which tunnel I thought would be safest to crouch and run back through to the other side and the car and the highway, and he and I were looking through this tunnel that he had just built which was only about a hundred yards long to the other side, when all of a sudden we could both see these small rocks and dust and loose dirt etc. begin to fall down from the roof of his tunnel!--And I noticed the old man looked a little worried!--When suddenly the whole mountain began to shake, and I watched these huge pieces of rock strata slide over one another, completely closing up that tunnel!--And there was a deafening roar!

I AND WHOEVER ELSE WAS WITH ME STARTED TO RUN as fast as we could through one of the other tunnels in the direction of the car, when suddenly I don't remember anything more! The next thing I remember is I woke up with my head in this girl's lap--some new girl I didn't even know! It seemed like she was even a stranger to us, but had just taken mercy on me, because I was conscious that apparently I'd been hurt! I had the feeling that she had found me and had my head in her lap trying to help me, because she seemed to be greatly concerned about me and even to love me!

IT SEEMED LIKE THERE WERE OTHERS AROUND, TOO, and a lot going on--a lot of excitement--and she was bending over kissing my forehead and stroking my hair with her hand, as though to comfort me! And suddenly I felt such a love for her and such a gratitude I wanted to speak to her and thank her, and I began to speak, but I could only speak in tongues, it was a time of such great emotional stress!

IT WAS AS THOUGH I WAS BOTH THANKING HER AND PRAYING and praising the Lord all at the same time, and I remember thinking, "O Lord, I'm afraid she won't understand!"--And as I did so, I was conscious that there were some kind of enemies in the area, as though many of the people rushing around were kind of officials and enemies!--But although she looked around a little fearfully and even tearfully, she didn't seem to mind, she seemed to be so glad that I had come back to consciousness!

THE TEARS IN HER EYES SEEMED TO BE TEARS OF JOY, and she just continued to hug me and kiss me and stroke my head, and she sort of looked back and forth, sitting there on the ground with my head in her lap, like someone does when they're worried about something! I just kept on praising the Lord and praying and thanking her in tongues, and she just smiled and seemed to be so thankful I was still alive!

AND THEN THE LAST THING I REMEMBER WAS SHE AND SOME OTHERS WERE HELPING ME get to this little cottage, and it was getting very dark, but we had won her heart and her love even in our affliction, and in this time of seemingly extreme emergency, she even seemed to understand our speaking in tongues and was coming with us heart and soul as a new disciple, even in this hour of terrible calamity, when it seemed like the whole world was going to pieces! Praise the Lord!

THERE WAS ONE FURTHER THING: I remember, after all this had happened, some man asking directions on how to get up there to King Saul's development, and we were telling him there was no use even trying to go up there--it's all gone--there's nothing left!

THEN SUDDENLY I WOKE UP CONSIDERABLY SHAKEN and wondering what it all meant!--And immediately the date October 27 came to me! The President is going to set off a five megaton atom bomb explosion in the Aleutian Islands sometime after October 27! This is the equivalent of five million tons of TNT, one of the largest ever exploded, and to which many leaders and nations have been protesting for fear it might trigger some natural disaster! And I wondered if this could have caused this terrible earthquake in the dream, that seemed to be shaking southern California all to pieces!

AND I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF KING SAUL AND ALL THOSE PARENTS there who have been giving us so much trouble, and it came to me it was the judgments of God on them for the way they had treated us, and that they certainly deserved it!--And yet some of us were still there trying to help them!

AS I LAY AWAKE AFTER THE DREAM, PRAYING about what it symbolised, it seemed that the place was certainly Southern California, but that the mountains were more symbolic than that--that they represented the spiritual heights we've achieved, but that King Saul was literally undermining it with all these tunnels!

WITH HIS MOUNTAINSIDE DEVELOPMENT, HE WAS TRYING TO CAPITALISE ON IT by using these poor old people to help him build his development, but he and his development really didn't belong there at all and his big gravel fill was a very shakey temporary thing, so that when the mountain and the power of God shook it, it tumbled down right back into the valley! But the Lord spared some of us and apparently had us there to comfort and save and win a few final disciples, like the girl who was helping me! She was not a hippie type at all--she was a definite System type, like a church girl, with pretty short dark wavey glossy hair only down to her shoulders, and was dressed System!

IT WAS AS THOUGH THE SYSTEM KIDS AND CHURCH KIDS ARE NOT GOING TO REPENT UNTIL THE DOOM COMES, but that some of them will repent when it comes, Praise the Lord! And they'll remember us and think about us then and be sorry for us then and the way they treated us, and even help us in our need, even joining us at the last minute!--Even in Southern California's dying hour!

SOME OF US MAY HAVE TO ACTUALLY GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP, or the State, in order to glean the last of the harvest and to comfort and encourage and win souls and to help others, even as they're sinking beneath the waves! As for our enemies, including Governor Reagan, I remember thinking: they won't have much left to govern!

I REMEMBER HEARING ON TV THE OTHER DAY THAT NITLER (Nixon) HAD POSTPONED THE BOMB TEST, and they said they wouldn't have it before the 27th! This makes several times now that it has been delayed! I wonder if the Lord was waiting for us to get out of there!--Although in my dream some of us were certainly still there and seemed to be helping the others who didn't make it, in that time of great disaster!

WHEREFORE, COMFORT YE ONE ANOTHER WITH THESE WORDS! For we shall comfort one another with the same comfort wherewith we are comforted!

"Coming Division"

By David Brandt Berg Oct. 1971,

These are excerpts from prophecies given in Laurentide Canada. They were thought to be fulfilled just before the RNR period of the Family International in 1978, but I can see now an even greater fulfillment after David went to be with the Lord just around the time the Charter was established. Many people left the Family after that, and some have even mocked David on Internet forums calling him a false prophet among other things. I believe those who have done so, have unwittingly fulfilled this prophecy!

The above statement is purely my opinion. I do not speak for The Family International or Maria and Peter. I did the highlighting in bold font. I also added my own comments in italics.

Even as the seed of David in rebellion against him, rent the Kingdom for a time from his hand, even so it shall be, that even as they brought heartache and weeping unto David, even so shall it be. But it shall be restored thee in My mercy and in My plan, for thou art My King and this is My David beside thee. But even as the seed of David, they shall be a heartache unto thee and a tribulation unto thee, but they shall live.

Fret not thyself for them, but rather now weep for thyself and those things that shall befall thee, and the trials through which thou shalt pass, through which I must bring thee, that I may be glorified--that no flesh shall glory in My presence, and that all shall know that I am the Lord that there is none else beside Me. And whom I will, I exalt, and whom I will, I put down, and no man taketh counsel against the Holy One of Israel, that he may tell him how he should do. But when thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee, and the fire, it shall not be upon thee, but I shall bring thee forth as gold--yea, as much fine gold in this trial that is soon to come upon thee. And many shall say, "This was the Lord's doing, Is it not marvelous in our eyes?" And others shall go back from following after thee any more because they are offended.

As Isaiah walked naked before Me and Ezekiel ate dung, and Hosea married an harlot to illustrate My purpose, even so shall I do this thing to illustrate My wrath against a disobedient church, and a rebellious Jerusalem, and shall raise up another in her place who will obey Me, and who will honour My prophets and who will follow My Revolution with her whole heart, without reservation and without qualification and without contention and without compromise for the sake of My servant David to minister to the need of the Kingdom and to minister unto him whom I love, though without Me he be nothing; for he will give Me the glory and he will obey Me in this thing, though it bring great trial and affliction and condemnation, for I am with him and I have called him to do My Will.--That all may glorify Me, their Creator and their Maker, for whom all things do exist and of whom all things do consist and are upheld by My power!

For this indeed shall divide the sheep from the goats. It shall divide the strong from the weak. This indeed shall purify and try and make bright those who follow only Me and not another. For as I purged the ranks of Gideon, so will I purge thy ranks from them that are of a half heart and a double mind and an unyielded will. For I would have none in My army but them which are loyal and obedient, both unto Me and unto thee.

David playing his harp to God.

No man can serve two masters, and no one can follow two ways, and no one can bridge the past. For I will do a new thing and the old shall cry out against it. For this is My will to build My Kingdom. For it is I that hath cast aside the old garment and who doth put away the old bottle. I, even I, that hath abandoned this decrepit system which no longer meets the needs of this day. Even so shall I make thee an example of the same, and they shall cry out against it, even as they now cry out against thy message, they shall cry out against thee and this thing which thou hast done. For even I have said it. Will I not also do it?--That it may be accomplished, that which I have ordained.

Fear not, apologize not, for I the Lord have done it. For I am the Lord that changeth not, and there is no shadow of turning with Me!

Put all these things in a book (fulfilled in the mid 70s) that they may know that I the Lord have spoken it!

Therefore have i given thee this Aaron and that Miriam because thou hast refused to speak, that I might not fail My People because of thy stubbornness. (Saw pic of Aaron dying on the mount and Miriam being buried in a cave.) Now thou must speak as I speak, for thy Aaron and thy Miriam shall be taken from thee (David's son Aaron died on a mountain in May 1973, 17 months after this prophecy was given) and departed on the mount and thou must speak unto Joshua as the Voice of God ere thou art taken from him also. As thou rebelled against My tongue, for thou wast afraid to be made a fool, but thou shalt be more vile also and thou shalt expose thyself even more, that I may be glorified, and they shall know that it is not thee, but Me and that thou art nothing, and base and despised and thou art nothing.

Even as David sinned, yet I called him a man after My own heart, who did sin, but glorified Me, knowing that he was not, and gave Me all the glory, even so shall it be with thee. Thou shalt be despised in their eyes that I may be glorified. There shall be those that shall stand upon thy part, and be with thee,--mighty men that shall not fail thee, even as Joab, even as Hushhai and those that surrounded the king as he crossed the brook, but there shall be those that curse thee and those that despise thee! They shall say unto thee, "How art the mighty fallen!" and "Behold, how that which was exalted is cast down", even as the pebble which departs from the summit of the rocks!

Thou art a little pebble, many of the rocks art mightier than thou art! So shall they be scattered throughout My Mountain and My Kingdom, for this thing is of Me, that they may glorify Me, even as I did with David! And the Kingdom shall be rent from thee for a little while by them which already despise thee and by them which have already rebelled against thee and by them which say, "See, see, this is the thing which he hath done! This doth prove that of which we have accused him!"

But I will smite them and stop their mouths and strike them down in My displeasure and remove them from the Kingdom, and it shall be returned to thee, and thou shalt be more exalted in thy end than in thy beginning. (Seeing picture of Michal) And they shall know it and glorify Me and love the King!

Even so shall Shimei be on the mountain and curse thee and cast stones at thee and Doeg the Traitor shall come unto thee, but thou shalt smite him, for he is a liar and not of thee, and thou shalt bear the smitings of the stones and the lashings of the tongues, because thou art nothing at all. Thou shall not smite Shimei and shalt not suffer men to smite him for this humiliation and disgrace is of Me, and this dethronement is of Me, but I shall preserve thee and thy most loyal men.

Get thee behind Me Satan, for My Ways are not your ways, for that which seemeth wrong unto man, that which seemeth against the laws of man, I will take the weak things to confound the mighty and the foolish things...And I will take the things which are not as though they are, that all may glory in Me, but know it is not thee, but I, the Lord that have done it.

For this cause shalt thou be called a man after My heart, and when thou art tried, thou shalt come through as gold, for thou shalt comfort others with the comfort wherewith thou hast been comforted. Thou shalt be brought low that thou shalt be made humble. That they may know that I am thy God and I put down whom I will and set up, and that it is I that have made thee ruler, and I am able to take thee from them and return thee unto them when thou has learned thy lesson, and when I have taught them to seek My face, and when they shall call thee in desperation and forgive thee, and say, "We need thee, for the Lord is with thee, and thy people shall be as our people, and thou shalt be our King, for art not thou of the House of Judah, and art thou not he that the Lord hath anointed? Therefore, return thou unto thine inheritance and we shall be thy people and thou shall be our King!"

And the latter end shall be greater than the former. And thou shalt rest in the end of thy days, having done My bidding for My Glory. And by this I shall purify the Kingdom and it shall be revealed who are thine enemies and who are thy friends. As I have said unto thee, The Division, The Division, and The Purifying, The Purifying, The Purging, The Purging. For I shall purge the Kingdom of them that will not follow, and of them that will not obey and of them that flaunt themselves against thee, and of them that say, "Hath not God also spoken through us? Are we not also prophets? How then shall Moses do this thing?" I shall come to them in My fury and wrath and they shall know that I am the Lord, and I choose, whom I will!

Be thou not as Joab, who in his haste did that which was right in his own eyes and heeded not the counsel of the King, which brought him to dishonour, but be thou as Joshua who did according to all that Moses did say unto him, that thou shalt have my blessing.

8/69, Laurentide: Revelation MO got in prayer regarding David's Kingdom:

Saul's idea was to preserve the kingdom at all costs--the followers, the people, the territorial Kingdom.--Don't lose the city; don't lose the power; don't lose control!--This is the idea of many. But what was the most important thing that David had to do? It was to protect Bathsheba, because this was the Kingdom! The Kingdom was not the throne or the city or the people, but the will of God! God had a far greater Kingdom in mind--the Kingdom of Christ--the Spiritual Kingdom. Even David's own personal power and position were not important, but the protection of the spiritual Kingdom and the spiritual line--the purity of the Message--the Spiritual Kingdom--that the calling and the message be kept clear and plain and not compromised. At any cost, that is to be preserved. David's real calling was to bring forth a Messiah--to be the forerunner of the Messiah. It was more important to protect Bathsheba and Solomon than his own personal power and glory or his own throne or the physical Kingdom! In a sense, it was more important that even David be preserved by Bathsheba and be kept and helped and brought through this period than it was for him to have the city or the throne! He was a preserver of the Message. The preservation of the King and of Bathsheba and of Solomon were more important that the preservation of the literal physical Kingdom and the city and the throne and the people, because through David and Bathsheba and Solomon was to come the Messiah and the fulfillment of the true spiritual Kingdom!

Even preserving him as a king was not as important as preserving him as a prophet and writer of the Psalms--a Messenger of the Messianic message!

He was more willing to give up the throne than Bathsheba because in so doing he was preserving the Messianic line, the Messianic Message, and the Messianic Kingdom--the true Spiritual Kingdom! By his willingness to give up the literal Kingdom, he was preserving the Spiritual Kingdom.

According to the Law, they were supposed to stone Bathsheba!--But she was one of God's exceptions, so they couldn't!

9/69, Prophecy given thru Abraham in Laurentide--Re: DIVISION

The Holy Ghost shall fight with you and there shall be Great Division and even a division in thy own home, but fear not, and be confident, and I shall...in the time to come.... They shall return again for thy word...shall be true and many shall see that a prophet has been among them!

Abraham's vision: I saw you, MO, in a red robe and sackcloth with rod in hand, and they were ashamed of you when you walked in, they were ashamed and some mocked and laughed and it was as though they weren't even part of the Revolution--the kids--and then I saw the side of your face and it's like seeing the Lord's profile within you and a real fire there. I've got such peace in my heart because I know that God is going to give you grace and strength, and it's like you're going to see the whole thing, but they'll be without understanding, and the light will be too bright for them to come to it--a fiery message--it's going to be a real strong fire in your heart, but it's all like it's within you. The outside is dead. The fire within you is the deepest kind that God placed on you so long ago, that when it comes to a decision of choosing one way or the other, it's the flame that brings you out!

MO: I will not doubt though all my ships come home with broken sails.

9/69, Prophecy given thru MO in Laurentide--Re: OLD AND NEW CHURCH

Even as I did reveal unto My Apostle Paul the difference between the Old and New, the Old Testament, and the New Testament, the Old Law and the New Grace, the Old Moses and the New Christ, the Old and the New Way, so have I revealed unto thee the difference between the Old Church and the New Church--that which is ready to pass away and that which shall endure unto the end!

7/71, Prophecy given thru Abraham--after "Key" and "Call" of David

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell. Fear not, David, for they shall speak against thee. They shall say that thou art mad, that thou hast belied the Children of God. They will accuse thee of that woman Jezebel (Mene?). Fear not, for after all these things come to pass, then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them. Then shall they know that I have anointed thee, and I will consume thine enemies from off the face of the whole earth, and I will take away their battlements, for they are not the Lord's and I will not have pity nor mercy, but I will rip the pillows from under the arms of those that sit at ease in Zion, for I have made thee a sharp toothed threshing instrument, and we shall remove the cloak that all may see the wickedness of Laodicea. Prophesy unto the House of Israel, and give them warning from me. Fear not to speak My Words, O David, fear not to speak, lest I confound thee before them, for they shall come against thee. Come ye out from among them and be ye separate. Be not partakers of her sins, for I shall carry thee into the Wilderness for times, time, and half a time.

Vision with prophecy: I had a vision of MO, and he had on a white robe with a staff in his hand, and I got the words, "Majestic Destiny, chosen one, there is no other." It was almost like he had such faith in his Creator and such a firm conviction of who he was, and what he was supposed to do. It was hard for me to believe some of the things the Lord was trying to tell me; almost like I didn't want to believe because of my unbelief, I almost feared to say everything. It was like the Lord was kind of disappointed in me. The part about Jezebel was really hard to give. It was so complicated, I know there were parts I missed.

The Emergency

-- A warning message!

By David Brandt Berg, April, 24 1972

Webmaster's introduction: This is a prophetic dream David had over 30 years ago about the suspension of the Bill of Rights in the USA. Though it was written during the height of the cold war, the principal characters are still the same today. Only their names have changed. Every place where David refers to Communism, read "New World Order".

IN THE DREAM, I DIDN'T SEEM TO BE THERE PERSONALLY AMONGST THOSE LEFT BEHIND IN THE U.S., but could see everything clearly as though I were there in Spirit, like an angelic observer. The country was definitely the United States, and the area in which the dream took place looked a lot like the flat country of Florida near the coast, but it could have been any flat coastal area in the States, maybe even California, since there were bluffs along the sea itself. There was a small seacoast restaurant that stood on a promontory jutting out into the sea. A few miles to the south there was once of these tall water towers, a water tank standing on legs, which apparently was located in a nearby by small village.

IN THE DREAM I WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF THIS SMALL, OLD, ONE-STORY BUNGALOW of five or six rooms, situated on a little country road which looked like crushed limestone, like some of the backwoods roads in Florida, although it might have been gravel or even dirt, and not far from town. About five or six of our kids were standing outside the house looking at their vehicle sitting there in the driveway and discussing how useless it was now that they had run out of gasoline and there was no way of obtaining more. And one of the boys kicked the tire as though say, "Look at you now!--You're just a worthless pile of junk!" Somehow I knew there was some kind of national emergency, and you could feel the tension in the air. There was a food shortage also, and transportation was needed into town, four miles away, to a big government warehouse, where loaves of bread were being doled out to the public, as they stood waiting in long lines.

THE LITTLE COLONY DECIDED THEY WOULD HAVE TO WALK the four long miles to town, and by the time they arrived they were very tired as they were not as accustomed to walking as they should have been. They remorsefully exclaimed again and again how sorry they were they hadn't gotten an animal for transportation, and I heard them saying, "Well, it hit so suddenly!--We weren't expecting it so soon! We were planning on getting a horse and wagon as soon as possible!"

AFTER STANDING IN THE LONG LINE FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE HOURS, and finally receiving the treasured bread, they began trudging the long road home, when a short way outside town they passed a work gang, like a gang of prisoners or a chain gang, and they were immediately forcibly pressed into service by the civilian militia, similar to Hitler's Storm Troopers, who had taken over!--Like the hardhats in uniform running things by force! As they were being assigned to digging ditches, one of our boys said, "Well, I'm not able to do such hard physical labour!"--And the officer in charge gruffly replied, "You get in there and dig and we'll find out if you're able!" Another of the boys confronted the typically tough hardhat nazi type in charge of the labour squad, protesting, "You don't have a right to make us work here!"--And the answer sarcastically fired back was, "You don't have any rights!--You just do what we say, or else!"

IT SEEMED THAT EVERYWHERE THE YOUTH WERE BEING FORCED INTO LABOUR CREWS--forced civilian service of various kinds in the emergency! Either the water or the sewer lines had been disrupted by the catastrophe and these gangs were being forced into service by the American Storm Troopers! A couple of our little group managed to escape, running to another little village not far to the north of where they lived, it being too dangerous to return home for fear of being found, and tried to find refuge in the garage of a friend. But he regretfully told them it was impossible for him to keep them as they had no Government Identity Cards which were required for each person by the dictatorship that had taken over much like Hitler's Storm Troopers, although not yet so well organised. In fact, the fellow at the garage said, "I can't even repair vehicles here without authority from the Government!"

THE NEXT THING I REMEMBER IN THE DREAM WAS SEEING THE INSIDE OF A CLOTHING STORE, and the man in charge telling the lines of people, "We only issue clothing to those who cooperate with the Regime!" Our kids were apparently on the run, at least the kids of this particular Colony were, because their Colony was too exposed and they had not stocked it with supplies and had no transportation. They had an electric water pump and their own well, but the electricity was off, so they couldn't get water except in the village four miles away. So they were obviously very unprepared for this emergency.

ALTHOUGH THE WORLD COMMUNIST TAKEOVER WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT ALL NATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN FRIENDLY TO THE UNITED STATES, AMERICA, AS THE PRIME CULPRIT and stronghold of anti-Communist resistance, will be the prime target of Communist retaliation, and therefore suffer the most. Other anti-Communist countries are mostly only half-heartedly so, such as England and Germany, and France has already sided with the Communist world, and these will be easy push-overs, and probably offer little or no resistance, if any, to a Communist takeover when America falls. But things will probably be hard in these countries also, so you Colonies in other Western anti-Communist or semi-anti-Communist or even so-called neutral nations should prepare accordingly for hard times to come during the fall of the Western world to world Communism!

We should particularly evacuate everyone we can from the U.S. as rapidly as possible, since that is where the worst trouble will come, particularly from our own countrymen in their last desperate desire to try to save doomed America by not only resistance of external enemies, but fanatical suppression and terrorism of any internal elements of whose loyalty they are not certain, not only actual Communists & pro-Communists, but any suspected of sympathising with the Communist cause or bearing any slight resemblance to Communists or Communistic ways of life and Socialistic doctrines and philosophies, including Christian communes, hippie houses, and Colonies such as ours. I believe there will be an all-out war on the youth of America, as the scapegoats that they will blame for America's troubles, like the Nazis did the Jews, particularly on any youths or youth groups considered radical or anti-Establishment or anti-Church, such as they view us! May God have mercy! Pray!

--New York's Destruction and The Fall of Man!"

(Recorded from an Informal Discussion:)

Note from Webmaster: Due to tragic events in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, I felt that this talk by David Berg is needed more than ever. It is specifically about New York city but I believe the principles can be applied to any metropolitan area. My purpose in posting this article is merely to show that large cities are dangerous places to live in. In the Great Kanto earthquake of Sept. 1, 1923, at 11:58 AM when many were using gas stoves to prepare their lunches, about 140,000 people died, many of them by fires caused by the earthquake. Amoung these, some 6,000 Koreans residents in Japan were murdered by the Japanese military and common citizens who falsely blamed them for causing the fires!

THE PROBLEM IN NEW YORK CITY HAS BEEN THAT NEW YORK HAS LET BOTH THE RICH AND THE POOR GO FREE: They haven't taxed the rich enough and they've spoiled the poor with too much welfare. Most of the big rich people and the big money boys and big banks and big corporations actually live over in Connecticut or somewhere else and are incorporated somewhere else and did it deliberately so they wouldn't have to pay those big high New York City taxes. So the people with all the money who have their big buildings and banks and everything in New York City have corporations that escape N.Y. City taxes. Leave it to the rich to figure it out so they don't have to get taxed! Well you can't run a city like that without taxes.

THEN THEY'VE BEEN FEEDING THE POOR IN NEW YORK TOO MUCH: Ridiculous things like if you're a poor peon in Puerto Rico--every Puerto Rican lives for the day when he's got eighty dollars and he can catch the Airbus to New York, because the moment he gets there they immediately house, clothe and feed him and put him up in a $200 a month apartment, pay $80 worth of utilities a month and give him a bunch of money to eat on besides, and he's just living in luxury, he doesn't even have to work! Anybody, any U.S. citizen, and it finally got to be where even any foreigner or anybody could land in New York City and apply for welfare and they immediately treat them like kings with a luxurious welfare system, the total welfare system, the total welfare state! I mean that's going to the opposite extreme on welfare. So between the two, treating the poor like that and letting the rich get by without paying taxes, N.Y. is going broke!

BUT IN NEW YORK THEY HAD IT ALL FIGURED OUT WHERE THE RICH COULD STAY RICH AND STILL FEED THE POOR ON BORROWED MONEY! New York kept borrowing money and selling bonds borrowing more money and all that kind of stuff. Well, people will trust you so long, and then they quit trusting your ability to ever pay it back. So if you keep living on borrowed money, there comes a day when you have to pay it back when those bonds begin to come due.

THESE DEBTS BEGAN TO COME DUE WITH ALL THEIR BIG HIGH INTEREST RATES AND NEW YORK DIDN'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY THEM BACK. She'd been living on borrowed money all the time and wasn't even raising enough money for her current expenses, much less to pay back her debts. Now anybody with a lick of sense knows if you're living far above your salary, your income, and you're living mostly on borrowed money you keep borrowing from your friends to live, and you're not even earning or working and making enough money to pay your current expenses, where you're living beyond your income and you are not even making enough money to pay your living expenses, much less repay all this money you borrowed, you're bound to go broke! Well that's what happened to New York: It's been going on for years until now New York's billions and billions of dollars in debt!

BUT YOU CAN'T RUN A CITY THAT SIZE WITHOUT MONEY. You've got to run the city's basic utilities, water system, power system, transportation system, sewage system, etc.--And when you get 14 million people in a city it's absolutely ridiculous! I mean its totally, utterly ridiculous! Nobody could possibly ever have that many people live in one city and survive!

THE LORD WILL HAVE MILLIONS IN HIS CITY, but of course His City's going have a lot of room--1500 miles (2400 kilometers) wide and 1500 miles high, and that's a whole lot bigger than New York!--That's half as big as the United States!--And a whole lot higher.

CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IN A CITY THE SIZE OF NEW YORK with millions of people in it if suddenly they couldn't pay the garbage men or the train drivers or the truck or the bus drivers, subway drivers electrical workers, water men, all the various utilities, school teachers--if suddenly the whole city went totally bankrupt and nobody could get paid and nobody got any more free housing, free rent, free food and everything, with all those loafing poor? It's unbelievable!

Well, you can imagine what would happen if suddenly nobody in a city that size got paid and they couldn't buy their food, or the water stopped running, the sewage stopped flowing and the lights went out? Now what do you think would happen?--Riots, brother?--No!--There'd be war! I mean there would be absolute chaos, total bedlam! People will be slaughtering each other for food!

AND WHEN THE TROUBLE COMES and the economic crash and the bankruptcy comes and nobody gets paid, they're going to go out with their guns and their knives and get it by force! And there's not going to be enough food in New York City, there's not going to be enough to eat there to get it in New York.

SO I SAW IN A VISION, I SAW THEM STREAMING OUT OF THE BIG CITIES LIKE BLACK ANTS UP THE HIGHWAYS from New York and out of all the major big cities in the United States, streaming out along the highways into the country and out in the Midwest and the West and all. Where are they going to head for? When there's no food in the cities, where are they going to go? When there's no food and no water in the cities, where are they going to go?

THEY'RE GOING TO HEAD FOR THE COUNTRY, OUT WHERE THE FOOD IS!--And they're going to rob the farmers by force and take it! Probably they'll run the farmers out of their houses and take over, slaughter their cattle and live off the land. That's probably very likely the way it's going to happen.

WHAT YOU SOW YOU REAP: What early America sowed in the way of slavery and all the rest of it, she's going to reap. It's going to be even more savage than the jungle because they're going to have guns and knives and bullets and bombs to do it with, bombs that they didn't have in the jungles!--I mean real savagery! That's what I call horrible!

IT'S THE INDUSTRIALISATION WHICH HAS MADE THESE RICH WESTERN COUNTRIES SO TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON OIL. They've abandoned the natural agricultural economy where the people lived off the land and at least have enough to eat. They live off industrialisation now. And what does that do, what does that make for them?--Nothing but weapons of war and all of their idols, automobiles, TV, and all the rest of their luxuries, non-necessities.

THE LUXURY OF WAR AND THE LUXURY OF IDOLATRY THAT'S WHAT INDUSTRIALISATION BRINGS! The whole industrialised civilisation is living on those things. It's all in "War-Boom-Bust," isn't it?

SO IT'S A WHOLE FALSE ECONOMY BUILT ON THINGS THAT ARE NOT PRODUCTIVE AND WHICH ARE TERRIBLY WASTEFUL. You can't bury automobiles and grow more automobiles. When an automobile comes to the junk pile it's done, finished, it's just pure waste! You can't burn oil and grow more oil, you know? You can't go out planting TV sets and have more TV sets spring up. When they get obsolete they're junked, total waste!

AND OF COURSE WAR IS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL: You bury the bombs but you don't get more bombs, you just get more death and destruction, more waste! So the whole economy is a false economy built on luxuries, non-necessities and waste, pure waste, the worst of which is war!

SO IT'S GOT TO COME TO AN END. YOU JUST CAN'T KEEP ON WASTING MORE THAN YOU'RE REALLY PRODUCING. All of this kind of production of industrial war and luxury products in the long run is actually waste, because it is not reproductive. Only life is reproductive. All this stuff that industry produces is dead, it is not self-reproducing.

THE CREATION THAT GOD MADE IS ALIVE AND SELF-REPRODUCTIVE "Whose seed is in itself bearing fruit," whose seed is in itself which can bring forth more of the same fruit and more life and multiply. God's production system is life and life-giving and multiplying and increasing and extremely efficient, the most efficient there is in the world!

THE HUMAN BODY IS THE MOST RESILIENT, TOUGHEST, STRONGEST AND THE MOST DEATH-RESISTANT MACHINE IN THE WORLD, CONSTANTLY RENEWING ITSELF! What other machine or motor will last a hundred years and constantly repair and rebuild itself as well as reproduce itself, reproducing other little machines that are just as tough and just as amazingly full of life!

ALL FORMS OF GOD'S CREATION ARE REPRODUCTIVE, REGENERATIVE. It's continually being reborn and repaired, repairing itself and its own wounds and its injuries.--Think of it!--Man has yet to create any kind of machine that repairs itself! God created a machine that repairs itself!--Even the plants and the animals and all forms of life! God's created life is creative, productive, reproductive, regenerative and multiplies.

BUT WHAT MAN MAKES IS TOTAL WASTE AND TOTAL DEATH! Cities are the glory of man--man's greatest achievement are his cities. That's what he brags about more than anything else, his big buildings and his big cities. "Oh, it was a great city!"

WHAT ARE THE CROWNING ACHIEVEMENTS OF MAN?--BUILDINGS!--Buildings built higher than God ever intended man to go in the first place, so why not shake them down?--They're dangerous!--Right? And what are they made of? Something that will reproduce itself? Is this hotel over here going to reproduce some little hotels one of these days in that nest on top of the hill? No! It's gonna sit there and decay and rot so that it'll fall apart one of these days if you don't keep repairing it and patching it up.

THIS IS WHAT THE MAN SAID ABOUT A HOTEL where we stayed once, the tallest hotel in town. He said, "It's not the operation of this place that costs us money (some phenomenal sum), it's the constant maintenance and repair of the wear and the tear and the breakdown of the materials, equipment and machinery and the painting of the building, the repair of the walls etc.--This is what costs us the money!" In other words, trying to keep this thing alive by patching it up, keep this dead body alive by patching more dead material onto it!

THE THINGS MAN'S BUILT ARE PURE DEATH! There's nothing alive about them. They are death and dead to begin with and can only continue to die unless man keeps patching them up and patching them up. Eventually they get past the point of repair to where he can't even patch it up anymore. It totally rots and wears away and collapses, as you can see by all the big buildings of the past glorious history of past civilisations. Where are they today?

WHERE'S THE PARTHENON AND THE ATHENIUM AND THE COLOSSEUM AND ALL THOSE GREAT AND GLORIOUS BUILDINGS? THEY'RE ALL GONE BACK TO RUINS because they got to where they couldn't patch them up any longer, they couldn't keep them alive any longer, for they never were really alive to begin with.

THE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL SUBURBS OF THE RICH OF YESTERDAY ARE TODAY'S SLUMS FULL OF RATS AND THE POOR WHO ARE MULTIPLYING LIKE RATS! Broken-down mansions, fallen-down buildings. When man doesn't follow God's plan and God's way of doing things, man's creations are nothing but death! They're dead to begin with and they're always dying.--They never were alive in fact. They're only death and waste and they never ever can repair themselves. They can't stay alive, they can't reproduce, so it's all dead and dying. It's all non-reproductive, therefore it's non-productive.

WHEN MAN STARTS BUILDING THESE THINGS WHICH WERE NOT OF GOD IN THE FIRST PLACE, he's headed on a crash course to destruction! All of the various means of rapid transportation that are faster than a horse are not of God! Anything that's faster than a horse is too rapid.--God hates cars! God made horses as the most rapid form of natural transportation that there is, and anything faster than that is too fast and is man's creation. In fact, manmade rapid transportation today kills more people than anything else! Rapid transportation kills more people than anything else besides old age! If old age doesn't get you, rapid transportation will!

SO MAN'S INVENTIONS ARE ACTUALLY NOTHING BUT DEATH-DEALING. They're not only death and dead to begin with, but they're also death dealing! That's all the devil's system, as his whole idea is destruction. So he has man continually busy building machines and engines and weapons of destruction.--Not only war, but rapid transportation! Rapid transportation kills more people than have ever been killed in all the wars put together!

WHEN MAN STARTS FOLLOWING THE DEVIL'S WAY OF BUILDING BUILDINGS THEY ARE GOING TO KILL HIM, means of rapid transportation that are slaughtering him by the millions already, buildings that all it'll take is a little shake and down they come and are going to kill him by the millions when it happens!

IN THE BIBLE GOD CALLS THEM TOWERS: A tower over there, a big tower here--and all He has to do is shake the earth just a little bit and down they come! It seems to me rather significant, isn't it, that the most destructive disaster that there is, is an earthquake. But what does it destroy? Why does man consider it the most destructive form of disaster or catastrophe? Because it destroys his buildings, his proud cities! It destroys man's pride, his vain creations!

BUT THE FARMERS OUT ON THE RANCHES, THEY DON'T WORRY ABOUT EARTHQUAKES. I never had any worries out in Texas at TSC about an earthquake. Good night, what few little tiny huts they had there, little tiny shanties and shacks, especially the ones made out of wood, they would survive anyway! They'd just swing and sway around. It's your ones made out of stone, that are supposed to be the best and the most beautiful and the most permanent, but they're actually the least permanent and the most dangerous in an earthquake! A wooden building's the safest kind of building to be in, in an earthquake.

MAN'S BUILDINGS ARE WHAT KILL HIM! It's not the earthquake that kills him. I talked to a guy after that big earthquake down somewhere near the Salton Sea in California. He was down there in a trailer park on the Salton Sea when that big earthquake happened, and he said he could see the ground waves coming right across the desert four feet high, the ground was just waving like that! He was making tea or something and it hit his little trailer and it knocked the trailer over on its side it was so violent, the waves like that! They rocked the trailer back and forth until finally it fell over. Even though that's the safest kind of building to be in, a vehicle, it threw it right over!

HE SAID THE ONLY SAFE PLACE WAS STANDING OUT ON THE GROUND and it made you sea sick, it was like standing on the waves of the sea just rolling like this. You saw them in this movie "Earthquake," you could see the waves of the earthquake coming down the street, the ground just goes in waves! Ordinarily if you're just out there on foot and you don't have much of a house or anything, it's not going to hurt very much. But it's totally and utterly destructive to man's greatest scientific achievements, his buildings! It just totally destroys his cities!--Which shows God must not like cities, huh?

WITHOUT FOOD AND WATER, NEW YORK WOULDN'T LAST A WEEK!--Right? How many people are going to stay in a city where they can't get food or water or get rid of their sewage or flush the toilets--can you imagine? Their cities are so vulnerable, so totally dependent on the artificial means of survival, electricity, gas, sewage, piped water and shipped-in food and all that, they are going to be the first to go!

IN ANY KIND OF TROUBLE, THE CITIES ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST TO GO! They're always the first to go in time of war, first to go in time of disaster, storm, earthquake or flood. Because God hates cities, that kind of cities, man's cities.

GOD'S HEAVENLY CITY WILL BE THE PEAK AND ULTIMATE OF HEAVEN ON EARTH and the right kind of society and the right kind of city, the ultimate achievement of the Children of God and God Himself, the Heavenly City, Space City!

BUT THE MODERN CITIES OF TODAY ARE THE ULTIMATE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE DEVIL AND MAN, inspired by Satan! They're doomed to destruction because God doesn't like them because they're always so wicked!

SO, WHAT DOES MAN PRODUCE THAT IS REGENERATIVE, REPRODUCTIVE, LIVING AND LIFE-GIVING? What does he really produce that is going to really live and last, that has life and really is going to last? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind, or should, is his children. They of course are the creations of God and man is His instrument, and they are forever, eternal, praise God!

NOTHING'S EVER WASTED IN GOD'S CREATION. Life is constantly regenerating, reproducing, things are constantly growing, and if it weren't for sin there wouldn't be dying at all, think of it! There would be absolutely no waste, no destruction, but all life, all reproduction and multiplication.

SCIENCE WILL OF COURSE TELL YOU, "WELL, IF THAT HAPPENED WE'D ALL SOON BE TEN MILES DEEP IN HUMAN BODIES AND MANKIND WOULD HAVE COOKED HIMSELF TO DEATH BY OVERPOPULATION!" WELL, THAT JUST ISN'T SO! Before sin got so bad even after the Garden of Eden before the Flood men were still living a thousand years and only having a few children. So when you multiply man's lifetime by ten times or more, then the world could carry on ten times as long without overproducing, right?

BECAUSE MEN WOULD LIVE LONGER AND HAVE FEWER CHILDREN. They hardly even thought about having kids until after they were two or three hundred years of age in the pre-Flood days! They were too young for such responsibility!--Ha! And it's going to be like that again in the days of the Millennium. Anybody that dies at 100 years of age would be considered a child. (Isa.65:20.)

SO GOD'S WAY IS A PRODUCTIVE, REPRODUCTIVE, LIVING, LIFE-GIVING, CREATIVE, MULTIPLYING, no waste, no death, can't lose system! They say, "Well, if we wouldn't be over-populated with human beings, then we would by insects or by fish.--They have all kinds of crazy theories! Well, don't you think God controls the insect population and the fish population and the animal population? He balances that out according to whatever the needs of man may be, or the needs of His judgments may be.

BUT MAN'S SYSTEM IS HELL-BENT FOR DESTRUCTION, CARVING HIS OWN TOMB WITH THE THINGS HE PRODUCES. His buildings are going to kill him, his fast transportation kills him everyday, nearly everything he's got is death-dealing and life-destructive. Now a minimum of housing, something enough to give you a little shelter, is all man really needs and is not all that dangerous. Especially if you live in tents and trailers or caravans and things like that like the Rechabites, Bedouins or Gypsies.

EVEN A HOUSE CAN BE DANGEROUS IN AN EARTHQUAKE if you don't get out from under it, if you can't get away from the building or out of the building or far enough away from it so it doesn't fall on you. The safest places to be are under a bed or a table or a car or something like that, a strong structure. Most buildings collapse into their basements and really bury you. Although they say that sometimes basements are safer because they're usually a little more strongly constructed than the upper floors, the girders and all are stronger.

BUT IN A DOORWAY, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, OR IN A WINDOW CASEMENT IS ONE OF THE SAFER PLACES TO BE because of the strength that is structured around it. Things are not as apt to fall on you there, too. Also under a bed or a desk or a table things are not as apt to fall on you in a way that kills you or that you get pinned down some way by falling debris.

OF COURSE THE SAFEST PLACE TO BE IN AN EARTHQUAKE IS OUT IN THE OPEN FIELD. Even in that big Managua earthquake in Managua, Nicaragua, guess who was there? Howard Hughes spent three days and nights in his limousine sitting out in the open field! He got a taste of what it's like. He thought he was all nice and safe and sound ensconced in the top of a big hotel in Managua until the earthquake came! But then he headed for the hills like all the rest! Disaster knows no rich or poor, they're all on the same level when the earthquake comes, all brought down to the same level.

THE POOR MAN WHO'S ALREADY LIVING IN THE HILLS IS A LOT SAFER THAN THE GUYS AT THE TOP OF THOSE SKYSCRAPERS! But even if you're outside a city in the streets, you can't get away from the buildings. It's impossible. If you go out into the street that's one of the most dangerous places there is, stuff falling clear off the tops of the buildings right onto you! You saw in "Earthquake" how it does.

ONE OF THE SAFER PLACES IS UNDER A TRUCK OR CAR but even that's not totally safe. If a whole wall collapses on the car it'll smash it right down flat to the ground anyway. But with most falling debris, if it's not too big, you're pretty safe under an automobile, as an automobile chassis is built strong, if there is enough clearance. Of course, many of these new fancy low-slung cars are so low you can't even crawl under one! A lot of them only have four or six inches clearance and you can't even get under those cars.

THE DEATH OF THE CITIES!--They're going to die one way or the other. They're either going to kill themselves or God's going to kill them, destroy them. If He didn't, they'd destroy themselves anyway, they cannot last.--And when they're destroyed, whether they go bankrupt or collapse, the people are going to head for the country and the hills, and that's when the horrible things are going to happen, as they slaughter the people in the country to get their food!

SO WHEN IT HAPPENS, THE ONLY SAFE PLACE TO BE IS IN THE LORD, amen? Because all of man's inventions and creations are going to be destroyed. The best place to be will be where God's creations are, the fields and the plants, the trees and the flowers, praise the Lord?

The Green Paper Pig

--A Dream of the Future of the Dollar!

--By David Brandt Berg, June 23, 1973 NO.243--GP

Editors note: This revelation of the American dollar was inspired by a dream that David shared with his wife Maria

It was summer in the Mideast, and we were fleeing through this canyon or wadi where a stream flowed (I know now it was the Jordan River), towards some kind of sea or lake like the Dead Sea (which I know now it was) where we were to get on some boats to escape across to the other side. But then as a last resort, someone unleashed on us this big imaginary monster--a gigantic Green Pig--and he was huge, like a mechanical elephant or one of these mammoth monster-like parade balloons, and if you believed he existed he could destroy you! He was charging down the Jordan Valley, trampling on some people and devouring others, when I shouted at them: "He doesn't really exist! It's just in your mind! You must rebuke him and he'll go away!" So some of us turned as we were boarding the boats to leave, and just as he caught up with us I yelled again, "He doesn't exist! It's a matter of whether you believe it or not! It's only your faith in him that he exists that makes him real! Rebuke him in Jesus' name and he'll flee!"--And the minute we turned and faced him and challenged him and rebuked him in Jesus' name, he vanished just like that! (David snaps his fingers.) He was like the ultimate weapon, their last resort, to release this monstrous Green Pig!

And then the answer came just as clear as anything: He's the American dollar!--The ultimate weapon in the Mideast (and anywhere!) is the American dollar, and if you believe in it, it will destroy you! But if you know it doesn't really exist, it vanishes!

So the ultimate weapon is the "Greenback" Pig!--The American dollar, or American "greenback," as they call it! Somehow they're using it against the rest of the world.

We must tell the world that they must not fear the AMERICAN Dollar! The Green pig is only a monster of the imagination! It only exists if you believe in it. If you resist it in the name of God, it evaporates and is no more! So he's very wise to put his money in gold, because the dollar is going to evaporate when the people lose faith in it, and it will be gone! The green pig gobbles everybody up that believes in it, and tramples everybody in the mud that thinks it exists! But for those who know it's just a monster of imagination, it vanishes!--It's nothing! The Green Pig is the American dollar!

Someone is manipulating the Dollar and using it as a weapon--the Green Pig--to try to destroy their enemies. Someone is behind the monetary crisis and they are using it to their own advantage to somehow try to destroy their enemies.--And if you believe in it, it will destroy you, but if you refuse to believe that it even exists, it completely evaporates and vanishes! It has no power over you at all. It is a monster of imagination! It only terrifies those who believe that it exists. It is the moneymakers' monster, and the Green Pig is just a tool in their hands.

America itself is like a Green Pig, and the Green Pig is like America--huge and powerful and young and green and greedy, gluttonous, wasteful, selfish! But it only exists if you believe it exists, like its dollar, the "greenback," or the American dollar. It's like this Green Pig is the god of America, it is America's idol that they worship. It is not even as good as the golden calf, because it doesn't even exist! It is all in the imagination. But they worship it and they created it, and the moneymakers helped them to create it. But it is they that tell it which way to go. It is they who unleash it against their enemies, and it is they who control it, and they either harness it and support it, or they unleash it and send it charging against their enemies to devour them!

But if you have no faith in it, and you take no stock in it, you don't believe in it, you don't worship it, and you rebuke it in the name of God, it just vanishes and evaporates! It has no power at all over you unless you're one of its worshipers. The moneymakers are its high priests and its priesthood, and it was created in their temples and they control it and they manipulate it as they will to their own advantage against their enemies.

So you and all the world must beware of the Dollar! It is a moneymaker's creation--a Green Pig! It'll devour you and trample you to death in the mud and the mire if you believe in it and put your faith in it, if you trust in it! Because, whichever way it moves, it moves at their behest, at their direction, because they created it and they control it. But it only exists for those that believe in it. If you take no stock in it and have no faith in it and don't believe in it and you reject it, and if you refuse to accept it and you resist it because you know it doesn't exist, except according to men's faith in it and their imagination, if you challenge it in the name of God, it just goes pooof!

The american dollars are no longer green and growing, but they have turned to grey dead ashes and they only look green if you're deceived thereby, only if you think that grey is green when green has really turned to grey! The Green Pig will turn to ashes, dead grey cold ashes, when the fire of faith is gone, and it will be burnt out and destroyed when the fire of the faith of men in it is gone! When the flame of faith in it has burnt out, all the dollars will be turned to ashes and burnt up, turned to worthless ashes!

But it is an abomination to God--the Green Pig, the American dollar! It is a pollution!--It is pollution! It pollutes the whole world worse than any other pollution, because it pollutes the hearts and minds of men and captures their bodies and destroys their souls and devours them and gobbles them up--the Green Pig! It is a marvel and powerful and wondrous and mighty to those who believe in it!--But it is nothing, it is not even weak to those who know it doesn't even exist!

When a currency comes to its end and becomes worthless, as in Germany after World War I, only things of real value, material things of actual usefulness and necessities, become negotiable, and a system of bartering or trading of goods instead of money arises. When the currency dies, men return to the age-old system of trading physical and material necessities. So that people trade things they have and produce for things that they need, such as the farmers would trade the foodstuff they produced for the tools and manufactured items they needed, and the industrial communities or tradesmen who make things would trade them for the farmers' food and the goods that they need.

So that in Germany, just before Hitler, the Mark had become so worthless that the government was printing billion-Mark notes, which were still not worth much, and each city and town and area began printing its own currency, or spurious currency, in which each government tried to inspire the faith of the people as a medium of exchange, because it was a little difficult without it. If you wanted to go to the theater you had to take so many eggs or a hen for admission! It was not only difficult for the customers, but imagine the problems of the management in trying to find a place to store all these things! One story is told of the two women who went shopping with a whole laundry basket full of German Marks, to show you how worthless the Marks were!--And as if that wasn't bad enough, when they weren't looking, somebody dumped all the Marks out of the basket, left the Marks on the sidewalk, and ran off with the basket!

So when the Dollar, which has in effect been the world's international currency, comes to its end, what is going to be the medium of exchange? Gold has kept its value very well, and in fact, in relation to the dollar, it is now worth about four times as much as it was back in the thirties! In other words, the dollar is worth only about one-fourth of what it was 40 years ago! It's been dropping nearly 20 percent in value every ten years or about 2 percent a year!

But what is gold good for now in actual material necessities and how valuable is it today? For many ages gold has been much sought after as a useful, but particularly as a very decorative, metal, so it became an extremely precious metal sought by the rich for their tableware and their various metallic decorative materials, etc. But today it is not sought after so much for those old-fashioned luxuries, and is not even as much in demand for things like gold watches and jewelry. But it has become increasingly in demand as a vital part of the electronic systems of many of these new scientific gadgets!

This is one of the reasons why the price of gold has gone up, because it is still very much in demand and extremely necessary for the circuitry of electronic devices. God has always put considerable value on gold in the Scriptures, some on silver, but mostly on gold. But He does say that there will even come a day when gold and silver will be less valuable and as common as the rocks in the streets, which may be the Millennium or thereafter because of the loss of the need of all these gadgets and scientific contraptions, as well as the loss of the need of a monetary standard, or metals for mere decoration. Nevertheless, gold has kept its value over all these centuries and really better than anything else outside of actual real estate.

One reason for the real estate boom is that when people begin to lose faith in their money, currency and banking accounts, they begin exchanging their money for things of actual useful value. They can't help but see from history that the value of money is constantly going down, because these are no longer the secrets of the rich and high finance, but they are common knowledge of the general public and the man on the street. He knows that the value of his money is deteriorating every day through what is called inflation. As the prices go up, his wages never rise as fast as the prices since the owners, manipulators and managers of money are the ones who control both wages and prices. Therefore the rich always see to it that their prices rise faster than the wages of their wage slaves!

So the big and powerful labour unions now insist that to every new contract there be attached the proviso that their wages will automatically be raised according to the cost of living, which is known by the cost of living index.--Periodically the wages of the laborers of certain industries who have made these very wise contracts, will be raised by exactly the same percentage as the rise in the cost of living: Or in other words, according to the deflation of their money caused by the inflation in prices. So some labour has gotten pretty smart on this issue!

Nevertheless, labour never seems to be able to keep up with the cost of living no matter how hard they try. Because, if you're a manufacturing owner or manager or a money manipulator, it is much easier for you to manipulate your prices and money, most of which is simply done on paper, than it is for the poor lowly laborer to try to get a raise in his wages from the industrial managers and money manipulators who are in control of wealth and the sources of wealth and power and the sources of power and government and are usually much richer, more powerful, better educated and smarter than the poor average working man.

But lately, even the money manipulators have been letting things get a little out of hand and out of their control, and they haven't seemed to quite understand why their money matters are getting in such a bad way because of the sudden fall of their god the dollar upon which they base their values and currencies and their rates of exchange even from one currency to another in foreign countries throughout the world. When you go to a bank to exchange one foreign currency for another, you will usually find that on the little exchange slip or receipt they give you as a record of the transaction, first is listed the amount and the kind of currency which you gave them, then its value in dollars, believe it or not, and then finally its value in the local currency for which you are exchanging it!

So the god Dollar--the GREEN Pig--has been the world-wide standard of value and of monetary exchange since most of the world went off the gold standard, and, subsequently, the silver standard! In other words, the U.S. got so strong and so smart and rich and powerful that even after it was no longer willing to give you either gold or silver in exchange for your paper dollars, the value and power of that paper dollar held its value and power of exchange in the minds of the people by their faith in the American government and its people and its power! So that the dollar held its own for a long time after its actual value in gold or silver was gone!

It has taken the world 40 years and a loss of confidence in America and its government to finally wake the world to the fact that the dollar is actually worth very little, if anything, and it is only worth to them as much as their faith says it is worth! And since they've lost faith in the American government, they are no longer willing to believe what it is worth, what America says it is worth. The dollar has been coasting along on its own momentum for several decades due to the power and wealth of America and the world's faith in the American government and its word that the dollar was worth something. But now that the world is beginning to awaken to the fact that it was only by faith that the dollar was worth anything, they've lost that faith in America and its word, and the dollar has lost its value.

Money loses its believed actual or supposed intrinsic value and its professed and recognized value as a medium of exchange at its former rate of exchange in almost exact proportion to the people's loss of faith in it! In other words, paper money is only worth what people believe it is worth! They have to have faith in it, believe in it and be willing to accept it as a valuable and negotiable medium of exchange. Otherwise, when they lose faith in the money, it immediately loses its value and becomes worthless! If the people believe it is worth nothing, it becomes worth nothing! Because paper money and currency to begin with are created by governments, the powers that be, to furnish the people with a convenient form of trading values or as a medium of exchange, instead of actually having to exchange products, goods or services.

So that money is merely a medium of simplified exchange of goods between producers and consumers. Though the paper currency has no actual value in itself any more than the paper it is printed on, it has value according to what the people are willing to believe it is worth in this form of monetary exchange which the various governments of the world have built up, particularly in modern times. In ancient times, the medium of exchange was almost always precious metals such as gold, silver, nickel, brass or copper, etc., mined and minted into coins by the various governments, with the imprint of those governments and their rulers and the designation of the coin's value according to what the government said it was worth.

As a government became more and more decadent and corrupt and dishonest, its money became more dishonest, until the people found that the coins were no longer being made of pure gold and silver but filled with other less valuable metals: The gold coins became more brass and copper than gold, and the silver coins became more nickel, zinc or lead, etc. In recent history America was even making pennies out of aluminum when copper was scarce.--And of course paper coinage is quite a modern invention in fairly recent history, which came in with the invention of paper and printing press.

So that paper money is a fairly new thing in world history, which our clever capitalistic governments quickly latched on to as a much more convenient means of exchange than actual metal coins, and a far easier and cheaper way to manufacture worthless money and cheat the people! The people were then persuaded to accept these paper bills, or dollars, or pounds, or marks or what have you, because they were far more convenient to carry around, of course, than lugging around bags of gold or silver or copper coins! As long as the people were told by the government that the government would be ready and willing to exchange the paper thing for the real thing at any time they desired to do so, or, in other words, the paper currency for its printed designated worth in actual gold or silver coinage, real value, the people were persuaded to accept this paper substitute for the actually valuable metal coins.

But of course, this also made it very convenient for governments to manipulate or change the value of their exchange to their own advantage, which usually means the advantage of the rich and the powerful. As modern governments also became more corrupt, decadent and deceitful, they too began to pollute their paper money and actually devalue it by being no longer willing to exchange it for either gold or silver, or anything else of actual value for that matter.

As the world began to wake up to what is going on, the Dollar began going down! It had continued to coast on for quite a while on its original monetary value momentum implanted in the minds of men by memory. But those memories are beginning to fade, and the minds are beginning to wake up, and the men are beginning to lose faith in the once almighty dollar, the god of America and the world! For a long time it continued to coast along, not only because it was considered worth what the Americans said it was worth, but because other governments of the world were also willing to support it with their word, saying that it was worth so much to them also in their own currencies. But now other governments too are losing faith in America and America's money because they're losing faith in Americans and American administrations, so that other governments of the world are no longer willing to support the dollar and say it is worth so much in their money and give you as much of their money in exchange for it as they used to.

So as world faith in the Dollar wanes, so wanes the Dollar, and it is sinking lower and lower day by day!--Since its actual paper value is really worth nothing, and it is actually only worth what Americans or others are willing to give you for it in the way of actual material goods. But if the Americans themselves should lose faith in their dollar, as they shall, then they will no longer be willing to exchange valuable goods and services for worthless paper dollars, either between each other or other members of the world community!

If you think that past generations and cultures were foolish for worshiping gods of gold and silver and wood and stone, give a second thought to modern man who has been worshiping gods made only of paper, and very thin paper at that, for a good many years now! But he's now beginning to lose faith in his paper gods, these worthless currencies, and they're beginning to fall! They'll soon be worth so little they'll be cast away as worthless, and only things, services, goods, products and materials of actual value and usefulness will be considered of any worth: The things and materials or products which the consumers of the world either need or want or are willing to pay for in other needed and wanted goods of actual value and use and worth and not merely spots of ink on pieces of paper!

But what is going to take its place? (The Amero!) --What will replace this Green Paper Pig which has so long been the recent world's means of monetary exchange, and upon which their own currency systems have been based? Right now certain currencies are going up while the dollar is going down in relation to those currencies. But what if these other governments also betray their people and the world by refusing to redeem their paper money in so-called hard currency or valuable silver and gold, the price of which is going up daily and is now four times what it was 40 years ago! What will the people of the world do then?

They will not only dump the Dollar, but they will also dump their own Paper Pigs as well, and their governments with them, as they lose faith in both the paper words and the paper-tiger governments which speak them! The peoples of the world will then have to turn to some other gods and governments in which to put their faith, and the only acceptable values will be actual material things, goods and services. At such a time, the valuable salts, minerals, phosphates, bromides and other chemicals of the Dead Sea, where the Green Paper Pig was finally challenged and vanished in the heart of the explosive Mideast--those chemicals of the Dead Sea alone will be worth more than all the money in all the banks in all the world! They are extremely useful and valuable for making many useful and needed things such as fertilizers, gasoline, medicine, etc., as well as dangerous things such as explosives!

The powers that be which can control the valuable, needed and wanted materials of the world such as these and the oil of the Arab world and foods and necessities--such governments will wield the powers of the world, not in worthless Green Paper Pig money, but in actual raw materials, foodstuffs, etc., Those governments which can control the actual goods, and can deliver the goods, are going to get the government of the world! The time will come when money is no longer used as a medium of exchange, and the power of the Green Paper Pig will vanish, and the people of the world will be ruled by a one-world government who will control them by the material power it wields and its control of goods and services, actual material values, and not a Green paper-tiger Pig! The Arabs will have their oil, the Jews the Dead Sea, and the Americans a dead Green Paper Pig!

The apportionment control and sharing of these necessary and wanted goods and services will be managed no longer by the Green Paper Pig and those who monkey with our money! The money medium of exchange will be replaced by a very remarkable credit system in which every person in the world who belongs to the system will bare a credit number, without which he can neither buy nor sell, and by which he is accredited in his governmental account with the value of whatever goods or services he produces, and to which he can charge the goods and services that he himself needs.

So he will no longer buy nor sell with money as a means of exchange, but with a number, a number which will be given him permanently, without any possibility of counterfeit, change, or manipulation nor forgery, because it will be branded on each person: "a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the Beast (the world leader and his government) or the number of his name ... for it is the number of a man!"--And every man will have his own number, every member of the world System will be branded or tattooed with the mark of this final bestial anti-God world government.--They will no longer fear the Green Paper Pigs of past paper tigers and their owners, but they will have a new god and be branded by the Beast like cattle for the slaughter, and will be forced to worship the Beast and his image or be killed!

So says the Word of God in the Bible in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Revelation, as well as in many other descriptions of this final world government in the Book! Those who refuse to worship the Beast or accept his mark or number will be neither able to buy nor to sell, so we who worship God will starve, suffer, be persecuted, and even slain! But our faith in God will save us, and after three-and-a-half years of this awful time of the Great Tribulation under the Beast's new economic and religious system, Christ will come and rescue us and destroy the Antichrist government of the world and set up His own Kingdom here on Earth, where the real values will no longer be temporal, but eternal ones: Truth, love, joy and peace, in a world without money and without marks, and without the bestial governments, wars, cruelty and lies of man, but with truth and love and peace and plenty for all! Farewell to all you paper tigers--and especially that ridiculous Green Paper Pig! Instead, we will ride the pure white horses of the power and plenty of the Kingdom of God!

Meanwhile, beware of the Green Paper Pig!

--What god do you worship?

The Great Confusion and the Economic Crash!

Compiled by Apollos from the teachings of David Brandt Berg with further editing by the webmaster.

I am convinced, not only from what the Scriptures say and what the conditions around us are, but also from what God has shown me personally in dreams and revelations, that America's dollar-based economy is going to crash!--And I don't think it's going to be very long from now. America, with her foolish and selfish economic policies, has robbed the poor to feed the rich, and she can't get away with it forever!

You simply cannot get away from God's economic laws and God's laws of retribution, His promise that "whatsoever you sow, that shall you also reap!" (Gal.6:7 .) America has sown repression economically, so she's going to reap depression!--God's judgements on her for her selfishness and cruelty to the poor and her unwillingness to share her ill-gotten gains and wealth with them! So she's going to get it and be hurt economically, just as she has hurt others!

In fact, America's entire economic system is already hurting and is ready to crash right now, because the whole thing is being supported by nothing more than people's faith in paper! The U.S. dollar used to boast, "One Silver Certificate--Redeemable In Silver" after they went off the gold standard. But then they even took that off the dollar, so now they don't promise to redeem it in either gold or silver. The U.S. is neither on the gold nor the silver standard--strictly on paper.

Their whole economy is built on faith! And that's the trouble, they have pinned their faith on the government and its word instead of on God and His Word!--So when the government fails and loses its credibility, everything goes, as the entire paper-money economy is built on the word of the government and the people's faith in it. Their whole system is built on a false foundation and people's faith in the wrong things!

The only thing that's keeping their economy together is people's faith, just wishful thinking. But once the people wake up and realise that maybe their money isn't really there in the bank or maybe it's not really worth what the government tells them, and they all go down to their banks and try to get it out, that will be the end!

That's exactly what happened during the famous crash of the Great Depression--Black Monday and the days that followed. Banks began to fold up all over the place because the people panicked and lined up by the thousands outside of them, demanding their money--and the banks simply didn't have the money to give them! They'd invested it in other companies or loaned it out and were unable to recall it, so they closed their doors, declared themselves bankrupt and the poor people lost their money.--And thus began the Great Depression!

They keep printing more worthless paper money and they keep spending far more than they're earning, and all the time they're coming nearer and nearer to the end of their rope, because you just simply cannot keep borrowing money in order to spend it to try to bolster your false prosperity! The U.S. alone is over $8,000,000,000,000.00 in debt!--Eight trillion dollars! That's a phenomenal astronomical sum and it's hard for us to even conceive of how much money that really is--eight trillion dollars! The U.S. government is so deeply in debt that even if the U.S. lasted another thousand years, they would never get it all paid!

The American dollar / world monetary system is expanding like a balloon:

And it's just a matter of time until the people wake up and find out! It could happen overnight!--That's the way it happened last time: The people suddenly woke up and realised that their money in the bank was not worth anything, or it might not even be there at all, and they started a run on the banks!--And when it happens this time, the entire economic system will collapse! It will be the greatest economic crash, depression and social and political cataclysm in all of World History!

Can you imagine what will happen in some of America's huge wicked cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, etc. with their millions of people, a very large percentage of whom are poor and on welfare, when suddenly the economic crash hits and nobody gets paid anymore?--Suddenly they won't be able to pay the garbage men or the bus drivers or the subway drivers or the truck drivers or the electrical workers or the water workers or any of the other various utility and public service workers!

If suddenly, in these huge overcrowded cities, nobody got paid, all government handouts to the poor were cut off, all food supplies from the outside were halted, the water stopped running, the sewage stopped flowing and the lights went out, what do you think would happen?--Riots?--No!--There'd be WAR! There would be absolute chaos, total bedlam!--Great Confusion! They would be slaughtering each other for food! There'd be a complete breakdown of law and order and today's modern savages would go out with their guns and their knives to get what they wanted by force!

And because America is the head and leader of world capitalism, once she falls, the whole World Capitalistic System is bound to fall with her! And as she is the greatest and strongest enemy of World Socialism, her fall could result in the ultimate triumphant succession of the socialist Antichrist One-World government, as predicted in the Bible!

Such a crash would surely result in chaos and great confusion, which the Antichrist could take advantage of and even solve with his new credit system and World government. As we brought out in chapters 4 and 5, they're already getting ready for this eventuality in Brussels and Luxembourg, the international financial headquarters of Europe. Three floors of one giant building are already devoted to this purpose, to giant computers which have already assigned a credit number to every individual in the Western World!--The system has already been devised whereby you'll no longer use paper money or checks or even silver, just your credit number.

So it looks like a great economic crash will soon devastate America and her once "almighty dollar", which will probably bring the entire Western World's economy down with it! The resultant Confusion and turmoil could definitely prepare the way for the Antichrist, who will probably appear and take advantage of the situation as the pseudo-saviour of the World and restore law and order with his Covenant of Peace and strong iron-rule government.

Then, after he has consolidated and established his power, he and his ten kings will decide that they no longer need the whore and they will turn on her and completely devour her with fire!--"And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the Beast, these shall hate the Whore"--Babylon, or America--"and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire! For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the Beast, until the Words of God shall be fulfilled." (Rev.17:16,17 .)

It is God who will put this into the hearts of these kings to both serve the beast, the antichrist, and to work with him to destroy the whore.--As a part of the judgements of God! The Antichrist government will turn upon the Whore, America, and his ten kings will devour her, pitch into her, burn her with fire and destroy her!

So everything is working out and going according to God's plan and America will soon suffer for her sins! God's wheels of judgement grind exceeding slow, but they grind exceeding fine!--So, "Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues!" (Rev.18:4 .)

The End of Timeand what the Lord showed me.by Phyliss Maske [Indonesian]

Date: March 26, 2006

I came home from work and it was raining. I was very tired from all the long hours I had been putting in at the store.When I got home, I felt the need to lay down and rest for a while. As soon as I lied down, the Lord came and took me up high. I could see the earth and there was smoke and fire every where! The Lord showed me that it