Dreams of the future

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Sharing such a PPT is a pleasure for me. I wish teachers, students and all others definitely share it and critically comment on it for further improvement. With all good wishes for all ,,,,,,,,, your dreamsKirti

Transcript of Dreams of the future


This is a lovely and heart

rending tale about the March family--a family who loses its

wealth and gains much more--love

and unity.

Young girls are only human, and they have a natural

yearning for worldly possessions. It is up to them how they cope with it, which brings us back to the March

girls. Their desire to help others even when they don't

have much themselves is indeed remarkable

This story shows how in all times, love and hope are

the most faithful

companions, for when all else fails ... we can

depend on them.

The March family is having a difficult time while their Dad

is at war but even when times are bad Meg (oldest),

Jo (second oldest), Beth (second youngest) and Amy

(youngest) still have heaps of fun, make new friends and

find out that not every thing has to be glamorous as long as you have a loving family

and friends in your life.

Once, they set out for a walk. Laurie, who lived next door with his over

protective rich grandfather, saw them

going. Each wore a large hat, had a bag

over her shoulder and carried a long stick. Laurie decided to

follow them.

Hiding behind a tree he watched the girls enjoying within


Beth saw Laurie and smiled, this helped him to ask for joining

them. The girls agreed.

May I join you?

Of course you may.

We are playing the characters from the

book ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’.

As it is against our rules for anyone to

do nothing here, you take the story

book and finish reading the story.

According to their rules, each of

them had to do something. Thus

Meg told Laurie to finish reading a story. As Laurie

wished to be with them, he agreed.

Yes Madam. I’ll do anything if

you let me stay for a bit. I hate

to be alone.Meg


After the story was over, they sat for talking of all the things each of them wished

from the future.

Wouldn’t it be fun if all the

things we dream of doing could

come true?


Let us each say what we would most like to do.

What about you Laurie?

I would like to travel. I would see as much of the world as I wanted

to. Then I would become a famous musician. What is

yours Meg?


I would like to have a lovely and my house, beautiful

things, pretty clothes, plenty of money and servants. I would do nothing and enjoy…

would have lots of Arabian horses and room full of books. I would like to be as famous writer as

Laurie’s music.

Jo wished to become a famous writer and do something wonderful that wouldn’t be forgotten even after her death. But Beth wished to stay together with her father and mother and help and take care of

family. Amy wanted to go to Rome to paint wonderful pictures and be the best artist on the world.

With their dreams of the future they all wished to meet after ten years.

The unique thing

about this story is that it is based on a completely

true story of Louisa M.

Alcott's own life.