Dream out loud

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Family Studies magazine

Transcript of Dream out loud

5 Easy &

Delicious Healthy Recipes





Dad’s motto: Never Giving Up

Exclusive Interview

Dad’s motto: Never Giving Up


Have you ever had a dream or a goal that you

wanted to accomplish that was big? Well, have

you ever wondered if you parents ever had

their own dreams or goals in their life like

yours? Well I wanted to find out so I had

conducted an interview about my dad and his

goal in life. My dad had given me tips and

wisdom of words for my future goals. His

wisdom of words was to never give up and

always stay on task because sometimes the

small slip ups can become bigger problems.

My dad’s goal in life was to become settled

and have a good business. But before he could

accomplish his long term goal he needed to get

settled in Canada when he emigrated from Sri

Lanka to Canada. He did accomplish his goal

and that was by getting support from family

and friends, who helped him, get comfortable

with what he has to face in life. My dad also

had to work double as hard to make sure he

was up to task by studying in school but also at

the same time, getting a job, so he can collect

enough money to support the rest of his family

that were going to migrate to Canada

afterwards. Some tips my dad suggested were

to always be confident when doing something,

and find friends that can help support you and

work as a team to support each other.

A missed opportunity my dad had missed out

on was that he was offered an extra advanced

class in business when he was in university but

he was unable to take it even though he

wanted to. The reason why was because he

needed to work since he needed money for his

family and the extra class was not adjustable


Discover tips and suggestions on

accomplishing your own goal from parents’



for his time. My dad does believe that he

partially regrets not entering the class

because he could have become more

successful and it could have been helpful now

if he took the advanced class. He seems to

think the good part of it, is that if he took the

class he may have not brought his family to

Canada, in a safer area in time which he cares

about a lot. He believed he could have

changed his schedule and tried working and

studying extra. Although it was a missed

opportunity he is glad he still had succeeded

to this present day.

Taking into consideration of the advice and

tips my dad has given me the area he feels is

important for me to concentrate, based on

his life is that I need to be independent and

learn to stand on my own two feet when

facing the world. By using my dad’s advice

and his experience I had developed my own

goal. My goal was to get honour roll through

all my years in high school.

I would know that I had achieved my goal if at the

end of each year I get a medal representing the

honor roll. I know I can reach my goal if I am

confidence. I would also need to be independent

and not be distracted when it is exams and studying

time. I know I can achieve this goal if I have good

work habits by reviewing all work I had done in the

end of the day, making notes, and more. I would like

to achieve honour roll for all of high school and

continue my work habits through the rest of my

school years. Using the advice my dad had given I

would always try my best in all subjects and never

give up even if I am struggling in a subject.

When achieving my goal I will need to have enabling

goals that shorten down my long term goal, I will go

through obstacles and I would need strategies to get

them accomplished. Some enabling goal that I

would need to accomplish is the class work,

homework, test and more to make sure I am always

focused and know what I am doing and ,another is

taking notes for every subject so I can take a look at

key points and revise more easily for me. Doing

those things is shortening my pathway of getting

honor roll. A few obstacles I may have are that I may

have more than one project to work on and I may

lose track of what I need to do. Other obstacles are

having distractions like parties or events, and maybe

trips that may occur. To avoid these obstacles I can

do an equal amount of both projects little by little

so I can get both of them done. To avoid distractions

I can put them on hold and get back to it after homework is

done. I can also limit my extra time on just playing on the

computer or more to finish homework as well. Some time

management problems are procrastinating and by throwing

away minutes by being distracted. To get around these

problems I can plan out my hour blocks of the day, and force

myself to focus on the present.

Comparing to my goal setting abilities to my dad it seems we

had the same way in achieving our goals but my dad just

didn’t know he had planned everything out and was on the

right track already. Meeting my SMART goal helps me

accomplish an emotional developmental task The reason

being that I am learning to be mature, motivated,

responsible, and independence when achieving my goal by

taking marks seriously, being positive and confident, taking

ownership to achieve it, and by learning in my way and

bringing forwards extra time for me to study and make notes.

Using smart goals in the future can help you achieve

something that can be beneficial to you if you don’t give up

on yourself to do it.

'Lisa's Babysitting Advice ' by Yathavi

Smart With Talk

Urrg! Don’t you despise that moment when you tell your friend

something, and they don’t understand you, so you have to repeat it

to them again and they still don’t understand you? Or that happy

moment when you tell a friend something and they understand you?

Well that’s what I’m going to be talking to you guys about! I’m going

to present and teach you guys on how to become a GREAT, and

AMAZING communicator! First off you guys need to know what

effective communication really is. Effective communication is when

there are two people who receive and send information, feelings and

much more. Communication occurs every day at every second. This

leads me to the type of people who take part in communication of

sending and receiving information. There is sender who sends the

message and there is always a receiver who receives the message.

For example, in the comic “Lisa’s babysitting advice” ,, Lisa greets

Jeff, Mike’s dad, she is the sender because she is sends a message of

an welcoming. Jeff takes part as the receiver who interprets the

message that he received.

To become a good sender or receiver you should consider your

speech and purpose when communicating. Speech contains the tone

of speech such as being formal or informal. Speech is important

because if you were in an interview you would not speak in an

informal tone like slang. If you go back to “Lisa’s Babysitting Advice”

her speech towards Mike, when he acted rudely was serious and

angered, not happy and care free, “Mike I would like you to talk to

me with respect!” she had said. If your tone of speech is incorrect,

you would change the purpose of your entire message. Purpose is

also an important factor because there is always a purpose to a

reaction that is received. Purpose relies on speech because if your

speech was incorrect it would change the concept of your purpose

creating miscommunication. In communication there is always a role

of empathy that takes place. Empathy relies on speech because if

your speech was


Learn About Effective Communication


incorrect it could change the concept of your purpose creating

miscommunication. In communication there is always a role of

empathy that takes place. Empathy is when you show

understanding to a receiver and to be able to connect with them

and be in their perspective. Lisa from the comic had shown

empathy to Mike when he was discussing his frustration, she

proved she understood his feelings by saying “I understand how

you feel right now.”

When becoming a communicator an important antecedent in

communication is in non-verbal and verbal messages. Non-verbal

communication is understood throughout the process of sending

and receiving wordless messages, through body language. Body

language consists of physical proximity, facial expression, body

position, gestures, and eye contact. An example is when Lisa

instructed Mike to come into the kitchen, he had walked behind

Lisa with a slouched back, his eyes half closed, and his head down

showing he is upset. Verbal messages are short responses that

are spoken. An example of verbal messages is when Lisa was in

the kitchen she had said “ Your dad’s fiancée seems nice to me.”

Mixed messages are problems that can occur between non-

verbal and verbal messages. An example is yawning, it can be

seen as a negative body gesture because it can give off a

message that you are not interested to the receiver.

In communicating it is best to use positive strategies and

assertiveness. Positive strategies consist of humour, honesty, and

timing. Humor helps make the message light-hearted and pleasant,

but it can be inappropriate at times. Honesty is when the receiver

receives correct information is able to determine the sender’s

feelings. Timing is when the receiver is prepared to listen to the not

Mike was ready to explain his frustration. Lisa says” Now that we are

settled, do you this is the right time t discuss your frustration.”

Assertiveness is also a good thing to use as well. Assertiveness is when

communicating ideas are positive and firm. For example was when Lisa

had helped Mike, he responded “That sounds good. Thanks for the

advice Lisa! I feel much better!”

Listening is also a major factor in effective communication. There are

two ways to listen and respond, one being an active listener and the

other as passive listener .Active listener involves concentrating on

what is being said, so you understand the massage. Active listening

consists of verbal responses/comments, and encourages the speaker

to express feelings. Active listening has benefits that are: respect,

trust, productivity, and accuracy. Lisa says, “How about we discuss this

over dinner” to Mike to encourage him to express his feelings. Passive

listening is when someone hears the message but doesn’t interpret or

takes their time to consider the meaning. Mike presented an example

when his dad was informing him about leaving, Mike responded with

“Hmmm”, showing he didn’t really consider what the message meant.

To be a better listener you should always try to consider what the

message is being sent to you and you can do that by controlling

emotion, concentrating, not interrupting, focused, open mind, positive

attitude and connecting with the speaker. These tips help interpret the

message you will receive.

Effective communication also contains filters which are about being

biased. Biased is when having a narrow perspective on something and

there are three types of being bias. There is ethnocentrism which is to

show less importance of a group or culture. Stereotyping is when a

group is generalized as the same characteristic, and prejudice is being

against a group or individual sharing the same characteristic. Being

biased can offend many people.

Another factor of effective communication is I-messages which

provide a positive communication under difficult circumstances. I-

messages contain 4 parts: “I feel”, “When you’, “Because I”, and “I

want” help make a negative stamen into a positive. Mike had used I-

messages when he was explaining why he was frustrated to Lisa. He had

said “I don't like Tina, she seems to try to replace my mother, when my

mother died just a year ago. She is always too perky when I still feel

upset over my mom. To add more to my dislike, dad doesn’t seem to

mind.” Mike had used I-massages to express his problem in a positive

method. Benefits of I- messages is that they help define the problem,

reduce defensiveness, and helps ease intentional conflict.

The final factor of effective communication contains is roadblocks

which stand in the way of good communication. There are eleven types

of roadblocks. There is criticizing meaning judging or blaming,

threatening meaning warning, preaching meaning ordering, lecturing

meaning arguing. The other six are analyzing meaning diagnosing,

advising meaning giving tips or help, one-upping meaning competing,

globalizing meaning generalizing, dismissing meaning rejecting, and

finally interrogating meaning questioning. Mike and Lisa have used one

each. Lisa had used one-upping when she challenged Mike to play his

video games, and Mike had used dismissing when he said “whatever” to

his father.

Roadblocks also have bridges which are I-messages that prevent specific

roadblocks. There are four and they change accusing to suggesting,

blaming to reassuring, demanding to persuading, and lastly judging to

praising. Lisa had changed blaming to reassuring when Mike had said he

disliked Tina, because of her perkiness it made him upset, Lisa had

taken the blame and changed it into reassuring by saying “I’m sure it

was just a misunderstanding, she just wants to fit in and not hurt you.

As a conclusion I believe that effective communication is very important

for teens. Teens communicate more than any other age groups do

because of the highly developed technology. Many teen also break

these factors in communication without realizing. Effective

communication skills will help teens in the future with many different

situations such as fights with friends to an interview for a job and this

article would help demonstrate techniques to help with the situation.

This Picture demonstrates body language, timing which is a

positive strategy, and passive listening.

“Every good

conversation starts with

good Listening “


Hey guys! I’m going to show and tell how to

follow Lisa`s kitchen tips for safety,

dishwashing, and measuring. So let`s begin!

Tip 2: Loose, bulky clothing, dangling

jewellery? Nu-uh! HAIR UP AND APRON

ON! Now!

Tip 5: Operating a microwave

with a metal container inside? Oh,

please I know better!

Tip 6: When placing a pan on the stove,

move the handle so it`s pointing to the

middle. Remember if you want to avoid

steam burn, lift the pot lid in the direction

farthest away from you, to allow the steam

to escape.

Hair ties back and apron on

Don’t use metal

containers for a


Pan handles turned to centre of oven

Hey guys! I’m going to show and tell how to

follow Lisa`s kitchen tips for safety,

dishwashing, and measuring. So let`s begin!

Tip 2: Arg! Arg! I know the order wash

rinse, stack, and dry from glassware,

cutlery, dinnerware, preparation dishes,

to pots and pans

Tip 5: Team work it is, one washing

and rinsing, while other puts them all


Order of washing items

One person washes and rinses, other dries

and puts away.

Hey guys! I’m going to show and tell how to

follow Lisa`s kitchen tips for safety,

dishwashing, and measuring. So let`s begin!

Tip 2: I have tricks up my sleeve. To fill a

measuring tool, there are two ways to do so.

Leveled is when the ingredient is precisely

full while heaping is overflown.

Tip 5: Do you know what measuring

spoons are used for? He he he . I’ll

tell you anyway, it’s liquid, dry,

and solid ingredients

Tip 6: To measure hard fat use water

displacement method; measure 1cup of fat pour 2

cups of cold water into the liquid measuring cup and

add fat until the water rises and then take out the


Heaping Leveled

Measuring spoons

Water Displacement Method


1. 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.

2. 3. 2. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, oil, white sugar and 2

teaspoons vanilla. Mix in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Stir in carrots. Fold in pecans. Pour into prepared pan.

4. 5. 3. Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until

a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.

6. 7. 4. To Make Frosting: In a medium bowl, combine butter,

cream cheese, confectioners' sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Stir in chopped pecans. Frost the cooled cake.

*For Flour take a heaping amount and then level off with spatula,

and don’t pack. Use measuring cup

*For the vegetable oil, pour into the liquid measuring cup on a

straight surface and eye level

*squish lumps and use measuring spoon

*For vanilla extract and salt, use a measuring spoon

Ingredients Cake:


-3 cups of




-1 cup of





-1 & ¼ of

vegetable oil

- 4 eggs


-2 cup of

white sugar


- 2 cups of






- 2 teaspoons

of baking



- 2 teaspoons

of baking


- 2 teaspoons

of vanilla


- 2 teaspoons

of ground



- ½ cup of salt




-1/2 cup of softened


- 8 ounces of

softened cream


-1 cup of chopped



-4 cups of



Small Amounts

-1 teaspoon for

vanilla extract

*Credit for recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/carrot-cake-iii/

How To Measure Ingredients

Healthy Eating

Apple Squares


-2 medium apples - ¾ cup of whole-wheat flour -3/4 cup all-purpose flour -1teaspoon baking soda -1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup packed brown sugar 1/3 cup canola oil 1/3 cup low-fat yogurt -1 large egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degree

Fahrenheit. Coat an 8”x8” inch pan with

non-stick cooking spray

2. Peel core, and chop apples

3.In large bowl, whisk the flours, baking

soda, cinnamon, and salt together.

4. In another large bowl whisk sugar, oil,

yogurt, egg, and vanilla extract together.

5. Combine flour and egg mixture until

well combined. Fold in chopped apples.

Pour into pan and spread evenly.

6. Bake 35-40 minutes. Cut into 16

squares and serve.


Prep time: 10min

Cooking time: 35-40 min

Servings: 16 servings

Am I Eating Healthy? How Do I Know?

There is nothing more comforting than biting into a

warm, sweet, and rich apple square and knowing it is

healthy for you. You won’t believe it, but it’s true!

Apple squares are snacks that are healthy because

they meet the recommendations of the Canada’s

Food Guide. The Canada’s Food Guide can help you

eat RIGHT! This delicious snack follows all four of the

food groups, making it a healthy choice. The food

ingredients included in this recipe are 2 apples,

whole-wheat flour, low-fat yogurt, and an egg. The 2

apples are included in the Vegetables and Fruit

group, while the whole-wheat flour and all-purpose

flour is part of the Grain Products, and whole-wheat

is especially healthy because it is whole-wheat then

the original flour. The low-fat yogurt is considered as

a Milk and Alternative and it is also healthy because it

is low-fat and not regular. The egg used in the recipe

is included as a Meat and Alternative. As an option

you can also include cashews or any other preferred

nuts apart of the recipe which could also be

considered part of the food group. For people with

allergies to nuts do not need to include it to the

recipe because they still would be eating from all the

food groups due to the egg is included as part of

the Meat and Alternatives. The recipe also includes canola oil

used is also included in Canada’s Food Guide as it is unsaturated

fat and it is one of the best oils to use when cooking.

Vegetable and Fruits: Apples

Grain Products: whole-wheat flour

Milk and Alternative: low-fat yogurt

Meat and Alternatives: Egg and (optional) nuts (e.g. cashews)

Cooking oils: Canola oil

Level: Easy

Other healthy recipes with same ingredients and

ingredients you can find at home:

-apple cinnamon pancakes

-apple oatmal bars

-honey blueberry muffins

-whole-wheaat honey bread

Are Apple Squares Appealing To Teens?

This apple squares recipe is appealing to

teens The reason being is that it follows the

FACTTS factor that help make a food

appealing and YUMMY for teens to enjoy.

The first appeal is flavour, tasting sweet,

rich, and strong. What teen wouldn’t like

something sweet and healthy to snack on?

The aroma would be sweet, strong, and like

freshly baked goods, something that

satisfies all teen cravings with

DELICIOUSNESS. The colour of the apple

squares is a light-golden brown, mixed with

apple bits that would be a light-orangey

bache. The varied colours make it

appetizing and attractive to teens. The

texture of the apple squares from soft to

chewy would make teens minds go CRAZY!

The temperature of the apple squares

would be warm or cool, and the shape

could vary, so you guys could use cookie

cutters! The original shape though, is a

square and the servings are evaluated by

the squares.

YUMMY apple square recipe appealing


Why is it Important to Plan Meals?

Planning a menu for each of your meals would benefit

you in many ways. An important factor is time. You

may have a busy lifestyle with bunch of tests and

projects from school, limiting your time to shop for

your ingredients and prepare the meal. Plan your

meals ahead so, when going shopping you would take

less time looking for ingredients because you already

know what you are going to buy. By planning you

would be also very organized which is always a positive

point. I’m sure everyone would want to be! You could

also be saving money by carefully choosing healthy

appealing foods within the family’s budget instead of

not planning and just spending money on things you

think you may need but you don’t.

This may also help you save extra money to maybe buy

something for yourself. Who isn’t happy when they

know they have extra money to buy something they

like? You would also be developing healthy food

choices because you won’t have the need to but

unhealthy foods when seeing them because you

already planned healthy choices and you are only

buying the foods you planned. Maybe like chocolate.

We all know we can eat it ALL day but it’s bad for you!

You would also be meeting likes and dislikes within a

family. For example one family member may enjoy

pasta but another may not but planning the meals that

each family member would like or alternating between

days would help meet those preferences. Surely this

has happened to you, while you are giving a disgusting

look to your plate, your sibling is all happy and done,

asking for seconds! Eh EEWW! An important factor

about planning your meals is that to be meeting an

individual’s needs such as allergies. If a person is

allergic to a specific food or ingredient it would not be

wise to make it, that’s why planning our foods ahead

would help you get around that problem.

Planning your meals help save money and time.

Family likes and dislikes can vary, by planning ahead to alternate

preferred dinners would help meet those likes/dislikes.