DrBOB Appelman Clinical Professor - IST Indiana University drbob.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of DrBOB Appelman Clinical Professor - IST Indiana University drbob.

  • Slide 1

drBOB Appelman Clinical Professor - IST Indiana University http://www.indiana.edu/~drbob Slide 2 Meaningful Play Task engagement of the player during play Development Pipeline Interactions between Design & Dev Teams Instructional Designer A new role in the pipeline Web Site Tool to facilitate Team micro-decisions Slide 3 Serious Game Any game that offers more than fun as its outcome for the player Meaningful Play The execution of appropriate tasks by a player to solve stated problems within the game Example: The Swing Slide 4 A Game: Usually Algorythmic (Rule-Based) with Play focusing on Content Manipulation A Simulation: Usually Modeling of External Content with Play focusing on Decision-Making Slide 5 Multiple Disciplines Differing Points-of-view No Precedent All companies work differently No Common Strategies Specific decisions are not shared Bridging the Gap Defining the pipeline at a micro level Slide 6 Game Design Creative Designer Instructional Designer Project Manager Programming System Architecture Functional Programming Art O bject/NPC Modeling World Building Audio Interaction Sound (SFX) Narrative (Speech) Music Slide 7 The Role of the Instructional Designer Defining the instructional objectives The Player: Entry Level is 8 th 9 th grade Content: Algebra, Trigonometry, & Basic Physics. Motivation is moderate for Math, but high for Physics. The Learning Objectives: Within the game/sim the player will encounter problems, and successfully demonstrate ability to Identify trigonometry formulas dealing with sides and angles of a triangle, plus be able to recognize contextual variables that must be measured and/or manipulated to solve specific problems, Etc The Context for the learning must be situated in authentic contexts where physics problems are encountered. The perception of the player must be that s/he is among a group of peers, each with something to contribute to the problem, etc Slide 8 The Role of the the Creative Designer Defining the Form and Functionality of the Play Environment Demands a great deal of INTRA & INTER Collaboration Aesthetics Continuity Pacing Player Experience Slide 9 INFO ElementsINTERACTIONSSTORY o DATE o LOCATION (and maybe in a Google Earth fashion) o IMAGE/AUDIO of LEONARDO as he mutters to himself about the concept he is wrestling with o PRINCIPLE ANALYZER gives readout of key concepts of math, physics, and tools they need to take with them to assist. o Manipulation of the HISTORY SCANNER o Comments to each other through NPC dialog o Manipulation of PRINCIPLE ANALYZER The Incredible Kids are hanging out in their special lab-lounge and a signal is broadcast to them from their HISTORY SCANNER. They run over to this to find out where the need is this time to help history continue on its projected path. This time the signal is coming from the 16 th century and specifically from Leonardo DaVincis Lab in Italy. The scanner has picked up a Concentration Center where Leonardo is working on a concept of gravity, but seems to be having problems. THIS IS THE TIME FOR THE iKIDS TO BEAM THEMSELVES THERE TO HELP. o Costumes of each of our iKIDS automatically change period. o PC must locate and begin interaction with LEONARDO The iKIDS are transported in, of course a very neat fashion to Italy, and specifically into Leonardos Lab Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 CHARACTER MODEL 3D bipedMoCap Data James is a white Anglo-Saxon 16 year old who is particularly good with Mathematics. He is somewhat introverted and quiet, but has a dry humor and wit. OBJECTNAME James [JMX] functioning as NPC PLAYER STATEC Familiarity with iKids Lab but no interactions with fellow iKids PLAYER STATESC.1C.2C.3C.4 SCENE:iKids Lab LoungeIKL-Lounge Initial ACTION:JMX raises head (or turns head) smiles and says: Slide 19 EVENT IDPLAYER's POSSIBLE RESPONSESSCRIPT of OBJECT's RESPONSESSOUND FILE C.1a(upon 1 st collision detection) Hey there [MAX or RAX], you look pretty relaxed in our lounge here, but have you checked out the Resource Area or Control Room yet? C1aJMX-MAX.aif C1aJMX-RAX.aif C.1bWhere is the Resource Area? Through that door to your right [JMX points to SE corner of Lounge] C1bJMX.aif C.1cWhat can you do here in the lounge? Well, besides just hanging out and talking, there are some History Magazines, and a small media library over there [JMX points to N wall of bookcases] C1cJMX.aif C.1dWhere is the Control Room? Through that door to your left [JMX points to NW corner of Lounge] C1dJMX.aif Closing ACTION:JMX looks away to what he was doing Slide 20 MALE #1 MALE #2 FEMALE #1 FEMALE #2 Audio Character Voice for NPC MOVING #1 MOVING #2 MOVING #3 Slide 21 MALE #1 MALE #2FEMALE #1 FEMALE #2 Art NPC Model of Advisor First Meeting Environment MEETING #1 MEETING#2 MEETING#3 Slide 22 drBOB Appelman Clinical Professor - IST Indiana University http://www.indiana.edu/~drbob Slide 23 MALE #1 NPC Model of Advisor Art Slide 24 MALE #2 NPC Model of Advisor Art Slide 25 FEMALE #1 NPC Model of Advisor Art Slide 26 FEMALE #2 NPC Model of Advisor Art Slide 27 Meeting #1 First Meeting Environment Art Slide 28 Meeting #2 First Meeting Environment Art Slide 29 Meeting #3 Art First Meeting Environment