Drawn pics

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Drawn pics

Here is “The Velvet” together posing. I chose to position them like this to show confidence (hand on hip) and relaxation (Person sitting on the floor)

Camera angle: at eye levelShot type: Mid / long shot

This is just a quick idea i have developed. I thought; to highlight the youth element to the band they could be holding a board up with “The Velvets” written in graffiti.

Only one member of the band will be holding the board as the other two will be standing confidently next to eachother

Each member of the band will have their individual shot. Here will be one member of the band standing confidently next to a speaker whilst a mike will be hanging from her shoulders. This will be highlight the edginess of the girls and the fact that they are musicians.

Camera angle: Eye LevelShot type: Mid shot

Here is another member of the band. They will be standing confidently whilst leaning on a guitar. I would like this to highlight that they are musicians

Camera angle: Eye level Shot Type: Mid/ Long shot

Two of the member will be singing through a micro phone

Other member will be playing a guitar

All members will b e sitting on chairs

Camera angle : Eye level Shot type: Long shot

Extreme close up shot of the band. This will allow the audience to really connect with the band and what they look like.

Camera angle: eye level

Here is another member of the band who will be leaning on the sign which says “The Velvets”

Two of the members of the band will be singing through a micro phone whilst the other will be playing the piano

I chose to create my sketch to give me a rough idea of the images i will be taking. For the majority of the images will be taken inside. I also chose to have a camera angle of eye level as i want my band and the audience to feel equality. I believe this is very important. Though my images i want the audience’s representation of the band to be; edgy, confident, passionate and fun.