Drawn Into A Bigger Story

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Transcript of Drawn Into A Bigger Story


The Tabers: Quinn, Sage, Elena, Shirin, Clyde

How John & Marcia became Clyde & Shirin and were called to live leveraged lives.


Table of Contents

Page 3 Getting the Names Right: The Clyde and Shirin story begins

Page 4 You Will Reach Millions: Middle East & Media

Page 5 New Wineskin: The Visual Story Network is born

Page 6 Historic Shifts: Screens, Story and Mobile

Page 7 10 Hours of Media a Day

Page 8 Three Movements: A Response to Three Shifts

Page 9 Middle East Women’s Leadership Network

Page 10 What God Has Done

Page 11 Iran and India

Page 12 Our Century Team

Page 13 Clyde Takes a Beating (Clyde’s story continued)

Page 14 Shirin, Are You Really Iranian? (Shirin’s story continued)

Page 15 The Taber Clan: Quinn, Elena and Sage

Page 16 For More Information


Getting the Names Right

Clyde made his debut on

September 17, 1962 in

Baltimore as the first of

Emilie and Clyde’s two kids.

Emilie wanted to name him

John Glenn Taber after the first American to

orbit the earth. Clyde III wanted to keep the

streak alive so Clyde Ellis Taber IV was given

the name that started in 1895.

Emilie lost the naming battle, but prevailed in

the next big decision. Born of Polish Lutheran

(Emilie’s side) and West Virginia Baptist

(Clyde’s side) stock, Clyde was baptized (and

confirmed) in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church north

of Baltimore. All was well in Shangri-La until

the Warren Beatty movie “Bonnie and Clyde"

debuted when Clyde was in kindergarten. The

jibe first heard in the alley behind their north

Baltimore row home had remarkable staying

power, “Hey Clyde, where's Bonnie?”

(continued on page 11)

God is the Great Author of

story. He is the Redeemer

of stories. He is the

Weaver of stories. Here

begin two stories that get

redeemed and woven

together to reveal His

purposes to the nations.

Marcia Carmel

Madani was born

August 17, 1966 in

Compton, California

to Mahmood and

Patricia. When

Mahmood, a first-time father, identified his

daughter through the newborn window, he

thought his daughter had a birth defect. He

got a second opinion from their neighbor

Vicki who confirmed his suspicion (she had

not yet had children herself).

Shirin's head was oblong from the passage

through the birth canal. Without consulting

anyone else, Mahmood had her birth

certificate changed to Shirin Marcia Madani.

In several Middle Eastern languages, Shirin

means “sweet.” Mahmood felt she would

need a name to help compensate for her

deformity. It did not take long for her head

to take a normal shape, but the name

change was permanent.

(continued on page 12)


You Will Reach Millions

From 1993 to 2000 Clyde and Shirin reached Muslim and international students in Paris and through North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. They poured their lives into hundreds of students because someone cared enough to do it for them while they were in college.

While on a trip to North Africa in 2000, Clyde met Mohammed, a Muslim student open to the Gospel because of media he found through satellite television. On the same trip, an American pastor he had just met surprised Clyde by saying “I sense the Lord is going to use you to reach millions through media.” Clyde couldn’t dismiss that God was confirming a new desire to use visual media to reach the lost.

In 1988, the east coast boy met

the west coast girl in the Middle

East. They fell in love while on a

one-year mission in Istanbul,


For the next seven years Clyde oversaw the development of some of the most innovative evangelistic media in the world through the JESUS Film Project. More than 100 million people have been influenced through these tools and strategies.

1988-89 Istanbul team Clyde led. Shirin is the woman of mystery on the left.

Paris team Clyde led.


A New Wineskin

In 2005, two mission agency directors

were talking while waiting for a plane in

Bangkok, Thailand. Jim Green (Executive

Director, JESUS Film Project) and Rob

Hoskins (President, OneHope) shared a

deep desire for the body of Christ to be

more effective in reaching a new

generation for the Gospel.

Eventually, 20 people gathered on May 2006 in Orlando, Florida. Amidst the voices of the many gathered, one Voice emerged. There was overwhelming sense that God was saying something needed to be done.

At the time Clyde was overseeing the development of new media for the JESUS Film Project when he was asked to lead this new initiative. A partnership was formed that would explore new ways to reach people in our increasingly media saturated world. This partnership became a new ministry called the Visual Story Network.

The Lineup (Visual Story Network co-founders).Clyde Taber, Bailey Marks, Stephan Tchividjian, Rob Hoskins, Jim Green,

Paul Konstanski, Rich Sheeley, Bill Sunderland Jim Green

Rob Hoskins

Visual Story Network


Historic ShiftsAfter 2000 years, the Good News of Jesus has still not reached every person on the earth. The Church

has been slow to adopt new forms of communication in our era of rapid change. Critical Gospel

opportunities are lost. The world is increasingly…

Screen Dominated

Story Driven

Mobile Device Saturated


10 Hours of Media a Day

This has a profound effect on

the youth of the world as they

are saturated in media that can

warp their souls.

Watch how in the 3-minute story

of Yuseff and Andrea at



Three MovementsIn response, the Visual Story Network fosters three fresh moves of God within the global body of Christ.

Our 2016 plans to foster these movements are as follows. The detailed plan is available at


Visual Media Movement

Story Movement

Mobile Ministry


2016 Goal: Provide strategic leadership

resources to 500 churches and ministries.

Strategy: 1. Reach 2000 leaders monthly

with best practices and products


2. Introduce 100 leaders to the potential

visual ministry partners.

3. Launch first online course on media


Outcome: These churches and

organizations will develop greater “visual

literacy” and more effectively allocate

resources to media strategies.

2016 Goal: Train 200 Christian Leaders in

10 countries in the art and ministry

application of story.

Strategy: 1. Story Workshops.

2. On-Site Story Training for ministries.

3. Launch first online course on “Story in


Outcome: These leaders will influence 500

others to integrate the key principles of

story in the content they create and the

ministry strategies they develop. This will

help 50 organizations become more

effective in their ability to captivate the

hearts of non-believers.

2016 Goal: Train 500 Christian leaders in

25 countries to develop local tools and

strategies using mobile devices.

Strategy: 1. Four-week Online Course.

2. Introductory Training Resources.

3. Launching regional mobile ministry


Outcome: These leaders will influence

two thousand others to adopt

appropriate, innovative mobile strategies

in their ministry outreach helping reach

200,000 people through their mobile



Middle East Women’s Leadership Network

Shirin has built a network of 100 Christian

female leaders focused on the Middle East.

The network provides training and

mentoring for women in media and

leadership development.

Many of these women are hosts on

Christian television broadcast into the

Middle East.

Sarah is a 27-year-old Iranian who

experienced a radical conversion to

Christ. She was profoundly affected by

the idea that under Islamic law her

voice only counted as half that of a

man in a court of law. She immigrated

to the United States in 2013.

When given the opportunity to host

an evangelistic broadcast television

into Iran, she did not hesitate. She

states,” since I began to broadcast on

television into Iran, my family has not

spoken to me.”

Regarding the Visual Story Network,

she says,” I love the training and

encouragement I receive. There is

nothing else like this for women”

In 2013, Shirin was invited to a

gathering of Christian leaders focused

on the Middle East. Of the 100 leaders

in the room, she was one of eight

women…and the only one under the

age of 50.

God used that to stir her heart to

develop women leaders. She launched

the Middle East Women’s Leadership

Network. At the next gathering of

leaders, 47 of the 100 leaders were


It is her burden to raise up a

generation of godly, innovative women

who will help reach the Middle East for


Shirin leads a recent women’s media summit.


What God Has Done

• The ministry expanded to 1,945 participants in 80 nations reaching an

estimated 260,000 people with the good news of Jesus.

By the end of 2014, God used the Visual Story Network in the

following ways…

• We trained 147 leaders like Joseph Hovesepian in the use of story in

reaching and teaching people in places like Iran.

• VSN resourced Isabella, a media evangelist in Thailand, and 23,000

others who spent 1200 hours on VSN web sites as they sought help for

their mission work.

• The ministry helped Frontiers, a church planting ministry among Muslims,

develop strategies to use mobile phones in evangelistic outreach. Our

Mobile Ministry Forum (expanded to 126 organizations as the world’s

leading partnership platform for using mobile devices in ministry.

• VSN launched the Middle East Women’s Leadership Network. Forty

female leaders focused on Iran received training and mentoring.

• Pastor Paul Matthews from India committed to creating the first

evangelistic film in Halbi for the Halbi people. Forty-four other unreached

groups were adopted.

• We trained 345 leaders in the area of mobile ministry like Donna. In turn,

Donna led Amira to Christ using her mobile phone. Amira is a young widow

in India whose story follows.


Joseph Hovsepian

Pastor Paul


Today, according to Operation World, the

church in Iran is the fastest growing church

in the world.

David Yeghnazar is the 42-year-old leader

of ELAM Ministries based in the United

Kingdom. ELAM is the largest outreach into

Iran through television broadcasts,

leadership training and church planting.

David had us provide story training for their

25 staff on several occasions. He recently

shared, “The Visual Story Network training

on story telling has concretely helped us

communicate and engage our audience

more clearly and effectively.” David is the

kind of leader we train to be more effective

in his mission through media.

Amira is a Muslim widow raising two sons in

India. During a visit, Donna shared with Amira,

“I was just given some films on the life of Jesus

that you can watch on your phone. Would you

like to see them?” Amira hesitated, “Well...sure.

I don’t know much about Him.” Donna gave

her a micro SD card with the films. When they

met a week later, Amira said, “Every evening

the boys asked to watch more films about


After some discussion, Donna asked, “Amira,

do you want to be clean before God by

accepting Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins?”

“Yes, I want this gift,” she replied. Donna led

her in prayer to receive Christ.

Donna and Amira continue to meet and

encourage one other to obey what they are

reading in the Bible. Donna learned how to use

a mobile phone in ministry through the Mobile

Ministry Forum initiative.

Iran and India


Our Century Team

Shirin and I have been empowered to “make disciples of all

nations” the last 30 years through the faithful prayer and financial

support of families, individuals, businesses and churches. These

partners have grown with us and our family as the ministry has


The team includes nurses, pastors, a Navy admiral, entrepreneurs,

single mothers, teachers, accountants, retirees, producers,

software developers and more. These saints are very dear to us.

We are building our Century Team. This is the 100 partners that

support us monthly through prayer and finance. We currently have

89 partners who give between $30 and $500 per month.

Would you consider joining our Century Team?


Clyde Takes a Beating(continued from page 2)

Clyde and Emilie provided a stable home for Clyde and his sister Elaine. When he was in second grade, his parents traded the red brick row home for a red brick rancher on a cul-de-sac with three quarters of an acre in the suburbs. Always the tallest in class, he leveraged his height and work ethic to excel in baseball, basketball and volleyball. As the son of an engineer, academics came to him naturally as well.

When he organized neighborhood whiffle ball and kick ball games, he found a way to let kids of all ages play. He felt the pain of those on the outside. Decades later, the Strengths-Finder test told him his greatest strength is Includer.

At Fallston High School, sports, academics, a posse of three friends and a series of girlfriends kept him confident and content. He balanced the plates while adding in the weekend party scene. After graduating near the top of his class of 225, he strode off to the University of Maryland with proud shoulders and greedy hands. As a computer science major, he knew there was a pot of gold at the end of the four-year rainbow.

When he arrived in College Park, his shoulders slouched and his head spun in a mass of 36,000 students. In a sloping lecture hall with 500 others, he couldn't crack the calculus code and dropped the course. He retook it his sophomore year and squeaked by with a "C." To overcome his isolation, he pledged the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity his sophomore year. The parties were great, but the lifestyle was detrimental.

On a gray day in late December in 1982, he stood alone in his parent’s kitchen. He forced himself to open the dot-matrix printout of his grades. He knew it wouldn't be good. Fourth on the list was CMSC 211 – Computer Architecture. Staring back at him was the unmistakable mark of his humanity… a "D." He had never gottenanything less than a "B" and now he had

a "C" and a "D." For the first time in his 20 years, he saw the universe as something large and wild. He had to admit ”I’m not as great as I thought I was.”

He dug up the thick, forest green Living Bible he received for confirmation and started at page 1. The stories were ancient and distant, but he hoped for an answer hidden in those pages. With a new awareness of his limitations, he began to ask, "God, if your real and if your relevant, would you let me know?” The stage was set and a battle began in the heavenlies for a lost son.

The next 12 months included...two demonic encounters, unexplainable answers to increasingly specific prayers, Campus Crusade for Christ staff giving a presentation in his fraternity, getting jumped by four vicious guys after leaving the most well-known bar in the area (“the Vous”) at 1:00 a.m. on Good Friday (which required a weeklong hospital stay and two surgeries to put his jaw back together).

One year after his “inciting incident” (opening the grades), he had joined in a small group Bible study, went to a Campus Crusade conference with 1000 students, committed his life to Christ and received a missionary calling.

The hoopster

Fraternity guy


Shirin, are you really Iranian?

(continued from page 2)

Mahmood Madani was a direct descendent of Mohammed, the founder of Islam. This honor earned him the title “Seyed.” While on an academic scholarship in Los Angeles from his home country of Iran, he met Patricia, a striking Roman Catholic from Long Beach. Mahmood was not a practicing Muslim so he agreed to allow Patricia to raise Shirin and her two brothers as Catholics.

After completing his degree in aeronautical engineering, he returned to Iran where he rose in the ranks of Iran Air. For the first 10 years of Shirin's life, the family alternated between a year in Tehran and a year in Seattle. Mahmood oversaw the purchase of Boeing aircraft for Iran Air. When Shirin was 10, Patricia decided to move back to Seattle with the kids. Though still two years before the Iranian revolution, she did not feel the Middle East was a place to raise a tall, attractive daughter.

Shirin never quite fit into either culture. This came to a head when she was in junior high during the Iranian hostage crisis. Try as they might, she and her brothers could not hide their ethnicity. It was one thing to get teased by kids, but she felt a new level of shame when her PE teacher stopped her one afternoon and said, "Shirin, is it true? Are you really Iranian?”

After the Iranian revolution in 1979, Mahmood left his prominent position in Iran Air and settled in Seattle selling cable-television door to door. Patricia's health had been declining, but the family doctor kept telling her she was experiencing menopause.

One night Patricia was so ill that she was unable to get off the couch. Shirin, in 8th grade, helped her father carry her mother to the car to take her to the hospital. Within three weeks, Patricia was in a coma. Three weeks after that she passed away from advanced leukemia.

Mahmood was crushed. He had recently lost his country and his career and now had lost his wife. He was left alone with children ages 11, 12 and 14. To find himself, he left on extended trips to Iran. Sometimes there was supervision and sometimes there was not. Shirin become a mother and head of a household before high school.

Pam McPoland, Patricia's best friend from across the street, eventually had the kids move in with her family. Pam and Dennis had three kids the same ages as the Madani's. While the household was chaotic, it provided a family for Shirin, Thom and Cameron.

On Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings everyone piled into the station wagon and went to church. Not only did Pam share the gospel with her life, she did so with her words. Each of those kids came to faith in Christ. (NB: Shirin tells this story in detail in chapter 1 of her book, "Muslims Next Door.”)

One Wednesday evening, Pam directed Shirin to the world map in the lobby of the church that showed where the church had missionaries. She said, "Shirin, maybe God will use you some day to be a missionary to the people in the Middle East."

Shirin, Pam and Dennis


The Taber Clan

Quinn, Age 22 graduated in May, 2015 with the degree in economics from

Pepperdine. He is serving with Horizons International in Beirut, Lebanon as

the Creative Media Director. He has been capturing stories of the refugee

crisis in camps in Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan. Long term, he would

like to use business as mission throughout the Middle East.

Elena, aged 19, is a sophomore at Point Loma University working on an

International Business degree. She recently completed a semester abroad in

Paris where she was way too close to the Paris terrorist attacks. You can

watch her story at www.visualstory.org/parisattack.

Sage, age 14, is in her freshman year of high school at Trabuco Hills. She

runs cross country and track. She loves her not so small small group at

Saddleback Church(17 girls). She is a budding portrait artist whose work can

be seen on Instagram at artsty_Sage.


For More Information:Contact Us

Visual Story Network: www.visualstory.org

Mobile Ministry Forum: www.mobmin.org

Middle East Women’s Network: www.mideastwomen.org

Clyde Taber, clyde@visualstory.org, 949.310.8733

Shirin Taber, shirintaber@gmail.com, 949.235.5148

Online Giving: www.visualstory.org/give

Contributions: Send your check payable to

Visual Story International

P.O. Box 2120

Orange, CA 92859

Office: Visual Story Network

27631 La Paz Road, Suite A

Laguna Niguel, CA 92859