Drama Nyi Roro Kidul (teks)

Post on 07-Jun-2015

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teks drama nyi roro kidul (english)

Transcript of Drama Nyi Roro Kidul (teks)

Nyi Roro Kidul

Round 1

Once upon a time, there lived a king named King Munding Wangi. The King had a wife named Dewi Kartika. The King and Queen had a daughter named Dewi Srengenge. Although King Munding Wangi already has a daughter who was very beautiful but the king wanted to have a son to replace him one day.

King Munding: (shows a glum face)

Queen Dewi Kartika: akang, why do you always glum?

King Munding: I want to have a son

Queen Dewi Kartika: but you've already had a daughter who is very pretty!

King Munding: I'm not sure if our daughter can lead this country later!

Dewi Srengenge: Dad, mom what's wrong?

Queen Dewi Kartika: there's nothing kid.

(Conversation heard by Dewi Mutiara).

King Munding Wangi went to his room with his wife.

Round 2

After heard that, Mutiara Dewi intended to kill the queen Dewi Kartika, in order to marry King Munding and replace the queen Dewi Kartika.

Mutiara Dewi: (whisper) how If I kill the Queen Dewi Kartika? So I can marry the king.

Suddenly the king came.

King Munding: why are you just staying here?

Mutiara Dewi: a… a…. eng…

King Munding: can’t you speak clearly?

Mutiara Dewi: sure I can

King Munding: well, get me a glass drink of water and give it to Dewi Kartika!

Dewi Mutiara: (talking to herself) this is my chance to poison the queen. (talk to the king) Yes sir

After Dewi Mutiara finished making a drink for Queen Kartika Dewi, Dewi Mutiara put poison into the drink.

Dewi Mutiara: (walking towards her) please the queen (give the drinks to Dewi Kartika)

Queen Dewi Kartika: (taking her drink) thanks Dewi Mutiara.

The Queen Dewi Kartika drank it and suddenly the toxic worked and she died. Dewi Srengenge and king Munding heard the queen screaming. They ran to the queen’s bedroom where the queen already lying lifeless.

Dewi Srengenge: Mom? Mom please wake up. mom wake up! Mom please wake up! Mooooooom!

King Munding: my wife up! wake up my wife! It really is not funny! my wife!

Then Dewi Mutiara came over Dewi Kartika and kings Munding.

Dewi Mutiara: what happened Sir? W ... why does Queen Dewi Kartika sleep on the floor?

King Munding: What did you give to my wife?

Dewi Srengenge: Dewi Mutiara, what did you do to my mother?

Dewi Mutiara: for anything, I did not do anything to the Queen Dewi Kartika!

Round 3

A few years later, Dewi Mutiara and King Munding married and they were blessed with a son, named Prince Andika.

Prince Andika: Mom, why daddy like Dewi Srengenge more than me?

Dewi Mutiara: because Dewi Srengenge is the biological child of daddy’s beloved wife, namely Dewi Kartika. "

Prince Andika: then, where is Dewi Kartika?

Dewi Mutiara: She's dead, son

Prince Andika: mom, I also want to be loved by daddy as daddy loves Dewi Srengenge!

Then Prince Andika stoodd up and went outside.

Dewi Mutiara: hmm ... Dewi Srengenge must leave the palace so my son can replace my husband!

Round 4

Since Dewi Mutiara wanted Prince Andika replace the King Munding Wangi, Dewi Mutiara want to make Dewi Srengenge ill so she can be exiled.

Dewi Mutiara: what if I sent a ladies to go and tell the witch to make Dewi Srengenge ill

Then Dewi Mutiara call the ladies.

Dewi Mutiara: ladies come here, I want tell you! "

Dayang: yes, my lady?

Dewi Mutiara: I want you to go in the back of the black hill. To meet the country's most powerful witch. Then, you tell her that I told him to make the body Dewi Srengenge ugly!

The ladies surprised.

Dayang: "b .. b .. but the queen?"

Dewi Mutiara: "but, but there's no buts fast!"

Dayang: "okay queen"

Once the ladies arrive at the witch, shaman already knows his intentions.

Witch: I already know the purpose you came here!

Dayang: but then I would not talk?

Witch: it's because I’m the greatest witch! Then you're sent by the Queen to make dewi srengenge ugly?

Dayang: "yeah right, now do it quickly!

Witch: good, but it’s need more time. It will (bereaksi) in the next day! "

Dayang: "OK .. I'll wait! "

Dewi srengenge woke the next morning and immediately started shouting.

Dewi srengenges: nooooo!

Then the king comes over Dewi srengenge.

King Munding: What's wrong with you?

Dewi srengenge: "I do not know my father!"

King Munding: "If so, I would immediately call a physician from Malaysia! "

when physicians come from Malaysia.

Physician 1: "I will try to (menyembuhkan) this disease!"

Dewi srengenge: "please help me !

Physician 1: (chanting)

Physician 1: "sorry, I can not (menyembuhkannya) ! "

Dewi srengenges: "Dad how this physician could not be heal my illness! "

King Munding : "I don’t know. We’ve do the best for you.

Once they know that the disease can not be cured, dewi Mutiara told King Munding Dewi srengenges fragrance to dissipate.

Dewi Mutiara: "My husband, I think the presence of Srengenge disease will make our country unlucky! We must exiled her "

King Munding : good idea too, I'll exile her that my daughter does not become Gossip in this country! "

Dewi Mutiara: "exactly."

Then the king call dewi srengenge.

King Munding: "Dearest daughter quickly here!"

Dewi srengenge: "what is the father?"

King Munding: "Dad ask you to leave the palace for a while, during sickness not healed. "

Dewi srengenge: "But dad, I do not want to!"

King Munding: "but this is all for your own good!"

Dewi srengenge: "then I will do it!"

Finally Dewi srengenge go away from the palace. for one week dewi srengenge walking and he stop in a beach . dewi srengenge put her legs In to the water. Magically, her illness gone when she put her legs in to the water.

Dewi srengenges: (surprised) how it can be?

Then, dewi srengenge (memutuskan) to dipped herself in to the sea. And she becomes beautiful as before and she is not only beautiful but she became queen of southern coast called Nyi Roro Kidul

Group 4

- Anisa Nurul- Debi Kirana- Novia Nur- Prita Nur- Rofilah- Shafira N- Vebri Nafa