Draft of the images for my music magazine.

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Draft of the images for my music magazine.

A draft for the images I will use in my magazine.

Avanish Bhopal


This will be my double page spread image.

I will crop and edit this image and use it for my double page spread image highlighting the middle guy (Sanjay Singh) as the article will be about him.

This will be my back up model for my front cover

I will use this image on my front cover depending on how it looks. I will add effects using Photoshop in order to get a better contrast on the model.

I will use this on my contents page.I will use this on image on my contents page for one of the mini articles. However, I will change the contrast and brightness of the image in order to have a better enhanced looking model to appeal to the audience due to the fact they want someone to look up to and idolise.

This will be on my contents page.

I will use this image on my contents page due to the fact it is a mini story for the backstage Brit Asia Awards.

This will be my front cover model.

I will be using this image for my front cover if it suits the genre and the layout. However, I will edit and bright it before.

These are some of the images I chose not to use in my magazine as I thought they did not fit the look I wanted for the magazine. In addition, to some turned out blurry.

A backstage picture that blurred.