Draft Oct 2012 Adak RAB Mtg Minutes ASV JEP 18 Oct 12 · the meeting. RAB membership indicated this...

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Transcript of Draft Oct 2012 Adak RAB Mtg Minutes ASV JEP 18 Oct 12 · the meeting. RAB membership indicated this...

October 10, 2012 1. Meeting Location The meeting was held via teleconference with participants calling in from the Bob Reeve High School Conference Room on Adak; ADEC conference room in Anchorage; NAVFAC Northwest in Silverdale, WA; and several other locations. The following people attended: Name Affiliation Location Esther Bennett RAB member (community co-chair) Adak, AK Layton Lockett RAB member Adak, AK Ed McNall RAB member Adak, AK Elaine Smiloff RAB member Adak, AK Tom Spitler RAB member Adak, AK Jack Stewart RAB member Adak, AK Chris Cora *RAB member (EPA) Adak, AK Guy Warren *RAB member (ADEC) Adak, AK Justin Peach *Navy RAB co-chair Adak, AK Meghan Dooley ADEC Anchorage, AK Grady May Navy RPM Silverdale, WA Cindy O’Hare Navy Program Manager Silverdale, WA Kim Ostrowski BRAC Program Manager San Diego, CA Aaron Vernik Navy RPM Silverdale, WA Michael Cassista DPH Adak, AK George Lopez Adak Logistics Adak, AK Helene Sparks Adak Real Estate (ARE)/TAC Adak, AK Eric Zentner Boreal Communications Adak, AK Jamie Oakley AHTNA Engineering Anchorage, AK Howard Wittenburg ERS So. California Samantha Matsuoka Public Anchorage, AK JoAnn Grady Grady & Associates Anchorage, AK Debbie Rodenhizer URS Anchorage, AK Bill Rohrer URS Olympia, WA Jennifer Allen URS Seattle, WA *non-voting RAB member

DRAFT ADAK Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Meeting Minutes

2. Welcome and Introductions Community co-chair Ms. Esther Bennett and Navy co-chair Mr. Justin Peach called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. (Adak time), and introductions were made. Six community RAB members attended, which made a quorum. Mr. Peach asked if Ms. Bennett would like to lead the meeting, and she agreed. Ms. Bennett began by reviewing the agenda and asking for changes or additions. No changes were proposed 3. Approval of Minutes The April 11, 2012 minutes were discussed, including a review of all Action Items. An action item regarding the damaged sewer line is in process. Mr. Peach is coordinating this action with Mr. Layton Lockett; to be complete by the end of October 2012. Ms. Bennett noted that the agenda package included photographs of the UAA Information Repository removal. Mr. Peach stated that a further consolidation of paper and greater access to electronic documents is under discussion with the City of Adak. Action Item: Mr. Peach will follow up with Mr. Lockett regarding further consolidation and conversion of paper-based documents onto electronic media at the Information Repository on Adak Island. Two action items regarding copies of the Fish and Shellfish Consumption Health Advisory and a poster summarizing the advisory are still open. Action Item: Mr. Aaron Vernik will send 100 copies of the Health Advisory and multiple copies of a poster summarizing fish consumption limits to Ms. Bennett. Remaining action items addressed delivery of the RAB meeting agenda package and posting of RAB minutes. Agenda packages sent to Adak were postmarked on September 27, 2012 and RAB members received the packages about ten days prior to the meeting. RAB membership indicated this was satisfactory, as well as posting of draft RAB minutes on the web site within one month of the meeting. Decision: Mr. Layton Lockett made a motion to approve the April 2012 minutes, seconded by Ms. Elaine Smiloff, and the RAB voting membership approved the minutes at 6:15pm.

4. Program Summaries MUNITIONS UPDATE Mr. Peach began the program summary discussion at 6:15pm. He noted that Operable Unit B-2 would be discussed primarily during the Public Meeting on the Adak OU B-2 Proposed Plan/Non-time Critical Removal Action, to take place immediately following the RAB meeting. 1. Operable Unit B-1 Mount Moffett Sites (AOCs MM-10E, MM-10F, MM-10G and MM-10H) The After Action Report for the Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity and the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board has been finalized. The Regulatory Close-Out Report for the EPA and ADEC has been finalized. The next phase in the close-out of OU B-1 is the Remedial Action Completion Report or RACR. This document is part of the CERCLA (or Superfund) process and will be used to de-list OU B-1 from active remediation under CERCLA. This document is intended to be finalized in mid-2013. 2. Operable Unit B-2 Remedial Investigation\Feasibility Study (various AOCs) The OU B-2 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study report was finalized in May and has been posted to the Adak Update website and placed in the Repository on-island. The next step in the CERCLA process is the preparation of a Proposed Plan and the associated Public Meeting. The Public Meeting, including a detailed discussion of the Proposed Plan, follows this meeting. Non-Time Critical Removal Action As a component of the remedy in OU B-2, a Non-Time Critical Removal Action is planned for 3 of the 5 Remedial Action Areas in Operable Unit B-2. The field work will be conducted in 2013 and 2014. As these are integral components of the Proposed Plan, the remedial activities associated with the Non-Time Critical Removal Action will be presented in the Public Meeting. As part of the OU B-2 remedial activities, the Navy contracted a wetland delineation; a threatened and endangered species survey, and a historical/cultural survey to support the future remedial actions for OUB-2. The reports are nearly complete. Important points are that minimal wetlands disturbance is anticipated with standard Best Management Practices determined to be adequate for wetlands protection and Clean Water Act compliance, a No Effects determination is under development for threatened and endangered species, and a cultural resources protection plan is being developed as part of the Non Time Critical Removal Action work plans.

The EOD Mobile Unit 11 (Det NW Whidbey Island) performed their annual Andrew Lake Seawall sweep in August. Ms. Bennett asked about the reference document describing munitions historically found and removed by Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson (JBER) and EOD Det NW. Mr. Peach responded that the spreadsheet (as part of the Munitions Desk Reference Guide) had been completed and that Layton Lockett had a hard copy with the map showing locations, as well as electronic in the repository. PETROLEUM SITES UPDATE Mr. Vernik discussed the Petroleum Sites update. 1. Free-Product Recovery This project involves removing free-product at the SWMU 62 site including boom placement and maintenance at surface water body locations near SWMU 62. Currently, the free product recovery program is scoped and contracted to continue through September 2013. Mr. Grady May continued the update with information regarding Area 303 and the East Canal. 2. Area 303 The Final Decision Document was signed in April, monitoring wells and free product removal (FPR) wells installed this past field season. We are currently in the process of awarding a contract for the first monitoring / FPR event that will occur early this Spring. 3. Building T-1451 / East Canal Work at this site was completed this summer; the after Action Report will be published early spring, and the first monitoring event should commence this spring in conjunction with the Area 303 field work. ADEC and EPA, together with the Navy, inspected the new natural attenuation zone, which looks good. There is no visible sheen on the water or evidence of seepage. Ms. Bennett asked the Navy and regulatory agency representatives if the silver salmon in Sweeper Creek were safe to eat. Mr. Guy Warren responded that the Navy had completed a PCB cleanup in the past and no PCBs have been detected in recent monitoring events. Mr. Warren said he would eat silver salmon from the creek. Mr. Vernik stated that he recently ate silver salmon from the creek.

ANNUAL LONG TERM MONITORING UPDATE Mr. Vernik presented the Long Term Monitoring Update. 1. Groundwater Monitoring The 2012 field season work was completed in August and September 2012. This work included the annual groundwater monitoring performed concurrently with the annual IC monitoring. A report documenting the results of the sampling and IC inspections will be generated when the laboratory data is received. The final reports should be available in summer 2013. This is an on-going, annual project. 2. Marine Monitoring This program is on an every other (odd) year schedule. The next sampling event is currently planned for summer 2013. INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS UPDATE Mr. Vernik presented the Institutional Controls Update. 1. Institutional Controls / Landfill Repairs There were no Institutional Controls / Landfill Repairs performed in 2012. An institutional control inspection was completed as part of the annual monitoring program in September 2012. A report documenting the findings is currently being generated. Findings were consistent with those identified during the 2011 IC inspections. Repairs to erosion areas, fencing and signs are currently planned for the 2014 field season. 2. Comprehensive Monitoring Plan The Navy completed a major format restructuring to the CMP in 2012. This update brings the CMP into compliance with the DoD’s Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans (UFP-QAPP). After 2012, the CMP updates will be minor and mainly focus on monitoring changes only. A copy of the updated CMP (revision 5) will be placed in the information repository at the City of Adak office.

3. Excavation Permits The following five excavation notifications were received since the last RAB meeting:

April 2012 – Ahtna Engineering Service for performance of excavation and test pits to locate and remove potential contamination sources near the Former Power Plant, Building T-1451.

April 2012 - URS for performance of biological, wetland and cultural surveys at 11 OU B2.

May 2012 - Northern Management for performance of excavation of test holes for the installation of an antenna array for the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

July 2012 - Northern Management for installation of 64 antenna bases and 126 helical anchors for antenna array installation for the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

August 2012 – Adak Telephone Utility for installation of an underground fiber optic cable service from Kuluk Housing to the south end of the Contractor’s Camp Area

Mr. Peach discussed munitions recoveries conducted in the last six months. 4. Munitions Recoveries During their seawall sweep work in August/September 2012, EOD Det NW found approximately 30 ordnance related items. A mortar tail piece was recovered by the EOD unit on September 26th south of Expedition Harbor. Hunters had reported the tail piece. Three 250 pound bombs were found by the City in the road to the water plant in January. One was destroyed by Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson (JBER) in February. The remaining two were destroyed by JBER in June. A scan of the area for strong metallic signatures (possibly indicating additional bombs) was conducted using handheld magnetometers with no strong signatures identified. 5. IC Education / Awareness Activities The Navy continues to solicit feedback quarterly from approximately 10 on-island businesses (including the new fish plant), representatives, and local government representatives on IC needs. IC materials are mailed up as requested. 5. Community Report and Comments Mr. Peach requested an open discussion to cover any other community questions, comments or concerns on issues not already covered.

Contractor activity for OU B-2 should be starting in April or May of 2013, with an expectation of up to 55 contractor personnel on island at the peak of activity. 6. Review New Action Items

1. URS will update the RAB member lists. 2. Mr. Aaron Vernik will send 100 copies of the Health Advisory to Ms. Esther

Bennett. 3. Mr. Vernik will prepare and send multiple copies of a poster summarizing fish

consumption limits to Ms. Esther Bennett. 4. Mr. Justin Peach will follow up with the City of Adak regarding increased

electronic access to Information Repository contents. 4. To ensure delivery before the next RAB meeting, the Navy will mail the meeting

package three weeks in advance. 8. URS will post the draft meeting minutes on the Adak update web site,

www.Adakupdate.com, as well as the entire RAB meeting package for the next meeting.

7. Preliminary Agenda for Next Meeting Justin Peach suggested using the current agenda as the first draft for the next meeting, as it seems to work well. Also, following the existing process by e-mailing the proposed agenda to the RAB a month before the next RAB meeting. The proposed agenda would be developed by Navy. Interested RAB members could then e-mail or call their comments in to Mr. Justin Peach and/or Ms. Esther Bennett, and refinements to the agenda could be made accordingly. A RAB package, including a final agenda, would be sent out about three weeks prior to the next RAB meeting, and will be posted on the web site. 8. Set Date for Next RAB and Adjourn Ms. Bennett and others agreed that the best date for the next scheduled RAB meeting on Adak will be Wednesday, April 10, 2013. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40PM, Adak time.

Attachment A Current RAB Membership – as of October, 2012 Name Affiliation Location Voting

Member Esther Bennett RAB member

(community co-chair) Adak, AK 1

Cynthia Galaktionoff RAB member Adak, AK 2

Agafon Krukoff RAB member Anchorage, AK 3

Layton Lockett RAB member Adak, AK 4

Ed McNall RAB member Adak, AK 5

Chuck Mohn RAB member Adak, AK 6

Elaine Smiloff RAB member Adak, AK 7

Melvin Smith RAB member Anchorage, AK 8

Tom Spitler RAB member Adak, AK 9

Jack Stewart RAB member Adak, AK 10

Will Tillion RAB member Adak, AK 11

Cathy Villa RAB member Anchorage, AK 12

Guy Warren *RAB member (ADEC) Anchorage, AK

Chris Cora *RAB member (EPA) Seattle, WA

Justin Peach *RAB member (Navy Co-Chair)

Silverdale, WA

* Non-voting member

A quorum to take action will consist of 1/3 of the community RAB members. Action items will be reviewed and approved by a 2/3 vote of RAB community members participating in the meeting. Additional members may be added to the RAB by a quorum present and a 2/3-majority vote of present RAB community members.


NAVFAC Northwest

Proposed Plan and Non-Time

Critical Removal Action for

Operable Unit B-2Cleanup of Munitions and

Explosives of Concern

Former Adak Naval Complex

Adak Island, AlaskaOctober 2012



• Introduction

– Presentation Logistics

– Proposed Plan Purpose

– General Background

• Operable Unit (OU) B-2 Investigation

– OU B-2 Remedial Action Areas (RAAs)

– OU B-2 Investigation Results

• Remedial Alternatives

– Remedial Alternatives

– Navy’s Preferred Alternatives

– Alternative Selection Rationale

• Non-Time Critical Removal Action

• Cost

• Schedule

• Community Participation

• Questions or Comments


Presentation Logistics

• Two locations – Adak and Anchorage

• Meeting will be transcribed and included in the

Administrative Record

• Please identify yourself before speaking


Proposed Plan Purpose

• Summarize background

information from the

remedial investigation/

feasibility study (RI/FS)

• Describe cleanup

options evaluated

• Identify preferred

cleanup alternatives

• Solicit public comments


General Background

• The Navy, the lead agency for OU B-2, issued this Proposed


• Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)

and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are the

regulating agencies

• Cleanup to be conducted under Comprehensive

Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act


• Cleanup alternatives, including the preferred alternatives, may

be modified based on public comments

• Final cleanup alternatives will be presented in a Record of

Decision (ROD)

– Will include a public comment responsiveness summary


OU B-2 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study

• 39 areas identified in OU B-2• 15 areas required no further action but are still subject to OU B-1 island-wide ICs • 24 sites required further evaluation in the RI/FS


OU B-2 Remedial Action Areas

RAAs-01 and 03 – Moffett Valley RAAs-02 and 05, from RAA-04 RAA-04

• Of the 24 sites, 11 sites warrant MEC removal activities

• These 11 sites were grouped into 5 Remedial Action Areas:

RAA-01 (OB/OD-01); RAA-02 (C1-01); RAA-03 West (MI-01, MI-

02, and MI-03) and RAA-03 East (HG-01 and RR-01); RAA-04

(SA93-01 and SA93-03); and RAA-05 (ALDA-01 and ALSW-01)


Locations of RAA-01 and RAA-03

(West and East)


Locations of RAA-02 and RAA-05


Location of RAA-04


OU B-2 Investigation Results

• Numerous investigations performed between 1986 and 2010

• Munitions constituents sampling found concentrations below levels

of concern

• MEC found included mortars, rockets, projectiles, bombs, grenades,

small arms, and other miscellaneous explosive devices

• Surface and subsurface distribution of MEC provided in table below

for all sites, except ALSW-01:

MEC Distribution by Depth

a – MEC beach sweep results for RAA-05, ALSW-01, is provided separately in table on the following slide.

ft bgs – feet below ground surface

Distribution of

MEC by Depth


Remedial Action Area





RAA-03 West

(MI-01, MI-02,

and MI-03)

RAA-03 East

(HG-01 and



(SA93-01 and





Surface 25% 56% 2% 14% 15% 93%

Near Surface (0 to 0.5 ft bgs)67% 22% 66% 79% 45% 0%

Subsurface (0.5 to 2 ft bgs)8% 22% 32% 7% 36% 7%

Subsurface (2 to 4 ft bgs)0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0%

Total Quantity 12 9 87 29 67 15


OU B-2 Investigation Results

• MEC found at ALSW-01 during beach

sweeps provided in table below:

Summary of MEC Beach Sweep Results

for RAA-05 (ALSW-01)





Mortar Bomb Fuzes Grenades Projectiles

1962-1967 68 363 47 23 14 95

1971-1975 0 3 6 7 0 1

1979-1992 8 24 25 9 5 40

2004-2009 0 45 0 19 0 4

Totals 76 435 78 58 19 140

a - All items found at surface, no intrusive investigation conducted.

mm – millimeter


Remedial Alternatives for RAA-01, RAA-02,

RAA-03 (West and East), and RAA-04

• Alternative 1: No Action

• Alternative 2: Surface MEC Removal to 0.5 Foot Below Top of Mineral Soil (BTMS) and Land Use Controls (LUCs)

• Alternative 3: Surface and Subsurface MEC Removal to 2 Feet BTMS and LUCs

• Alternative 4: Surface and Subsurface MEC Removal to 4 Feet BTMS and LUCs

• Alternative 5: Surface and Subsurface MEC Removal to Depth of Detection and LUCs


Remedial Alternatives for RAA-05

• Alternative 1: No Action

• Alternative 6A: Beach Sweeps, MEC Removal to 2 Feet BTMS at ALDA-01 and RAA-specific LUCs

• Alternative 6B: Beach Sweeps, MEC Removal to 4 Feet BTMS at ALDA-01 and RAA-specific LUCs

• Alternative 7A: Dredging, Beach Sweeps, MEC Removal to 2 Feet BTMS at ALDA-01 and RAA-specific LUCs

• Alternative 7B: Dredging, Beach Sweeps, MEC Removal to Depth of Detection at ALDA-01 and RAA-specific LUCs


Navy’s Preferred Alternatives

• RAA-01, RAA-02, RAA-03 West, and RAA-03 East

– Alternative 3: Surface and Subsurface MEC Removal

Beyond Depth of Historical Finds (to 2 Feet BTMS) and


• RAA-04

– Alternative 4: Surface and Subsurface MEC Removal

Beyond Depth of Historical Finds (to 4 Feet BTMS) and


• RAA-05

– Alternative 6A: Beach Sweeps, MEC Removal Beyond

Depth of Historical Finds (to 2 Feet BTMS) at ALDA-01 and

RAA-specific LUCs


Alternative Selection Rationale

• Remedial Action Objective (RAO) for OU B-2

– Provide protection to human health and the environment by reducing

and/or mitigating the risk associated with MEC exposure during future

use of the area for wildlife management, subsistence, and recreational


• How the Remedial Action Objective is met

– Removes surface and subsurface MEC to the depths found at each RAA

– Removal of MEC combined with LUCs will provide protection of human

health and the environment for the expected future land use as a wildlife


– Maintains flexibility to investigate and clear deeper anomalies

– Periodic reviews will be conducted to demonstrate that the cleanup

action remains protective

– Consistent with regulatory requirements

– Employs proven and reliable technologies

– The current island-wide OU B-1 MEC educational awareness program

addresses potential risks from residual MEC


Non-Time Critical Removal Actions for RAA-

02, RAA-03 (West and East) and RAA-04

• Remediation goals the same as in the Proposed Plan

• Accelerated schedule for these RAAs

– Funding became available

– Allows more even spread of work between 2013 and 2018

– Allows 60% of RAAs to be cleaned up ahead of the ROD and

accelerates risk reduction at Adak

• Removal actions planned for 2013 and 2014



RAA Range of Costs Selected Remedy

1 $0 to $2M $2M

2 $0 to $5M $5M

3 – East $0 to $6.7M $6.4M

3 – West $0 to $7.7M $7.5M

4 $0 to $7.3M $7.3M

5 $0 to $169M $5M



Clean-up is anticipated to be complete in 2018, with a Remedial Action Completion Report and

Finding of Suitability to Transfer planned for late 2018.


Community Participation

• Verbal comments will be accepted during this public meeting

• Written comments will be accepted through the close of business on

October 28, 2012 by submitting them to: – Justin Peach, PG, PE

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest

1101 Tautog Circle, Suite 203, Silverdale, WA 98315

Fax: (360) 396-0857 / justin.peach@navy.mil

• Media inquiries and requests for general information should be

submitted to:– Leslie Yuenger

Public Affairs Officer

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest

1101 Tautog Circle, Suite 203, Silverdale, WA 98315

Phone: (360) 396-6387 / leslie.yuenger@navy.mil

• More information is available at:– Bob Reeve High School

Mechanic Road

Adak, AK 99546

– Adak Update Website: www.adakupdate.com


Questions or Comments?