Dr Sweid A Strategy for Middle East Peace

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Transcript of Dr Sweid A Strategy for Middle East Peace

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

Dr. S. M. Sweid

Jan 2016

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016



1 - Use Of Force And Killing Should Stop Right Away

2 - A Paradigm Shift In Mindset Is Needed For Everybody In the World, East And West, North And South:

A Mindset Of Collaboration And Partnership

2 -1 The Real Enemy Within

2-2 There Are Many Working Systems And Not Just One

2 -3 Preservation Of The Many Cultures On Earth

2-4 Modern Leadership

3 - A Paradigm Shift In Mindset Is Needed For Everybody In the World, East And West, North And South:

Extreme Tolerance, Respect And Trust

4 - Characteristics of the Overlap Area Of The Different Cultures

5 – Compromising A Lot, And Rewriting Of Our Original Goals For the Overlap Area

6 - Empowerment Of All People Rather Than Manipulation and Dominance

7- The Different People Were Born And Brought Up This Way

8 - Right And Wrong And Values in The Overlap Area of Cultures

9 - Examples To Follow

10 - Please No Double Standards But Only the Truth

11 - Not To Be Personally Dragged By The Hate Wave

12 - All Countries Everywhere: Please Stop Conspiring, Interfering, And Bullying

13 - To All Countries: Please Transform Into Open Societies With No Secrets And Hidden Agendas

14 - Admitting Mistakes Of The Past To Resolve Issues of Conflict For Good

15 - To Acknowledge the Contribution Of the Middle East, Arabs And Islam To Humanity And Civilization

16 - Creative Thinking is Key to Generating WIN-WIN Solutions

17 - Training Courses For Turning On The Right Mindsets And For Learning Of Creative Thinking And


18 - To Engage The Right People with Integrity, Empathy and Creative Thinking As Facilitators Of

Respect, Collaboration and Peace

19 - A Strict Scenario For Debating Peace: Lock People In One Room!

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016


This is the age of social media and exponential and open innovations. This is the age of the 4th

industrial revolution, with the advent of artificial intelligence and robotics all connected to the

cyberspace, and this is the age of the eradication of cancer. Nevertheless, there is still barbaric

behavior reflecting the middle ages or even much earlier in history, this on all sides involved in

the Middle East, and East and West, North and South on the planet. Are there no more good

and intelligent people in the world?

The global financial crisis of 2008 and what is now happening in the Middle East and indeed in

Syria, Iraq and Yemen are an indication that things need to change in a quantum leap manner in

the whole world. See what is going on in Arab countries at present, and how violence spiraled

out of control, and how many players are intervening with no mercy. What started with

peaceful demonstrations some four years ago of young people demanding freedom has turned

into the greatest refugee apocalypse. The whole landscape is being torn apart with deliberate

effort. The whole Arab and Islamic social fabric in the Middle East is being irreversibly


I am talking about the current crisis in the Middle East and how it can be resolved on the

worldwide scope, i.e. I am suggesting tentative SOLUTIONS. I believe all nations have the right

to freedom, self-determination and democracy, including the Arab nations.

I am multicultural, and a globetrotter. I lived for many years in many countries West and East

and with different languages and still do, and I adapted myself to many different cultures and

settings throughout my life, and found them all very humane and welcoming. I tried to cope

and contribute equally in all of them. I am a business and management consultant, hence I

apply methodology in my thinking. I am taking also modern notions from the business world

and adapting them to the political scene in the world.

Here Is My Take:

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016


1 - Use Of Force And Killing Should Stop Right Away

Killing should stop immediately and one should start rethinking but with much greater respect

of the other and justice for all

Use of pure force and oppression reflect total INCOMPETENCE in striking dialogue and

collaboration with other people and cultures. The other possibility is some hidden agenda

behind the actions, i.e. conspiracy, and this is also totally wrong in this age of openness and

collaboration. All this control and dominance stance is already obsolete and one should try

much harder to collaborate and to have patience and to respect people. The easy solution is to

disrupt progress in countries; it is easy to cause destruction. But the easy solution is not the

right one, and we need to build the planet and not to destroy it. There is no excuse for killing

even under the pretext of national security, anti-terrorism, anti-extremism, etc, which have

become clichés. This remains a great incompetence of people involved.

Use of force is the easy action and solution but is very short term in benefit, similar to bullying

in the school or at work, or to cheating in business, or the destruction of the environment or

the exploitation of the workforce or resources etc.

Killing and bombing of people is the primitive way of expression and is indicative of total

INCOMPETENCE AND IMMATURITY of the people in charge and their intelligence, including

especially politicians in the major world and regional powers, West and East, North and South,

and certainly Israel. You need people who are able of engaging in dialogue and working out

collectively with others alternative PEACEFUL solutions. Violence and oppression are only an

indication of the great incompetence in striking a healthy relationship with others. Oppression

forces people to go covert and to resist with all means possible, i.e. to go underground, and this

is all very counterproductive in the sense of sustainable progress in the world.

One cannot annihilate a whole nation just because one is incapable of collaborating with non

like!!! When extreme and excessive force is used as a bullying act what is to be expected from

the people at the receiving end??? One should seek DÉTENTE instead.

Enough of Both sides banging their heads against the wall.

I do not want to work with some people against other people; this smacks of total failure in


is open society

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

2 - A Paradigm Shift In Mindset Is Needed For Everybody In the World,

East And West, North And South: A Mindset Of Collaboration And


Despite the colossal injustice that hit many countries during the last few years, e.g. Syria,

Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Iraq and others, and the actual resulting carnage, I am suggesting a

paradigm shift in mindset towards collaboration with the other person and culture, and this

goes for all parties involved and in all directions.

A paradigm shift in the MINDSET is needed: This implies a 180 degrees shift in the mindset. We

should divert all our effort to collaboration and coexistence rather than fighting each other and

hating each other and killing etc. To shift to the MODE of PARTNERSHIP rather than adversity

and conspiracies. It is about partnership and even intimacy. Such a mindset changes

everything. This implies change in your set goals too with less of us only but more of all of us

together, hence more giving rather than just taking and exploiting. To shift gear to making

friends and empathy rather than being on the defensive or offensive. This implies a shift away

from conspiracy and winning to sharing and collaborating, and finding INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS

collectively for peace. Main thing is to BUILD and not to destroy.

The real courage is not in confrontation, in fighting the other and in the battle, but THE


share much more and to take the risk in sharing. The courage is not in making conflict but

rather in making friends. Making conflict is the easy way out, but making friends is the difficult

way, but is much more sophisticated and worthwhile. IT IS IMMATURE TO BE A BULLY, but it is

very mature to be tolerant and to make friends.

This implies not only 10 times more sharing than before, but 100 TIMES more. Please repeat

after me: “” Hundred times more sharing””. Just forget about hostility and think only positively: It is

about a positive stance: People can live together.

This mindset is much closer to the concept of WIN-WIN in MODERN BUSINESS, away from the concept

of win and lose in the traditional sports games of football and other. Instead of always wanting to win,

help others to win!

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

We should redirect the whole focus on means of collaborating and co-existing and living

peacefully together, with mutual respect. This is essentially about the SYNERGY OF DIVERSITY. It

is about TEAMWORK with the people we do not know. This is about teamwork with everybody.

This approach involves solving problems together: Collectively, as should be, and not bullying

solutions. We should look at the adversaries as partners, and this brings much more synergy.

This is similar to a business shifting to CUSTOMER FOCUS AND CUSTOMER CARE. You should do

the same when dealing with other people and nations and to go for close relationship rather

than cheating them, and to go the extra 100 miles with other nations and all people rather than

being on the defensive or offensive: Seek CUSTOMER INTIMACY hence intimacy with other

nations. Yes try and fall in love with them. There is need to be FLEXIBLE TO CHANGE as with

businesses now: It is about agility. Think how you can make other parties very happy rather

than to bombard them and kill them the primitive way. Like when you think to make your

customers very happy instead of the easy stance of cheating them. Consider the other side your

customer or partner.

Strategy is not about realizing only some dream of yours but about shared goals. Strategy

should be geared towards more sharing and giving rather than eliminating people on your way

to your goal. Destruction is easy but remains a primitive act with no real benefits.

There is no such thing as just accumulating wealth. This is the wrong approach. It is more about

social responsibility, giving and sharing.

The different parties should do this turnaround in the mindset at the same time, but it would

be essential to start somewhere to motivate same behavior change in all parties concerned.

The school of thought of ruling the world and dominating is very similar to the ancient school of

MONOPOLY and MAJOR MARKET SHARES in business, i.e. it is all ancient and long outdated.

The large conglomerates realize now that it is mainly about SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY and long-

term view based on VALUES and COLLECTIVE EFFORT OF THE DIVERSITY, and it is not only about

winning and exploiting of resources.

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

2 -1 The Real Enemy Within

The real enemy is not the others, Muslims, Arabs, other sects and the like, but the gigantic

inherent incompetence in collaborating with others and striking a healthy relationship with

other people and other cultures.

The real enemy is this ancient school of dominance and leadership and accumulating wealth,

and not sharing, lack of social responsibility, and indeed covert and clandestine society

conspiring all the time, whether local or foreign, versus the much better open society with

partnerships. It is the BULLY SYNDROM, the primal habit that needs total overhaul. There is dire

need to learn about what civilization is really about. This is summarized in one word: RESPECT

of the other.

2-2 There Are Many Working Systems And Not Just One

There are many working social systems and one should stop this singularity thinking, West and

East, including the thinking of major powers: There are many solutions and not only one. Life is

about diversity and not homogeneity.

2 -3 Preservation Of The Many Cultures On Earth

Existing cultures and social fabrics on earth should be preserved and not destroyed as the case

with the preservation of the earth and environment. This does not imply there is no right or

wrong or evil acts.

2-4 Modern Leadership

Modern leadership is about being a human glue and not about orders and dominance. It is

about encouraging synergy and not division. DOMINANCE HAS BECOME OBSOLETE. This is only

the primal state of things

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

3 - A Paradigm Shift In Mindset Is Needed For Everybody In the World,

East And West, North And South: Extreme Tolerance, Respect And Trust

All people want to raise their children with security and values etc. all people in the world have

the same MASLOW NEEDS despite all their diversities. All people have needs, e.g. Maslow

needs, and ultimately they all need respect.

This goes for everybody: Arabs of all groups and sects, Islam and other, Western powers, Israel,

other powers, e.g. Russia, China etc, regional powers such as Iran. Respect should go in all

directions: It is a two way street. -. You should stretch TOLERANCE AND RESPECT AND TRUST

some 100 times from the present levels and should be mutual. Tolerance is about accepting the

differences in the culture and the system. This goes far beyond thank you and sorry. Here again

majority should respect minority but also minority should respect majority.

There is a lot of karma in respect and tolerance.

If the other party does not want to improve the respect and tolerance towards you this does

not imply you have to reciprocate with the same and with extreme force! NO. You have to show

more patience and try and turn around the situation, again with many compromises and more


This means changing all of your previous individual goals to SHARED GOALS, meaning A LOT OF

SHARING AND COMPROMISING. But this is the right way. This should be applied especially by

the major powers in the world, but also by Israel. There should be a real paradigm shift, i.e.

quantum leap, in this matter of respect of the other.

This is how the whole conflict in the Middle East can be resolved: With radical thinking in terms

of respect, tolerance and trust in plenty of all parties involved but indeed to be applied by the

major powers.

There is need to work out very INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS in collaboration rather than in

oppression and covert operations.

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

There should be no sectarian discrimination of any kind, and same goes for Western countries

and other powers, i.e. no discrimination against Muslims or Arabs etc, who are part of this

planet and of the community in your country. It is about respect of other cultures and this is a

mutual respect.

For instance, privacy is very much respected in Western countries but when it comes to other

countries in the Middle East even human dignity is not respected. There is no death sentence in

many countries while people are bombed and killed in thousands in other countries.

Stop this “I have to win” stance and go for the “we should coexist”.

It is always about this show of force when it comes to other people, why not show

understanding and respect instead: Why not develop your COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND

EMPATHY, rather than to keep hiding behind a screen of covert existence and conspiracies.

This is very much similar to business: one should respect the customer much more, and not to

resort to manipulation and cheating to make money. It is about being honest and GOING THE

EXTRA MILE and providing the customer with much more than expected and making the

customer not only satisfied but very happy with the whole experience.

It is all about mutual respect, but also about much more respect of the others. It does not

suffice to respect the people in your community or country, but you should work million times

harder to respect the people on the outside, hence all people actually.

Same with the EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT: One should show respect. You do not take it all

because they are on the outside.

You need to have endless patience and understanding, and respect of others and indeed of life.

One should not condemn people right away and take their life as is happening at present

without a second thought or as to causes etc.

It is about TRYING MILLION TIMES MORE to understand the other point of view and to listen


Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

4 - Characteristics of the Overlap Area Of The Different Cultures

There should be a lot of COMPROMISE by all sides concerned in The overlap area of different

cultures or people, whether inside Middle Eastern countries or in Western countries.

There are values e.g. the 10 commandments, right and wrong, but there is need to

compromise a lot too in this OVERLAP DOMAIN , e.g. you should respect the culture and

tradition of people you are living with, e.g. when in Rome. Values at the overlap area should

be redefined.

This is similar to the WORKPLACE AND COLLEAGUES at work, and we need to work together to

build the future despite the million differences. We should look at diversity in a positive

manner, as stimulant to change and innovation.

This is the overlap domain, but here again people need their own physical space to practice

their own common values, e.g. countries or districts etc.

5 – Compromising A Lot, And Rewriting Of Our Original Goals For the

Overlap Area

We should all rectify our original goals quite a lot and compromise a lot: It is not about living

the way we want and desire despite the rest of the people, but rather how we can all live in

some form of harmony and peace with all despite the differences. The easy way always is the

oppressive way and to destroy the enemy to live the way we wish, i.e. to remove the hurdles. It

is much more difficult to compromise but it is much more worthwhile for the long term and for

all parties concerned.

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

6 - Empowerment Of All People Rather Than Manipulation and


There is so much talk about EMPOWERING EMPLOYEES in business and management, but when

it comes to empowering people and nations this becomes a different story. Why cannot the

Arab nations be empowered? Why can’t they decided their own fate? Let people realize their

full potential their way.

One should give the chance to those cultural systems to evolve and have improved harmony

with the rest of the world. One should empower rather than dictate and not to destroy the

species of people and culture as being done now.

Even different species of animals know how to co-exist.

Arab nations have the right to self-determination and Israel should stop being the aggressor,

oppressor and occupier of Arab land, and should learn to coexist as Jews do everywhere rather

than acting as a toxic and destructive element.

7- The Different People Were Born And Brought Up This Way

They were born this way or brought up this way in religion or culture or tradition or way of

thinking and way of life, whether religious or secular, hence such mindsets cannot be changed

that easily, requiring ample tolerance towards each other. It is all ingrained in the mind, but

people are more ready to listen and learn and become more flexible and evolve with more

tolerance and respect, and when they are ready and want to. Each culture can gain from the

other. One should add again that there is no one working social system and there can be

different effective systems, and this is the case. Furthermore, values of each system might be

constants, but there are OPERATIONAL means that are much more flexible and can adapt with

changes in the environment and can serve a lot in the overlap area of the diverse cultures.

8 - Right And Wrong And Values in The Overlap Area of Cultures

This overlap of cultures does not imply there are no values or no right or wrong. It does not

imply giving up of autonomy and does not imply criminal elements should not stand trial, but

here again there is a lot of respect and learning to be done: Who says there is only one right


People have the right to have some selective physical space to practice their own values and

collective culture, i.e. countries and districts.

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

9 - Examples To Follow

The EU is a great example for coexistence of the diversity for lasting peace. Arab countries were

great examples for the coexistence of diversities that is until secret players came into the play.

Islam as an open society was a great melting pot of so many nations, religions and ethnic

groups too, this for over one thousand years.

One can learn about tolerance and multicultural setting from Dubai but also other settings in

Europe, such as the UK, Germany, Austria etc.

Try and emulate what was done by the West in the past with China and the soviet Union, i.e. a

total shift in perspective towards collaboration, Mikhail Gorbachev. South Africa post-

apartheid is another good example.

10 - Please No Double Standards But Only the Truth

You should not apply double standards, like you treat your own people good, but you exploit

the rest. E.g. as the case with Palestinian people and now also with all Arab countries

When bullying takes place in the school or workplace everybody gets involved to resolve it, but

when whole nations are bullied it is accepted!

11 - Not To Be Personally Dragged By The Hate Wave

On the personal level one should not get carried away by the dogma of governments and the

hate waves and calls for discrimination, especially through the media. You should do your own

analysis and research to find out the truth about all people.

12 - All Countries Everywhere: Please Stop Conspiring, Interfering, And


Talk about the spies and agents and who is putting them in the field or elsewhere in Cyberspace

or outer space. Just count how many spies and agents are working in the Arab countries from

everywhere, and you can find they are in thousands, and on all levels, and this has been the

case for the last century and longer, and especially at present, e.g. Mossad, CIA , FSB (Russia),

MI6, VAJA (Iran) etc . Now count how many spies and agents have been engaged by Arab

countries in other countries: Most likely Zero. Then you ask yourself who is conspiring on

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

whom? Who is doing the mischief? You can imagine the sheer size of disruption of progress

caused in Arab countries through such mingling. Arab countries do not even know what is being

concocted against them; this is ample proof that they are not good at the covert activities.

Please no more secret agendas! There is a dire price to pay when going clandestine. I prefer the

OPEN SOCIETY much more. There is a high price to pay if you decide to become a covert

society, for the purpose of having more power and accumulating wealth etc. but you become

inhumane, and it is more about conflict rather than sharing, and is always conducive to wars.

With oppression you are forcing people to resist and to go covert and underground as you are

doing yourself, and this is all very bad for the long term and for the whole planet.

Conspiracy is similar to CHEATING IN BUSINESS, it is the easy way but not the right way. The

right way is much more difficult but much more worthwhile and enduring. It is like seeking



This stance of spying on others and conspiring all the time is all IMMATURE, similar to the

extreme competition stance in business without regards to SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, but just

about power, winning and accumulating wealth etc.

There would not be any sectarian conflict in the Middle East now hadn’t it been for the many

secret outside players mingling and causing mayhem and instigating hatred. Please stop inciting

people against each other, since they have been living peacefully with each other for ever.

Enough interfering to weaken the Arab countries and which was going on for the last few

centuries: let them evolve their way and do not worry. Imagine they are part of the EU. Try and

couple in a WIN-WIN manner and with respect.

PLEASE STOP INTERFERING: It is about installing people from outside to rule as dictators so that

they have to rely totally on the outside force that put them in place. Please stop putting in

corrupt officials in the Arab countries. People are capable enough to elect worthy leaders.

Stop the bullying of other people as the bullying in school.

Please stop the hate campaigns against Muslims and Arabs, since it is all just in the imagination

and nonsense and counterproductive and destructive. A lot of the terrorist groups are

infiltrated anyway. Stop the campaigns of Islamophobia, Arabo-phobia, etc. in the media and


Please stop the deliberate disintegration of the Arab countries and the destruction of the social

fabric of the Arabs. This is very stupid as well as very unjust and a great sign of incompetence to

co-exist. Please stop all the double standards when it comes to Arab countries and doing things

with some false pretexts. Like PRIVACY is appreciated in Western countries the same should be

done with other nations and to stop spying and interfering in their destiny. They should be

empowered instead and one should collaborate as partners.

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

Arab youth as an open society were demonstrating in the streets during the early years of Arab

spring to face the covert and oppressive society of the dictators. In actual fact they are fighting

for freedom as the Palestinians are always doing, this in the name of the whole humanity.

Israel should try million times harder to solve the Palestinian problem in a just manner and to

respect its Arab neighbors and to stop gulping their land.


Manipulation of facts has to stop too

Stop encouraging young people to fight and die for freedom and other unless you are also in

the field fighting, or possibly your children are. Still, it is better to change your mindset to


13 - To All Countries: Please Transform Into Open Societies With No

Secrets And Hidden Agendas

So much injustice has been made with the Arab nations, Palestine and many other countries.

Please stop the clandestine social habit and doing covert stuff, we and them, and please change

the mindset to being more courageous and sharing and accepting, and to stop the conspiracies

and wanting it all and dominating .

You should switch to the mode of an OPEN SOCIETY with no secrets and no hidden agendas:

This ongoing covert stance smacks of total incompetence in collaboration and communication

and striking a healthy relationship with other nations. Have the courage to be an open society

rather than a clandestine one. Just stop conspiring and spying and interfering in the back-

scenes and just make it in the open: Go for the open society rather than the covert society.

14 - Admitting Mistakes Of The Past To Resolve Issues of Conflict For


People and governments should admit mistakes were made in the past even hundreds or

thousands or years ago and try and reach reconciliation, without the stubborn denial of

everything and where the problems cannot be resolved, e.g. between the different sects in the

Arab and Islamic world, and between Arabs, Moslems and other nations. They should debate

things out with logic and with facts. This has been done frequently in history and leads to

détente. There are many misconceptions that need to be put in the open instead of remaining

hidden in some cabinet.

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

There is obviously right and wrong done and one should assume responsibility for the mistakes.

One should concede mistakes and try to correct the path of injustices, and clean the slate,

rather than to keep adamant as a fool. Different societies became covert with many secrets

hundreds of years ago, and the problem is they remained so and became dogmas and have

even secret rituals. There is need to move away to become open societies.

15 - To Acknowledge the Contribution Of the Middle East, Arabs And

Islam To Humanity And Civilization

It should be noted that Islam has contributed a lot to the advancement of humanity away from

the dark ages of ignorance, this in humanity but also in in sciences, e.g. chemistry, math,

medicine, astronomy, sociology etc. It has embraced science and learning all the way from day

one as it has also embraced industry, trade and prosperity but also tolerance, and was the

melting pot of many diverse nations. The Middle East region is the cradle of civilization, e.g. the

Alphabet we use today is almost the same with the same number of letters as the one

developed a few thousands of years in the region. The wheel was invented there a few

thousand years ago too. These revolutionary contributions need to be acknowledged without

distortion, because this is the right thing to do, and one should not defame a great civilization

and its people.

16 - Creative Thinking is Key to Generating WIN-WIN Solutions

Innovation is here key to the finding of the many possible solutions. All the effort should be

redirected towards finding innovative solutions for peace and sharing rather than for war and

triumphing. Forget about winning. Currently there is total lack of innovative thinking in

coexistence. There aren’t even innovative solutions about the refugee camps and housings.

Innovative solutions should be worked out with the Palestinians and all the Arabs, and to

change the mindset of major forces from wanting to dominate and oppress to the sharing

stance etc.

It should be all WIN –WIN solutions

17 - Training Courses For Turning On The Right Mindsets And For Learning

Of Creative Thinking And Innovation

Maybe it would be very useful to trigger the paradigm shift in mindset through training courses

too, to help shift the mindsets towards respect, tolerance and collaboration rather than

conspiracy and conflict. Such a training should cover local and foreign parties (West and East)

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

involved in the Middle East. This would be a training about the OPEN SOCIETY away from the

covert conspiring society. This would be a training about working out joint goals away from the

individual goals.

Maybe it would be very useful to initiate training courses in creative thinking and innovation for

all government employees, and indeed for parties to be engaged in working on collaboration

and co-existence.

18 - To Engage The Right People with Integrity, Empathy and Creative

Thinking As Facilitators Of Respect, Collaboration and Peace

To put the right people with greater EMPATHY who are allocated to the overlap area of

cultures, and not traditional politicians. You also need very INNOVATIVE AND POSITIVE PEOPLE.

Traditional Politicians cannot bring about peace. Show of force is very immature and other

types of people are needed for peace. The new politicians should have the kind of patience and

empathy that we find in doctors and nurses in the hospitals. This is the kind of mindset needed

for peace. Here I am also including Western politician and the need to upgrade their mindsets

towards lasting collaboration rather than just show of force. Hence you need innovative people

with the right “SHARING” mindset, but also doers and with principles, and those are surely not

the same people handling the UN at present, and who are very ineffective in settling problems.

Dr. S. M. Sweid / A Strategy for the Middle East Jan 2016

19 - A Strict Scenario For Debating Peace: Lock People In One Room!

To put all the people in one room and bind them to their seats and lock the door and keep

them together until they work out many acceptable solutions. This goes also for the Jewish

state and super powers etc. Then we try to find solutions together like through brainstorming.