Dr. Rania Zaini December 2009 Learning Skills Session II: Learning styles.

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Transcript of Dr. Rania Zaini December 2009 Learning Skills Session II: Learning styles.

Dr. Rania Zaini

December 2009

Learning SkillsSession II: Learning styles

Learning outcomes:


Students are expected to: Display different learning styles Identify their own learning style Present the potential strength and weakness of each stage of leaning

Match between specific learning styles and appropriate leaning skills

What is a learning style?

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“Characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment”

What is a learning style?

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A learning style is our preferred way of taking in and putting out information in a learning setting

It is not in a work setting or social setting.

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Learning styles ARE NOT strengths or weaknesses

Learning styles are preferences!


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Use your learning style to get more productive

What are the benefits of knowing your learning style?

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Understand how you learn bestHelps you identify study strategies that

are helpful and those that might be a waste of time

Develop study strategies that are more effective based upon your learning style resulting in greater academic success

Because you are studying more effectively you will need less time for studying

Three kinds of learners

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The three major factors making up your learning style: the three senses

Auditory, visual and kinestheticsthe two reasoning types:

Deductive and inductivethe two environments:

intrapersonal and interpersonal

The Three Senses:

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The Three Senses:

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Visual—seeing, reading and visualizing I score high on tests that depend on reading

comprehension.I can read formulas and understand themI prefer maps to verbal directions when I am

trying to find a place. Auditory—listening

I prefer to follow verbal instructions rather than written ones.

I find it comfortable to add spoken numbers mentally.

Kinesthetics—moving, touching, writing and doingWhen I write things down, it clarifies my thoughts.I have to manipulate formulas in order to

understand them.I like to draw pictures.I am good at using my hands. I enjoy lab classes.

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The Two Reasoning Types

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Deductive reasoning I like to look at the big picture first, then

get the details.When learning a new game, I like to

know all the rules before playing.In an argument, I state my premises

first, then draw conclusions.Inductive reasoning

I like to see some examples when first learning a new subject, before developing an overview.

I prefer to learn the rules of a new game "as we go along".





The Two Learning Environments


The Two Learning Environments

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Intrapersonal—working alone. When solving word problems, I have to figure it out for myself.

Doing school work with a group often wastes a lot of time.

Interpersonal—working with others. Before making a decision, I usually discuss it with my family or friends.

I like to do my homework with others.

What have you learnt

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Can I change my learning style?


Remember: It is a preferences and as a learner you must Flexible

Yes you can modify your learning preferences according to the learning environment



Klob’s four learning stages

David Kolb's learning styles model and experiential learning theory

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David Kolb published his learning styles model in 1984

Assesses the way you learn, and how you deal with ideas and day-to-day situations.

We all learn in different ways. This inventory can serve as a stimulus for you to interpret and reflect on the ways you prefer to learn in specific settings.



Learning Cycle

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 doing (Active

Experimentation - AE)watching (Reflective

Observation - RO)

feeling (Concrete Experience - CE)

accommodating (CE/AE)



thinking (Abstract Conceptualization - AC)



assimilating (AC/RO)


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 doing (Active

Experimentation - AE)watching (Reflective

Observation - RO)

feeling (Concrete Experience - CE)

accommodating (CE/AE)



thinking (Abstract Conceptualization - AC)



assimilating (AC/RO)



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See you next week

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