Dr. B's top 12 eng 204 revised

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Dr. B's top 12 eng 204 revised

Number 12

Read the Discussion Overview

Number 11

Use CREATIVE titles for your posts.No one is eager to read a post entitled Discussion 1.

Number 10

Presumably, we’ve all read the short stories, so you don’t need to tell us what happened. Use plot summary only when necessary to make your points.

Number 9

Be opinionated.Don’t be afraid to take a stand; controversy makes for good discussion, but treat your fellow students with respect.

Number 8

Be sure to back up your opinionWith analysis and one or more of the 3 E’s (examples/evidence/experts)

Number 7

Write notes to yourself(during your second reading) about what you want to say. It’s frustrating to forget a key point you wanted to make when it comes time to post. And it’s even more frustrating to see it pop up later in someone else’s post.

Number 6

Avoid making all your posts in one sitting.

Number 5

Post early!Try to post a day or two before the discussion is due when possible. It helps everyone.

Number 4

Check the Discussion Board daily and read your classmates’ posts. You’ll learn something and discover something you want to respond to.

Number 3

Advance the discussionwhen responding to someone else’s post. Merely saying you agree or disagree doesn’t advance the discussion or earn you any points. Instead, try to further develop their point, take it in another direction, or even argue against it.

Number 2

Number 1

Devote the time and effort…necessary for the most heavily weighted portion of your final grade!