Dr Bob Cross presentation "How to Solve Very Difficult ...

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Transcript of Dr Bob Cross presentation "How to Solve Very Difficult ...

Branch Forum ACS WA

How to solve very difficult organisational problems

Bob Cross FACS


1. Everyday problem solving

2. Participation

3. Methodology

4. Usage

5. Questions

Everyday problem solving

• Use modelling techniques

• Put down all you know

• Morphology / matrix

• What would ?? do / ask a stranger

• Brainstorming


• Group knowing

• Ideas better ideas

• Ownership

• Equitable

System of Systems MethodologyFlood & Jackson (1991)

Unitary Pluralist Coercive

Simple Technical CSH

Complex Socio-tech SSM


• Background

• Rigid v contingent

• Incremental

• CPM – Contingent Participative Methodology

Realise problematic issues

Fishbone Diagram (after Flood, 1995, Figure 9.3).

A RICH PICTURE is a highly contextual, cartoon-like representation of:





relationships (internal & external)


other interesting features

Rich Pictures



Crossed swords(conflict)


Rich Picture

(Flood & Carson, 1988)

Comprehend stakeholder issues

Customers the victims or beneficiaries of T

Actors those who would do T

Transformation conversion (input to output)

Weltanschauung the world view which makes Tmeaningful in context

Owners those who could stop T

Environmental outside elements

Checkland and Scholes (1990)

Comprehend stakeholder issues

Customers: native title claimants, interested parties, registrar, President of NNTT, Australian government and Australian people

Actors: NNTT employees/managers, native title claimants, interested parties, government agencies (DOLA, etc), legal representation, media

Owners: Australian government, legal system, Australian people

Comprehend stakeholder issues

Transformation: Mediate from claim and background information to facilitate parties reaching a negotiated settlement, thus avoiding an expensive court appearance

Weltanschauung: Claimants demand equity. Failure leads to protracted court cases. Public demand efficiency

Environment: Legal system resulting from the Racial Discrimination Act, the Mabo decision and the NTA, resource constraints, mixed public opinion, economic interests of interested parties, changing expectations of government

Project Staff Divisional management

Corporate management

Joint Venture partners


Policy Comply with corporate policy

Ensure all projects are executed properly, make money, are on schedule, comply with corporate policy and satisfy clients

Supervise divisional management & monitor compliance

Comply with all relevant corporate policies

Ensure project quality

Process Understand

contractMonitor all projects and inspect in detail, as required

Monitor all projects and inspect in detail, as required

Work to JV agreement

Monitor project progress

Prepare/monitor project plan

Work to divisional budget

Monitor divisional performance

Work to project budget

Monitor performance against technical specification

Information Project schedule Divisional budget Corporate budget Project schedule

Project budget Project budget Project budget Project budget Project budget

Project 100+ page checklist

Project 100+ page checklist

Strategic plan Technical specifications

Realise issues for solution

Use Rich Picture

Knowledge needsNeed to know Need to do Need to audit

Project registration correspondence (& transmittals)

Map project registration process.

Incorporate correspondence/transmittals and process into LL.

People download registration form. Relevant information for all projects is visible in LL.


Information contained within correspondence.


Define a standard correspondence format.

Extend use of LL as a correspondence management system.


People use the sub-system. Known correspondence may be found within the sub-system.


Information contained within project ‘documents’ – a specific term understood by all in the organisation.


Employ LL to contain documents. People use the sub-system. Known documents may be found within the sub-system.

People download and use checklist and forms. On searching, relevant information will be found for all projects.

People download and use checklist and forms. On searching, relevant information will be found for all projects.

People download and use checklist and forms. On searching, relevant information will be found for all projects.

Knowledge needs Need to KNOW Need to DO Need to AUDIT

List of List of Record of what information obligations has been done required to meet information needs

Need to DO System Function Organisation Function

List of List of obligations List ofobligations which are IT human factor

functions requirements

Need to know Need to do Need to auditMeans of effectivemediation

Identify / classifyclaimants / groupsaccording to interests

Monitor progress

How to group interestedparties

Identify area over whichdispute arises

Check that issues areunderstood by parties

What are the issues ofdispute

Present alternate solutionsin a meaningful way

That representatives areinforming all members ofgroup

Who the various partiesare

Generate alternativesolutions

The flashpoints of theclaims

Assess worth of ideas putforward by claimants /interested parties

Alternate solutions Meet 'on site' whereclaimants / interestedparties can explain ownissues

The claim in detail Clarify claim betweenparties through carefulpresentation

Linked list

Need to do System function Organisation functionIdentify / classifyclaimants / groupsaccording to interests

Record spatial nature ofinterested parties andclaim

Procedures forrejection / classification ofinterested parties

Identify area over whichdispute arises

Identify overlap / accesspoints

Present alternate solutionsin a meaningful way

Generate maps specific totask and user

Generate alternativesolutions

Generate 'what if'scenarios

Assess worth of ideas putforward by claimants /interested partiesMeet 'on site' whereclaimants / interestedparties can explain ownissues

Video proceedings andrecord pertinent issues atclaim sites

Arrange meetings withclaimants / interestedparties

Clarify claim betweenparties through carefulpresentation

Design maps specific totask, scale and audience

Workflow threads

Need to know Need to do Need to audit

Project registration correspondence (& transmittals)

Map project registration process.

Incorporate correspondence/transmittals and process into LL.

People download registration form. Relevant information for all projects is visible in LL.


Information contained within correspondence.


Define a standard correspondence format.

Extend use of LL as a correspondence management system.


People use the sub-system. Known correspondence may be found within the sub-system.


Information contained within project ‘documents’ – a specific term understood by all in the organisation.


Employ LL to contain documents. People use the sub-system. Known documents may be found within the sub-system.

People download and use checklist and forms. On searching, relevant information will be found for all projects.

People download and use checklist and forms. On searching, relevant information will be found for all projects.

People download and use checklist and forms. On searching, relevant information will be found for all projects.

Action planProcedural changes required are: Actions required are:

1 Map project registration process.


Incorporate form and process into LL.


Define a standard correspondence format.


Extend use of LL as a correspondence management system.


Employ LL to contain documents.

Assign engineering user part-time as resource for sub-system development.


Engage external analyst with experience in document management to formally specify structured technical requirements – mostly understood for correspondence.


Assign MIS staff to implement specified requirement using LL.


2 Make 100+ page checklist available by web-browser.


Link procedures to more simple relevant standard forms.


Capture output from such standard forms as project related documentation.

Formally specify structured technical requirements. Implement specified requirement using HTML developer and LL.


System of Systems MethodologyFlood & Jackson (1991)

Unitary Pluralist Coercive

Simple Technical CSH

Complex Socio-tech SSM


• MIS Dept’s most difficult problem

• Management of project knowledge

• Every level of organisation

• Divided opinions

• Stalled for 13 months

• Two 2-hour participative workshops


• Messy ill-structured problems

• Strategic direction

• Lead into JAD/RAD workshop

• Lead in for different perspectives


Checkland, P. B. & Scholes, J. (1990). Soft Systems Methodology in action. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Flood, R. L. (1995). Solving problem solving. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Flood, R. L. & Carson, E. R. (1988). Dealing with complexity: An introduction to the theory and application of systems science. New York: Plenum Press.

Flood, R. L. & Jackson, M. C. (1991). Creative problem solving: Total Systems Intervention. New York: John Wiley, Inc.


Bob CrossWhite knight

Business Consulting

0417 926 551bobcross@iinet.net.au