Døve historie hetland

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Døve historie hetland

Deaf History Projectmade by students at

Hetland videregående skole

Made byØrjan Henriksen

John Goodricke - Biography Born in Groningen 17th September 1764 in the

Netherlands to a Dutch mother(Levina Sessler) and an English father(Henry Goodricke).

In 1769 at the age of five he contracted scarlet fever leaving him totally deaf. Couldn’t hear voices and speak, but after a good education he was able to read lips well and to speak.

At age 8 he was sent to Scotland to study at Braidwood’s academy and later at Warrington Academy. He returned to live with his family who had settled in York in England.

He became friends with the accomplished astronomer Edward Pigott. Goodricke became a successful independent astronomer only at the age of 18.

He discovered the periodicity of the star Algol (Beta Persei) in 1783 and Beta Lyrae and Delta Cephei two and three years later.

He received the Copley medal from The Royal Society.

He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society but died two weeks later age just 21.

John Goodricke died from pneumonia, unmarried, at York, 20th April 1786.


Made by Fie

• Danish Princess

• Born in 1844

• A Beauty

• Albert Edvard – English Prince.

• Infidelity

• “He always loved me the most”

• Hard of Hearing

• Close relationship with Queen Victoria.

• Famous for talking loudly

• Loved by the English people

• She was very active to help people.

• Helped to develop better

hospitals, education, schools

• She used her kids as friends,

because she was alone.

•She became more and more deaf.

• She was unhappy.

• Many royal family in Europe came

from Alexandra´s father.

- Hellas

- Denmark

- Norway

- Russian

- Sweden

- England

- Germany

Abbe charles michel de L’epeè

Made by Elisabeth

•Born: 24.november 1712, Versailles.•Died: 23. December 1789, Paris. Age 77.

• He was popular, he was a hearing not a deaf man.• Abbe de L’Epee wanted to study to be a bishop. • One day he went to meet a woman with her two twin’s


• There he saw two twin girl using sign language.

• He was really surprised and looked interested because he had never seen earlier.

• Mom to twin’s daughter told they are deaf.

• He understand and it look deaf have language too, because hearing people thought deaf people are bad people from hell.

• He tried to find some poor deaf people.

• He found six children in addition to the twins.

• Abbe de L’epee learned and tried to communicate with deaf children.

• And he established a school to deaf around 1761-1764

• it looked like he forgot about bishop and focused on deaf.

• It looked like deaf is important him.

• Because he wants to show people that what deaf can and sign language sign and can write as alike with hearing people.

He and pupils did cooperate and made own sign language for France.

• One day king of France, have a deaf son.

• He wants his son go school with pupils and teaches him sign language.

• Everyone at France and deaf people are grateful to him because he did best for deaf pupils and sign language.

Statuen from Abbe de L’epeè at deaf school place.

Abbe de L’epeè write books about deaf life before hes dead



Made by Benedicte


• Born 18th February, 1796 in Trondheim, Norway

• His father Johannes was a cobbler, and Andreas

was the third out of eight children in total.

• Andreas became deaf at the age of 2.

• Andreas finally got to start school, at the age of 14.

He studied at The Royal Deaf Institute in



• Between 1815 and 1817, Andreas stayed at home in

Trondheim, and educated deaf children in his

parents’ house.

• In 1817, there was an available job at the school in

Copenhagen. He applied for the job, and got it.

• Between 1817 and 1822 he was a teacher at the

school in Copenhagen.


• He urged the Norwegian authorities to create a school for the deaf in Norway, with Andreas as a teacher.

• 1st November 1824 – the first school for deaf in Norway is created (Throndhjems Døvstummeinstitut)

• Had 9 children with his wife Birgitte Marie

• Died on Christmas Eve 1874 from aging and bronchitis


• First schoolday in Spring 1825

• The school was a ”family business”• Andreas – teacher

• Johannes (Andreas’ father) – Economist

• Petter (Andreas’ brother) – teacher

• More family members started working at the school later.

• To begin with, the school held to Waisenhuset near

the Cathedral (Domkirken) in Trondheim.


• Møller teached using the French metod till the


• 1830’s – Andreas’ father and brother is fired after

inappropiate behavior towards students

• Andreas started teaching using the German

method. (The German method focused more on

speech and lipreading)


• Møller stayed at the school until 1855

• Today the school is called A.C Møller School and is

a part of the Møller competence-centre.


Throndhjems Døvstummeinstitut

Made by Daniel

The start

We dont know who the person was, that established the Russian schools.

However the first school was established in1806, in the city of Pavlovsk

Pavel Tretyakov was one of them who supported the foundation of this deaf school.

In 1932 Russia could brag of their 145 deaf schools, whereas 20 of them were private schools. (it means that there was usually 1 or two who teached deaf children)

First deaf school in

Pavlovsk, Russia

The degraduation

During the dramatic change of the

domestic rule of the communists, their

leader Stalin meant that sign language

was not a substitute, he would rather

force them to talk like “normal” people

As a consequence of this, many deaf

refused to talk, and used sign


The following year their position in the

russian society was degraduated, from

being in the middle class to some non-

intelligent human beings.

This meant that they didn’t get any

sort of state support, whether it was

important medicines or any of that kind

Daily life

Things got a little better in 2007, when the first official café, named Sesto Senso, had hired employees that could sign language

The deaf athletes was rather distinguished after several victories, leading them into a important position in the Russian society .

Sports are a huge part of the russian society, so it’s no wonder why deaf got a better position in the society.

The manual alphabet

The alphabet has similarities with the ASL and DSL (Dutch sign language)

However it has some foreign borrowings from other alphabets

Despite from having foreign letters in sign language, they have some words that doesn’t have a sign, such as: da-yes, by-would

Also they don’t have any sign for scientific terms, which means that they have to fingerspell all the difficult words.







Deaf Culture

In CHINAby John Eric E. Thorsen


China have 1,3 Billion inhabitants in 2012

In 2007 20 million of them were hearing impaired

What about Norway? A little more than 5 million inhabitants totally

China does also have:

664 deaf schools

With 12 000 students

40 High Schools, 2000 students

And there are 20-30 thousand newborn deaf every year


Development of Deaf Schools

120 years ago: American Missionaries came to China. Among these were Mills, who saw the need of deaf-schools in China.

1887-1949: 42 schools were made during this time. In 1949, however, there was a change in the politics.

The Western world noticed China as early as the 17th century, and had made themselves a picture of the country.

China did firstly start to pay attention to the Western world in the 19th century. At this time they see that China lags behind in schools, and decides to get better.

Now – 622 schools and 40 high schools have been made since 1949

«nine years of compulsory education»: the system in China for young deaf children. From the age of seven years they get compulsory education.

Most go back to communities after finishing their compulsory education, some few take further education.

2001: Tianjin school for the Deaf decides to test a new way of education: they use sign language. This proves to be efficient.

2007: Oral teaching, after 50 years, is being depleted, and Sign Language becomes more casual.

The Culture

Many deaf have problems finding their identity because of their upbringing:

Most deaf grow up in communities where almost everyone looks down at them. Many parents to deaf children try in numerous ways to make them hearing; trough surgeries, “healing” and other ineffective ways to “cure” their children.

Many deaf people do not know what deaf culture is, and doesn’t feel a connection to other deaf, due to the fact that their parents would most likely not allow them to meet other deaf to socialize.

There are no other deaf to look up to, either.

Deaf view themself as disabled, this is mostly because in China, many still do look at deaf as simply disabled. As a social being, this weakens them and takes away their confidence.

Many deaf would prefer a hearing speaking teacher instead of a deaf one, because they want to feel more mainstream, and not be “different” from the rest.

However, there are people working to spread knowledge about Deaf culture in China. The Schools are using sign language, for an example. There’s also more information given to the deaf and their families about their possibilities. In addition, it is most likely going to be easier for many deaf to find deaf idols, as now more deaf Chinese students choose higher education. Problem is, it is even harder to spread such information the further away from the cities, where most deaf children are found.

Sign Language in China

In China there’s three kinds of sign-language:

Chinese Sign Language, which resembles the Chinese writing

Mandarin Sign Langauge which I haven’t got that much information about

And the phenomenon which is called «home signs», meaning signs that developed in small communities and aren’t official, used by more or less individuals.

Because a huge amount of the deaf are born in places very far from the modern cities, a lot of «home signs» have developed in comparison of the amount of deaf in the country.


My main source:


Deaf Cultural Development:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101230163233AAhk02y (09.11.12)

There’s also a few more pages, but I’ve not linked them. One of them was used to find the amount of people living in China in 2012, the others were less reliable and understandable sources for information, or I just didn’t like their set-up.

If you’d like to check them out, please observe that the first link is probably much more reliable than the second one.

Artistic: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=chinese+flag#/
