
Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Doublepage

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The one and only, ‘One and the Same’ have took the world by storm with their intense, incredible music and they’re ongoing talent. Musicians Emily and Chloe have dropped into our studio to chat to us about fame, fans, air guitar, celebrities, rumours, biscuits and...Men with women’s faces. We asked them some of your questions to answer, and let’s just say... their replies were honest!

Did you ever think you would be this big and successful?

Chloe: No, definitely not. When we were younger, we used to rock out on guitars and drums all the time, we were constantly making noise, but everyone used to just say ‘shut up’. I never thought that our hobbies could turn into a job that we love so much.

Emily: I thought I was going to end up living in a bin or something to be honest!

How are you dealing with the fame then?

Emily: At first, it was a bit weird because we didn’t really know what to do, ‘cause we’ve never had it before. I don’t think it’s something you can ever really get used to; we are just two normal people like everyone else so it’s always going to be a shock to us. But, we are dealing with it well at the moment.

Chloe: Yeah, it’s not something you can get used to because we still see ourselves as the two girls from Manchester, and that’s it, it’s still weird hearing people screaming our names wherever we go. The things the fans do for us are amazing though, and they haven’t stopped supporting us either, so we are so lucky to be in the place we are right now.

What’s the funniest thing a fan has ever done for you?

Chloe: We were doing a show last November in Liverpool and one fan had snuck backstage but nobody knew, and whilst we were performing ‘Give up’, she came running on the stage and jumped on Emily’s back and Emily went flying to the floor. It was so funny.

Emily: Yeah that was pretty funny, but my knees hurt for so long after it, and she broke my guitar! I wasn’t very happy because it was my favourite guitar, but we love all our fans so it doesn’t matter.

What happened after that?

Emily: She had to be removed from the show by the security guards. (Laughing)

So, are you going on tour this year to promote your new album?

Chloe: We hope so!

Emily: Yeah, we’ve been talking to our manager about doing a tour and things are looking good so far, so hopefully you’ll be able to see a little more of us!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Laura, Liverpool

Emily: JAMAICA! I’d love to go there, I just love the culture and the music is great!

Chloe: I’d love to go to Australia, just because I love the accents really, and I’ve always wanted to go swimming with dolphins, I know they do that there.

Who do you look up to in the celebrity world? Amelia, Brighton

Chloe: Definitely Chico. I’m just kidding! No, I really love Ed Sheeran, I think he is such an amazing song writer and musician, and I love that he plays all of his music live, not using auto key or computers. I hate that.

Emily: Yeah, Ed Sheeran is great. My favourite band has always been 30 Seconds to Mars! I think they are so incredible. I’ve been to see them twice now and they’re amazing live. The first time I went I got pee chucked over me! (Laughing)

What are your favourite biscuits? Aidan, Manchester

Chloe: Custard creams! They are so nice; I could just sit on the couch and eat them all day.

Emily: Ew no, I love digestive biscuits. Simple yet tasty haha. And they’re great with tea, yum.

Since you have become famous, do you have to watch what you say alot? Deb, Salford

Chloe: Yeah to an extent. In this industry, if you say something that somebody doesn’t like, you will automatically get hate for it, and people will judge you based on what you say and how you act.

Emily: Most of the time I just say what I want to, because at the end of the day I am a normal human being, and just because we are in the media, doesn’t mean we don’t have opinions. Some people think I’m nasty or seeking attention, but I’m not, I’m just honest.

Would you rather be a man with a woman’s face, or a woman with a man’s face? Jen, Glasgow

Chloe: What a question! I think I’d have to go with a man with a woman’s face, because you can get pretty boys now, but it would just look too weird if a woman had a massive beard or moustache!

Emily: Yeah, I think I’d have to agree with Chloe, that would just look so strange.

When you’re in your hotels and you aren’t allowed outside, what do you do when you’re bored? Matt, Wolverhampton

Chloe: Good question! We usually go on twitter and reply to fans, or watch movies and just relax really.

Emily: Sometimes we jump around on the bed doing air guitar...

Chloe: Yeah, or that. (Laughs)

Where do you want to be in 5 years? Ashley, Swansea

Chloe: Still be creating music I hope! We won’t ever choose to give up music because it’s something we are so dedicated to, so we’ll definitely still be here!

Emily: Actually I’d love to be an astronaut in 5 years. (Laughs) No, I agree with Chloe, there’s no way that we will ever stop creating music. Whether it’s professionally, or just in Chloe’s garage, we will still be singing and playing.

Do the rumours or hate ever get to you? Luke, Wigan

Emily: We wouldn’t be human if we said no. We just try not to take it too seriously, because the public don’t know us personally, so they can’t judge us. But, sometimes, you get that one person that is really nasty and you just snap or get upset. But it’s not worth it in the end, because they don’t have a clue.

Chloe: Yeah, sometimes you can’t help but get upset or annoyed, but we do try to just ignore the hate and focus on our fans and their support.