Double page spread research

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Double page spread research

Double Page Spread Research

Kianna Briggs

This double page spread is from Q magazine with one page dedicated to an image of Lady Gaga and the other page text. The simple layout creates a more conventional layout allowing the reader to have an easier way of accessing the information.

Similarly the use of two simple colours such as red and black with a plain white background creates a more welcoming tone for the audience because they are not bombarded with a number of colours that distract them from reading the article.

This image is quite controversial with the pose being quite sexual which suggests that the artist is also controversial but is also trying to appeal to the male audience.

Furthermore the artist is looking directly into the camera which indicates direct address. It has been used to create a relationship between the reader and the artist which therefore suggests that this article is about the reader learning about who the artist is and what they represent. It has been used to create a relationship

between the reader and the artist which therefore suggests that this article is about the reader learning about who the artist is and what they represent.

The ‘L’ in the centre of the text immediately makes the reader think of Lady Gaga. Furthermore although it is in red it is equally legible in which the reader can still read the text without being distracted by the ‘L’. The huge letter has been used to draw attention to the text and symbolises Lady Gaga’s personality as she is known for being an exaggerated artist who enjoys attention just how attention has been drawn to the letter in the centre.

Two drop caps have been used to separate the information within the article encouraging the audience to continue reading. Furthermore because there is a lot of text on the page, the use of two drop caps makes the page look more presentable to the audience in which it appeals to them therefore making the read the article as appose to simply ignoring it.

Although this also a music magazine double page spread, there are a lot of differences between it and the previous one. For example there are two images that have been used which suggest that there are two sides to the artist and also the content on the text has two different connotations. The image on the right shows the artist as an actual artist in which the audience see her as a confident person who is not afraid to wear minimal clothing. However because part of the picture is in a shadow could suggest that the artist is not as confident as the audience would expect or is not as comfortable wearing the type of clothes an average pop star would wear.

This image shows a calm, comfortable side to the artist which is shown by her pose and also what she is wearing. She is wearing a white top which has connotations of innocence and creates a relaxed effect to the image therefore shows the audience a more natural side to the artist compared to the image of her on the other page. As well as this she is doing a very humble, innocent pose which brings out a reserved personality who is not always in the spotlight. In addition the artist in this image is not in a shadow whereas the opposite image of her is which could indicate that the artist is more confident when she is natural and comfortable with herself.

In the centre of the page is a quote which the reader would immediately look at. The quote has been used to create extra interest and also gives the reader an insight on to what the interview is about and also how it represents the artist.

Furthermore the quote is written in red to also grab the audiences attention because it highlights its importance within the article therefore making the reader want to read the interview so they can find out what the question asked was.

The text has been written in red and white, however the shade of red that has been used is the exact same red as the artists top on the left page. This creates a connection between the artist and what they are saying. The fact that red and white have been used in relation to what the artist is wearing in the two images creates contrast and also the split personality has been connected by the content of the interview.

The artists name has been written in relation to the image it is on top. There is not a simple colour it is in, but instead has been filled with the artists image which suggests that the artists name is a representation of herself. Also because the name is highlighted but the image is not, could indicate that the name has more importance as appose to the actual image of the artist.