Double page spread powerpoint

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Double page spread powerpoint




Whilst creating my double page spread, I decided to include the “N” logo to make the audience aware that this specific double page spread belongs to Nation hits magazine. I wanted to make the double page spread stand out in comparison to the cover and content, that’s why I decided to add a background effect. The effect I decided to go for was white lines, on the right hand side, and then bigger red lines on the left. i believe the lines added emphasis to the page and made it look more effective.


With the use of Photoshop I edited the main image on my double page spread. I brightened the image with the use of “effect of filter, magenta” on quark to make the picture look effective. I also changed the background to a orange/red in order to blend in with the double page background.

LOGO AND IMAGEI used the main magazine logo “N” in my double page spread, simply so the audience are aware that this page belongs to the “nation hits” magazine. I used a variety of fonts. I used the font “chalkboard” with a large size of “240” in order to make the “N” stand out from the rest of the page. I then used “tekton pro” for the actual title of the page, and lastly for the name of the singer, I used “Lucida blackletter” as the subheading in order for the audience to distinguish the difference between the title and the singers name.I decided to place a large image, alongside a smaller one on the right hand, and them both of different poses. The poses suggest that the singer is passionate about singing, and values music an awful lot.

The article is about Marcus Cole’s come up and the release of his second album after heading to the 54th Grammy Awards and earning a nomination for the number 1 spot for Best New Artist. After his album rose to number 1 later in the year he gained even more recognition once he achieved his second number one single on the charts.

Text on my double page spread

USING QUARK I have used QUARK for all three of my pages which are front cover, double page spread, and lastly content page. I used the same tools on each page with the use of quark.

For this specific page, I had used color, measurements ( font, size) and lastly page layout.