Double page spread overview

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Double page spread overview

Double page spread Overview

Within each of these Vibe double page spreads, they have all been designed and published in order to attract, draw in and entertain its readership from the RnB genre of music. By comparing these five double page spreads the brand identity of repeated patterns and shared features will be evident.

In all of these five double page spreads, in every issue the main image of the artist appears to take up 50% of the spread displaying their authority as an artist but also engaging with the reader. In most of Vibe’s double page spreads they don’t have big bold titles or headlines they generally tend to use quotations of some of the interview or passage and make it bold so it stands out to the reader, making them want to read more. Another repeated pattern within these double page spreads is the main image tends to always be a solo artist as there are rarely any groups in the RnB music industry. In both pages of the spreads the artist seems to always dominate and control as in quite a lot of issues they are given a whole page to themselves, for example the Usher double page spread is a prime example whereas the Ciara spread she has not

been given a whole page to herself however she is standing nude which will automatically draw attention to her especially from the male readers. There are many different ways in which a magazine can catch the reader’s attention and Vibe achieves this flawlessly.

Throughout all of these six double page spreads, the layout of each appears to remain that simplistic structure as they have with their content pages, colours also being very similar in the way they are simple, yet it still manages to engage its readers just by its simplicity. The main image seems to be the main similarity as they are portrayed that the article features around the image thus strengthening the uniqueness and creativity in every issue. The double page spread issue with Solange Knowles featuring within it is the perfect example where the text is arranged around her giving Solange that authority. The strip of images at the top of the issue make it more effect especially as they are shown in a black and white effect just like the text, then Solange being in the middle her image is in full colour giving the spread the effect that Solange is meant to be ‘standing out’. The pose Solange Knowles appear to be doing is very innocent and almost childlike as she is standing with her hands placed behind her back with her feet turned in, like a child would reinforcing an innocent feel to the double page spread.

The article fonts are always generally the same in every issue either placed on the left or right hand corner of the page displaying “Vibe” reinforces the maintained brand identity throughout the magazine. This not only allows the readership to identify and understand the magazine but also creates a bond between the readers and the magazine as it’s something the readers gets used too.

Both the male and female gender is very much involved and equal within the RnB music industry, however women are presented as sex objects such as the Ciara double page spread she is posing in the nude suggesting Ciara is being provocative as the camera shot has been done in a way so that the readers have the view of her whole body introducing a sexual and provocative tone reinforcing the stereotype of women within the industry. However men are presented as masculine such as the Usher issue, he is posing with a cigarette in his hand with the smoke in the air reinforcing his authority as a man but also a well known RnB artist.