Double Click - Keyword Searches

Post on 31-Aug-2014

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Presentation for Double Click on Keyword Searches.

Transcript of Double Click - Keyword Searches

Keyword Searches

Definition of “Keyword”

Understanding the importance of the right keyword

What are Search Engines

Some of the Keyword Search Engines

Definition of Keyword Keyword – Any word or short phrase that describes a website or topic page – to find what websites math what they’re looking for exactly

Having the “right” keywords can deliver the right visitors to a page. Some keywords can direct hundreds of thousands of unique searches a day, while not having simple keywords about website can break it – causing the website to get only a mere hundred a year. Understanding the importance of the “right keyword”

Having the right keyword, should target a general description of the item you’re searching for ie. Typing Organic chocolate could land you on pages about Chocolate Truffles, Organic Chocolate bars, Organic dark chocolate, and even Health benefits of chocolate. So it’s important to have the precise information in the search engine.

What are Search Engines A search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages The results can come in the form of information of a specialist in web pages, images, information and other type of files. A search engine operates in the following order:

1. Web crawling

2. Indexing

3. Searching

How search engine works Web search engines work by storing information about many web pages, which they retrieve from the pages. These pages are retrieved by a Web crawler (sometimes referred as a spider) – an automated Web browser which follows every link on the site. The search engine then analyzes the contents of each page to determine how it should be indexed (for example words can be extracted from the titles, page content, headings, or special fields. Data about the web pages are stored in a database, which a query from a user can be found simply by a single word. The index helps find information relating to the query as quickly as possible.

Surfing the Internet

Definition of Surfing the Internet

All that this means is exploring many different webpages/websites while one is on the computer

or time spending on the computer, jumping from page to page, visiting many different websites

along the way.

Many people use the Internet for various reasons; some to educate, research material, and teach,

while others use it as a means to engage friends, families long distances away. The Internet has

come a long way in the time it has been around. Changing the way people communicate with one

another, share information, plan trips and vacations, etc.

Things you can do while on the Internet:

The most common thing people use the internet for

Play games online with friends or against the computer

Find videos & pictures of thousands of items

Find books to buy, read, or

Means to connect with friends – email, games, social media

Here are some effective Habits to have while surfing the Internet

Effective Habit 1: Use Targeted Phrases

The more specific your query is, the more success you're likely to have. After all, "why is the sky

blue" is easier to understand than "sky blue question". For more information on how to craft a

more specific query, read my article titled Looking for a Specific Phrase.

Effective Habit 2: Expand Your Search Horizons

Get out of the habit of only using one search engine for everything. It's okay to use one search

engine for the majority of your Web search questions - you get to know that search engine better

and can use it more successfully over the long run. However, with all the great search engines

out there, it would be a crying shame to limit yourself to just one. Get to know a few search

engines and your searches will not only be more interesting, but more effective as you learn

which searches work best in which search engines. For more information, read my article titled

How to Pick the Best Search Engine.

Effective Habit 3: Use Your Time Wisely

The longer you spend time searching for something, the more frustrated you can get. It's so

common that sometimes there's going to be a Web search stumper somewhere in your path - it

happens to everyone at some point and time. Rather than continually beating your head against

the wall, get creative: try another search engine, try another way of framing your search query (if

you type Chocolate Cookies recipe – you may find Organic Chocolate Chip Cookies, Dark

Chocolate Cookies, etc. so it’s up to you on what you want to find) There's actually a lot of stuff

you can do to cut down on the frustration. Be precise in your search.

Effective Habit 4: Cultivate a Love of Discovery: Once you find what you're looking for, you

can just stay there, right? No way! There is too much treasure on the Web to be satisfied with

just one search engine, one search tool, one great Web site.