Doube page spread screenshots

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Doube page spread screenshots

My music magazine screenshots: step by step- Double page spread

I open a new project by going to File- new- project then I had to select the size and name my project.

Here I applied a rectangle box tool that was the same size of the page and added a colour to act as a background.

Once my background was done I could apply text such as my masthead. I had this running along the full page, which followed the code and convention of the masthead for a double page spread. I applied the text by using the Text box tool.

Once my text was added I could apply the main image. The main image is of two cadets who are apart of the Sea Cadet core of drums. I inserted the image by using the rectangle box tool.

I then added text and highlighted the question in a gold colour which followed the colour scheme and made it clear which was the question and answered. I done this through out the article. I also added a quote and who said it this was effective as it stands out the reader and it makes the article appeal to a younger audience by breaking up the article.

This is my final product and I am pleased with how my double page spread has turned out.