Dossier Ágora Inglés

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Dossier empresa en Inglés

Transcript of Dossier Ágora Inglés

Agora is a Greek word that refers to “ Public Square” , place where the citizens appointed to run daily affairs about the welfare. In the ancient Greece, the Agora was thethe place where Plato used to talk to his neighbors about the City and also, where the “Council of Five Hundred” met, The First Democracy of History.


Origin Culture Vision Mission


Construction Management Residential Sales & Marketing Architecture and Engineering Cooperative Administrator International Expansion(Brasil, Uruguay) Diversification ( Investment, Agomas, SantAloeVera)


Development cooperation Education Sports CSR


“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them”

Henry David Thoreau


ORIGINÁgora Group was founded in 2001 as a result of the collaboration and association of professionals from different fields. Architects, engineers, economists and lawyers with vast experience in managing and directing the most prominent Spanish real estate agencies have contributed the knowledge required to undertake the management of our projects.

CULTUREOurOur corporate culture is based on commitment to quality, to society and to the environment. We carry out our business with honesty and professionalism, adapting to the market’s needs. We believe in sustainable construction and choose to work on smaller projects with the best possible execution. We prize quality over quantity. VISIONBecomeBecome the benchmark of a business model capable of adapting to the market’s fluctuations and of growing in a sustained manner, promoting social interest in the environment in which it operates.

MISSIONSatisfying and catering to the needs of our clients by optimising profitability of assigned resources and by applying continually improving systems in the day-to-day work.


Sede Central en Puerto Sagunto - 2007

“There is nothing permanent, except change”



Ágora Group is vastly experienced in directing and managing property development projects. Thanks to all of this experience of the professionals making up the Group, it is capable of successfully undertaking all natural processes of a property development, from the feasibility proposal to the complete marketing, and post-sale of the properties.

With a markedly different style of management, it applies the “Integrated Project Management” methods in all of the Group’s companies.It is governed by some basic principles that regulate its business activity:

OurOur highly qualified professionals: We work with cross-disciplinary professionals with extensive experience in the industry. Ágora Group is an entity associated with the PMI, a global organization devoted to Project Management and of renowned professional prestige.

Client-oriented: Ágora’s clients require a high level of information and an exceedingly transparent policy. Its clients include financial institutions, businesses undergoing insolvency proceedings and being managed by trustees in bankruptcy, neighbours’ associations, cooperatives, private owners and the service industry.

Quality: The company has the ISO 9001:2000 (Quality Management), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18.001:2007 (Prevention Management) seals of approval. It is currently in the process of obtaining the UNE 166002:2006 seal of approval on R+D+i.


Detalles constructivos


This is the Group’s company engaged in constructing and maintaining buildings. Ágora Construction believes in the professionalization and in the sustainable growth of the construction industry. It has been classified as a state contractor by the Ministry of Economy and Treasury, making it eligible as a contractor for Public Sector works.


Guardería en Puerto de Sagunto - 2010


Focusing on works’ management, this area deals with a property development according to the structure of an investment project, thoroughly analyzing the provision of costs and benefits, the construction technology and planning by milestones, guaranteeing the project’s feasibility. Ágora Management proposes a new working scheme. Costs are adjusted and reduced, doing away with intermediaries between industrial suppliers and property.


Villas de Gilet, Gilet - 2007


Ágora Group has its own selection of newly built properties which it places at the disposal of buyers, guaranteeing quality in terms of both their construction and in the sale service. The newly built property offer includes state-subsidized homes, fitted out with amenities and facilities typical of high-end homes. TheThe marketing services of Ágora Group’s newly built properties are carried out with transparent and quality proceedings so as to ensure clients complete their purchase in a fully reliable and secure manner. It offers advisory services free of charge that will guarantee maximum quality and comfort for its clients.


Edificio Levante en Lliria - 2010


A real estate portal engaged in managing and selling real estate assets from bank repossession properties. It offers all kinds of properties classified into three categories. Pre-mium, Newly built and Second Hand, all of them at very competitive prices.

At we select, safeguard, offer and advise. We get involved in each of your needs, regardless of your budget.


Estrella de les Corts, Valencia - 2011


As an architectural and engineering firm, it specializes in developing both civil works and construction projects. Through the quality audit systems and the terms for each phase, Ágora Architecture guarantees completion of its projects, with maximum quality and in a timely manner.


Edificio Padre Jaime, Puerto Sagunto - 2010

Peace of mind

AsAs specialists in the management of residential cooperatives, this division offers services involving the search for land, set-up of the cooperative and construction of the housing units. The new cooperative model is thought out for those who wish to become involved in the construction process of their homes with maximum quality but at cost prices. No surprises with the prices or the results. prices or the results.


Unifamiliar en Puerto de Sagunto - 2010

Our PeopleWe take our professionalism and corporate culture to other countries. Thanks to the integrated policy in the management and direction of the projects, the Group guarantees quality standards anywhere in the world.


ExclusivityBasedBased in Montevideo and with its own specialised staff, Ágora Group is in the process of expanding across the country. The first building, GolfMontevideo, is situated in one of the most exclusive areas in the Uruguayan capital. A project of great architectural beauty and excellent finishes and qualities.


LeadershipLeadershipIt arises from the Group’s acquisition of a Brazilian construction company and its portfolio of construction works. Ágora Samambaia is based in Natal, one of the cities with the greatest potential for growth in the last few years. With its own Spanish staff specializing in managing and executing projects in Brazil.

Edificio Golfmontevideo, Montevideo - 2011


SantAloeVeraFutureWe make the most of the business opportunities that arise from our activities. We sell the gel coming from the aloe plant used in cosmetics and food, with several million plants at the Belo Horizonte estate in Brazil.

AgomasEvolutionEvolutionWe are in constant evolution to adapt to change in the markets and in society. We maximize new ideas that satisfy new needs: renewable energy solutions that cover project development, farm construction and economic use of the energy created.

Ágora InvestmentSynergiesThisThis area engages in studying, appraising and supporting the involvement in projects that can leverage the synergies arising within the Group. Based on study and anticipation, Ágora Investment contributes resources and diversification, as well as opportunities for growth from a perspective of security, honesty and quality over quantity.


Unifamiliar en Puerto de Sagunto - 2010

“There are those who consider themselves perfect, but it is only because they demand less of themselves.”.

Herman Hesse


Development CooperationWe work together with Manos Amigas in concrete projects in Latin America aimed at fighting poverty and marginalization. We are strongly convinced that our efforts can contribute towards a better world.

EducationWeWe believe in the younger generations and in their potential. Through training programs and collaboration agreements with Spanish universities “Universidad Politécnica” and “Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir”, we foster knowledge transfer.

SportsCommitted to its values of overcoming, working in teams and making an effort, the Group sponsors Levante U.D. and the Ágora Puerto de Sagunto basketball team.We support different initiatives that may arise during the year related to local sporting activities.

CSRCSRWe consider the variables that affect society and the environment to be central to management.The environmental variables are covered through our commitment of an internal and external code of conduct. The social variables are treated with the same effectiveness as any other area. We pass on the benefits to different courses of action that are in keeping with our values.


Unifamiliar en Puerto de Sagunto - 2010

"Progress is only achieved when you think big, and only possible to go forward when you look far".

José Ortega y Gasset


Fernando Cos-Gayón

Chairman of Ágora Group

Architect and Technical Architect

AfterAfter working in several related companies in the sector in management responsibility positions, he undertook his own business project. He currently combines his work as Chairman of the Group with teaching as Certified Lecturer at the TechnicalTechnical School of Architecture of Valencia, “Universidad Politécnica de Valencia”.

Mateo Tabernero CEO and Financial Director

Technical Architect and holder of an MBA at “Universidad Católica de Valencia”

HeHe initially started out his professional career in different companies in the real estate indus-try. After gathering the necessary experience, he decided to start up his own professional business, taking part in the set-up of Ágora ConstructionConstruction. @fcosgayon @mtabernero

ESPAÑASede CentralEdificio La Dársena, 2º Ofic. 11Avda. Ojos Negros S/N46520 Puerto de Sagunto (Valencia)Tel. +34 962 681

Sede Alicante

C/ Poeta Miguel Hernández, 9-5ª03201 ElcheTel. +34 962 681

BRASILSede NatalAv. Romualdo Galvao, 1703 Sala 205Lagoa NovaNatal /RN CEP 59.056-105Tel. +55 84 3206 2830

URUGUAYSede MontevideoPalacio Salvo.Plaza Independencia 848, 1er. Smart Office P4.Montevideo, UruguayTel. 598-2902 8004 ext. 5041 y