Dorothee Bohle - Neoliberal Hegemony, Transnational Capital and the Terms of the EU's Eastward...

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Transcript of Dorothee Bohle - Neoliberal Hegemony, Transnational Capital and the Terms of the EU's Eastward...

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Neoliberal hegemony, transnationalcapital and the terms of the EU'iseastward expansionDorothee Bohle

Informed by a neo-Gramscian framework of analysis,this paper investigates the nature of neoliberalhegemony in the EU, and its consequences for the termsof enlargement. It will argue that both the deepeningand enlargement of the EU are promoted by a historicalbloc that seeks to establish the hegemony oftransnational capital. In western Europe, social-democratic political forces, organised labour and thepolitical forces of the peripheral countries have beenincorporated into the historical bloc, albeit in asubordinated position. As a result, a precarioushegemonic constellation of 'embedded neoliberalism'has emerged. In contrast, the EU has exported a more'market-radical' variant of neoliberalism to its newmember states. This best serves the interests oftransnational capital, and helps to preserve the orderof'embedded neoliberalism' within the old EU. EasternEuropean societies have not been in a position toquestion the unequal terms of enlargement. This canbe explained by their specific legacies, which have ledto their incorporation into the transnational historicalbloc through passive revolution.


A s of May 2004, ten new countries bave entered theEuropean Union (EU), eigbt of them from easternEurope." Thus, after more than a decade, the period

of hesitation, insecurities and drawbacks so characteristic ofthe relations between the EU and its eastern neighbours drewto a close. However, even following enlargement, the signals

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being given to the new members remain mixed. Mostimportantly, it has become clear that the EU is not preparedto grant the new members equal social and economic rightsin the near future. The transition period with regard to thefree movement of labour denies the nationals of the newmember states a crucial aspect of EU citizenship; and thefinancial arrangements leave them with significantly fewerresources per capita than the old members.

These concrete terms of enlargement invite a more generalassessment of the relationship between the EU and the centraland eastern European countries (CEECS). HOW to explain theunequal treatment of the new members? Is it likely to betransitory, or are we witnessing the emergence of a durable,second-class membership? Why have the new member statesaccepted the conditions of enlargement? These are thequestions that inform this essay.

Mainstream approaches to eastward enlargement are notwell-equipped to answer these questions. This article seeksto advance a critical understanding of the new Europeanconstellation based on neo-Gramscian perspectives ofEuropean integration. My main proposition is that theconcrete form and problematic outcome of the EU'S eastwardexpansion can be explained by the composition of a new,transnational historical bloc, which emerged in the EU in themid-1980s and spread towards the CEECS shortly after. Inwhat follows, I will first briefly introduce the mainstreamunderstanding of the eastern enlargement of the EU. Second,I will present the concepts that form the building blocks ofa neo-Gramscian theory of international hegemony; andthird, present recent insights into the new, neoliberal pathof European integration provided by neo-Gramscianapproaches. It will be argued that the relaunch of Europeanintegration could develop into a precarious hegemonicconstellation. In contrast to the 'embedded neo-liberalism'(van Appeldoorn, 2002) shaping the deepening of the EU,the mode of incorporating eastern Europe, up to now, hasresulted in the export of a much more 'market-radical'variant of neoliberalism. The fourth part of the paper willexpand the neo-Gramscian analysis to the pattern of theEU'S eastward expansion, and explain the reasons for thesomewhat selective nature of the CEECS' integration. The lastpart of the paper asks why central and eastern European(CEE) actors have been rushing for inclusion despite theunequal terms.

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Enlarging the European Union eastwards: Mainstreamdebates

Studies of the Eu's eastward enlargement are not well-equipped to address the unequal pattern in which social andeconomic rights are distributed in a united Europe. Thetheoretical discussion has mostly focused on the question ofwhether EU enlargement policies and decisions can betterbe explained by rationalist or constructivist approaches. Thequestion that has dominated the debate is that of why the EUdecided to open enlargement negotiations. Constructivistsargue that this decision does not confirm rationalistexpectations, since for a number of member states, tbe costsof enlargement are higher than the benefits; and enlargementseems, in many ways, a less advantageous solution thanalternative strategies like association agreements (e.g.Schimmelfennig, 2001). Tbe decision to enlarge, therefore,points to tbe significance of norms and collective identitiesthat allow the EU to accommodate the preferences of theCEECs (Sedelmeier, 2001; Schimmelfennig, 2001; Sjursen,2002). Constructivist research on distinct policy areas andthe major policy decisions taken in the second half of the1990s in the context of enlargement has largely confirmedthat, despite clear material interests expressed by EU memberstates or interest groups, norms, identities, or principles havebeen equally important in explaining the policy outcome,and have generally led to a stronger accommodation of CHEC'sinterests than a purely rationalist account would predict(Sedelmeier, 2002). Given that the tendency of this kind ofresearch is to focus on the accommodation of CEEC'S interests,rather than on their violation, the question of unequaltreatment of the new member states has not been at centre-stage in the inquiry.

Rationalist approaches, on the other hand, argue that bothtbe enlargement decision and the result of the entrynegotiations can be explained by national interests and thedifferences in state power (Moravcsik & Vachudova, 2003).According to these authors, EU members promote the currentaccessions—just as they did the previous ones—because theyperceive them as being in their long-term geopolitical andeconomic interests. The applicant countries accept tbeunfavourable conditions of enlargement because of thetremendous advantages of membership. The disproportionateconcessions they make in order to become members can be

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explained on the basis of bargaining theory: those countriesthat gain most through international cooperation have themost intense preference for agreement, and therefore arewilling to compromise the most (Moravcsik & Vachudova,2003: 44). Moravcsik andVachudova explicitly acknowledgethe costs of enlargement for the applicant countries, whichstem from the huge task of ' transposing' the acquiscommunautaire [the body of EU law], the humiliation of havingto go through evaluation procedures, the EU interference anddouble standards in core policy areas, and the fact thatresources are oriented away from social policy and towardseconomic goals. They argue, however, that these costs willbe more than outweighed by the long-term benefits ofmembership, such as access to major markets and to foreigndirect investment, the stabilisation of the new democraciesand the strengthening of their administrative capacities.

Although rationalist research on EU eastern enlargementis better eqipped than its constructivist counterpart to addressthe divergence of socio-economic rights in the unitedEurope, it relies on a number of problematic assumptionsand concepts. My first major objection relates to the basicassumption that the expected costs and benefits determinethe applicant's and member state's enlargement preferences.Underlying this assumption is the understanding that costsand benefits, as well as national interests, can be determinedin a quasi-scientific, objective manner. It is, however, by nomeans self-evident as to why and by whom certainconsequences of enlargement are perceived as costs orbenefits. Perceptions of costs and benefits are linked to theposition of actors in the social, economic and political fields,and a common understanding of 'national interests' at thestate level is the outcome of political struggles and choices.Thus, rather than taking for granted that 'The applicantsare forced into concessions precisely because the basic benefitoffered to them—membership—is of such great value'(Moravcsik & Vachudova, 2003: 49), critical inquiry wouldhave to address the question of how this preference formembership came about in the first place.

A second problem with this approach is that it considersstates as the most relevant actors in intemational relations,and thus neglects the role of trans- and supranational actorsin shaping the enlargement process. Recent research onEuropean integration and enlargement has shown, however,that these actors play an important role (van Apeldoorn, 2002;

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Sedelmeier & Wallace, 2000). Tbirdly, tbis approacbconcentrates uniquely on The form of international relations,and ignores tbe social content or purpose of enlargement(van Apeldoorn, 2002: ii-i3).Tbis allows tbe autbors to stresstbe similarities betweeti tbe current enlargetnent negotiationsand tbe earlier ones: botb bave been cbaracterised byasymmetrical interdependence, and consequently byconcessions on tbe part of tbe applicant countries. Importantdifferences—linked to cbanges in tbe social purpose ofEuropean integration—between earlier and tbe current roundof enlargement are, bowever, ignored.

All in all, mainstream analyses of eastward enlargementtend to eitber neglect tbe consequences of enlargement fortbe new member states, or to provide an apologetic,panglossian account according to wbicb everybody will bebetter off in tbe end—witb tbe best oflf being tbose wboinitially lost tbe most. Tbis article seeks to advance analternative understanding of eastern enlargement byaddressing tbe questions of bow tbe EU'S and CEEC'S

preferences came about and wbat role transnational actorsbave played in this; and by linking tbe unequal pattern oftbe new Europe to a sbift in tbe social purpose of Europeanintegration. Ultimately, tbe aim is to advance a criticalunderstanding, based on a neo-Gramscian framework ofanalysis, of tbe new European constellation.

Neo-Gramscian analysis of intemational hegemony

A critical account of tbe new European constellation tbatdraws on tbe work of tbe Italian communist pbilosopberAntonio Gramsci (1971), and Robert Cox's (1981, 1983)interpretation of tbat work, takes as its main problematiquetbe changing nature of global hegemony. In contrast withconventional analysis of hegemony, which equals it withdominance based on military and economic capabilities, neo-Gramscian analysis puts forward a broader concept.According to Cox,

Intemational hegemony is not merely an order amongstates. It is an order within a world economy with adominant mode of production which penetrates into allcountries and links into other subordinate modes ofproductions. It is also a complex of intemational socialrelationships which connect the social classes of the

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different countries. World hegemony is describable as asocial structure, an economic structure, and a politicalstructure. And it cannot be simply one of the things butmust be all three. World hegemony, furthermore, isexpressed in universal norms, institutions andmechanisms which lay down general rules of behaviourfor states and for those forces of civil society that actacross national boundaries—rules which support thedominant mode of production. (Cox, 1983: 172)

Intemational hegemony thus has to be analysed on severalinterlinked levels. The first, fundamental level is that of thematerial sphere of production. 'Production' is understoodin an encompassing sense, including the production ofphysical goods as well as of knowledge and social relations(Cox, 1989: 39). Different modes of production engendervarious forms of social relations by giving rise to differentconstellations of social forces. The latter are of crucialimportance for the neo-Gramscian analysis of hegemony,since they constitute the power base within and across states.States form an institutionalised arena of class struggles andcompromises (Cox, 1987: 19). Crucial for the relativestability of a certain configuration of class rule that underliesstate power is the creation of a 'historical bloc'. This refersto the way in which a leading class builds 'organic' allianceswith subordinated classes within a specific national context.Class rule exercised through a historical bloc will not appearas particularistic. Its institutions and ideologies will extendto subordinate groups without, however, undermining thevital interests of the hegemonic class (Cox, 1983: 169).Although the concept is linked to specific national contexts,it can be internationalised: an intemational historical blocrefers to the relatively stable alliances of mling classes thatsupport the existing intemational order (Jacobitz, 1991: n ) .

Also crucial for intemational hegemony are values, normsand ideas that are shared by ruling and subordinated classes.Similar to constructivist approaches, neo-Gramscian analysisstresses the role of ideas in shaping institutions and actions.In a Gramscian understanding, ideas and material conditionsare, however, always boimd together. In order for ideas tobecome meaningful, they must be articulated within ahegemonic project, i.e. a project that stems firom the economicsphere, but which is broad enough to incorporate diverseand even partly antagonistic ideas. In the formulation of

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such hegemonic projects, intellectuals linked to the rulingclasses play a major role (Cox, 1983: 168).

Values, norms and ideas are crucial for integratingsubordinated social classes into hegemonic projects. Inaddition, values, norms and ideas enable the interests oftransnational hegemonic forces to penetrate those societiesin which a dominant class has not been able to establishhegemony in the encompassing Gramscian sense. In thesesocieties, new hegemonic projects spread in the form of'passive revolution', i.e. a revolution where

The impetus to change does not arise out of a 'vast localeconomic development ... but is instead the reflection ofinternational developments which transmit theirideological currents to the periphery'. The group whichis the bearer of the new ideas, in such circumstances, isnot an indigenous social group which is actively engaged inbuilding a new economic base with a new structure of socialrelations. It is an intellectual stratum which picks up ideasoriginating from a prior foreign economic and socialrevolution. (Cox ,1983: 170; see also Gramsci,'i97i: 116)

The ultimate aim of a neo-Gramscian analysis ofintemational hegemony is to unearth the contradictions ofexisting power relations, and to look for ways of overcomingthem. As a critical theory, it does not seek to provide analtemative description of the existing hegemonic order but,rather, to ask how this order came about, whose interestsare served by it and what its major contradictions are, andthus to contribute to the development of counter-hegemonialprojects (Cox, 1981: 129-30).

Cox developed his analytical framework in order tocontribute to a critical understanding of the processes ofinternational changes related to the erosion of the post-Second World War order and the emergence of globalisation.More recently, a number of authors have applied and furtherdeveloped Cox's approach in order to analyse Europeanintegration in the context of global stmctural changes (vanApeldoom, 2002; Bieler, 2000; Bieler & Morton, 2001JBieling & Steinhilber, 2ooobj Cafruny & Ryner, 2003; Gill,i992i Rottger, 1997). Despite slightly diverse theoreticalperspectives on European integration, these approaches havedemonstrated that a qualitatively new, transnationalneoliberal constellation has emerged over the last twenty

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years. In the following section, I will summarise the findingsof neo-Gramscian analysis of European integration.

The emergence of neoliberal hegemony in the EU

As argued above, international hegemony has to be analysedon several interlinked levels: that of the dominant mode ofproduction, tbat of social relations, and that of politico-ideological relations. Major transformations at all three levelshave, over the last decades, shifted hegemony in tbe EUtowards a specific neoliberal form.

Basic characteristics of neoliberal hegemonyThe mode of production has been characterised by tbedissolution of Fordism. In its place, a new mode is emerging,centred on knowledge-based information andcommunication technologies. The emergence of the newmode of production is largely dependent on us capital,technologies and companies, and has not penetrated Europeas deeply as it has tbe us. European production is stillcharacterised by traditional industrial sectors to a muchlarger extent than is US production (Beck et al., 2002: 25-75;Liithje et al., 2002: 25-102). European integration since themid-1980s has aimed at reducing its dependence andbackwardness, and at restoring Europe's globalcompetitiveness. 'Negative' integration—the elimination ofnational constraints on trade and competition—tbetransnationalisation of production, and tbe cross-bordercentralisation and concentration of economic power haveled to an increasingly transnationally integrated Europeaneconomic space (Ziltener, 2004: 962-4).

At the level of social relations, this process has engendereda truly transnational historical bloc, which seeks to createthe conditions for the hegemony of transnational capital.^ Amajor forum of the bloc's leading class is the European RoundTable of Industrialists (ERT) (van Apeldoorn, 2002:183-190).The ERT was founded in 1983, on the initiative of PebrGyllenhammar, the chief executive ofVolvo, with tbe supportof Etienne Davignon, then a European Commissioner. Today,the ERT consists of forty-five CEOs and chairmen from Europe'slargest and most transnational corporations. Through intenselobbying activity at national and supranational levels, regularofficial meetings with tbe highest representatives of the EU,

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and strategic reports on the burning issues of Europeanintegration, the ERT has developed privileged influence onEuropean policy-making (van Apeldoorn, 2002; Holman &van der Pijl, 2003).

Whereas nationally based, export-oriented capital hasfrequently allied itself with transnational capital, the influenceof domestic-oriented and import-competing capital in thenew European constellation has largely diminished. Forcesof labour have also been pushed onto the defensive. Tradeunions are integrated in a subordinate position in tbeneoliberal bloc.

Through tbe institutions of 'competitive corporatism'(Rhodes, 1998), trade unions participate in neoliberalrestructuring by accepting wage restraint, reform of thewelfare states and the increasing fiexibilisation of labourmarkets (Bieling, 2001: 107-8). Bieler (2005) argues thateven if labour as a whole is in a defensive situation comparedto that of the post-war constellation, it cannot beconceptualised as a homogenous force. Rather, labour inexport-oriented and transnational sectors is more likely todevelop supranational activities and to support some of thepolicy initiatives at tbe European level. In contrast, labourin sheltered sectors is more likely to take a defensive stancetowards neoliberalism and European integration.

The shift in the mode of production and the emergenceof a new, transnational historical bloc has led to theinstitutionalisation of a new form of relations betweenEuropean and national institutions. Since the 1980s, theEuropean mode of integration has aimed at enhancingcompetitiveness at all levels of European societies. Partlythrough directly taking over and 'Europeanising' certain statefunctions (e.g. monetary policy), and partly throughsignificantly reshaping the framework in which nation statesoperate, the EU has developed into an interface that enhancesregime competition between different national systems ofgovernance. Most of the burden of the adaptation process tothis new competitive environment rests upon the nation stateand national institutions (Ziltener, 2000: 88-96). States havetransformed from Keynesian welfare states into 'nationalcompetition states' (Hirsch, 1995; see also Jessop, 2002),whose main function is to mobilise society in the aim ofcompetitiveness.

At the level of economic ideas, a major shift from Keyne-sianism to neoliberalism has taken place. Neoliberalism has

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to be understood as both an economic and a politicalprogramme. As an economic programme, it aims at reducingstate intervention in the economy and 'freeing market forces'.As a political programme, neoliberalism is most clearlydefined by its opposition to state socialism and to theKeynesian welfare state (von Hayek, 1990, 1991). In termsof its 'positive' political programme, neoliberalism may becombined either with authoritarian, right-wing politicalforces or with centrist ones, be they conservative, liberal ornew social-democratic. Think tanks and networks of expertsactively popularised the main ideas legitimising neoliberalism(Plehwe & Walpen, 1999; Cockett, 1995).

Political projects of European integration

The above elements constitute, in a nutshell, the basic traitsof the new, neoliberal European constellation. It is a matterof debate as to whether neoliberalism has become hegemonic.Gill (1995: 400, 402, 412), for instance, argues that tbetransnational bloc has a position of supremacy rather thanof hegemony. While it cannot organise consent, it neverthelessrules over a fragmented opposition.

Bieling and Steinhilber (2000a, 2002) opt for a morenuanced approach to the question of neoliberal hegemonyin the EU. Rather than offering a 'grand narrative', they preferto focus on concrete political projects of Europeanintegration. This perspective stresses the different phases,concrete steps and partly contradictory strategies of theneoliberal restructuring of the EU. Bieling and Steinhilberare particularly interested in the interplay of material interestsand discursive interactions in the different projects. Only ifthese two dimensions reinforce each other can tbe projectbe considered as hegemonic.

These authors identify three particular projects that haveresulted in neoliberal hegemony in western Europe: theEuropean monetary system (EMS), the internal market, andeconomic and monetary union (EMU).'

The EMS proved to be the starting signal for neoliberalrestructuring, as it forced tbe member states to imposebudgetary discipline and restrictive monetary policy (Bieling& Steinhilber, 2000a: 112). Tbe project was promoted in anextremely technocratic manner, which allowed the public,by and large, to ignore it.

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This changed, however, with the second project ofneoliberal restructuring—the internal market. This projectemerged against a background of economic stagnation andthe perceived loss of European competitiveness vis-a-vis theUS and Japan. A transnational coalition of actors, forgedunder the leadership of the European Commission andtransnational capital, supported the project (Sandholtz &Zysman, 1989: 114-8). Despite its economic character, itbecame a broadly popularised symbol of the relaunch ofEuropean integration. This was due, on the one hand, to apublicity campaign about the advantages of the internalmarket, which sought to legitimise the project through theexpected economic success. On the other hand, JacquesDelors, the then-president of the European Commission,linked the internal market with a far-reaching vision ofintegration progress in the monetary, technological andsocial fields. This vision spoke to a number of social forces,including more defensive, intemal-market-oriented businessgroups; and trade unions, which became actively engaged inthe construction of'social Europe' (Ross, 1995: 43-45, 150-3; van Apeldoorn, 2002: 115-58, 169-84).

EMU, the third central project, initially still profited firomthe 'Europhoria' triggered by the internal market. A numberof actors considered the core functions of EMU—strengthening the EU in the global currency competition,reducing transaction costs, and strengthening the culture ofstability—as a logical consequence of previous integrationsteps. EMU received additional legitimacy because it promisedto tie the united Germany into European structures and tobreak the dictate of the Bundesbank (Bieling & Steinhilber,2000a: 115).The consensus over EMU did not hold, however.As argued by Gill (1998), EMU displays—much more thandoes the internal market—the disciplinary character ofEuropean neoliberalism. The convergence criteria ofMaastricht and the stability and growth pact 'depoliticise'central policy fields, leaving little room for manoeuvre forgenerous wages and social policies. At the same time, thereinforced stability culture offers no solution to Europe'sburning problems of high unemployment and slow growth.As a result, European integration has become increasinglycontested. It has triggered waves of social protest, especiallyin France but also in other European countries. At a pan-European level, resistance is being articulated at theEuropean Social Forums, where intellectuals, trade unions

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and new social movements interact (Bieling & Steinhilber,2oooa: 122-8).

Whether these movements and coalitions are giving riseto counter-hegemonic projects is still in question. For thetime being at least, Bieling and Steinhilber do not see majorchallenges to neoliberal hegemony in Europe. They arguethat, despite continuous and even growing socio-economicproblems and sporadic political protest, European integrationis consolidating along neoliberal lines (Bieling & Steinhilber,2oooa: I2o). Through the 1990s, the ruling classes wereflexible enough, moreover, to incorporate the demands ofother social forces into their projects. This is reflected in anumber of policies and initiatives—in the upgrading ofstructural and social funds, in elements of social regulationon the European level, and in the European employmentpolicy. Thus we may speak of a precarious hegemony ofembedded neoliberalism that has emerged in the EU. Accordingto van Apeldoorn (2002), who coined the term, this'embeddedness' addresses the concerns of European labourand social democracy, but 'this incorporation is done in sucha way that these concems are, in the end, subordinated tothe overriding objective of neoliberal competitiveness' (ibid:181). It is against this background that eastward enlargementhas to be analysed.

The political project of eastward enlargement

The neoliberal nature of the enlargement projectAfter EMU, the EU did not delve into a new deepening projectduring the 1990s. Rather, it was the issue of enlargementthat became the engine for further development (Bieler, 2002:575). The first enlargement, which brought in Sweden,Finland and Austria, has not constituted a major source ofconflict. Eastward enlargement is different. It has been muchmore contested because of the large number of countries,their specific legacies, and their comparatively poor andbackward economies. This is reflected in EU policy towardsits eastern neighbours. Although EU actors have repeatedlystressed their solidarity with eastern Europe and theircommitment towards enlargement, the concrete terms evolvedonly gradually and hesitantly over the 1990s. The decisionfor enlargement was only taken in 1993. Even after this, theEU was very reluctant to announce an accession date, and

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postponed crucial agricultural, structural and institutionalreforms that were initially considered central to enlarge-ment.-* Despite the fact that the commitment to, and theframework for, enlargement evolved only gradually fromthe early 1990s onwards, relations with the eastern countrieshave, however, been in line with the neoliberal integrationprojects discussed above.

This becomes evident if the policy requirements for thecandidate countries are considered. The EU clearly uses itsinfluence in the region in order to export the core of itsderegulatory programme. Ever since the Europe Agreements'and the Single Market White Paper (1995), the main thrustof EU policy was to secure the liberalisation and deregulationof CEEC's political economies. Already, in this early phase ofaccession, the EU could establish a far-reaching influence onthe emerging 'models' of capitalism, and especially on thecompetition and sectoral policies and industrial standards.With the 'accession partnerships' that were concluded withthe candidate countries from 1997 onwards, EU requirementsbecame central engines for domestic reforms. The 'accessionpartnerships' were very all-encompassing, affecting, amongstother things, macroeconomic, budgetary and monetarypolicies, and administrative, regional, industrial and welfarereforms (Grabbe, 1998: 12-8). Furthermore, in contrast withthe southern enlargement, where the new member states wererequired to 'liberalize domestic markets at the moment ofentering the EU, in many cases with temporary exemptions... [t]he associated countries are being required to open theirmarkets before membership, without any linkage betweenliberalization and membership' (Inotai, 1999: 7).

At the same time, the EU has been very reluctant to extendthe policy areas that would make CEEC'S transition andadaptation easier—like substantial financial aid, freemovement of labour, or liberalisation of agricultural trade.The earliest example of this attitude is the selectiveprotectionism incorporated in the trade agreements in theEurope Agreements, where the EU conceived of a battery ofprotectionist instruments targeting exactly those sectors inwhich CEE had a competitive advantage: steel, textile, apparel,chemicals and agricultural products (Gowan, 1995: 25-8).Similarly, in the 'pre-accession strategy', which 'is primarilyconcerned with liberalisation of extemal economic relationsand creating the conditions for fi-ee movement of industrialgoods, services and, to some extent capital' (Grabbe, 1998:

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I I ) , labour and also agricultural policy were excluded fromliberalisation. Finally, in terms of financial aid, the EU hassupported its own members much more strongly than it hasits poor eastern neighbours.

For a long time, the assumption was widely held thatthese asymmetries would disappear with full membership.However, the negotiation agreements reached in Copenhagenin December 2002 indicate that, at least in the near future,the new members will be relegated to a second-classmembership. Most old member states have restricted therights of the east European workers to move freely withinthe EU for up to seven years. The firee movement of personsimplies not only an economic dimension but also constitutesan essential part of EU citizenship rights, which are thuswithheld from the nationals of the new member states (Maas,2002).

In financial terms, the transfers per capita for the easternEuropean newcomers will be significantly lower than thosefor the old member states, despite (or because of) the factthat these countries are comparatively poor and backward(Mayhew, 2003: 16-30; Debbaut, 2003). The struggle overthe new EU budget, which started in July 2005, reveals oncemore that the old member states are not ready to grant theeast European newcomers equal financial support.

All in all, through a mixture of power and conditionalityand the promise of 'membership perspectives', the EUmanaged, during the 1990s, to push the CEECS towardsadopting a specific, neoliberal reform model. In itsconsequences, this model is more radical than the westernEuropean one.

Not only are the regulatory reforms of the internal marketat its centre, but additional reform requirements have beenpresented that are not part of the acquis. At the same time,the EU has been very reluctant to extend towards CEECS allthe policy areas that would make their transition easier, andhas severely limited its financial transfers to those countries.These requirements have been presented as being self-evident,and there is little debate within the EU (or CEE for that matter)as to whether they are appropriate for economically backwardcountries with huge restructuring problems.

How can this result, which prescribes a more market-radical variant of neoliberalism to the CEECS, be explained?My main argument is that it is the composition of the new

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transnational historical bloc that can explain both theexpansion of the EU to the east, and its selective features.

Transnational capital and the project of enlargement

At first glance, transnational capital's preferences seem toconfirm the constructivist argument that the decision to offerthe membership perspective that was taken in 1993 cannot easilybe traced to the material interests of central EU actors. Theprospect of membership, once ofl'ered, had to be sustainedand eventually realised, however. A major shortcoming ofconstructivist analysis is that it does not take into accountthe way the material interests of central EU actors—and thustheir interests in enlargement—changed during the 1990s.

Taking the position of the ERT (European Round Table ofIndustrialists) as an indicator for the politics of transnationalcapital within the EU, it is true that it stated as early as 1991that the EU should take 'immediate action' in response to the'new challenge' and 'the window of opportunity' offered by'the astonishing developments in Eastern Europe' (ERT, citedin Holman, 2001: 174). It took several years, however, forthe ERT to concretise its position on enlargement.* Since1997, it has actively lobbied for the speeding-up ofenlargement. In a message to the heads of the states of theEU in 1997, it invited the EU to reform its institutional structurein order to facilitate enlargement, and urged it to start closercooperation with the applicant countries. In 1999, the ERTpublished its first report dealing exclusively withenlargement. It stressed that 'enlargement offers a goldenopportunity to improve the competitiveness and prosperityof the whole European economy (existing EU members andnew candidates alike)' (ERT, 1999: 5).This report also revealsthe significant degree to which individual members of theERT have been engaged in CEE. In its most recent report, theERT stresses once more that 'of the crucial issues that havedominated the ERT'S agenda since its formation in 1983,eastwards enlargement is on a par with the creation of thesingle market in the 1980s, and the single currency in the1990s' (ERT, 2001: 4).

The growing interest of transnational corporations inenlargement can be explained by their shifting pattems ofinvolvement in CEE. Initially, transnational corporationsorganised sub-contracting relations with eastern European

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firms rather than investing directly. Moreover, they engagedmostly in sectors that allowed for an easy exit option(apparel, furniture, textiles) (Bohle, 2002: 165-176). Thistype of foreign-led activity does not need a stable institutionalframework—the provisions offered in the associationagreements were sufficient. However, since the mid-1990s,direct investment in more heavy industries has taken off,'and foreign investors exert increasing control over strategicsectors of the CEE economies. In most accession countries,the leading export sectors are operated almost exclusivelyby foreign firms. Moreover, strategic services like financeand telecommunications are predominantly in foreign hands.Transnational corporations have increasingly used easternEuropean production facilities and their comparatively cheapand skilled labour as an opportunity to reorganise theirproduction chains, and thus increase their competitivenessin the European and global markets (Faust et al., 2004). Asa consequence, a new pan-European division of labour isemerging in which the east specialises in the lower end oftransnational production chains (Bohle & Greskovits, 2006).With this involvement, questions of politico-institutionalstability and the regulatory alignment of CEECS have becomemore salient. Transnational capital has come to seeenlargement as a guarantee for its investment projects, andexpects a significant reinforcement of the businessopportunities after accession (ERT, 2001: 10).

In addition, neoliberal restructuring within the EU hasled to a change in the relation of forces by changing thedominant orientation of import-sensitive industries.The steelindustry is an example. For a long time, steel was one of theEU'S most import-sensitive and protectionist sectors.Neoliberal restructuring however, which started in the 1980s,changed the politics of the industry. The western Europeansteel industry, as a whole, has not turned into an activesupporter of trade liberalisation with the east, or ofenlargement; and it took until 1996 to liberalise the steeltrade between east and west (Sedelmeier, 2002: 637-639;Jacobson, 1997: 7). The process of neoliberal restructuring,however, can explain the decreasing opposition to, and evenpartial support of, enlargement among the western Europeansteel producers. Privatisation, a significant economicconcentration process, a major reduction in employmentlevels and growing specialisation in high-tech steel productsled to the emergence of a few powerful and highly competitive

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actors. For these actors, eastem European steel production,typically specialising in basic steel, does not constitute seriouscompetition. Rather, they profit fi-om the CEEC'S increasingdemand for high-quality steel, and from relocationpossibilities (Schabbel &Wolter, 2004: 23-24). These actorsactually came to support the neoliberal policy paradigm(Schabbel & Wolter, 2004: 22-24; Dudley & Richardson,1999: 236-44).^

Thus, all in all, while we cannot attribute a causalrelationship to transnational capital's preferences and theinitial decision to offer membership perspectives to CEHCS,

the fact that the EU—despite many conflicts—stayed on courseafter that decision reflects the priorities of transnationalcapital. At the same time, transnational capital has not lobbiedequally strongly for the extension of the more inclusionistfeatures of the EU system. For those forces of capital that areactively engaged in CEE, exploring the differences in terms ofwages, fiscal, social and environmental standards is a ^significant incentive for investment. Other producers thatrely on trade relations with the east, like the steel industry,are more concemed with ensuring fair competition in a unitedEurope, and thus with a harmonisation of basic standards(EUROFER, no year given).'miile these different interests mayconstitute a source of conflict, both factions of thetransnational bloc are, however, united in their lack of supportfor a more solidaristic expansion of the EU.

The lack of support for extending embeddedneoliberalism eastwards

If transnational capital is not lobbying for the extension ofthe more inclusionist features of the EU polity, what aboutother EU actors? The weaker actors—the elites of theperipheral EU states, the social-democratic forces and tradeunions—have not offered the strongest support forenlargement.

Thus, the southem EU states have repeatedly stressed thatthey are not ready to foot the bill for enlargement. Trade-union support has been at best lukewarm, and at both the EUand the national level, labour has lobbied strongly againstthe free movement of people—a position that has beenembraced by several social-democratic govemments, andwhich has become official EU policy (Bohle & Husz, 2005).

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Labour's reaction to enlargement demonstrates thedifficulties of transnational solidarity under the competitiveenvironment of neoliberalism. Enlargement is seen asthreatening to undermine the compromise of embeddedneoliberalism in western Europe, and to weaken labour'sbargaining power. Against this threat, labour tries to defendits achieved rights.This position sometimes even turns labourinto a close ally of nationalistic and xenophobic forces. TheAustrian trade-union confederation OGB, for instance,proposed an income criterion as a condition of free labourmigration: CEE average wages were to reach 80 per cent ofthe Austrian average before labour migration should beconsidered. Even if the OGB has meanwhile abandoned thisextremist proposal, Jorg Haider later picked it up (Bohle &Husz, 2005:103).

Thus, whereas the aim of integrating eastem Europe isshared by a limited but rather powerful number of actors,who are mainly interested in exploring CEE'S economicpotential, the idea of an equal inclusion of the CEECS and ofgenuine (financial) solidarity enjoys virtually no support.

On the contrary, labour and political forces from theperipheral EU countries, unable to prevent the neoliberalenlargement, used their power in a defensive way byprotecting their own interests against the newcomers. Whatare the consequences for CEECs, and why have these countriesaccepted the unfavourable terms of enlargement?

CEECS' incorporation in the transnational historicalbloc

The CEECS' 'return to Europe' has become a much moreambiguous experience than had been expected. Not only dothese countries face the prospect of second-classmembership—even if it is only transitory—but in addition,integration has so far not produced the desired economicgains. Rather, the CEECs have developed the characteristicsof a semi-periphery: dualistic economic structures, highunemployment and precarious growth perspectives.'

Nevertheless, until very recently, no CEEC government haschallenged the strategic goal of EU membership or therequirements it had to meet. On the contrary, EU membershiphas enjoyed broad support among policy-makers, major

Neoliberal hegemony 75

social forces and the wider public. In order to understandthe uncontested nature of the CEECS retum to Europe, theform of their incorporation in the transnational historicalbloc through passive revolution has to be analysed.'"

Passive revolution in CEE

As argued above, passive revolution denotes a situation ofradical change pushed by elites whose ideas do not stemfrom the domestic context, but rather reflect intemationaldevelopments. Gramsci argues further that 'The concept of"passive revolution" must be rigorously derived from thetwo fundamental principles of political science: i) that nosocial formation disappears as long as the productive forceswhich have developed in it still find room for further forwardmovement^ 2) that a society does not set itself tasks for whosesolution the necessary conditions have not already beenincubated' (Gramsci, 1971: 106).

Gramsci's concept of passive revolution is indeed helpfulfor analysing eastern European transformations. Thebreakdown of state socialism was of cmcial importance formaking CEE societies particularly receptive to westem ideasand projects. After the crisis of Fordism in the West and theend of import-substituting industrialisation in the South,eastem state socialism was the last attempt to organise andsustain a development project within the framework of thenation state, which ultimately failed. Whereas the Westunderwent restructuring on a large scale and finally replacedthe old Fordist model of development with a new,transnationally organised neoliberal one, eastern Europestagnated over the 1980s, and experienced the total breakdownof its system. It is partly due to this uneven timing of crisisand restructuring that westem forces could extend their ideas,mles, norms and institutions, and thus their interests, to theCEECS. Economic liberalism as an ideology became veryattractive for these societies because it constituted the mostradical altemative to the existing socialist system (Szacki,1995)- However, neoliberalism could neither be based onestablished societal groups, nor based around a specificnational hegemonic project. The revolutions in easternEurope, as often stated, were bourgeois revolutions withouta bourgeoisie. Instead of powerful economic groups, it wasintellectuals and elites within the state who became respons-

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Me for the neoliberal reforms (Eyal et al., 1998; Bohle,2002; Shields, 2003).

The weak societal embeddedness of the reform elites andthe equally weak transformation states are two of the reasonswhy eastern European reformers were eager to secvire extemalassistance early on. Initially, the IMF and the World Bank wereof crucial importance (Greskovits, 1998: 19-68). EUmembership, which emerged only later as an option, serves asa further extemal anchoring of neoliberal reforms in the region.

Moreover, the EU represents exactly what the easternEuropean societies have not reached over the last decades:economic wealth, stable democracies, and a form of intemationalintegration that seems to rely on the equal participation of allmember states.The 'return to Europe', therefore, not only helpedthe reform elites to strengthen their project, but it was at thesame time the ideology for the mobilisation of the eastemsocieties, which helped in enduring the hardship oftransformation (Greskovits & Bohle, 2001: 16-17).

Societal consequences of the neoliberal reforms

The passive revolution was the condition for the gradualincorporation of CEE actors into the transnational historicalbloc. Transnational class formation in CEE started initiallywith the reform elites (Bohle, 2002: 83-1245 Shields, 2003:

228-37).Later, as a result of the neoliberal reforms and the

rapprochement with the EU, domestic social relations wererestructured and have created a new social base for theEuropeanisation project. One important result of the reformprocess in the CEECS is—at least in the case of the most'advanced' countries—a very high degree of foreignpenetration in important segments of the economy, whichcompensates for the lack of a domestic bourgeoisie. OttoHolman argues that

It is foreign capital—and the quasi-state structures andcadres at the supranational level organically related tojt—which plays an essential role in the process oftransnational class formation in CEE. The ownership andcontrol of economically-relevant assets, and the incomegenerating nature of it, are increasingly transnationalphenomena, while the growing inequality in the

Neoliberal hegemony 77

distribution of these assets is defended—that is, presentedas the 'general interest '—by the 'new power eli tes ' .(Holman 2001: 177)

The importance of foreign investors in the region does notmanifest itself only in their control and ownership ofeconomic assets, but also in their political influence ongovernment positions. Foreign investors have been involveddirectly, on a bilateral basis and via their lobbyorganisations, in the governments' reforms of social andlabour laws, tax and competition policies, and thepreparations for EU accession. They have successfullywatered down Slovakian labour protection, introduced acompetitive race to the bottom in the CEEC'S tax regimes,and lobbied for generous tax exemption schemes in thesecountries (AmCham Slovakia, 2002, 2004; Bohle & Husz,2005: 87-96).

Simultaneously, neoliberal restructuring and the returnto Europe have 'contributed to the deterioration of thecollective action capacities of its losers and opponents—mainly labor, labor unions, leftist parties' (Greskovits, 1997:206). Labour weakened tremendously during the 1990s.Unionisation levels have fallen dramatically, and themobilisation capacities both at the national and theworkplace level have been seriously undermined.

The newly emerging private sector is almost union-free(Crowley, 2004; Bohle & Greskovits, 2004). Ideologically,labour has not managed to define a counter-position to thedominant project of Europeanisation and neoliberalrestructuring. According to David Ost, as a legacy of bothcommunism and anti-communism, 'East European workersand unionists eschew class identities. They do not think ofthemselves as a separate class requiring separateorganisations to defend their interests. Rather, they embracethe neoliberal project in the hope that "the market" willultimately serve their interests as well' (Ost, 2000: 520).

Thus, at least for the time being, the only forces in theeast that offer resistance to the current path of westernintegration are nationalist and xenophobic forces. In thePolish elections of September 2001, for the first time twooutspoken nationalist, xenophobic and anti-EU-parties,Samoobrona ('self defence') and the League of PolishFamilies entered parliament (Szczerbiak, 2002). In theparliamentary elections of September 2005, an outspoken

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Eurosceptic party, Law and Justice, came out as thestrongest party, and Samoobrona slightly improved its resultfrom 2001. The league of Polish Families retained itsposition.Their support comes to a large degree from amongthe losers in the transformation in agriculture, traditionalheavy industry and, partly, the public sector.

Poland is not the only country in which nationalism andxenophobia represent a challenge to the chosen path ofEuropeanisation. The strength of these discourses reflectsthe inability of the dominant forces to offer solutions toburning social problems: high unemployment, societalpolarisation and continuous restructuring requirements thatthreaten to widen the gap within the societies further.


This contribution was aimed at investigating the nature ofneoliberal hegemony in western Europe, and itsconsequences for CEE'S return to Europe. Informed by a neo-Gramscian framework of analysis, I have argued that thepolitical projects that have advanced European integrationand enlargement are promoted by a historical bloc that seeksto establish the hegemony of transnational capital. In westemEurope, social-democratic political forces, organised labourand political forces of the peripheral countries have beenincorporated into the historical bloc, albeit in a subordinatedposition. As a result, a precarious hegemonic constellationof 'embedded neoliberalism' has emerged.

In contrast, the EU has exported a more market-radicalvariant of neoliberalism to its new member states. This isthe result of struggles and compromises within the historicalbloc: exporting the core of the EU'S deregulatory programmeserves the interests of transnational capital, whereas notextending the redistributive acquis and blocking labourmobility protects the existing bloc's weaker forces.

Eastern European societies have not been in a position toquestion the unequal terms of enlargement. This can beexplained by their specific legacies, which resulted in theirincorporation into the transnational historical bloc throughpassive revolution. In contrast to others'—westem, northemand southern European countries—their 'return to Europe'could not be based on established societal groups and arounda specific hegemonic project at the national level. Lacking a

Neoliberal hegemony 79

domestic bourgeoisie, weakly embedded intellectuals andstate elites became responsible for the rapprochement withthe EU, the latter serving as the external anchor for neoliberalreforms. The lack of a domestic bourgeoisie also explainsthe very high degree of transnational penetration of CEE'spropertied classes.

If my analysis is correct, then the ties that most stronglyunite eastem and western Europe are heavily dependent onthe agenda of transnational capital. These ties are unlikelyto be strong enough to sustain a stable and hegemonicconstellation. The EMU project has already reduced theconsensual nature of neoliberal hegemony. It has triggeredsocial protest, and relies more on discipline than did earlierintegration projects. Eastem enlargement opens a new lineof conflict in Europe. It allows transnational capital toincrease its room for manoeuvre. At the same time, theweaker forces of the westem historical bloc are pitted againstthe east European newcomers. This constellation is unlikelyto give rise to an encompassing counter-hegemonic project.Rather, it resennbles a situation of neoliberal supremacy, inwhich the transnational bloc cannot organise consent but,nevertheless, rules over a fragmented opposition.


An earlier version of this paper was presented at the'Enlargement and European govemance' workshop at theEuropean Consortium for Political Research Joint SessionWorkshops, Turin, 22-27 March 2002. I am grateful to thepanel chairs and participants in the workshop for theircomments. Moreover, I am thankful for extensive commentsfrom Ondrej Cisar, Gergana Dimitrova, Bela Greskovits,Dora Hiisz, Nicole Lindstrom, Dora Piroska, Stuart Shields,and the referees of this joumal.


1. These are the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

2. The emergence of a transnational historical bloc wasfirst conceptualised by Stephen Gill (1990: 89-100).

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3. More recently, Bieling and Steinhilber have identifiedthe creation of an integrated financial market as a newpolitical project (Bieling & Steinhilber, 2002).

4. For an overview of enlargement policy, see Sedelmeierand Wallace (2000).

5. The Europe Agreements were special associationagreements with the CEECS. The first Europe Agreementswere concluded with Poland and Hungary in 1991. OtherCEECS followed over the course of the 1990s.

6. Keith Richardson, the general secretary of the ERT from1988-1999, acknowledged in retrospect that this delaywas a mistake: 'EU enlargement was also a weak point.Reshaping Europe marshalled powerful arguments infavour of rapid integration leading to full membershipjust as soon as the candidate countries were ready. Butthe topic was not followed up and there was no specificERT paper on enlargement until 1999 ... Perhaps we allunderestimated how slowly the negotiations would move.Looking back it seems clear that the ERT could andshould have done more to push and prod' (Richardson,

2000: 27).7. The stock of inward foreign direct investment as a

percentage of GDP for the eight new EU members was11.6 per cent in 1995 and 40 per cent in 2001, comparedwith 10.3 per cent and 22.5 per cent respectively for theworld (UNCTAD, 2003: 61).

8. Gerhard Cromme from Thyssen Krupp, for instance, isthe current chairman of the ERT.

9. In 2003, four of the CEECs had not yet or just barelyreached the level of their GDP of 1989. Several countriesrepeatedly experienced economic recessions over the1990s (EBRD, 2004: 38), and real wages in 2000 werelower than in 1989 in seven out of eight countries.Unemployment has increased significantly over the pastdecade (Bohle & Greskovits, 2006: 27).

10. The following draws on my empirical investigation ofPoland's 'Europeanisation' and its comparisons with theHungarian development path (Bohle, 2002; Bohle &Neunhoffer, 2005; Greskovits & Bohle, 2001). Shields

. (2003, 2004) develops very similar arguments.

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