Dont Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Post on 09-May-2015

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It is easy to get overwhelmed when thinking about marketing your business. The secret is smarting small and building off your successes. Discover tips and tricks on how to create and execute an effective marketing campaign and the 10 elements of postcard design.

Transcript of Dont Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Don’t Bite off More than You Can Chew

Jim Eggleston

Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Rich 115 via flickr

Small Business is Big Business– *23 million small businesses= 54% of U.S. Sales

U.S. Small Business Administration

Small Business Benefit

•You know: •Your local market area•Your customers preferences•Your product

•You have the power:•To adjust your marketing

Your Big Advantage

•You know: •Your local market•Your customer’s preferences

•You have the power:•To adjust your marketing

3 Components of Success

•Referral marketing:•Engage the neighbors of your best customers

•Start off small: •Don’t bite off more than you can chew

•Test, measure, test, repeat

•Reasons to call:•Birthday•Anniversary•Recent order

•Thanks for your business•Build customer base with friend referral


Thecrazyfilmgirl via flickr

•Spend 15 minutes:•Come up with approaches & offers•Write down a script

•Considerations:•Time of year?


Approach and Offer

•Introduction:•Be clear •Hi I’m Lora Ullerich, your local (business/service provider)

•Stress local •Differentiates you from those UNKNOWN callers

Approach and Offer


•“Bob Smith is a good customer of mine and gave me your name.”•“Your neighbor Bob Smith recommended that I call.”

Approach and Offer

Offer:•“I would like the opportunity to prepare a quote for you to see if I’m able to provide you the best service/product at a competitive price like I was able to do for Bob?”•“Could I set up an appointment to stop by and prepare a quote for you regarding my business/service?” •“Is there a better time I can call and ask questions to prepare a quote regarding my business/service?”

Once again, track and measure

Again, Track & Measure

Referral Campaign Benefits

Working Referrals= Revenue Generator

This approach will make you more successful at working renewals.


Referral Campaign Benefits

Creates a sound foundation for success at the next level in

direct marketing.

Not so fast!

D’Arcy Norman via flickr

If you:•Don’t do your homework•Don’t know which approach and offer works best•Buy a list, pick a postcard with a pretty picture and mail it to everyone

You’ll fail every time.



Once You Know the Approach and offer…

Market to Prospects

•Consider your 10 BEST customers:


•Home worth

•Length of residence


Market to Prospects

•Clone those characteristics into a list.

•They’re your best prospects!

•Choose the top 200

Start by:

•Make 10 calls/day

•Pace yourself

•What's working?


•20 days later:•What’s working? What’s not?•Who’s agreed to a quote? who hasn’t?•Who’s your best prospect really?

•Now ramp up: •Incorporate best approach •Download 400 best prospects

10 Direct Mail Tips10 Direct Mail Tips

2. Artwork that supports the message.

1. A clear and bold headline.

3. Color that pops.

Postcard Tips

4. Subhead that leads into text.

5. Benefits.

6. The offer.

7. Company name and logo.

8. Call to action.

9. Contact information.

10. Return address.

Postcard Tips

Direct Mail

•Start off small:•mail 50 postcards/day•Print labels from your computer

•Don’t forget!•You’re still making your 20 phone calls/day