Donatello he masterfully uses linear perspective in the service of psychological realism he...

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Donatello he masterfully uses linear perspective in the service of psychological realism he...

Donatello•he masterfully uses linear perspective in the service of psychological realism

•he constructs his work by paying careful attention to optical effects

•his figures in both their expressions and/or their postures convey an emotional intensity that is unparalleled by any other sculptor

DonatelloPazzi Madonna1420-30sMarble, 75 x 70 cmStaatliche Museen, Berlin

DonatelloDavid (detail)c. 1430BronzeMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

DonatelloPietà1447-50Bronze, 58 x 56 cmBasilica di Sant'Antonio, Padua

DonatelloEquestrian Statue of Gattamelata1447-50Bronze, 340 x 390 cmPiazza del Santo, Padua

DonatelloEquestrian Statue of Gattamelata1447-50Bronze, 340 x 390 cmPiazza del Santo, Padua

DonatelloJudith and Holofernes 1455-60BronzePalazzo Vecchio, Florence

DonatelloJudith and Holofernes 1455-60BronzePalazzo Vecchio, Florence

Donatellodetail: Judith and Holofernes


Donatellodetail: Judith and Holofernes

DonatelloSt Mary Magdalenc. 1457WoodHeight: 188 cmMuseo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence

Donatellodetail of the Deposition from the Pulpit at San Lorenzo, FlorenceDeposition1465