Donate books to your local aiperi.10 b 3-p

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Donate books to your local aiperi.10 b 3-p

“Donate books to your local library”

Organaized by Akulbekova Aiperi

April 6,2011Nanaev Kasymkul school, Aral


• In my community the school library need the books. We didn’t have enough literature, fairytale books for children. The children can’t get latest information about liteture.The literatures shelves are empty. There are 300 literature books,50 fairytale books. hoes books are not enough for 650 students,50 teachers and 5000 inhabitants. The books were published in 1961-1991.The published books are very old. We didn’t have new books. That's I want to ask the students and inhabitants give the books for school library. With donating books I hope that we can involve and interest the students to necessary books.


• The goal of my GYSD project to donate my local library with books. After my project I hope that these books will useful for
