Don McClain 1 W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007.

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Transcript of Don McClain 1 W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007.

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of AshdodNEHEMIAH 13:24

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


Almost 100 yrs. after

the remnant returned

from Babylonian

exile (444 BC).

The Language of Ashdod

Nehemiah sent to Jerusalem by Artaxerxes – (Chapter 2:1-10)

The walls of Jerusalem rebuilt – (Chapters 2:11-7:3)

Ezra reads the law – (Chapter 8) The people confess their sins – (Chapter 9) The people separate from the people of the

lands and commit to following God’s Law – (Chapter 10-13:3)

Nehemiah, on his return to Jerusalem, reforms the irregularities that had broken out during his absence. – (Chapter 13:4-31)


Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod The expulsion of Tobiah –

(13:4-9) Restored service to the

House of God – (13:10-14)

Restored the observance of the Sabbath – (13:15-22)

Punished and charged those who had married pagan women – (13:23-29)

Cleansed Jerusalem of everything Pagan – (13:30,31)


Nehemiah’s Reforms13:4-31

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

Eliashib, a priest, had allied himself with an enemy of God – Tobiah the Ammonite - (4, 2:10,19; 4:3,7;6:1)

Eliashib had provided Tobiah a place to stay connected with the temple – (5-7)

This grieved Nehemiah greatly – he threw out Tobiah - cleansed the rooms & restored their proper use – (8-13)

The expulsion of Tobiah – (13:4-9)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

The devil’s plan to infiltrate the people of God with our enemies is NOT new! - (2 Cor 11:13-15; 2 Peter 2:1)

We ARE NOT to use that which is sacred to house that which is not – (John 2:13-16; Mat 21:13)

Worldliness must be put away and worldly people must be put out – (Rom 16:17,18 ; 1 Cor 5:11; 2 Thes 3:6)

The expulsion of Tobiah – (13:4-9)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

Many Levites had left their post and went back to their fields -(10)

They had thus forsaken the House of God – (11)

Nehemiah restored the prescribed offices that the temple services may be properly carried out – (12-14)

Restored service to the House of God – (13:10-14)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

Too many Christians have left their post -(Preachers, elders, deacons, song leaders, Bible class teachers, workers, 1 Pet 2:5)

More than “buildings” are being forsaken – (Assembling, teaching, evangelizing, serving, . . .)

These need to be restored as in the N.T.

Restored service to the House of God – (13:10-14)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

The people were forsaking the Sabbath to make money -(15,16)

Nehemiah rebukes the nobles for “profaning” the Sabbath and warns them that their actions would “bring added wrath on Israel” – (17,18)

Nehemiah restores the Sabbath – (19-22)

Restoring True Worship – (13:15-22)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

What about Christians who forsake the assembly of the church to make money?- (Heb 10:24,25; Acts 20:7)

If worldliness is your aim – be warned – (Mat 6:24; James 4:4; 2 Thes 1:7-9)

We need to restore New Testament worship – (John 4:24; Psalms 50:23)

Restoring True Worship – (13:15-22)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

The children of Israel had intermarried with the Philistines, Ammonites & Moabites - (23)

Thus, some of their children could not speak the language of Judah – (24)

Nehemiah “struck them and pulled out their hair” for they had done “a great evil” – (25-27)

Punished and charged those who had married pagan women –


Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

Eliashib’s grandson had married a daughter of Sanballat – thus Nehemiah put him out – (28)

Nehemiah pleads with God to remember him for correcting those who had defiled the priesthood and the covenant of the priesthood – (29)

Punished and charged those who had married pagan women –


Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of AshdodPunished and charged those who

had married pagan women – (13:23-29) We are not to be yoked

together with unbelievers [note – it is NOT a sin, in and of itself, to be married to an unbeliever] - (2 Cor 6:14-7:1; 1 Cor. 7:12-16)

How can a Christian rationally justify marrying someone who is not?

What dangers do their children face? – (Eph 6:1-4)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

More Applications Speaking the world’s

language - (Eph 5:4-7) Speaking in the language of

denominationalism – (Mat 15:7-9; Titus 1:14) Religious titles – “The church of Christ

teaches . . .” The term “Fellowship”

– (Halls; social meals, recreational activities, etc.)Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

More Applications Speaking the world’s

language - (Eph 5:4-7) Speaking in the language of

denominationalism – (Mat 15:7-9; Titus 1:14)

Today, more & more Christians do not (cannot) speak as the oracles of God because they have mingled with those in error!! – (1 Peter 4:11; 1 Tim 1:4)

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

1 Timothy 6:3 (NKJV) 3 If anyone teaches

otherwise and does not consent to wholesome

words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and

to the doctrine which accords with godliness,

Don McClain

More Applications

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod

Titus 2:8 (NKJV) 8 sound speech that

cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be

ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.

Don McClain

More Applications

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of Ashdod The expulsion of Tobiah –

(13:4-9) Restored service to the

House of God – (13:10-14)

Restored the observance of the Sabbath – (13:15-22)

Punished and charged those who had married pagan women – (13:23-29)

Cleansed Jerusalem of everything Pagan – (13:30,31)


Nehemiah’s Reforms13:4-31

Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


The Language of AshdodNEHEMIAH 13:24

Nehemiah’s Reforms13:4-31

Nehemiah 13:30-31 (NKJV) 30 Thus I cleansed them of everything pagan. I also

assigned duties to the priests and the Levites, each to his

service, 31 and to bringing the wood offering and the

firstfruits at appointed times. Remember me, O my God, for


Don McClain

W. 65th St church of Christ / April 27,2007


Don McClain