Dominican Young Adults 2012-13

Post on 25-May-2015

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Dominican Young Adults, U.S.A. is a national organization of people aged 18-30ish who follow in the footsteps of St. Dominic to preach the truth of God’s word. We are made up of local chapters and together we are part of the International Dominican Youth Movement (IDYM), comprised of groups representing nations from all over the world.

Transcript of Dominican Young Adults 2012-13

  • 1. DOMINICAN YOUNG ADULTS The fun begins here

2. Who are we? We are young adults (18-30ish) who cometogether to pray, be in community, preach,and study together. We integrate our spirituality in our daily lives,with an emphasis on the Dominicanspirituality. We like to have FUN! 3. MissionStatement 4. Our mission as members of theDominican Young Adults USA is tobuild the Kingdom of God, whichmeans to build a world whereevery person can realize their fullpotential and live in communion.This requires our presence inall those places where life isuniversally denied, and ourcommitment is to work to restoredignity to those who have lost it. 5. Friendship, the search for the truth through study and prayer, dialogue, service to others and our living according to the values of the Gospel define our chapters and our method of preaching.We trust in the aid of the Holy Spirit, and ourfaith compels usto assist in the creation of a justand compassionate world, built on faith, hope andlove. 6. Vision Statement 7. Each chapter of DYA USAprovides a different response to theneeds of its location.Organized by young adults,with the help of experienced campusministers, chaplains, religious, andother members of the DominicanFamily, our basis is the four pillars ofthe Dominican Life: community,prayer, study, and preaching. 8. Throughprayerandreflection, the chapter searches tocontinue formation of the individualDominican.Though unique in their walksof faith, these chapters seek thesame goal through their Dominicanlives: to live for Jesus Christ.Holding to the pillars, Dominics message hasfound a home within this generation in the UnitedStates of America. 9. Commitment to the Four PillarsLocal DYA USA chapters design their own meetingstructure. The only requirement is that some aspect ofthe four pillars be incorporated into each meeting!Local needs and cultures add a great deal of diversity tothe Dominican Young Adult USA experience!PrayerCommunity Study Mission 10. PrayerDeveloping an intimaterelationship with Godthrough communalprayer. 11. Community Having people who support you, challenge you, and know how to have fun is what DYA community is all about. 12. StudyGainingunderstandingof your faithhelps put it intoperspective. 13. MissionWere called by Jesus to share theGood News of the Gospel througha shared ministry to one another. 14. A BRIEF HISTORY OF DYA,USA 15. Timeline Preaching in Action College Conference 2007 - Reunion/Planting the DYA seed -Columbus, OH 2008 - National Gathering -Madison, WI 2009 - International Dominican Youth MovementGathering Portugal 2010 - National Gathering- Chicago, IL 2012 - Digital National Gathering - Google+ Hangout Coming in Summer 2013 International DominicanYouth Movement Gathering Colombia 16. Dominican Life inAction - Sister Gina 17. DYA, USA NATIONALORGANIZATION 18. Location of Current DYA Chapters 2012 19. Our StructureLocal ChapterLocal Country ChapterLocal ChapterIDYM Edgewood,WIDU California Chicago, IL USA New York Puerto Rico Miami, FL 20. 2012-2014 The National Board LyamarKatyAndrewSean DiazSomerfield VivianMundyMembership Communications Social JusticeNational Formation ChairChairCoordinator Chair 21. How do I join?1. Grab a friend or two form a group (chapter)2. Find a mentor (member of Dominican Order)3. Select a chairperson (young adult)4. Fill out a chapter application5. Sign a commitment statement (1 year)6. Pay your dues ($5 a year - $1 International/$4 National)7. Get sent a pin Youre official!8. You can vote at National Gatherings and attend all International Gatherings! 22. 9. HAVE FUN! 23. ADDITIONAL WAYS TO GET INVOLVED 24. Young Dominican Mission Teams (YDMT) Teams of three DYA Members Visit High Schools, Colleges, and Parishes Spread the word about Dominican spirituality Travel across the United States 25. Member of Reflection Team Team members would share the responsibilityof writing a reflection on the Dominicanwebsite Each team member would write one reflectiona month depending on the number of peopleon the team. 26. OUR ACTIVITIES 27. DYA Guatabiri Initiation 28. ST. Bernard Project 29. Project Lend a Hand 30. Set Up an Overnight ShelterPADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) 31. Trick-or-Treat After Mass Social 32. Hike CuevaVentana 33. INTERNATIONAL DOMINICAN YOUTH MOVEMENT A Future of the Dominican Order 34. International Dominican YouthMovement (IDYM) Member States Bolivia Lithuania Cameroon Mexico Chile Nigeria Congo Pakistan Peru Dominican Republic Philippines Ecuador Portugal Ghana Spain Guadalupe Taiwan Ireland USA Korea Venezuela 35. Dominican Young Adults GoesInternational!!! In 2009, members of DYA, USA went to Portugal forthe International Gathering of IDYM Recognized by the International Dominican YouthMovement as an official chapter! 36. IDYM GATHERING FATIMA 09 37. For more information Informative Website: Facebook page: Like Facebook Group: Join us Blog: IDYM Informational Website: 38. QUESTIONS?Contact the National Executive Board Sean Mundy, National Katy Somerfield, Communications Lyamar Rodriguez, Formation and Membership Andrew Vivian, Social Justice