DOMAN Douglas - How to Make Your Baby's Balance Superb, 1985

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  • 8/3/2019 DOMAN Douglas - How to Make Your Baby's Balance Superb, 1985


    The Evan Thomas Institute. _ - -_ - --, HOW TO MAKE YOUR BABY'S

    BALANCE SUPERBby Douglas Doman

  • 8/3/2019 DOMAN Douglas - How to Make Your Baby's Balance Superb, 1985


    The Evan Thomas Institute



    Douglas Doman

  • 8/3/2019 DOMAN Douglas - How to Make Your Baby's Balance Superb, 1985


    (c) Copyright 1985The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential8801 Stenton AvenuePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19118, U.S.A.All rights reserved including the right of reproductionin whole or in part in any form.ISBN 0-936676-55-8


  • 8/3/2019 DOMAN Douglas - How to Make Your Baby's Balance Superb, 1985



    Chapter II:

    Chapter III:

    Chapter IV:


    I: Vestibular Mechanism:What Is It?

    Vestibular Program for theNewbornPassive Vestibular Prograrnfor Babies Four Months andOlder

    Active Vestibular Programfor Walking Babies to Gymnasts


    page 4

    page 10

    page 27

    page 43

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    C hap t e r I


    The vestibular mechanism is the part of the brainresponsible for balance, keeping oneself oriented, anddefying the force of gravity. It permits us to know whereforward, backward, left, right, up, and down are at everymoment of our lives. It permits us to defy the force of ONEgravity that keeps us nailed to the earth's surface. Ithelps stop us from falling down whenever we stand up, situp, or bend over.

    Where is the vestibular mechanism?

    Most people think of it as the inner ears. The innerear is to the vestibular mechanism what wheels are to acar--necessary but not the whole deal. Inside our ears arepea-sized organs known as vestibules or semicircular canals.The tube-like canals are filled with fluid. As we tilt ourheads, this fluid tends to remain at rest and thus movesthrough the canals in a direction opposite of our head tilt.Enlarged chambers at the base of the canals are lined withhair-like appendages called cilia. As the cilia are bent bythe fluid flow, they send electrochemical impulses to thebrain. The brain alone is able to interpret theelectrochemical impulses, thus detecting and interpretingmotion' while maLrrt.a fni.nq orientation, thereby determiningwhere up, down, forward, and backward are.

    Other systems of the body, especially the visual anddigestive systems, help the vestibular mechanism do its job;the visual and digestive systems are principal assistants.


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    The tactile pathway into the brain ties into the vestibularmechanism. The proprioceptors in the body's muscles andjoints supply additional information to the brain aboutmovement. The visual system aids in the process oforientation, while at the same time it is stabilized by thevestibular system during rapid head movement.

    The vestibular mechanism grows by use.

    Why is it that the ballerina and the figure-skater areable to spin around so quickly without becoming dizzy andfalling down?

    How can the airplane pilot do loops and rolls athundreds of miles an hour without becoming nauseous anddisoriented?

    How does the Hawaiian remain on his surfboard withoutfalling off?

    All these people have developed their vestibularmechanisms to the point that they remain totally oriented,whereas those of us with less well-developed mechanismswould become disoriented.

    They have accomplished this extraordinary brain growthby feeling what it feels like for their bodies to be indifferent positions in space. Gradually their brains haveadapted to extraordinarily fast changes in body positionsand to different body relationships to gravity.

    Because babies have rapidly developing vestibularmechanisms, they can much more readily adapt to changes inbody positions that would leave the average adult flat onhis back.


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    Even those of us not expert at gymnastics have vesti-bular mechanisms that are sensitive and "talk" to us duringthe day. If we leap out of bed too quickly in the morning,we are startled by dizziness; if we push our foot down onthe accelerator of our automobile, the car lurches forwardand we feel our body being pushed back into the seat; whenriding a high-speed elevator in a skyscraper, our stomachsfeel as if they are rising in our bodies. Our relationshipto gravity is ever-changing. These are everyday examples ofour vestibular mechanism doing its job.

    But can we grow t.he vestibular mechanism? Can weprovide our babies with vestibular stimulation that willpennit them to pursue any balance-related activity, fromskiing to ballet to gymnastics to diving to surfing, withease and grace? Yes, we can--easily, and with greatenjoyment.

    The late Boris Klosovski, famous Russian neuro-anatomist, established decades ago that animals that areexposed to vestibular stimulation within twenty days of lifehave vestibular mechanisms that are 22% to 35% physicallylarger than litter-mates that were not provided withvestibular stimulation.

    Since those days our Better Babies who defy gravity andcreep, walk, run, and do gymnastics at half the age ofaverage kids have proved that human infants' vestibularmechanisms can be developed just as rapidly, if not 'mozerapidly, than those of other animals.

    Perhaps the only problem you will encounter with thevestibular Growth Program will be your child's insistence on"More, Mommy-just do it one more time," because kids lovethe vestibular program.


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    Of course, we shouldn't laugh too much at the kids,because we adults aren't any better. We love to stimulateour vestibular mechanisms as well. Unlike the kids, however,we adults believe we must pay people for the stimulation.

    NOw, if you're thinking, "I can't remember the lasttime I paid someone to stimulate my vestibular mechanism,"think again.

    We adults have multimillion dollar industries calledamusement parks.

    When you are on a merry-go-round (spinning around),ferris wheel (flying up and falling down), or rollercoaster, (banking to the left, right, flying up and down),your relationship to gravity is constantly changing, andyour brain is being challenged-"Where' s up, down, left,right?"

    By the way, Klosovski used a slowly revol ving"turntable" to effect the huge growth of animals' vestibularmechanisms.

    All children do a vestibular program on themselves.How often have you seen three- or four-year-olds, for areason known only to us at The Institutes, begin to spinaround and around?

    They spin until, giggling with laughter, they becomeovercome with dizziness and "all fall down." Their brainsare challenged: "Where's up, down, left,dizziness clears, and what do the kids do?and start allover again.

    right?" TheThey jump up


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    with frequency, intensity, and duration, they'regrowing their own brains.

    Remember how, as a kid, you'd lie down on your tummy,on the side of a hill, and let yourself roll down? You'd gocrashing down the hill, and at the bottom your head wasbuzzing with that funny dizzy feeling. Note that it feltgreat as a kid with a rapidly growing brain. Now, as anadult, the dizzy feeling is one we pay for at the amusementpark (we're too grown up to roll down the hill) or we avoidthrough fear of getting sick.

    The Vestibular Growth Program provides opportunity forthe baby to be moved in every possible position in space.The only people who do this on a regular daily basis are ourinfants and the adults who are Olympic level athletes,superb gymnasts, divers, figure-skaters, or ballerinas.Those are the only two groups we know of who daily enjoyvestibular stimulation.

    We have carefully observed children enjoying vestibularstimulation. We have observed the superb athletes. We havetaken our knowledge of how the brain grows in the vestibulararea, based on years of clinical experience and laboratoryexperiments with brain-injured children, and developed theVestibular Growth Program.

    Essentially, we have taken what the top level gymnastand ballerina do actively and have simulated thesesituations passively for the kids.

    Active vestibular activities are those that one does tooneself, such as a somersault. As you somersault, yourbrain feels your body move through different positions.


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    Passive vestibular programs are those that parents dowith their baby. These range from relatively sedateactivities such as bouncing your baby on your knee tothrowing him up in the air and catching him. They arepassive from the baby's standpoint. The baby doesn't needto do anything--the adult does all the work.


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    C hap t e r II


    These activi ties are extremely gentle and verypleasurable for newborns. My son Marlowe consistently wouldstop crying in the first weeks of life if certain activitieswere commenced. It was clear almost immediately which oneswere his favorites.


    All of the activities described can be done safely andwith great enjoyment for the newborn.following guidelines:

    Always observe the

    1. Obviously, you must exercise extreme care whendoing these activities. Make certain the area youuse is free from obstructions.

    2. Be sensitive to your baby. Keep your eyes on him.

    3. Carefully hold your baby for those activities inwhich he is being held.

    4. Start gradually, slowly, and calmly, and build upin stages. This means carefully building up thespeed of the activities. This means' carefullybuilding up the length of time involved.

    5. Always tell your baby what you are going to do,before you do it. Explain to him what you aredoing, while you do it.


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    6. Always stop before your baby wants to stop. Thatway, he'll always be looking fonlard to the nextsession.


    1. Carrying Your Baby Around

    Carefully hold your baby in this way: with one hand,hold the back of his head, with the other hand hold hisbottom. Simply carry him around, moving him gentlythrough the air and up and down. Move him toward thevertical, move him back toward the horizontal. Takehim around the house, talking to him, telling him wherehe is and what things are. Let him look out of thewindow.

    2. Lie on Your Back and Move Baby Through Space

    This is another activity that parents do allover theworld. Lie in bed on your back. Hold baby on yourtummy. Grasp him firmly, with one hand on each of hissides, under his armpits. Raise him up directly overyour chest, so that you and he are eye-to-eye. WithMarlowe, I would tell him he was an airplane. I wouldgently "bank" him to his right and left and raise himup .and down .before he came in for a landing on mychest.


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    Ben Newell is being moved through spaceby his mom Carol Newell, professional mom.

    3. Rocking in a Rocking Chair

    A. Another age-old technique for calming babies--sitin a rocking chair and hold your baby in thevertical position in your arms.forth.

    Rock back and

    B. Hold your baby on his tummy, straddling your lap.Rock back and forth.


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    4. Rocking and Pitching on a Pillow

    Rocking and pitching was one of Marlowe IS favoriteactivities. This was very effective done on a waterbedand can also be done on a regular bed or on a pillow.

    A. Rocking

    Place your baby on his tummy on a bed or largepillow. with your baby either facing toward oraway from you, gently pick up the side of thepillow with your left hand so that the baby rocksto the opposite side. Pick up the otper side ofthe pillow with your right hand, and he rocks tothe opposite side.

    Benjamin is now rocked side to sldeon a pillow by his mom Carol Newell.13

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    B. Pitching

    Rotate your baby (still on pillow or bed) 90degrees, so he now faces onehis feet are at your other

    of your hands, andhand. Continue to

    raise alternate sides of the pillow. Now the babyis "pitched" from head to toe.

    Benjamin is now pitched head to toeby his mother Carol Newell.


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    5. Accelerating on a Mat

    This was Marlowe's favorite activity. Apart from themovement, he loved the sound the mat made on thecarpet. For him it was guaranteed to stop fussing. Buyan inexpensive changing mat (they have colored plasticcovers and thin foam rubber padding and are useful forchanging your baby on the floor). Double it over togive it more rigidity. Place the folded mat on thefloor, and put your baby on it, on his tummy.

    A. Fowar'd and backward

    His body should be parallel to you (i.e., his headat your right hand, his feet at your left hand)~Now, with your right hand, pull the mat to theright. He's facing forward and he moves. Then,with your left hand, pull him to the left. Hisfeet go backward. This is called "accelerationforward and backward."


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    Matthew Newell, Clinical Coordinator of TheInstitute for the Achievement of PhysicalExcellence, accelerates his son Ben forwardand backward.


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    B. Acceleration left and right

    Rotate the mat 90 degrees so that the baby's leftside moves to the left and his right side moves tothe right. He should either be facing you orfacing the same direction you are facing. Nowaccelerate him left and right.

    Ben is now accelerated left and right.


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    C. Horizontal rotation--clockwise

    Place baby on his tummy, lying lengthwise on themat. His head should be close to the edge. Takethe other end of the mat and rotate it clockwise.

    Matthew is able to rotate Benjamin aroundand around.

    D. Horizontal rotation--counterclockwise

    Repeat the same instructions as in "e," only thistime reverse the direction of rotation tocounterclockwise.


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    6. Horizontal Spin

    A. Prone position

    Place the newborn over your shoulder on his tummyand spin around, being careful not to get dizzyenough to lose your own balance. Alternate yourspinning direction--clockwise and counterclock-wise.

    B. Left side

    Repeat the directions in "A" above, but with thebaby placed on your right shoulder on his leftside, so his tuminy is against your neck.both clockwise and counterclockwise.


    C. Right side

    Repeat the directions in "B" above, but this timewith the baby placed on his right side on yourleft shoulder. Spin both clockwise andcounterclockwise.

    7. Picking Baby Up and Down

    Kneel on the floor. Hold the back of the baby'shead with one hand, hold his bottom firmly with theother. Pick him up to eye level, then lower him backto the floor. Continue to do this over and over. Whenhe can support his own head, hold him firmly under hisarrnpits, with your left hand on his right side, andyour right hand on his left side. Raise him up anddown quickly.


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    Ben is raised up and down by hisdad Matthew.


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    8. Pitching Up and Down

    standing, carefully hold the baby's head with one hand,and his bottom with the other. Gently lift him up toeye level, and then gently tilt his head down. Thebaby tilts from vertical position, then to thehorizontal position on his back, then to his head beinglower than his toes. Repeat this, up and down


    Benjamin Newell, three months old,is carried around by his dad.


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    9. Rolling

    This is a superb vestibular activity that combines withan activity to develop manual competence. Lie yourbaby on his back on the floor. Kneel in front of himon both knees, positioned so that his toes touch yourknees. Let him grasp the index finger of your righthand in his right hand. Say "pull," and gradually pullhis right hand with your right hand, so that he rollsover on to his left side and then on to his tummy.

    Now let him grasp your right index finger with hisleft hand. Hold his hand over his head and pull him sohe rolls over on to his right side and then his back.Be careful when doing this that you don't put his leftarm in an uncomfortable position. Continue in thisfashion, rolling him to his left and to his right.


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    Ben is holding onto Dad's thumbcompletely independently. He holdson as Dad turns him from his backto his tummy.


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    10. Run with Baby

    Carefully hold your baby to your body and gently trotthrough the house. The baby feels your body moving upand down. As your baby develops and gains control ofhis head and back, you can run faster and vary thepositions in which you hold him.

    Carol Newell clasps Ben closely toher body as she trots about.


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    A good daily program consists of doing each one of theabove seventeen activities at least once a day.


    Begin with about fifteen seconds of each of the seven-teen activities and gradually and carefully build up to oneminute of each df them.


    Move slowly and carefully on all activities. If bychance your baby isn't enjoying the activity or if you getfatigued, you are probably going too fast. Slow down.

    Always stop before he wants you to stop.

    Total time for daily program: seventeen minutes.

    Your baby will love these activities. They should becontinued until he is at least three months old. Some ofthe activities he will "outgrow," meaning you will know whenhe has gained all the vestibular value he can gain fromthem.

    How will you know?

    You'll know because your baby will be so obviouslysecure and tuned in during the activity . It holds no"surprises" for him. At this point, stop them if you wantto.


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    However, you'll find certain activities you simplyenjoy doing together. Of course, you can continue them aslong as you and the baby wish.


    All the activities for the newborn are designed toprepare him for a more advanced vestibular program. Thispreparation includes vestibular preparation, visualpreparation, and preparation of your baby's physicalstructure. For this reason, it is important that theactivities already described be done well before proceedingwith the next program.

    Unless your child is at least one year old, alwaysbegin with the activities for a newborn. If your child isless than twelve months old, do the program for newborns forthree months before going on to the next program.


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    C hap t e r III



    If your baby from birth has consistently and daily donethe vestibular program for newborns, then by around fourmonths of age, he can begin gradually to change from thenewborn program 'to this prqgram. The transition should takeabout two months.

    If your baby has never had a vestibular program, beginwith the program for newborns, as instructed previously.

    The activities listed below are more sophisticated thanthe activities of the newborn program because they provide amore varied vestibular environment. If it were conceivableto combine all the activities into a single activity, itwould almost be as if a child could be suspended in mid-airand spun (as the earth spins on its axis) on all axes androtated (as the earth orbits the sun) through all orbits.As a result, the baby's brain could then experience and feelits relationship to gravity in all possible positions,rather like an acrobat. Such opportunity would provide abasis for the baby to understand any gravitational situationwhich he may encounter.

    These activities, like the previous program, arepassive from the baby's standpoint. All the work is done bythe parents and the baby just needs to be there, enjoyingit.


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    These activities add another degree of sophisticationbecause they can be done with greater intensity than thenewborn program can. More vestibular information isdelivered to the brain in less time.

    From the baby's standpoint, these activities are evenmore enjoyable than the previous ones. Babies cannot standanything static. They love new challenges, new experiences.

    These activities involve more "flying" through the air.They happen more quickly and intensively. You'll find everybaby and kid within a hundred yards gravitating in yourdirection whenever they hear you're about to start yourvestibular program. So be ready for the crowds!


    All the previous safety requirements remain in effect.

    Be careful, be sensitive, start gradually, tell yourbaby what you're doing, stop before your baby wants to stop.

    Neck Collars

    Be particularly careful of the necks of babies.

    A very soft towel folded many times, and wrappedloosely around the infant's neck, as if it were a very thickt.ur-t Le=neok sweater, will keep his headfrom flopping.

    We found it even better and easier to make a neckcollar as described below.

    Use it for all these vestibular activities.


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    In order for your baby to enjoy wearing the collar,moms have found it helpful to first wear the collarthemselves during the day, then the baby will want to wearit, just because Mom does.

    Velcro strip

    Towel wrapped ---fr.~around foam.

    Soft cloth shell

    /Length of foam rubberabout 1" square


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    A. Prone position

    Place the baby over your shoulder on his tummy andspin around, being careful not to get dizzy enoughto lose your own balance. Alternate the directionin which you spin between clockwise and counter-clockwise.

    Douglas Doman, the author, spins aroundhis son Marlowe, age fourteen months.Note Marlowe's neck collar.


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    B. Left side

    Repeat the above, only place the baby on his leftside on your right shoulder so his tummy isagainst your neck.clockwise.

    Spin clockwise and counter-

    c. Right side

    Repeat the above, only place the baby on his rightside on your left shoulder. Spin both clockwiseand counterclockwise.

    The rocking activities you did with your newborn haveprepared your baby for a more sophisticated version:

    2. Rocking

    One parent holds the baby by the hands, with the babyface up, while the other parent holds him by theankles. The parents now rock the baby exactly as if hewere in a cradle. This is larger in scope and fasterthan would be the case if the baby were being rocked inthe old-fashioned cradle, which is an ancient andextremely wise procedure.


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    Douglas Dornan and his wife Rosalindrock son Marlowe back and forth.3. Horizontal Rotation

    vlhen you did the newborn vestibular program, you didhorizontal rotation on a mat. Your baby will be delightedto do the same activity now, "in the air":


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    A. Prone position

    Hold your baby's right wrist in your right handand your baby's right ankle with your left handand spin carefully around in a clockwisedirection. To do the above in a counterclockwisedirection, do the following: Hold your baby'sleft wrist in your left hand, and his left anklewith your right hand, and spin carefully aroundin a counterclockwise direction. You can also usethe above position and reverse direction so thatbaby 1s rotating "feet first."

    Rosalind spins Marlowe counterclockwise.


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    B. Supine position

    Hold your baby's left wrist in your right hand andthe baby's left ankle with your left hand and spincarefully around in a clockwise direction. Thebaby is now face up. To do the above in acounterclockwise direction, do the following:Hold your baby's right wrist in your left hand andhis right ankle in your right hand and spincarefully around in a counterclockwise direction.As de'scz Lbed above, reverse direction so babyrotates "feet first."

    4. Horizontal Rotation (head in - prone)

    One parent holds the baby's hands and wrists with thebaby face down. She then 'spins around with armsoutstretched.

    Do this activity in both clockwise and counterclockwisedirections.


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    Rosalind now spins Marlowe inthe prone position head in.When you held your newborn and pitched him up and down,

    he was lIintraining" for horizontal pitching. Now your babyis so big that both Morn and Dad will be needed for thisactivity:

    5. Horizontal Pitching

    With your tiny child lying face up on the floor, Dadtakes the tiny child's left wrist and ankle whileMother takes his right wrist and ankle.


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    Now swing the child to a head-up position then back toa head-down position, very much in the manner of anolder child on a playground swing.

    Rosalind and Douglas pitch Marlowetowards the vertical position.

    While your newborn was being picked up and lowered, hewas receiving a less intensive version of acceleration (upand down) .


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    6. Acceleration (up and down)

    Facing your tiny child, grasp him directly underneathhis armpits. Now throw him up in the air and catch him.Be careful.

    This activity, which is practiced by fathersuniversally, is very valuable. The tiny child,depending on how high he is tossed, actuallyexperiences several G's of acceleration as you toss himand on the way down as you catch him. He is infree-fall from the time you let go until you catch himas is an astronaut from the end of the boosted launchuntil the beginning of reentry. In this particularvestibular and gravitational activity the danger ofmissing the tiny child is present, and so special caremust be exercised to begin carefully and to graduallybecome very skilled at doing it. Be guided to a largedegree by the child's degree of enjoyment. If the tinychild is in any way apprehensive--go slowly.


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    Douglas holds Marlowe firmly underneaththe armpit and carefully tosses Marloweup in the air so as to catch him when hecomes down.

    Sometimes parents are apprehensive about the idea ofholding their baby upside down. This position, although newto the adult, is well known to the newborn. During the last


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    four weeks of a normal pregnancy, the newborn's head isfully engaged in the mother's pelvis. That means wheneverMother is standing up or sitting down, the newborn is upsidedown! Our moms have been doing this vestibular activity withtheir newborns for more than two decades. Now, of course,hanging upside down has become the new rage. Doctors andchiropracters recommend it for one of the plagues ofadulthood: bad backs.

    Babies love hanging upside down. In the previousprogram for newborns, you pitched your baby up and down.This was preparation for vertical rocking (head down).

    7. Vertical Rocking (head down)

    Lie your baby on his back on a comfortable carpet onthe floor. Standing up, bend down and pick him up bythe ankles, grasping him firmly. He should be facingaway from you. When you are well positioned, gentlyrock him from side to side as if he were a pendulum.

    When you put him down on the floor, be careful to liehim down so he is on his back, not on his tummy. Thiswill protect his neck from injury.


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    Rosalind holds Marlowe upside down androcks him back and forth like a pendulum.



    A good program consists of doing all of the above tenactivities at least twice a day.


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    Proper attention to the intensity of each activity isnecessary to maintain proper safety procedures. Begin eachactivity very slowly and carefully. Initially, there is noneed for speed. In fact, it is disadvantageous for thegrowth of the vestibular mechanism. It is vital that themechanism receives the full range of intensity of vestibularinformation from very slow to very fast. Skipping any speedis a waste.

    Klosovski only rotated his developing animals atone spin per minute; nevertheless, the results were superb.Your baby' s structure will develop with function. Gradualincrease of function (in this case, intensity), willgradually develop the structure he needs.

    It is important to note that "starting" and "stopping"are as significant as motion. For example, for any of thespinning or rotating activities, if you spin ten times andpause and continue another ten spins, it can be asproductive as twenty continuous spins. Use both methods.Scale to increase intensity.

    1. Begin slowly and carefully.

    2. Move just fast enough to keep baby from hitting yourbody as you spin.

    3. Move faster, but maintain your balance well. Stop ifyou get dizzy.

    4. Move more quickly, but sensibly. Hold your baby firmlybut not tightly enough to make it uncomfortable forhim.


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    5. Move fast enough during rotational and accelerationactivities for your baby to feel the "flying" sensationof freedom of movement.

    6. Always stop before your baby wants to stop.

    7. Always stop before you tire.


    Begin with not more than fifteen seconds' duration ofeach activity over a month or two, gradually increasing toone minute per activity.

    Total time for daily program: twenty minutes.


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    C hap t e r IV



    Prior to beginning this program, and regardless of theage of the child, at least two months of the PassiveVestibular Program are a prerequisite. The vestibularmechanism, like'the other parts of the brain, grows by use.The Passive Vestibular Program gets the vestibular mechanism"into shape" for the Active Vestibular Program. Without thepassive program, these active techniques would be a strugglefor a tiny child. with the passive program alreadyaccomplished, the baby finds the active techniques, as atiny child, a logical next step in the vestibular game.

    The Active Vestibular Program is so named because allthe activities are done by the child to himself. With thePassive Vestibular Program, the parent does all the work andthe baby passively "soaks up" all the vestibularinformation. The roles are now reversed; the kid does allthe work and the parent becomes the coach and cheerleadersimultaneously.

    Coach-because initially the child vlillbe physicallyassisted with the activities until, totally Lndeperiderrt ,This is an extremely important role for the parent. As thecoach, that person is responsible for supervising andassisting with the program, making sure all safetyprecautions are observed by the child and is, in effect, "intraining" to become a coach.


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    Graduation from the Active Vestibular Program is to thefinal and penultimate vestibular program of all: gymnasticsand its sister sports of figure-skating, diving, and ballet.

    Gymnastics is the highest level vestibular activity.The gymnast is able to keep herself oriented in allpositions in space.. Furthermore, she is able to maintainthis orientation in spite of split-second tumbles and turns.She is, in effect, a human cat. As the coach, the parentplays the all- important role of physically helping thechild to do the activities he is learning. By coaching achild through the Active Vestibular Program, the parent willbe ready for gymnastics.

    Now that the child does the activities, his parent alsobecomes his cheerleader. Encourage, praise, and exult inyour tiny child doing activities that the average adultstruggles through. This positive feedback lets your childknow that his parents remain a vital part of the process ofphysical excellence.


    The following safety procedures should be observed atall times. You will want, literally, to teach your tinychild these precautions. Throughout his life, they willenable him to avoid accidents.

    1. Assistance

    For the activities that your child is learning, youshould offer the necessary assistance so that the child issuccessful.


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    Continue with the passive activities--your child lovesthem. Perhaps the passive activities are relegated to theposi tion of special awards for deeds well done. As theactive program expands, gradually reduce the passiveprogram.

    The active vestibular techniques as listed belowcomprise a myriad of activities that place the brain andbody in every conceivable position in space and in relationto gravity. These are common activities but, of course,many, many more activities and vestibular techniques exist.

    Don't hesitate to add any balance-related activity thatyou and your child might enjoy. For example, walking,holding objects, negotiating steps, walking rough terrains ....these serve the dual purpose of developing mobility andbalance simultaneously. Obviously as your child develops,he will naturally have opportunity for challenging walkingsituations.

    Begin by choosing the activities that appeal to you andyour child and pursue them.

    Some of the activities are far more important thanothers for a child's vestibular growth. These will becovered in detail. They are called the Fundamental ActiveVestibular Techniques. They provide a vestibularunderstanding of the world that can be a basis for anycomplex balance.situa~ion.


    Choose from the list below any ten activities thatappeal to you. Do each one at least once a day.


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    First work at helping your child to become independentat the chosen activities. Once independence is achieved,encourage faster and faster accomplishment of the activity,within the bounds of safety and enjoyment. Remember,intensity remains vital to the growth of the vestibularmechanism. The more quickly the activity is attempted, themore rapidly the vestibular mechanism adapts to thecomplexity of spatial and gravitational change. Thisadaptive process requires the vestibular mechanism togenerate better'brain function to keep the body balanced andoriented in space.


    Do each of the ten chosen activities for at least oneminute each.

    Total daily duration should be ten minutes minimum.


    1. Walking, holding objects

    2. Rolling

    3. Forward somersaults

    4. Backward somersaults

    5. Seesaw


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    6. Walking rough terrain

    7. Negotiating steps

    8. Walking on varying heights and levels, such as a wall

    9. Climbing (ladders, rope ladders, walls, trees)

    10 Jump down

    11. Broad jump

    12. High jump

    13. Hopping

    14. Jump rope

    15. Balance beam

    16. Handstands

    17. Sit-ups

    18. Squat thrusts (squat all the way down then jump up)

    19. Pirouetting (spin your body around and around as theballerina)

    20. Directional walking (forward, backward, sideways)

    21. Swing

    22. Stepping stones


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    23. Teeter-totter

    24. Rope swing

    25. Hiking

    26. Run over and under a series of objects set at variousheights off the ground.

    27. Brachiation activities (forward, backward, sideways)

    28. Sliding board

    29. Jogging or running on a rebounder

    30. Jumping on two feet, and hopping on one foot on arebounder.


    We will now embark upon a dual course. One objective is tocomplete the process of making your baby's balance superb!When your baby has mastered the specifics of the ActiveVestibular Program, he will be capable of pursuing anybalance-related activity. Literally, this will be so. Therange of activities is limitless and totally up to Mom andthe kid's discretion.

    Our preferences are for gymnastics and ballet, becausethose graceful and beautiful activities are superb in andunto themselves and they also provide constant vestibularstimulation at the highest level known to man.

    In short, they continue to develop the brain.


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    However, if figure-skating, diving, surfing, skiing,skating, pole-vaulting, judo, or aikido suits your fancy,your child will be well prepared for them.

    The second course provided for by this program is thatyour child is being specifically prepared to pursue theInitial Gymnastics Program. The passive and active vesti-bular programs are the ideal preparation for any gymnasticprogram.

    1. Rolling

    Your child has been preparing for independent rollingon his side since you first let him rollover as part of hisnewborn vestibular program. Then all the rotationalactivities you did during the passive program continued thepreparation. Once your baby, regardless of his age, canrollover tummy to back, back to tummy, he is ready topursue independent rolling.

    All that is necessary is that he continues to rollovermore and more successive times.

    Follow these steps:

    Step 1

    Once your baby can rollover independently, kneel downby his side. With both hands lift up on his side andhelp him to rollover away from you. "Kneewalk" afterhim, continuing the process.


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    Step 2

    When your baby can do several rolls by himself, thenlie down parallel to him, and roll in unison with him.Roll in one direction several times and then roll backto your original position. (This is important to main-tain both clockwise and counterclockwise vestibularinput. )

    Step 3

    Gradually increase the number of rolls you both can dowithout stopping. If space is limited, you simply con-tinue to roll back and forth over the same area.


    Begin with many brief sessions, such as one roll tentimes. As nonstop rolling develops, frequency can bediminished to four sessions, each session havingtwenty-five yards of rolling nonstop.

    Begin slowly and gradually increase to the enjoyment ofyour child.


    Once independent rolling is well established, encouragegradually faster and faster rolling.


    This will increase as your child's nonstop rollingability increases. Always stop before he wants tostop. The minimum total daily duration should be fiveminutes.


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    2. Forward rolls

    Your child has also been in training for independentforward rolls. The vertical rocking (head down) activityhas prepared him to orient himself when his feet are overhis head. Rotational activities have adapted his vestibularmechanism to intensive spinning activities. You may bewondering when it would be a good time to encourage aforward roll with your child.

    As soon as your child walks for transport and can carryobjects easily while walking, he is ready for forward rolls.If you are setting a frequent example, you'll find a littlesixteen-month-old bent over with his head on the ground,looking through his legs and trying to push himself over.Even before this, you can teach the somersaulting experienceto your baby.

    At six months, even though he is not walking, gentlyput your baby's head down on a soft mat and, holding hiships, roll him ever so gently over. Doing this ten tofifteen times a day will teach your baby's brain what itfeels like to rollover on that axis.

    As your baby becomes a walker, you continue thisprocess of teaching somersaults. By now, he can get hishead and hands down himself, or from the quadruped positiongets himself into this position. Now all he needs is somehelp getting over.

    You can give a light push with one hand as you tuck hishead under so that he rolls over.


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    Make sure your baby tucks his head, so he rolls withhis "chin on his chest." As your child learns to tuck hishead, you no longer need to help him there, but merely needto give him a pushover. To overcome this hurdle, have yourchild do the forward roll down a 5 or 10 degree incline on amat, or outside on a slight hill. Gravity will help pullhis body over his head.

    Also, teach your child to walk up toward his hands ashe tucks his head.

    One more step and Shea Hagy,age two, will somersault overonto his back.

    This action will eventually push the hips down over thehead, your child's center of gravity will be off-center in aforward direction, and he will tumble over.


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    Continuing these approaches, with you setting aconstant example, will make your kid an independentsomersaulter by sixteen months of age, maybe sooner. He willdelight in tumbling around the house.


    Begin ",vih one assisted forward roll ten times a day.Once your baby can independently do a forward roll, increasethe number of forward rolls he can do in succession totwenty-five yards of forward rolls nonstop. Reduce thesessions to four sessions of twenty-five yards each. Ofcourse, if space is limited, simply continue to roll backand forth over the same location.


    Begin slowly and gradually increase to the enjoyment ofyour child. Once independent forward rolling is wellestablished, encourage gradually faster and faster forwardrolling.


    This will increase as yourrolling ability increases. Alwaysstop. The minimum total dailyminutes.

    child's nonstop forwardstop before he wants to

    duration should be five

    3. Walking the Balance Beam

    Your child's entire vestibular program since birth hasbeen designed to bring about superb balance and agility.This, in combination with your child's rapid development ofwalking, has been preparing him for the balance beam.


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    Time and time again we're surprised by mothers tellingus how babies who have been walking for only a few monthslove to try walking on a beam. The reason is that walkingbabies love a challenge. They despise walking on the samedreary, flat floor. For this reason, it is wise to have yourbaby's balance beam ready quite early. Marlowe indicated adesire to walk it at twelve months of age. You must also becareful to make sure the beam is situated in a safe place,because you won't be able to keep your kid off it.

    Follow this step-by-step procedure gradually, to arriveat independent 'balance bea~ walking:

    Feet should always be bare. Noprovide the traction and grip of skin.

    socks-they don't

    Step 1

    On your floor, put a strip of tape four inches wide andeight feet long. Playa game, with you and your babywalking the length of the tape without "falling off."

    Step 2

    Place a 2" x 4" eight foot long piece of wood with the4" ,,;idepart lying down on a carpeted floor. You andyour baby walk the length of it. Don't hold hands--Ietyour baby dq it independently. One foot of walking byhimself is betterthanlOO feet with your help. Let himbalance himself.

    Step 3

    Make your own 4" x 4" eight foot long balance beam asinstructed (see p.57) . You and your baby walk the


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    length of it as before, no holding hands.

    Step 4

    Once your baby has mastered walking the length of thebeam totally independently, then you both walk backwardthe length of the beam. At first, he may look backover his shoulder, but encourage him to keep his headfacing forward.

    Step 5Once your child is able to walk the beam, forward andbackward, without falling off, he graduates to an ele-vated beam. Raise the beam by constructing a box 6inches high by 11 inches square, as shown in thediagram. As your child becomes increasingly moresuccessful at walking the balance beam, increase theheight by adding one more box. Do not use more thantwo boxes in height.


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    DowelLength: 15"


    BeamLength: 8ftHeight: 4"Depth: 4"

    Blocks (each)Length: 11"Height: 6"Depth: 11"



    Diagrams of Balance Beams and their Construction


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    Begin with walking one trip down the tape or beam, tentimes a day.


    The intensity is regulated by the transition from tapeto higher and higher beams. Of course, once independ-ence is achieved, encourage faster and faster walking,forward and backward.


    As long as one trip takes.child wants to stop.

    Always stop before your

    Total daily duration should be a minimum of fiveminutes.

    4. Backward Rolls

    Once your tiny child has mastered many forward rolls insuccession, it is wise to begin teaching backwardrolls. Help him to roll backward on a mat, carpet, orgrass. As you learned with forward rolls, if he roilsbackward down a gentle slope he will "feeln how itfeels to have his legs rollover his head.


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    Frequency and Duration

    One opportunity to roll backward, with help, ten timesa day.

    5. Climbing and Jumping

    Climbing up objects,climbing down providestunity. Jumping overjumping down, likewise,

    climbing across them, andexcellent vestibular oppor-

    is difficultactivities. toAid


    prevent childrenand abet them by

    broad jumping,opportunity. Itfrom doing theseproviding safe,

    exciting environments for climbing and jumping.

    Total daily duration should be a minimum of fiveminutes.


    By combining the ten minutes of vestibular techniqueswith the twenty-five minutes total of all the FundamentalActive Vestibular Techniques, the total daily durationamounts to thirty-five minutes.

    Having mastered the Fundamental Active Vestibular tech-niques, as well as some of the other active techniques, yourchild .iswell prepared to launch into the exhilarating worldof gymnastics.

    Your hard work, love, and enthusiasm has made him a"natural" for any sophisticated balance activities.