Doing more with less - LBI

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Transcript of Doing more with less - LBI

Presentation Structure

- London Transport Strategy 2000• Main components

- Buses and the London Bus Initiative

- What else happened

- Considerations for Melbourne

Background – London in 1999

“Congestion and overcrowding on London’s transport networks is acute.”

- Urgent need for measures to reduce heavy all day traffic congestion

- Slow and unreliable bus services - Difficulties for business in servicing and delivery

movements- Unreliability and gross overcrowding of National

Rail and Underground services- Growth in the number of people using transport- London’s population and economy growth

Background – London in 1999

Key issues for outer London include:

- Inadequate public transport options, particularly for non-radial and off-peak trips

- Heavy and growing traffic congestion on key routes and in town centres affecting both individuals and businesses

- Pockets of deprivation and regeneration sites which are not well linked to the main transport networks

Background - The Mayors Transport Strategy

- Creation of ‘Transport for London’ provided a new opportunity

- “Balanced set of priorities needed to facilitate the required changes in the transport network in the short and medium term”

- Overcoming backlog of investment in the Underground

- Radical improvements to bus services

- Improving capacity including cross city and orbital rail, a new Thames crossing

- Increase travel choice

Package of measures proposed

- Overground Rail – Crossrail, East London Line extension, Thameslink 2000

- Underground – station upgrades e.g. Tottenham Court Road, Victoria, etc (and Docklands Light Rail extensions)

- Intermediate modes (Tram/BRT) – Cross River Transit, East London Transit,

- Smartcards and fare changes

- Congestion charging

Role of buses

- Bus system offered potential for rapid (i.e. short term) improvements

- Could relieve overcrowding on Underground

- Offer an alternative to the car especially in outer London

- Building off the back of Red Routes (Clearways) and Pilot Route 43 project

- Key short term focus was London Bus Initiative • Improvements on 27 key routes• £60 million over 2 years

London Bus Initiative – The Strategy

The vision:- To deliver a ‘step-change’ enhancement of the actual and

perceived quality of London’s bus services

Key objectives were to:- Promote a change in travel habits to get more people onto

London’s buses- Make buses more attractive for potential users- Make buses the first choice mode of transport on LBI routes- Deliver the above on a ‘whole route’ basis- Aligned to Mayor’s strategy

London Bus Initiative

What was different?

- Corridor based – not hotspot targets on 27 routes

- Multi-agency approach• TfL / Councils / Operators / Police

- Reviewed whole trip

- Not just infrastructure focused

London Bus Initiative – Whole route/trip approach

- Whole (Bus) Route

- Whole trip corridor approach• Door to Door• Total Journey Quality

- Partnership (multi-agency) approach based on responsibilities

- NOT just bus priority i.e. bus lanes and vehicle detection at signals, etc


Walk to Bus Stop

Wait at Bus Stop

Bus Journey

Board the Bus

Alight from Bus

Walk to Destination

London Bus Initiative – package of measures

London Bus Initiative - KPIs

Targets/KPIs – Multi issue/agency examples: - Reductions in journey time (10 – 20%)

- Improved reliability (excess wait time)

- Increased coverage of routes with bus lanes (real and virtual)

- Increased patronage

- Reductions in bus stop dwell time

- Bus stop accessibility (50 – 100%)

- Improved customer satisfaction

- Improved bus cleanliness

London Bus Initiative – Package of measures

- Route Traffic Management Strategy• To review use of carriageway space• Introduce real and ‘virtual’ bus lanes

- Review of kerbside parking/loading controls

- Extension of hours/days of Red Routes (clearways)

- Detailed Traffic Signal Review

- Bus stop improvements/rationalisation

- Total Route Control Strategy (flagship routes only)

• i.e. Control any aspect likely to cause delay

- Integrated Traffic Management – link and node

- Delivered via Program Team

- Dedicated LBI Communications Team assisted delivery

- Consultation widened to include bus passengers

London Bus Initiative – other features

London Bus Initiative – What was delivered?

Over LBI 1 – (2+1 years):- 108 new sections of bus lanes

• 84 extended in length / 40 in hours

- 50 new pedestrian crossings

- Bus Priority added to 306 traffic signals

- 146 physical intersection improvements

• 200 signal timing changes

- 40% of 2,500 route stops made DDA complaint

London Bus Initiative – total spend

Spending breakdown: (2002 GBP – 2013 AUD equivalent)- Enforcement £11m $24m AUD

- Traffic engineering £28m $60m AUD

- Bus operations £3.5m $8m AUD

- Programme support £9m $20m AUD

- Major projects £8.5m $18.5m AUD

- $130m AUD

London Bus Initiative – Benefits

- Increased bus patronage +21.9% during LBI• Patronage increase equivalent to $12 million in benefits pa

- Mixed journey time improvements • Big wins on contra-flow schemes• More time spent at stops negated some journey time benefits

- Over long term improved reliability• Reduced operating costs• Protected buses from worsening congestion

London Bus Initiative - legacy

- Bus Stops accepted as vital part of trip

- Increased patronage increased time at stops

- Acknowledgement of need to reduce boarding/alighting time

- Led to:• Cashless Operation – and Smartcards• Articulated buses – multi-door entry/exit

London Bus Initiative – other legacy

- Enforcement seen as key to urban arterial operations

- Expansion of decriminalisation (non police enforcement) to both Borough and Transport for London Road Network

- Transport Operational Command Unit (TOCU)

- Expansion of CCTV enforcement (211 new cameras)• Bus Lanes• Parking / Loading / Stopping• On bus cameras on 600 buses

- Enforcement Strategies now seen as fundamental to Bus Priority in London

The other schemes…

Many of the other components delivered later…

Project/measure Planned Actual

Congestion charging 2003 2003

East London Line 2006 2010

Crossrail 2012 2016

Thameslink 2000 (1991) 2008 2018

Cross River Transit 2007 Cancelled

Greenwich Waterfront Transit

2007 Cancelled

London – considerations for Melbourne

- An integrated multi modal strategy can deliver range of outcomes over time

- Planned dates and actual dates rarely agree

- Package of measures needed across modes – Trams / Buses and bikes have a role to play

- Need short term / medium / long terms plans to move people and goods

- One size does not fit all