Documentation on the Albay Governor, Joey S. Salceda for Making Cities Resilient campaign.

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Transcript of Documentation on the Albay Governor, Joey S. Salceda for Making Cities Resilient campaign.

Documentation on the Albay Governor, Joey S. Salcedafor Making Cities Resilient campaign

Essential 1Put in place organization and coordination

to understand and reduce disaster risk, based on participation of citizen groups

and civil society. Build local alliances. Ensure that all departments understand their role in disaster risk reduction and


4. National DRR Planning


2. Partnership withPrivate sector,Community,

Local authority

3. Support local community


Disaster Preparedness/Miti


Disaster Response



after Disaster


(Implement & Coordinate)


Indicator 1-1. Are local organizations (including local government) sufficiently equipped with capacities (knowledge, experience, official mandate) for climate and disaster risk reduction?

Institutionalizedby the governor, Salceda

Now Albay has three organizations dedicate to the whole cycle of disaster

HFA2: Early Warning Systems established by the governor, Salceda

-mobile phone sim pack [SMART] for barangay leaders-local radio broadcasts warning

HFA3: Dissemination of good practice in DRR by issuing booksthe governor, Salceda, agreed partnership --with Oxfam in the PH, and

-among Bicol Univ & Oxfam in the PH

Indicator 1-2. Are there partnerships between communities, private sector and local authorities to reduce risk?

Indicator 1-2. Are there partnerships between communities, private sector and local authorities to reduce risk?

HFA4: Climate risk reduction and mitigationthe governor, Salceda, led Special Proclamation Resolution 2007-04 which stipulates that all businesses to be established in the province should be consistent with climate change adaptation

-Cement Factory to use rice hull instead of fossil fuel-Energy Development Corp. assisting mangrove reforestation program

HFA5: Emergency Paramedic Training Unit upon the initiative of the governor, Salceda-Established by the Bicol University, Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital and APSEMO

• the governor, Salceda, had organized LGUs (Local Government Units)

to establish networking as well as planning and programming to integrate DRR/CCA in the CLUP (Comprehensive Land Use Plan)

Indicator 1-3. Does the local government support local communities (particularly women, elderly, infirmed, children) to actively participate

in risk reduction decision-making, policy making, planning and implementation processes?

Indicator 1-4. Does the local government participate in the national DRR planning?

Republic Act 10121 “An Act Strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System…”

From experience of Albay

the Albay 2007 and Manila 2009 Declarations which has become a tool for the early passage of the Climate Change Act and the creation of the Climate Change Commission

Hosted by Albay

Essential 2. Assign a budget for disaster risk reduction and provide incentives for

homeowners, low-income families, communities, business and the public

sector to invest in reducing the risks they face.

3. Business association to support small


2. Aid to the vulnerable after disaster (MF)

4. Economic Incentives for DRR

(tax holidays)

Albay assess itself as 5 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

1. Backyard Vegetable Garden & Livelihood


5. Budget Office & Treasury Office


National Gov’t

Indicator 2-1. Are financial services (e.g. saving and credit schemes, macro and micro-insurance) available to vulnerable and

marginalised households for pre- and/or post-disaster times?

For relocatees;• Backyard vegetable farms:(Initiatived by the governor, Salceda)

for 2,500 families with 2 million Peso with Department of Agriculture

• Livelihood programmes: for 4,800 farmers provided with:

credit assistance,livelihood trainings,better use of fertilizers,non-farm entrepreneurial courses, AMDGO institutionalized by the governor, Salceda

Micro-Finance (Sep 2008 – Sep 2010)

AMDGO was designated to implement program289 groups or 6,500 persons got the support,In total 32,500,000 Peso

The gvernor, Salceda, in partnership with the Department of Social Welfare and Development Office V (DSWD), accessed Bicol Calamity Assistance for Rehabilitation Effort Fund

Indicator 2-2. Financial support to the vulnerable to disasters and/or victims of disaster

Indicator 2-3. Do local business associations, such as chambers of commerce and similar, support efforts of small enterprises for

business continuity during and after disasters?

By the governor, Salceda, recognized as support sectors both as preparedness and mitigation

Specifically involved:in community-based DRR to support reliefin reconstruction and resettlements

Indicator 2-4. Are there any economic incentives for DRR actions (e.g. reduced insurance premiums for households, tax holidays for


Loan deferral has been negotiated by the governor, Salceda, to suspend payment for amortization of loans by disaster stricken victims which are always granted

2-5. Does the local government have access to adequate financial resources to carry out risk reduction activities?

Internal BudgetProvincial Government of Albay allocated

4.37% of budget to DRR0.25% of budget to CCAIn total 4.62% in 2010

according to the record from Budget Office

Albay Province led by the governor, Salceda, is making efforts to get external fund for DDR, Disaster Response and Climate Change Adaptation

2-5. Does the local government have access to adequate financial resources to carry out risk reduction activities?

APSEMO CIRCA AMDGO Amount 24,203,105 Peso 400,000 US$ 32,500,000 Peso

Fund source

AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo: Spanish Government)

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)

DSWD (Department of Social Work and Development)


Evacuation Shelter Construction in Disaster Vulnerable Areas in Albay

Millennium Development Goal Fund 1656 Albay Demo

Micro Financing Program

Year 2009 and 2010 2009 to 2011 2009 and 2010

External Budget

APSEMO also get 500,000,000 Peso from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) to construct another 6 Evacuation Shelter from this year.

according to the record from Treasury Office

2-5. Does the local government have access to adequate financial resources to carry out risk reduction activities?

Essential 3. Maintain up-to-date data on hazards and vulnerabilities, prepare risk assessments and use these as the basis

for urban development plans and decision. Ensure that this information and

the plans for your city’s resilience are readily available to the public and fully

discussed with them.

6. Identifying vulnerable

economic sector

1, 2. Assess & update risk



3. Communicate with Community

on hazard

5. Access

4. DRR integrated Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Scientific Institute

Albay assess itself as 5 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

Indicator 3-1. Has the local government conducted thorough disaster risk assessments for various development sectors in your

local authority?

Phivolcs: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and SeismologyPagasa: Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services AdministrationMGB: Mining and Geo-sciencing Bureau

Scientific Agency Map Type

Phivolcs-Earthquake mapping (fault and tsunami)-Volcanic Hazard Map

Pagasa -Flood Hazard Map

MGB-Landslide Hazard Map-Flood Hazard Map

Manila Observatory-Mudflow (lahar) Hazard Map

Population would be affected(Identified by APSEMO)

FloodLandslidemudflow/laharStorm surge and TsunamiWindMayon eruption

Risk Map(with the support from donors, such as Oxfam)*risks are identified by hazard, population density and poverty incidence

TyphoonCoastal floodTemperature IncreaseRainfall Increase

Indicator 3-1. Has the local government conducted thorough disaster risk assessments for various development sectors in your

local authority?

• CIRCA, institutionalized by the governor,conducting Capacity Development on

Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (Community Vulnerability Assessment)

for all of some 720 barangay officialscommunity officials update hazard and risk in

their community based on their experience

Indicator 3-1. Has the local government conducted thorough disaster risk assessments for various development sectors in your

local authority?

The normal updating of dataYearly

Volcanic threatEvery time Alert Level 2 is raised by PHIVOLCS

Updated data are reviewed and approved by the governor before they became official

Indicator 3-2. Are these regularly updated, e.g. annually or ona bi-annual basis?

Indicator 3-3. Does local government regularly communicate to the community, information on local hazard trends and risk reduction measures (e.g. using a Risk Communications Plan) including early warnings of likely hazard impact?

Through APSEMO and upon instruction of the governor, Salceda,

↓updated of any information by radio broadcast system


the governor, Salceda,↓


VHF Radio, Fax Messasge, SMS, Voice Call and Email ↓


Indicator 3-4. Are local government risk assessments linked to, and supportive of, risk assessments from neighbouring local authorities

and state or provincial government risk management plans?

• With national Government: Hazard Map↓

the governor, Salceda, sends APSEMO to evaluate risk using population and resources exposed to hazard as risk indicators

• With LGUs: Risk assessment data collection, analysis & awareness

• The cities, municipalities and barangays as well as communities have access to early warning system, which the governor, Salceda, enhanced

• The communication protocol stipulates it as major function of the province

3-5. Do communities have access to information on vulnerability, disaster risk reduction, climate change

Indicator 3-6. Has the local government identified which livelihood (economic) sectors are the most vulnerable to the potential

impacts of disasters?

• Agricultural sector to Mayon Volcano

Relocation of farmers to safer place initiated by the governor, Salceda

Micro Finance for farmers, fisherfolks and related entrepreneurs

4. Invest in and maintain critical infrastructure that reduces risk, such as flood drainage, adjusted

where needed to cope with climate change

House 4. Emergency Operation Center


2, 3. Assess & protect Infrastructure

Office of the Provincial Engineer APSEMO

1. Considering risk of disaster & climate change

Albay assess itself as 4 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

Indicator 4-1. Do land use policies and planning regulations for housing and critical risk reducing infrastructure (i.e. drainage, flood

controls) take current and projected climate risk and disaster risk into account?

• APSEMOupon the instruction of the governor, Salceda,

as PDRRMC Chairman,coordinates the regular inspections of all vital

infrastructure and critical resources

4-1. land use policies and planning regulations &4-3. adequate measures

Engineers go around every day

Visual inspection(without instrument)


Informed problem in infrastructure from


Source: Interview with Office of the Provincial Engineer

Surface Cracks (concrete roads), Eroded/Scoured Road Shoulder, Potholes (asphalt roads), Eroded/scoured Bridge approach and Abutment, Cracks on Girders (bridges)

Indicator 4-2. Are critical public facilities and infrastructure located in high risk areas adequately assessed for all hazard risks and


Assessed by PEO and APSEMO in coordination of National Agencies like, PHIVOLCS, MGB, Bureau of Fire Prevention

Making recommendation if fit for occupancy or not or if qualified for added investment or not

Done pursuant to Executive Order of the governor, Salceda, on earthquake and landslide

Initiated by the governor, Salceda,Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation through

structural protection dikes the basic intervention to protect critical facilities

the governor, Salceda, had instructed that the big investment in critical/high risk areas must be avoided

Indicator 4-3. Have adequate measures been undertaken to protect these facilities and infrastructure from damage during disasters?

Indicator 4-4. Does your local government have an emergency operations centre (EOC) and/or an emergency communication


•Center activatedWarning Level 1


•Emergency meeting heldWarning Level 2(Preparatory)

• Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)At the building where offices are located, such as:APSEMO, CIRCA, AMDGO, Provincial Health Office, Provincial

Social Welfare Office

4-4. emergency operations centre (EOC) andemergency communication system

• When any threat is detected, upon instruction of the governor, Salceda, EOC is activated 24 hours

All PDRRMC member agencies report to EOC for meetings and decision making

5. Assess the safety of all schools and health facilities and upgrade

them as necessary


Department ofHealth

Department of Education

2. HospitalSafe from disaster

1, 3. Special attention & assess


4. Drill


Albay assess itself as 4 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)


School Physical Facility Coordinator


Division of Physical Facilities (DepEd)


Individual School Building Record


Checklist of aloowable reair and mainteneance

works for SBRMS


Minor Repair

Major Repair

Engineer (DepEd)

Assess cost, etc

By SBRMS (School Building Repair Maintenance

Scheme)Up to 100,000 Peso

each school


HospitalDepartment of Health:

Annual Inspection

No problem Minor Deficiency Major Deficiency

Keep license Do not give license

Comply Not comply


For buildings;

city/municipality engineers inspect

according to National Building Code for Hospital

Indicator 5-1. Have local schools and hospitals received special attention for “all hazard” risk assessments in your local authority?

The schools have special attention on risk information

part of the safe school program of the governor, Salceda

↓the governor, Salceda, had sourced funding

support for construction of Emergency Education Facilities had started in 2008 to

protect school children from harm way from AECID, and from 2011 from JICA

Indicator 5-1. Have local schools and hospitals received special attention for “all hazard” risk assessments in your local authority?

School buildings:Comprehensive Infrastructure Development and DRR Plan

Elementary schools are to be designed to withstand a wind speed of at least 350kph

There are school buildings located in high risk areas that need to be relocated to safe sites

However, Department of Education does not refer to hazard map to inspect schools

Indicator 5-2. Are all main hospitals safe from disasters and accessible in emergencies?

• the governor, Salceda, entered a Memorandum of Agreement with the Bicol Regional Teaching & Training Hospital (BRTTH)-for the co-management of provincial managed hospitals for better care and operation especially during disasters

• Hospital Buildings:After disasters, the local government together with the

hospital administrator assesses the building and hospital functions

Indicator 5-3. Do the local government or other levels of government have special programs in place to regularly assess

public infrastructure (especially schools & hospitals) for maintenance, seismic stability, general safety, weather related risks


The role of the governor, Salceda, is to evaluate those schools and hospitals that require supports

Schools that cannot be covered by the government fund are endorsed by the governor, Salceda, in his capacity as PDRRMC Chairman, to the appropriate funding in form of grants.

Indicator 5-4. Are regular disaster preparedness drills undertaken in schools?

APSEMO providing technical assitant: For school teachers, drills are held once a year

Schools are asked to hold drills for students every quarter year

Indicator 5-4. Are regular disaster preparedness drills undertaken in schools?

APSEMO has standing instruction from the governor, Salceda, to provide technical assistance for the regular conduct of drills on:

Fire, Earthquake, Warning, Evacuation on flood, landslides and mudflows

The respective heads of the recipient institutions are taught how to develop scenario and drill plan

APSEMO’s assist to organize quick response team

the once conducting table-top-exercise and actual drills with supervision for APSEMO technical staff

The succeeding drills done independently by themselves

Indicator 5-4. Are regular disaster preparedness drills undertaken in schools?

• Several local drills and exercisesconducted under the direct supervision of the governor

• He even conducted in 2010 drills and rescue competitions with personal incentives from him provided through cash prices

Indicator 5-4. Are regular disaster preparedness drills undertaken in schools?

6. Apply and enforce realistic, risk-compliant building regulations

and the land-use planning principles. Identify safe land for low-income citizens and develop

upgrading of informal settlements, wherever feasible.

2. Enforcement to bldg


3. Need of regulations to support DRR

“Disaster Risk Reduction Framework Plan”

1. DRR integrated Comprehensive Land

Use Plan

Albay assess itself as 4 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

Indicator 6-1. Are local government DRR policies, strategies and implementation plans included within existing land-use and development plans (including community-based disaster risk


the governor, Salceda, had issued executive order mandating APSEMO to become a regular member of the PLUC

Upon the initiative of the governor, Salceda, Provincial Government of Albay is also using SIMCLIMS as guide in the preparation of CLUP

Indicator 6-2. Are land use regulations and building codes, health and safety codes enforced across all development zones and

building types?


To issue certificate to assure the land is safe from disasters according to Hazard Assessment and field investigation reports submitted to APSEMO from PHIVOLCS an MGB

The certificate is needed to:build new schools,borrow money from bank, etc

Indicator 6-2. Are land use regulations and building codes, health and safety codes enforced across all development zones and

building types?

the governor of Albay, Salceda

the only Local Chief Executive in the country that implemented this safety procedures supporting

business sectors

Indicator 6-2. Enforcement Process


-Provincial Engineer -City/Municipality Engineer-Fire Protection -Geologist-Staff of APSEMO

Private Property

•depends on request from owners

Other Facility•cities/municipalities have responsibility for reporting

APSEMO sends evaluation team

Indicator 6-2. Enforcement Process

First assessmentDecide to be fit for occupancy

Second assessmentDecide retrofit or repair

Fit Not fit

By owner: Private propertyDepEd: SchoolDOH: Hospital

APSEMO will recommend

temporary closure of school & hospital

• The governor had ordered

the Provincial Engineer &the APSEMO Department Head ↓to conduct regular meeting with the city and municipal engineers of the province on matters of building safety

Indicator 6-2. Enforcement Process

Indicator 6-3. Is there a need to build or strengthen existing regulations (e.g. land use, building codes etc) to support disaster

risk reduction in your local authority?

The governor signed an executive order:Mandating APSEMO,


Mines and Geo Science Bureau

to become a regular member of the Provincial Land Use Committee

integrate DRR in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan where building regulations and policy support on

development strategies are strictly considered

7. Ensure that education programmes and training on

disaster risk reduction are in place in schools and local communities.

4. Citizens awareness of evacuation

3. Integrating Disaster & climate risk reduction into

school curriculum(Bicol University,

Daraga NHS)

1,2. Drill for community


Albay assess itself as 5 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

APSEMO supports drill:for school teachers 1/yearfor barangay more frequently than 1/year

the governor, Salceda, even hired clowns for DRR and Hazard awareness program for community

children and schools children through games and magic

Indicator 7-1. Does the local government regularly conduct awareness-building or education programs on DRR and disaster

preparedness for local community?

APSEMO supports drill:After barangay captain election, APSEMO conducts

seminar and trainings to all of elected officials and community leaders

the governor, Salceda, had initiated this program for the communities to be completely trained on disaster preparedness

Indicator 7-2. Does the local government provide in-depth training in risk reduction for local officials and community leaders?

CIRCA, institutionalized by the governor, Salceda, is conducting Capacity Development on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (Community Vulnerability Assessment)

-for the preparation of Barangay Contingency Plan for DDR and CCA for all of some 720 barangay officials.

Indicator 7-2. Does the local government provide in-depth training in risk reduction for local officials and community leaders?

• The Provincial Council of Albay passed Resolution No. 2007-24, under the executive leadership of the governor, Salceda

-proclaiming the Province of Albay as one of the first and pioneering prototype province that will adopt climate change adaptation

Indicator 7-3. Do local schools and colleges provide courses, education or training in disaster and climate risk reduction as part

of the education curriculum?

Indicator 7-3. Do local schools and colleges provide courses, education or training in disaster and climate risk reduction as part

of the education curriculum?

• the governor, Salceda, institutionalized CIRCA and gave them, as one of their key responsibilities, to develop academic curriculums for climate change adaptation in all schools, colleges and universities

• Ex. Daraga National High School:Teachers developed modules of Science, English and Filipino to take CCA into their normal class schedule, such as English reading with the theme of CCA

Indicator 7-3. Do local schools and colleges provide courses, education or training in disaster and climate risk reduction as part

of the education curriculum?

Ex. Bicol Universityaiming to educate for building a Model Disaster

Resilient Community

The governor, Salceda, had directed APSEMO to provide technical support to Bicol University for the establishment and creation of the new course, Master in Health Emergency and Disaster Management, started in year 2009 as regular course in the graduate school

Indicator 7-4. Are citizens aware of evacuation plans or drills for evacuations when necessary?

the governor, Salceda↓

providing training budget to APSEMO ↓

ensure all barangays and municipalities and cities with rain gauge are well


8. Protect ecosystems and natural buffers to mitigate floods, storm

surges and other hazards to which your city may be vulnerable. Adapt to climate change by

building on good risk reduction practices.


1. Support ecosystems

2. Citizen support

3. Contribution of private sector

Albay assess itself as 4 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

Indicator 8-1. Does the local government support the restoration, protection and sustainable management of ecosystems services (e.g. forests, coastal zones, wetlands, water resources, livestock,

fisheries, river-basins) to reduce local vulnerability and protection against floods, drought, landslides or seismic hazards?

• the governor, Salceda, had established CIRCA and allocated funds for the environmental protection and for the rehabilitation of mangroves and eco-system

Ex. planting mangroves, river clean-up project

Indicator 8-2. Do civil society organizations and citizens support the restoration, protection and sustainable management of

ecosystems services?

To get participating from community

educating them in the importance of CCAgiving 5kg of rice for participants to promote

projects of CCA

All projects are under the direct supervision of the governor, Salceda

• One of the policies established under A2C2 (Albay in Action on Climate Change) led by the governor, Salceda, is Special Proclamation Resolution 2007-04

-which stipulates that all businesses to be established in the province should be consistent with climate change adaptation

Indicator 8-3. Is the private sector a contributor and supporter of environmental and ecosystems management in your local


Indicator 8-3. Is the private sector a contributor and supporter of environmental and ecosystems management in your local


The Energy Development Corp. (EDC)assisting Albay in its mangrove reforestation program

Palanog Cement Factory (Business Sector)practicing the substitution of fossil fuels by rice hull to reduce green house gas emission

9. Install early warning systems and emergency management

capacities in your city and hold regular public preparedness drills.



2. Early Warning Center

1. Financial reserve &

Emergency provision

4. Emergency supply

6. Evacuation routes

3. Drill

5. Shelter

7. Contingency Plan

Albay assess itself as 4 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

Indicator 9-1. Do local institutions have access to financial reserves and essential emergency provisions to support effective disaster

response and early recovery?

By the Philippine Law, all local governments shall store 5% of their total annual budget as Calamity Fund for victims of natural disasters.




15% relief



other works andservices

In total 38,279,574 Peso (2009)

This funding is allocated through the approval of the governor, Salceda,

the governor secures funding support national and foreign assistance and grants (such as UNDP, AECID, UNICEF)

for the effective disaster response and recovery for: the relocation and construction of emergency evacuation centers repair of the damages facilities

He also allocates budget for the annual premiums of the school insurance

Indicator 9-1. Do local institutions have access to financial reserves and essential emergency provisions to support effective disaster

response and early recovery?

Indicator 9-2. Are early warning centres established, adequately staffed (or on-call personnel) and well resourced (power back ups,

equipment redundancy etc.) at all times?



Barangay Leader

Barangay Resident

Radio &local broadcast



volcanic and typhoon hazard

VHF back-up communication,fax and email, Mobile communication facilities

Indicator 9-2. Are early warning centres established, adequately staffed (or on-call personnel) and well resourced (power back ups,

equipment redundancy etc.) at all times?

floodbarangays have rain gauges so that warning signal of

the governor, Salceda, signed an agreement with JICA forthe purchase of Doppler radarestablishment of a flood forecasting centrethe construction of more evacuation centres

Indicator 9-3. Are regular training drills and rehearsal carried out with the participation of relevant government, non-governmental,

local leaders and volunteers?

Drills regularly held to pre test contingency plansOn-volcanic eruption-earthquake-typhoon-fire

At-schools-hospitals-hotels-shopping malls-communities -offices under supervision of provincial government

Funding and technical staff are allocated through the efforts and approval of the governor, Salceda,. Training and drills conducted under the leadership of the governor, Salceda, is a multi-stakeholder activity

Indicator 9-4. Are sufficient amounts of emergency supplies (stockpiles of relief supplies) available at all times?

-Rubber boats -Trucks-Ambulances -Passenger trucks-Helicopter -Fire trucks-Water tank lorry -Water purifying-Canned food -Rice and bottles of water

The governments of Albay has prepared emergency supplies and equipment for evacuation and rescue the survivors such as:

Agreement with National Food Authority -Stand-by 15,000 bags of rice-Evacuees in a total of 160,000 persons, each of whose family is given five kilograms of rice for 3 days

It is based on the governor Salceda’s belief”Evacuation assistance is their right as it becomes the duty of Provincial Government”

Indicator 9-4. Are sufficient amounts of emergency supplies (stockpiles of relief supplies) available at all times?

Indicator 9-5. Are emergency shelters available?

There are three types of emergency shelter in Albay

i. Permanent Evacuation Centres6 emergency evacuation centers(supported by AECID [Agencia Españna Cooperacion International Para El Desarollo])

6 emergency evacuation centers will be constructed(supported by JICA)

No disaster used as classrooms or municipal activity center

Total Capacity: 10,200

ii. School Camps

DepEd identified 5,128 classrooms

Total Capacity: 320,000

Indicator 9-5. Are emergency shelters available?


iii. Evacuation Centre for communities vulnerable to disaster


Daraga National High School

Evacuation Center

Danger Zone(Near volcanoand/or river)

Indicator 9-5. Are emergency shelters available?

Indicator 9-6. Are safe evacuation routes identified, mapped and maintained and well communicated to the community?

Safe evacuation routes identified in the community and in the resettlement sites

People in the community are timely provided the trainingThe community warning system enables residents to undertake

pre-emptive evacuation measures (Refer to the next slide)

Evacuation plans are approved by the governor, Salceda, while evacuation movements are activated through the evacuation advisory issued by the governor, Salceda, as chair of the PDRRMC

ALBAY PRE-EMPTIVE EVACUATION DECISION RULE Proximity/Gravity 80kph 120KPH More than 120kph Direct Hit Rainfall

(activation of EOC) Evacuation at TS2 Evacuation at TS1

15% (based on PAGASA tracking)

Rainfall (activation of EOC)

Evacuation at TS3 Evacuation at TS22

Within radius Rainfall (activation of EOC)

Evacuation at TS3 Evacuation at TS3

TS: Typhoon Signal

Indicator 9-6. Are safe evacuation routes identified, mapped and maintained and well communicated to the community?

Indicator 9-7. Does a contingency plan or a community disaster preparedness plan exist for all major hazards?

Contingency PlanEarthquake, Typhoon, Volcano

The principles of them are:-to evacuate not rescue-team work not individual play-protection of life as the first priority while

critical properties as the second priority.

before action plans became official action and contingency plans of the Provincial Government

of Albay↑

The action plans were all reviewed and edited by the governor himself

Indicator 9-7. Does a contingency plan or a community disaster preparedness plan exist for all major hazards?

10. After any disaster, ensure that the needs of the survivors are

placed at the centre of reconstruction with support for

them and their community organizations to design and help implement responses, including rebuilding homes and livelihood.

3. Contingency Plan includes

recovery needs

1. Assist victims

of psycho-social



2. Recovery/rehabilitation includes DRR


Albay assess itself as 5 in this checkpoint (1-5: 5 is the best)

Indicator 10-1. Does the local government have access to resources and expertise to assist victims of psycho-social (psychological,

emotional) impacts of disasters?

the governor, Salceda, of the Albay Province created has psycho-social task force (consists of Gov’t office, academe, NGO, etc)

Strategies:Education InformationPhysical SportsLivelihoodEntertainmentLife Coaching

Indicator 10-2. Are disaster risk reduction measures integrated into post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation activities (i.e.

build back better, livelihoods rehabilitation)?

DRR program of Albay governor, Salceda, is holistic

Post Disaster or recovery projects are integral part of DRR Cycle done

Humanitarian Response for Recovery Plans and Programmes from 2008 to 2010

Includes disaster risk management-disaster preparedness training-disaster drills and exercises

For community is empowered in handling any types of disaster

Includes environmental management-solid waste management-enhancement programme (conduct tree planting, capability building on solid waste management, beautification activities)

Indicator 10-2. Are disaster risk reduction measures integrated into post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation activities (i.e.

build back better, livelihoods rehabilitation)?

Indicator 10-3. Does the Contingency Plan (or similar plan) include an outline strategy for post disaster recovery needs including assessment tools, immediate livelihoods rehabilitation etc.?



Post-Disaster PhaseDisaster PhasePre-Disaster Phase














Intl. Org.



















Intl. Org.






APSEMO SecretariatAPSEMO Secretariat AMDGO-AMTF SecretariatAMDGO-AMTF Secretariat

APSEMO SecretariatAPSEMO Secretariat








































Intl. Org.





Intl. Org.






Intl. Org.Intl. Org.


















Intl. Org.


















Intl. Org.





















Food SecurityFood Security

Camp managementCamp management

Protection etc.

Protection etc.

The contingency plan is separated for1. the post disaster recovery phase2. pre-disaster activities of Albay PDRRMC

All these activities are under the direct management and control of the governor, Salceda

Geohazard identification survey near the new airport constructed in 2012 by Phivolcs & MGB

↓Safe lands decided by ‘Provincial Planning and

Development Office (PPDO)’↓

10-3. Does the Contingency Plan (or similar plan) include an outline strategy for post disaster recovery needs including

assessment tools, immediate livelihoods rehabilitation etc.?

↓Profiling Household Survey by AMDGO (aiming to

determine the socio-economic status)↓

capability enhancements on employment opportunities provided & coordinated by AMDGO (such as Seed

Capital Assistance and Enhancement Skills Training)↓

Job matching by AMDGO

10-3. Does the Contingency Plan (or similar plan) include an outline strategy for post disaster recovery needs including

assessment tools, immediate livelihoods rehabilitation etc.?

• the governor, Salceda, institutionalized the PROVINCIAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (PED) to look after the education needs in all levels after disaster

• the governor, Salceda, initiated scholarships that facilitated and motivated children and parents to send back their children to school after disaster

10-3. Does the Contingency Plan (or similar plan) include an outline strategy for post disaster recovery needs including

assessment tools, immediate livelihoods rehabilitation etc.?