Documentary powerpoint

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Documentary powerpoint

DocumentaryTom Roalfe and Lilly Thomas

What is a Documentary?A factual film or programme about the real


Conventionally a documentary will be the following;

For us this will be CYBERBULLYING, a real world issue

Non- Fiction

About the real world


Based on Observation rather than Intervention

Informative and Educational

We will do these ones !!!!! Because all documentaries are Non- Fiction and we plan to inform our target audience about the effects of cyber bullying and what can be done to stop it. Also it will be about the real world as this is what happens in the real world and the interviews we wish to do will be Unstaged because people will be telling us their views and we will be observing.

Subjectivity or Objectivity

Subjectivity Objectivity

• Subjectivity is when your opinion will show through in the documentary and the general opinion or stereotype

1. We believe we will be swayed more to being subjective when making this documentary as our view on the topic is that something needs to happen about it to make it stop. However some people may say it is a big fuss over nothing so there are other views on the topic.

Objectivity is when you explore both sides of an argument in the documentary and not just one side.

1. However it could be said that we will be Objective as we will look at the effects of cyber bullying and why people do it. So we are technically looking at both sides of an argument. However one aide clearly is in favor.

Modes of Documentary

1. Expository Documentary

2. Observational Documentary

3. Participatory Documentary

4. Reflexive Documentary

5. Performative Documentary

Our Documentar

y will fall under this category.

Bill Nicholas •Identifier of the modes of address- ALL 6 OF THEM

•Key theorist when discussing Documentaries

•Born – 1942

•Discovered theory at San Francisco University

• Stella Bruzzi 2000 criticsed Nichols for suggesting that Documentary makers have aimed for the 'perfect representation of the real’ and would fail in this impossible aim, thus undermining the documentary form.

• She said that ‘all types of documentary have existed at different times’And have often, mixed styles. ‘What is the point of worrying about authenticity’She sees documentary as contributing to meaning about real world events.

Development of Modes Nicholas identifies the modes as developing


They develop because of new technologies, institutions and audience.

They can often be divided into 2 groups;





- Participatory



Expository Documentary

This type of documentary is probably the most familiar to audiences and tends to be seen more on TV rather than in cinemas.

It may include the following

AIM = To inform the audience about a happening or a thing which they are not familiar with in our case it will be CYBERBULLYING

Voiceover narration

Commenting on the images

Explaining what is happening in a direct address to the audience

Expository Conventions 1. Voiceover addresses the audience directly and

is the dominant convention

2. The voiceover may be a VOICE OF GOD commentator ( heard but not seen ) or VOICE OF AUTHORITY commentator ( seen and heard)- usually an expert in the field. We have chosen to use the VOICE OF GOD as we believe this is most suitable for our topic.

Expository Conventions 3. Images are used to illustrate the voiceover

4. Direct relationship between voiceover and images shown

5. Editing is used for continuity, to link together the images supporting the argument put forward by the voiceover

6. A variety of footage, interviews, stills and archive material are assembled to support the argument.

7. There is an attempt to persuade the audience on a viewpoint, in our case we are persuading the bullies to stop and the bullied to contact the NSPCC.

John Grierson -Although only making one film John was a film maker

-His theory on documentaries has greatly influenced what we still understand to be its nature.

-He defined documentary as “ an instrument of information, education and propaganda”. He believed that documentaries could heavily influence peoples opinions on a situation.

-He defined the ideology of social integration as “good propaganda” and ideologies that promoted social division as “ propaganda of the devil”.

-He believed it could be used to engage citizens in the workings of their country, in democracy.

The End