DOCUMENT RESUME ED 373 044 TITLE Fire Safety for …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 373 044 SP 035 385 TITLE Fire...

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Transcript of DOCUMENT RESUME ED 373 044 TITLE Fire Safety for …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 373 044 SP 035 385 TITLE Fire...


ED 373 044SP 035 385

TITLE Fire Safety for Consumers. Economics (High School).Fire Safety for Texans: Fire ana Burn PreventionCurriculum Guide.

INSTITUTION Texas State Commission on Fire Protection, Austin.PUB DATE Aug 93NOTE 42p.; For other guides in the series, see SP 035

375-384.AVAILABLE FROM Texas Commission on Fire Protection, Fire Prevention

Education, P.O. Box 2286, Austin, TX 78768.PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use4 Teaching Guides (For

Teacher) (052)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS *Consumer Education; Economic Impact; *Economics

Education; *Fire Protection; Grade 11; Grade 12; HighSchools; Home Management; Instructional Materials;Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; Prevention;Responsibility; *Safety Education; State CurriculumGuides



This booklet comprises the high school economicscomponent of a series of curriculum guides on fire and burnprevention. It is designed to meet the age-specific needs of eleventhand twelfth grade students. Objectives include: (1) developing anawareness of adult responsibilities to preserve family, property, andeconomy; (2) preparing for maintaining one's own home; and (3)examining U.S. history of fire and burn incidents. Texas essentialelements of economics and consumer education that may appropriatelybe Integrated with the fire prevention curriculum are listed. Thebooklet's three sections provide lesson plans, teacher materials, andstudent materials. The five lessons are: "Income and Outgo";"Providing for the General Welfare"; "The Not-So-Secret Code";"Insuring Your Valuables"; and "The materials; and suggestions for afocus activity, presentation of content, guided and independentpractice, reteaching, enrichment, and closure. A pretest/posttest isprovided, along with activity sheets to be photocopied. A scope andsequence chart covering kindergarten through high school is alsopresented. (JDD)

Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be madefrom the original document.


FireSafetyfor TexansFire and Burn PreventionCurriculum Guide Developed byTexas Commission on Fire Protection



0 This dooument has been reproduced asreCeived from the person or organizahonoripinatong

r. Minor changes have been made to improvereprOduClion Quality

Points of view or opinions 511100in the docu-ment do not necessarily represent "oralOERI position or policy




Economics (High School)

Fire SafetyFor Consumers



Andrew F. MehlChairman

El Paso

Roy ChapmanVice Chairman


David BurkhartSecretaryArlington

Ronnie JamesWichita Falls

Pat HughesNorth Richland


Armando CaceresCorpus Christi

Alonzo LopezKingsville

Larry McKeeAustin

Gerald HoodBenbrook

Elizabeth JaneAtchley


Steve PerdueMineral Wells

Jan StalderParker

Michael E. HinesExecutive Director

Ernest A. EmersonState Fire Marshal

Texas Commission onFire ProtectionP . c. ox 2286 Austin, Texas 78768-2286 (512) 873-1700

iar Educator:

The Texas Commission on Fire Protection is pleased to provide this curriculum guide to

facilitate the teaching of fire prevention. To understand why instruction in fire prevention must

be matched to the developmental needs of students, please read the introC-ction sectionbeginning on Page 3. This introduction also tells how fire prevention education can be

coordinated with the instructional requirements of Texas schools.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please telephone or whte to share your

successes and questions with our staff. Also, we invite you to request guides for other gradelevels and additional copies of this booklet by clipping and returning the form below.

Your involvement in fire prevention education will be appreciated by your students and your

entire community.


An - - terlingProgram AdministratorFire Prevention Education

Please send the following curriculum guide(s):

Grade Laval Quantity Grade Level Quantity Grade Level Quantity

Kindergarten Fourth Grade Seventh Grade

First Grade Fifth Grade Eighth Grade

Second Grade Sixth Grade High School Health

Third Grade High School Economics

Comments and suggestions on Grade guide(s):

Are you currently using other materials produced by the Commission on Fire Protection? (Circle one) Yes No

Name Position

Address Telephone

City State ZIP

Mail to: Texas Commission on Are Protection, Fire Prevention Education, P.O. Box 2286, Austin, TX 78745


FireSafetyfor TexansFire and Burn PreventionCurriculum Guide Developed by

Texas Commission on Fire Protection

Economics (High School)

Fire SafetyFor Consumers

Published August 1993Texas Commission on Fire ProtectionMichael E. Hines,.Executive DirectorErnest A. Emerson, State Fire MarshalAnne Easterling, Program AdministratorFire Prevention EducationP.O. Box 2286, Austin, Texas 78768-2286(512) 873-17r0

* The Texas Commission on Fire Protection does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national

origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or in its activities. For fire prevention information

presented in other media, write to the address above.

te Additional copies are available from the address above. This publication may be reproduced in its

entirety. Such reproduction must include credit to the original producer, specifically the Texas Commission

on Fire Protection.

* Copies of this publication have been distributed in compliance with the State Depository Law and are

available for public use through the Texas State Publications Depository Program at the Texas State

Library and other state depository libraries.

Fire Safety for TexansThe complete series from the Texas Commission on Fire Protection


Fire Safe Together

First Grade

Fire Safety: Any Time, Any Place

Second Grade

Making Me Fire Safe

Third Grade

Posifively Fire Safe

Fourth Grade

Fire Safety: Stop the Heat

Fifth Grade

Charged Up For Fire Safety

Sixth Grade

Fire Safety Power

Seventh Grade

Responsible For Fire Safety

Eighth Grade

Fire Safety's My Job

Health (High School)

A Lifetime For Fire Safety

Economics (High School)

Fire Safety For Consumers

desaibss local locsbons and iss ol frealarm tong 75(1F

Gardnil Otasei lyes

Ulna of FMttderstands and analyzes acts tanfri

somisnees dike NI turndamn: ample Pions to wakeinurr parent dioNemont



Mom gm arms and symbasamocetal V. art birri Nay

damdies 'good and tar fru and hestWWI 25(a)3A, 26(1)10

First Gradsbasic Inds* ol vet tun

haw* bask undsestancing ofwas hairy reduotion; contestation SIparent Irsoleemail

bantam EXIT sirs In WWI aralOak balance 29001E

Identifies ard c05d symtols on

WNW 26(a)1C. 29(a)1E

Injury FaMuction

anows, peclorms and anlynateclatiquss to rola V. and tanNews

Hurd ascograldonmei:gris V. and bum Maas sthome, asy and mck

Hurd Walks'maim aid values technipmreducing a elimirwang fire sne tarn


damonstratee and onsabes rolling on

ward in case ot clotting V.75(a)3C. 26(1)1C, 29(1)10

derikatranws and prwakes crwMng on

gisuld In woke ce V. wituallas71(a)3C. 26(1)10

Scope and Sequence for Fire and&wood Grads

kW** tree MINN d am Dimple.25(b)20

511 and cimalass Miro Mat do and 63

ra tun '256436161

tudimardrg DI toe to prawnana put out fres: gads( mikarecionto fawn wa mut to fn. smoke ortun Musket

spars pang out eats removing orcomnaling ono *NM 095(c)313,

28(0)10defines and Ow examples ot contrated

and uncerarollad bus *25(c)36,


dassios hot and cofd otlecta haulm*gamma and appliances '25(a)1A,3A,


NON smoking d9W$IISSIS1 Maudto causs burns and to surt Yes


statm ne3 to day aware kw hot *eat"26(a)1C. 20(a)1A

tek pawns. Yap me RH torn Ye'29(1)1B

ESPING And Dnaloam Ed pais methods of fice ardsmoke mama and mop and mitIschniams: Alum the enportanm of

Amara Maas and owe pinning

dunondrates cooing a bum with ccol

waw 259958, 26(1)1C, 1.1dwaonstratss and Make arching in

sapaNd smoke a fin situationteause mks nem wbpc,20)1C. 1.1

demastrates rd Mods rain° lo potcut *Ns fint 1C "1.1

distinguistiss *Oka otakts. apOsnliel hut wow ea Wingcads "25(b)38.48

idectias home and community as city or

rural at typos ot related In risk

'25(b)60. 29105A."1.6

Third Gradshazards wx1 safe Paige of ANN*

Pads pod*, salons to amenfru and tarns or to reduce nadaesesMaly Maid to Naha MON

defines and grin asap* ofccatialtas naicombuotte,gammas ard nalemmablemain*, with relsion to gas, padand lad sales 21(d)7A. "3.11.5

*plains tarp cool vicar to ream burn

non 25(c)78. 26(o)leimam that rolling a) groad limps air

from V. on Whet 25(c)78, 26(c)1Cwhim that smas and gams from are

an Plea attiring '25(c)78. 26(c)1C

predicts hav alwancal maenad canNana hazards Oa* carelemnseaNum. divepair, enduing unatundedackep 15(c)614. 26(c)1C

Coffin Nall holiday hazards Waledto tamy *Morns a Whom26(c)1C. 29(068

awl* or Illustrates rind for amainlo hen watchers 15(b)78. 26(b)1D

ancotspes parents to conduct WM

alpaca*, using pronad NNW-2563)78. 26191C.7a

demonstrates plias fl sclkol sod das'26(a)1C, 29(s)10

Ilalatm And Flame%WOrctss WW1 of malaise.lighters and othar fireseteng

instrinents; Mon and velum*NON for niducing nenlionalslit

Repotting A Relovirs and ON wpropistemethods of reporting suspected V. St

mole *Nora

Mote benefit of fray waking13951er ao radon V. NP tunhazards 19(029

miles al West V. Mae br sale bawler/1(c)1C

idanass mold alarm as wenn) to getout 266311C

clam map of home at two ways cut aor

mayors 15(6)4Ddais arel nsiee fa ached ad MI


dernontratos Nog an edult 11 hNiesem matches 76(s)1C. 29(a)IA

esnonsaMes Wang tin adult about

auks or Ins 2591130. 26(0 C

Farah Grid*PSIStONSI adrigNeing MSS; ISMS

related to peer premise NNW Is Yemaim sealinamelion lo enactdames Mai Why irmihowent roleSIVI mace In to caraway

Nonni& tree Owns* ol V. to sepladhair to prima ani scapulae' Yes'WPM. 26(5)10

awakes **sawlike ot INN smeasfrom Yee "25(5)46. 26(1)10

aplins injury roducIon Sas to otherstroop song. MN, slay.danicianaan. etc. '26(d)1DIE

denim metaho ard narmetaldotlects 25(d)38. 3.6

detinguishes metallic Owls as contact

burn hazards 25(d)686A. 2641Eidentifies paw tehtvias with

higarclous **mu '26(d)1E

ids and desabss affects of lode gamesmoks and fire bisxodicts '260976.

26(s)1G, " 1.4

Mates typos of hazards fromdecsnad *wenn *260)19

corcluds inapenon fa safe flammable

storape wit ovens ming proaidad

Nada 26401E.29Nada fire safety tot holidays in each

month '26(d)1E

desabas general guidelines fa 'matoNector Outman (tiath Meal,*Male bedrooms) '26(c)1C

doable cc Aura* Mama ways ailof a blitrig I6(c)1C

°marine horm 61 *26(c)1c2s,


cassabas cc ilmtraisa matchss as tools

tot edits 16(b)1C

downs* pang ard aim signals toworn aims 26(b)1C

memoriam emargency MON miter'26(b)1C

gym dm104011010051 home alone In

PApIdidfr. Muttons 76(d)1DMidi 9510110 maintaintig undo

deleator using proviad ;Moms25(d)7D. 26(d)1E,26

Naiads low army wring on smokeMeta 26(d) 10

Maims why matches re not tom'26(c)1C

Coro Wogirilarstanda and yaks apropnatesuarrision of end mtervention kr

aw twat sped* young chibasnand adm aduk

The Flye Sennunderstands and Num N rcie of thefre mice in tominting andsuppreming ares

Wane WayWon and amass Mcfrkmesmducing ccidoor fns ard Nines kwoutdoor are and tan Wads

tells parents to give firs safely rules to

bsby-Mtm '26(a) I C

dentifos Vs fighters and Other firs

write wears as fends /Yap B

dimmers* or ItitrIIN KIM raytan carripare. NO taming. Mc.


demOnetrahlik Malone h121/d01.6

*AIM inducing Waal CR InWards TAW F

idshassWVyIssbsit en sada Nineand craw Wards 76(s)1F.10

wising need for exit ars ardespecisey at hanalys)6A,26(5)19,20, 21(01A, "11

Nada Am maths, no be usedsafely 7641)1 E

Macao:ales Nang arnargencyMON number "S(c)1C

dernonstratas &sag risme ard adNes


dssotes hre fighter IS community hakes*IV helm prment firm and who puts

out Ns '25(b)70. 29(3)40. "1.7

ashriguietwa how atm fires areaffront atm bukareg foss 2560,26(5)3, "1.6


(*Won ways NI V. fighters aremiolved in fa suppression and

Rwanda 29(CaA

Nrrefies Mita siSCMCII has*(SICIMS.10011. CafrOSIS) '25(048,

26(c)3A, 2.9


decades a dernaiamtes what to Capon

in an emegency 11101600 *26(d)ID

domonstrates messling peer awarereletsd lo Ye, makhes and wiciang


WIN nem tor tsbyalltw cc are potfor tartly. with panne madame andccosiderstion a ages of foray

mbar* 16(d)29. 75/(d)a SEI

kW the far Weary maims paled byN fre services 76(5)315

(amoeba fire deperlmenfs role in NONtie =our* My NNW MIN24111315.1.7

demotes Ws maims with km**29(s)11. "1.6

wiles at NI We Mee for *akar fee

AO* .260138

Bum Prevention Education In TexasFifth Grade Sixth Grade

prryslos; sfactrical hum* ard reenubstrsepondng to those hazards;

C10(11101111110 Ce NS aid for burnt

&with Gradedisalon-making regardiv

Ire and bum hazards, tsluding pewproms *NC to ke risks;NNW fa and ruction to pusbeire NUNN

Seth GradeNNW waft* ke hazards ary:1

delection; fre hazards outside N


Health Economicswow ol ks and bum preevaion seWer411$

lischniguss and emegersy lam

Man"' of mots of ofl age getactsosieng and llamenablequids

01 adult rseponatiftes topreserve Wily, rawly ardwavily; praperebot for mainliningcols oen hons; U.S heavy of in alaibun Nile*

reaing egittriont Weir Spect of N fire

co otAloy twriecowent and methods

to oda tutimpect kat sal forb. ns; Neon& meSonshv tocurers* Ire safely



typos of hut and hal lo define

doss of fre 15(2)28. "3.1kali Nowt of firs,

uninhbleg chemical wows

25(0)48, *1.1deadens Ms tves of fre extugushes


Win* arrl devaitiss huh pont flashfre, flammability of constudon and

doling togs '44(b)70

analyzes prolst aderasernsnts kr heard bun Nay irearnation '26(1)2A

anslyzas product labels for Om ufsty,

kluding Itammatis or =bombewerrings, ncolarnimble Mak444)1 1 C

communicales hazards of smoking, using

Won illustabon or oral lone


OMAN and describes cored* heftrumps and writes cloven, firesilty mauves 15(1)1A.11.1,2A

WIN' and descant lammaile Nalwarnings or luntrues IN:10xdeems, oscine etc. '65(a)16

*tins Unto:fogy *sling to Ininstance and Some safely (News.wieder,. sic.) .6840

descrbu ellie classer of turns and katad for sem 70)1G2D

classifies so Nes of hens by causes(carload, UV, dunks!, sic.) 76(2)20

Motu special first aid actiors forburrs atm then weal burrs26(1))2D

ISMbisal solos n suspected fire orsmoke Moors and first aidlor threeNes ol tuns '65(a)1E

uplains hazards of heating soupment.indudrog safety conaiderstons such

as ul. repecton cetration andprcpsr pivenent 15(1)713. 26(61H,

-2.6analysis safety or MINN huting

2606E. 26(0 H). "2.6

desorbes why elactricay and slectncal

Ignatius are ke and bin hazardsmisting amount of energy used by

VIACIA applismos to Ow S.

15(2)6D. "3.4

It at last 10 typical hazards in desvionziacia, taxing rdiesial, ortailand offics '44(b)3

duothas rola of cankuneu il firsand bum ifitalle, atiuding Portenhealing and cooleng '65(a)113,18,10

organza and conduct concesheriskosi,orna inspection, Including oubkors

vd norining Nu '65(a)18.1 8.1G

Nate' the economic loped of Msard mild maks in Ow U.S. I&18,16

moles impaction ol home NemoNisrunt with merits So check So11100 IMO 75(1)73, 26(81H. "2.6

*Gs seamsas of consoling haistay

Maw* 76(1)1H

dollops holiday cheddit Mat "OKire safety rules '2(2)78, 26(2)1H2C

No at lust 10 Mu fa Nao(5'44(1)118,C

deserts* Ws proctors with fro hazardsmina* bust In home orr.outdoors

44(a)1 IC

Ormlops and "NUNN rout soulinaturnent '44(a)1 IC

deserts' desire to be sale and to Map

oewrs sal* '440))71)

organdie and conduct" ounprahwinvhome clesnizi, maids* °Moors andNifty areas '65(1)18,1EIG

deecrbes firs and turn safer/revionetafts of CP101~11 andmake* 'WI GA

Wren hazard mductivi stone ofvarious organizations, eiltnoilm *fge-

2A. 413

mauls school set drill 75(1)20.1K,26(1)1H (*Vet sof 01)

analyzes "rod maps of clewbosticos to show vproxiate dela=Noricum 164(61H2C

am map of home to VA* tulhow

enolia detector Newest ard horns

afill Po 'ACM, 26(0)1H2C

dssCites cc &noun* what So do in"route circumstances44(8)11C,46(a)41

ceganzes an obstruled drill at school or

home '411(1)4.1

ducnbss teso function of Mo types of

sines detectors '46(c)30Mates boo tunotion of etireOws,

inducing residential fast meowesinklers '46(c)30

surveys NI wean smoke detoursat lune '48(c)36

Ms tpse of billing code reoutsmenefor detectors, Kamedisre. esie le-


--dssortes hazards of rasa-Ilion* fru

eepsully nisks2 to wade and Ion ofresources 19(1)213

duates LUNN Oshawa to peerpresuni *Ord to firseelting ardNOON 14(a)11A. 48(a)1D

&rifts non as a crime '46(a)awrites at Neat fro rules for wing

Ness ard Igrave '44(a)1111,C

Niue effects of habeas In cocountrity and pro:Si:Ion 15-113,1E

delta hazard of falls alarms,espedelly raising to Nangreassoes '29(1)28

prows time Ins ri moms* so am

015111019 vo Waling 2544E.29(2)7A

opus why to moon ample) or

$1ugsofild fin Pfor9IY '215(6)80.26(2)1H

Nabs* how to discoing* false alarms' 44(a )1 1 C,46( 2)21.

Wares and details diess or lubyettW44(8)11 C, 48(a)41,1

Ovate gen** acallsrn preunionvid tultrises rev* of chikkel,hanckarsed and tor& citizens664)1038

deacrims fro aril burn Uhlmaponibliess of dame In tee rotasis CarKivers or proeidsra 104A

davribss rola ol weireser In

dlOwlmant in N comma* 16(1)3A

dsvrbas orcesurouste NNW Inemargency regions* and tun can


dascrter, al Wallin coMm wiry health

wrices orotl odur =mu tutusist in cosomursy ke safety


-Nato Impact of oat and vse Ns

on NJ lams 15(1)6E. -2.2fele steps in sale procedure' for PAIN

Mrs and cookng on duo*.=TOL ter28(f)38

gives eisnula ard applicaSon of

ofeardrq truth srd leush lo nesse kehsurd '2em38

descries Origin of hgri wow Ms'26(2)1 H. '1.4

IN cayenne." iArrs,ng Not MN14(1)48

IIM molPfahrove Mos fof °Woofsilt 14(o)76

Inualigates cammunly IONI CM IfP0Le4



*WIN Aft uteri Officaufforls mialedto gasoline. aiacs. outdoor lools and

dem.' cagerellse66(1)10



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IntroductionWhy teach fire and bum prevention?

Each year during the past decade, about 300 Texans have

died in fires, The Texas Commission on Fire

Protection is committed to reducing this alarmingstatstic. Analysis of fire statistics shows that the vast

majority of fires and the resulting fire deaths

could have been prevented. Regretfully, most people

do not know or practice even simple actions that can

prevent fires and bums.

The Texas Commission on Fire Protection believes the key to

reducing fires and fire deaths is education. Fire safetyeducation has traditionally been concentrated inelementary school observances of Fire Prevention

Week. While these observances can produce effectiveresults, thoughtful analysis of the fire problem and fire

safety educational programs shows that more

comprehensive, age-appropriate approach to fire

safety education :an multiply its benefits.

Recogni7Ing the limits of classroom instruction time, the

Texas Commission on Fire Protection has examinedthe Texas essential elements of instruction to

determine the most appropriate topics with which to

integrate fire prevention and fire safety. Teachers from

across the state have provided feedback on topics

appropriate for each grade level, kindergarten through

high school.

The result of this extensive research is "Fire Safety for

Texans," a series of curriculum guides teaching fire

and bum prevention. Each grade-level program has

been coordinated with essential elements in that

grade and with the unique specific fire safety needs of

that age group. The lesson plans have been field

tested in classrooms across the state. On average,

students who have been taught using these materials

score 26 percent higher than students in control


As you use this guide, you and teachers in other grade levels

will be part of a continuum of fire safety education

spanning all grades. The Texas Commission on Fire

Protection believes this continuum will help created a

generation of Texans who will Is3 fire-safety aware. In

turn, all Texans can benefit from a decrease in the

number of needless fire deaths and an increase in

safer homes and worksites a benefit we all


This Booklet

This booklet, "Fire Safety For Consumers," is specifically

designed for high school economics siudents. The

following sections give specific information on the

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety flr Texans

essential elements applicable to fire and nurn

prevention and on the age-specific needs of eleventh-and twelfth-grade students related to fires and burns.

You will also find additional information on the format

and materials found In this booklet.

This booklet has throe sections:

Lesson Plans. This section includes all steps in the

lesson cycle.

Teacher Materials. This section includes all teaching

aids and tests.

Student Materials Duplicating Masters. This

section includes master copies of materials to be used

by students.

0 General Objectives: To develop an awareness of

adult responsibilities to preserve family, property and


To prepare for maintaining one's own home

To examine U.S history of fire and bum incidents

Essential Elements: The student will be providedopportunities to:

§75.69 1B. analyze how supply and demand affect prices

§75.69 1E. analyze the roles of economic incentives,voluntary exchange, private property rights and


§75.69 1G. examine the roles of labor and consumers in the

American free enterprise system

§75.69 2A. understand how the government both protects

and regulates the operations of the market system

§75.69 4A, describe the rights and responsibilities of


§75.69 4B. identify ... agencies that provide consumer


§75.69 4D. define basic consumer terminology in the areas of

credit, insurance, budgeting and home ownership or


Background: Age Profile

Stage of identity vs. role confusion, which means the high

school student needs experiences that will help

establish his own identity, Lack of successful

experiences rnay lead to confusion about his future

role as an adult.

The teenager experiences variability in emotions, physical

abilities and scholastic interests. She is becoming

more concerned about sex roles and occupational

123 Economics (High School): Fire Safety Far CIXISUMNI

choice, and will begin thinking about careers and


While the high schooler desires to be independent,acceptance by peers is very important. He may be

easily influenced by peer pressure and have a

tendency to hero worship. The teenager may take

risks and exhibit a tendency to test authority. She

"tries on" different attitudes and actions.

As he becomes more proficient in formal operational thought,

he is able to engage in mental manipulations. Thinking

can be flexible, abstract and local. The high school

student can apply his new thinking skills to many

situations. Successful learning can take place through

experience, hypothetical proje.fions, role models,demonstrations, rehearsal and teaching others.

The teenager operates under a morality of cooperation. She

views rules as mutual agreements and allows for

intentions and extenuating circumstances.

Fire And Burn Hazards

Cigarette smoking, especially combined with drugs and


Cooking contact with stoves or other appliances; hot

liquids or grease while serving or cooking food,

including job-related.

Flammable substances gasoline, including use in car,

storage in garage, use to start fire; explosive


Bum from mechanical equipment burns from exhaust,

radiator, battery or welding on cars or motorcycles;

gasoline; mini-bikes and lawn mowers.

Clothing ignition from careless smoking or cooking. Smoke

and gas inhalation from fire.

Outdoor hazards utility poles and high-tension wires;

sunburn; fireworks.

Teacher's Note On Materials: Illustrations and activitysheets in this booklet are intended to serve as

masters. Photocopy, then use the photocopy as

directed. Student pages may be compiled in booklets

or distributed individually. The first page in the Student

Materials section can serve as the title page for the

student booklet.

Pre-Test and Post-Test: Conduct the pre-test prior to

presenting the first lesson and the post-test following

the fifth lesson.

Teacher's Note On Closure Activities: Several activitiesincluded in the closure phase of the lesson cycle may

be effectively used in the next lesson's focus activity.

KEY TO ICONS: The following icons can be used to easily

identify activities in the lesson plans:

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for Texans

O Lesson objectives

Focus and closure

+ Creative group activity, including role playing


Group problem-solving activity



Answering questions

Guest presenter

Investigation or research

Creative writing activity

Cut-and-paste activity

AGroup discussion

eDrawing, artwork or illustration

134 EconorOics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers

Lesson Plans



IncomeAnd Outgo

Goal: To gain an overview of responsibilities related to fire


0 Objectives: The student will:

describe fire and burn safety responsibilities of

citizens in their roles as caregivers or providers '69-


describe fire and burn safety responsibilities of

consumers and residents "69-1G,4A

Materials: Pretests (p. 15); student booklets (including title

page, p. 29; optional; see Teachers Note on

Materials, page 4); student activity money (p. 16);

'Income And Outgo" overhead transparency (p. 17);

"Income And Outgo" student activity sheets from

student booklet (p. 30); answer keys (p. 23-25).

Focus: Administer pre-test.

Introduce unit on fire safety by asking students to describe

some of the decision-making processes previously

discussed in the course.

Teacher: "Decisions related to economics have far reaching

effects, affecting ourselves, our families, our

employers or employees, our community. In this unit

on fire safety, we are going to consider many

decisions that can affect our own economic standing

as well as that of other persons."

Distribute $200 in student activity money and a student

activity book to each student. Note that the money is

stored in a pocket behind the cover. Explain that:

1 During this unit, students will be able to make

economic decisions on spending their money.

Students will have to spend additional money or

receive returns on their investments based on those

decisions.The teacher will serve as the bank.

The goal is to avoid losing money through poor choices.

List objectives of unit:

To develop an awareness of adult responsibilities to

preserve family, property and economy

To prepare for maintaining one's own home

To examine U.S history of fire and bum incidents

Outline lesson objectives (paragraph above).

Commission on Fire Protection: Fke Safety tot Texans

A Presentation Of Content: Display "Income And

Outgo" overhead transparency. Have selectedstudents read each section, then discuss the principle

presented.Divide students into six small groups. Assign each group one

of the principles presented, and have students bfiefly

discuss whether that principle is more or less

important than others presented.

Have each group report on its discussion. Compare various

perspectives, and lead student discussion to

conclusion that it is important to maintain a balance of

priorities and to accept responsibility for decisions.

'4" Guided Practice: Direct student attention to

"Income And Outgo" activity sheet in the student

workbook. Divide students into small gro4s. Assignone or more students to assist the teacher as the"banker,' or designate one person is each group as

the "group banker." Lead students through thedecision-making options, but allow students to make

their own decisions. Direct students to record their

decisions, and monitor the exchange of money.

11+ Independent Practice: After students have

tallied their money, direct student attention to "What

Do You Think?" Have students write about their

experience in the guided practice activity.

Reteaching: Review basic concepts of a consumer

maricet. Discuss the effects of other types of consumer

decisions. Role-play various decisions that are part of

the guided practice activity.

Mr Enrichment: Have students contact the local fire

department for materials on fire safety for

homeowners and for business owners. Have students

prepare a short summary of the information as it

relates to their economics study.

Closure: Have selected students read their

independent practice paragraph. Discuss how to

explore options when making decisions.

Introduce the next lesson by telling students that their next

decision will involve the entire group. Have them

consider whether government agencies or other

groups could make fire-safety decisions on their


157 Economics (High School): Firs Safety For Consumers

Have students begin preparing for Lesson Five by looking for

news stones on local fires. Have them clip newspaper

stones or write short summaries of television or radio

news reports.


Providing For TheGeneral Welfare

Goal: To focus on government agencies and otherorganizations concerned with fire safety, especially

related to product safety and emergency rLponse

0 Objectives: The student will:

identify hazard reduction efforts of various

organizations, agencies '69-2A, 4B

describe fire and bum safety responsibilities of

consumers-and residents '69-1G,4A

Materials: Student activity money distributed in Lesson

One (p. 16); "Providing For The General Welfare"overhead transparency (p. 18); "Providing For The

General Welfare* student activity sheets from student

workbooks (p. 3132); answer keys (p. 23-25).

Focus: Review basic information from Lesson One,

focusing on the value of fire prevention efforts. Have

students review their money balance. Tell students

that during this lesson they will be making group

decisions and have them select one or two

moderators to assist the teacher.

Outline lesson objectives (see paragraph above).

A Presentation Of Content: Display "Providing For

The General Welfare" overhead transparency. Have

selected students read each section, then discuss the

organization or agency presented. Note that these are

samples of this type of organization and that there are

many more (U.S. Forest Service, which sponsors

Smokey Bear; private organizations such as the

National Fire Protection Association and Consumers


Divide students into small groups. Assign each group one of

the organizations presented, and have students briefly

discuss whether that organization is absolutely

needed in their "community" or whether it is optional.

Comrnission on Fire Protection: Firs Safety for Texans

Guided Practice: Direct student attention to

"Providing For The General Welfare" activity sheet inthe student workhooks. Using the monitors selected at

the beginning of the lesson, have students decide

whether they want to form a fire department and pay

taxes. Then have students decide whether they will

pay taxes to fund the Consumer Product Safety

Commission and the Texas Commission on Fire

Protection. Be sure that students record the group's


Lead students through the remaining decision-makingoptions, but allow students to make their own

decisions. Direct students to record their decisions,

and monitor the exchange of money.

ea' Independent Practice: After students have

tallied their money, direct student attention to *What

Do You Think?" Have students write about their

experience in the guided practice activity.

Reteaching: Invite a representative from the local

fire department to describe how his or her department

works to reduce fire hazards in the community. Havethe representative describe how the local fire

department works with other agencies and

organizations to reduce the impact of fire on the


Enric lent: Have students write to the U.S.

Consumer Product Safety Commission, U.S. Fire

Administration or the Texas Commission on Fire

Protection. Have them request information on how the

agency works to reduce fire hazards in the nation or


Closure: Have students review their balances of

money, and discuss whether their decision-makingprocess have changed. Have students share their

feelings on the group decision-making process.Emphasize that while some fire-safety decisions are

individual, others depend on the group.

Introduce the next lesson by telling students that they will be

considering another group decision in the next lesson.

Have them again consider whether government

agencies can make effective fire-safety desions ontheir behalf. Remind them to continue looking for news

stories on local fires.

16Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers


The Not-So-Secret Code

Goal: To identify legal requirements and recommended

practices with fire safety equipment

0 Objectives: The student will:

define terminology relating to fire insurance and home

safety (detectors, sprinklers, etc.) '69-4D

list types of building code requirements for detectors,

sprinklers, exits '69-2A,413,4D

describe fire and bum safety responsibilities of

consumers and residents '69-1G,4A

Materials: Student activity money distributed in Lesson

One (p. 16); "The Not-So-Secret Code" overhead

transparency (p. 19); "The Not-So-Secret Code"

activity sheets from student workbooks (p. 33-34);

answer keys (p. 23-25).

Focus: Review balances of student money. Have

students describe how they feel about their

experiences in the first two lessons. Select another

monitor to preside over the group deeisions, if the

class wishes.

Outline lesson objectives (paragraph above).

A Presentation Of Content: Display "The Not-So-

Secret Code" overhead transparency. Have selected

students read each section, then discuss the type of

code or law presented.

Divide students into six small groups. kssign each group one

of the codes or laws presented, and have students

briefly discuss whether that type of law is absolutely

needed in their "community" or whether it is optional.

Guided Practice: Direct student attention to "The

Not-So-Secret Code' activity sheet in the student

workbooks. Using the monitors selected at the

beginning of the lesson, have students decide whether

they want to adopt a fire code and pay taxes to

enforce the code. Be sure that students record the

group's decisions.

Lead students through the remaining decision-making

options, but allow students to make their own

Commission on Fire Protection: Firs Safety for Texans

decisions. Direct students to record their decisions,

and monitor the exchange of money.

11+ Independent Practice: After students have

tallied their money, direct student attention to 'What

Do You Think?" Have students write about their

experience in the guided practice activity.

Reteaching: Have students discuss the importance

of laws in the community. Explain that while

consumers are allowed to make many choices, some

decisions are made by the community to protect

everyone, even those consumers who would madedangerous decisions. Have the students describe

school rules that affect them and how fire codes are

similar to school rules.

EGF Enrichment: Invite a local fire protection inspector to

make a presentation on how the local fire code works.

Ask the inspector to describe how inspections are

conducted and the consequences if a building owner

does not follow the code.

Closure: Have students review their balances of

money, and discuss whether their decision-making

process have changed. Have students share their

feelings on this second group decision-makingprocess. Have students describe the benefit of making

some fire-safety decisions Is a group.

Introduce next lesson by directing students to investigate

whether their families have fire insurance, either as

homeowners or renters or perhaps as business

owners. Remind students to continue looking for news

stories on local fires.

9 17 Economics (High School): Firs Sid* For Consumers


Insuring YourValuables

Goal: To explore fire insurance issues for homeowners,

renters and business owners

0 Objectives: The student will:

define terminology relating to fire insurance and home

safety (detectors, sprinklers, etc.) '69-4D

describe fire and bum safety responsibilities of

consumers and residents *69-1G,4A

Materials: Student activity money distributed in LessonOne (p. 16); "Insuring Your Valuables" overhead

transparency (p. 20); "Insuring Your Valuables"

activity sheets from student workbooks (p. 35); answer

keys (p. 23-25).

Focus: Have students share what they learned about

their families' insurance. Reinforce any previouslessons on insurance, or ask students to describewhat they know about insurance. (If the class has not

studied insurance, their experiences are probably

limited to the cost of insurance for young drivers or

filing a claim related to an auto accident.)

Explain that insurance is much like the other activities they

have completed during this unit by paying a known

expense they have been able to avoid other higher

expenses. Review previous activities. Outline lesson

objective (paragraph above).

+ Presentation Of Content: Display "Insuring Your

Valuables" overhead transparency. Have selected

students read each section, then discuss the

information presented.

Divide students into six small groups. Assign each group one

of the sections presented, and have students brieflydiscuss whether they would be willing to pay for that

type of insurance. Have students discuss theconsequences of choosing not to buy the insurance.

Guided Practice: Direct student attention to

*Insuring Your Valuables" activity sheet in the student


Lead students through the decision-making options, but allow

extents to make their own decisions. Direct students

Comnfission on Fire PrnWAon: Fire Safety for Texans

to record their decisions, and monitor the exchange of


Independent Practice: After students have

tallied their money, direct student attention to "What

Do You Think?" Have students write about their

experience in the guided practice activity.

Reteaching: Have students contact local insurance

agents about the types of fire insurance that are

available. Tell students to describe to the agent what

type of home (house, apartment, dorm, etc.) they plan

to live in after graduation.

11W Enrichment: Have students further investigate the

type of insurance purchased by their families. Allow

students to keep rie results of their investigationprivate. Encourage them to discuss the lesson content

with their families.

Closure: Have students review their balances of

money, and discuss whether their decision-making

process have changed. Have students share their

feelings on this second group decision-makingprocess. Have students describe the benefit of making

some fire-safety decisions as a group.

Introduce Lesson Five by asking students to bring any

newspaper clippings or reports on television or radio

news about fires in the community. Tell students that

in the final lesson they will be considering the impact

that fire has on the community, the state and the


1810 Ea:401114Z (High Scho31): Fire Safety For Consumers


The ImpactOf Fire

Goal: To examine the impact of fire on local, state and

national commukifies and reinforce effective decision

making skills for fire safety

0 OBJECTIVES: The student will:

describe the economic impact of fires and related

casualties in the U.S. "69-1B,1G

explain effects of business fire on community and

production *69-1B,1E

describe fire and burn safety responsibilities of

consumers and residents "69-1G,4A

Materials: Bulletin board paper, poster or other display for

news clippings; "The Impact Of Fire" overhead

transparency (p. 21); "The Impact Of Fire" activity

sheets from student workbooks (p. 37-38); post-tests

(p. 22); answer keys (p. 23-25).

Focus: As students enter the classroom, have them

post the newspaper clippings collected during the

week on a large display;Briefly discuss the types of

fires described in the clips and television and radio

stories collected by the students. Have students look

for mention of property loss or other economic impact

of the fire (people out of jobs, people with no homes).

Tell students that in this final lesson they will examine whathappens to the community when fire occurs, with the

goal to emphasize that fire should be prevented.

Outline objeciives (paragraph above).

A Presentation Of Content: Display rThe Impact

Of Fire" overhead transparency. Have selected

students read each section, then discuss the .

information presented.

Guided Practice: Divide students into six small

groups. Assign each group one of the sections

presented, and have students briefly discuss how they

could reduce the impact of that type of fire. Encourage

students to discuss the topics presented in other

lessons: consumer responsibility; care-giverresponsibility; government agencies and consumer-

advocate organizations; fire codes; and fire insurance.

Comrniuion on Fee Protection: Fire Safety for Texans

4110 Independent Practice: Direct student attention

to "The Impact Of Fire" activity sheets.Redistributestudent activity money so that all students begin again

with $200. Point out that this activity includescomponents from previous lessons and allows them to

rethink previous decisions.

Lead students through the decision-making options, but allow

students to make their own decisions. Direct students

to record their decisions, and monitor the exchange of


After students have tallied their money, have them compare

their new balances to the balance from Lesson Four.

Direct student attention to "What Do You Think?"

Have students write about their experience in this


Oa' Reteaching: Have students conduct library research

on the history of fires in the UnitedStates, including

the influence of Benjamin Franklin. Note that many of

Franklin's writing on fire prevention are applicable in

today's society. Have students describe theimportance of changing the public's attitude toward

fire because of its negative impact on the economy.

We Enrichment: Have students write letters to the editor

of the local newspaper or to the Commission on Fire

Protection telling what they have learned about thefire-safely responsibilities of consumers. Encourage

them to include information learned in this unit and to

motivate others to make fire-safe decisions.

Closure: fally student balances following the

independent practice activity. Have students discuss

whether their balances were more or less than

following Lesson Four. Ask students to share how

their decision-making changed. Reinforce student

attitudes that show they understand that fire-safety

decisions are economic decisions.

Administer post-test.

19 Economia (High Firs Safety For Consumers

Teacher Supplemental Materials



Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers PRE-TEST

Circle True or False.

1. Fire safety is important, but it isn't related to economics. True False

2. Products that are fire safe (less likely to cause fires) may cost more to buy, butthey cost less to own and operate. True False

3. People who rent homes cannot buy fire insurance. True False

4. Many products have been made more fire safe because of governmentrequirements. True False

5. Economic decisions affect all aspects of our lives as parents, caregivers,homeowners and apartment dwellers. True False

6. Consumers in the United States are allowed to make unwise and unsafe buyingdecisions. True False

7. The United States has a very poor fire history that is, many people die in firesthat cost communities billions of dollars. True False

Circle the best answer:

B. Which of the following governmentagencies are concerned with fire safety:

a. Local fire department

b. Consumer Product State Commission

c. Texas Commission on 9re Protection

d. All of the above a.

9. Buying fire insurance means:

10. A fire code tells how to:

a. react in a fire.

b. prevent a fire.

11. Give three examples of items thatmight be included in a fire code:

a. you never have to pay for any damage b.

from a fire.

b. you share the cost of fires with otherpeople.

c. you will not have a fire.

Teacher. Usa before beginning Lesson One, Page 7. Dupticate for student use.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for Texans


2115 Economics (High School): Fire Seely For Consumers

Student Activity Money


10 10


Consumers". ,









Teacher Use with all lessons. Dupticate, on green paper if desired, two sheets ($200) for each student. Have students cut apart and place in pocket on the back of

die title page of the studem activity workbook .

Commission on Am Protection: Fire Safety for Texans

2216 Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers

Income And Outgo

What is aconsumer?

A consumeruses goods andproducts. Being

a consumermeans buyingand spending.

What is aresidence?

Your residenceis where you

A caregiver issomeone whotakes care ofsomeone. For

example: caringfor a baby or

rand arent.

What makes a"fire safe"


What makes a"fire-safe"resident?

A "fire-safe" consumermakes decisionsabout buying andspending that help

prevent or avoid fires.

A "fire-safe" residentmakes decisionsabout buying andspending that helpprevent or reduce

fires at home.

What makes a"fire-safe"caregiver?

What happens ifsomeone can't

do his or her jobas a resident or


Teacher: Use wilh Lesson One, Page 7. Transfer to overhead transparency.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for Texans


A "fire-safe" caregivermakes decisionsabout buying andspending that helpkeep other people

safe from fires.

What happens issomeone can't dohis or her job as a

"fire-safe"resident orcaregiver?

2317 Economics (High School): Fire Safety For ("..,saumers

Providing For The General Welfare

0 Your Local Fire Departmenthelps prevent fires by teachingpeople in the community aboutfire prevention. Fire safetyinspectors help building ownersget rid of hazards that mightcause fires.


The U.S. Fire Administrationhelps state agencies (like theCommission on Fire Protection)and local fire departments dotheir jobs better. The FireAdministration helps teach theublic about fire revention.

The Texas Commission on FireProtection helps prevent fires byhelping schools and fire departmentteach fire prevention. Inspectorscheck buildings for fire hazards.Investigators determine what causedfires for two reasons: to catcharsonists, and to learn how toprevent fires. The Commission alsomakes sure that people in many fire-protection jobs are qualified to dotheir sobs correct!

The National Highway TrafficSafety Council prevents fires bymaking sure all cars and trucksare fire safe. The Council makescompanies take back vehiclesthat cause fires.


Teacher: Use with Lesson Two, Page 8. Transfer to overhead Uansparency.

Commsion on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for Texans

The U.S. Consumer ProductSafety Commission helps prnventfires by checking products to sale toconsumers. The Commission workswith companies to make productssafer. It makes companies take back

roducts that are not safe.



Economics (High School): Fire Sof* For Consumers

The Not-So-Secret Code

A code is agroup of


What Texas lawscan help us be

"fire-safe"consumers and


What are some"model codes" thatcan help us be "fire-

safe" consumersand "fire-safe"


What aboutlocal laws?

All fire smokealarms andextinguishersmust meet certainrequirements.

If you rent yourresidence, thelandlord mustprovide a smokealarm.

Some codes arelaws. We mustfollow these codes.

Anyone who installs orservices certain fire-protection equipmentmust have a statelicense.

If you stay In a hotel ormotel, the owner mustprovide a smoke alarm.If you are hearing-impaired, the ownermust provide a specialsmoke alarm.

Other codes arerecommendations. These"model codes" are notlaws that we must follow.They are Nidelines thatfire experts say weshould follow.

Anyone who sellsfireworks must have astate license or permit.

Most public buildings(such as schools, officebuildings and stores)must have a certainnumber of exits. Thenumber depends on thesize of the building andthe number of stories.

One code saysto install "firesuppressionsprinklers" inmost buildings,even homes.

Fire suppressionsprinklers have threemain parts: pipes tocarry the water, asprinkler head to spraythe water, and a heat-sensitive "link" thatbreaks when fire isdetected.


One codedescribes specificrequirements forelectrical wiring.

Some cities "adopt"a model code. Thatmodel code thenbecomes the law inthat community.

Teacher: Use wilh Lesson Three, Page 9. Transfer to overhead transparency.

Commission on Fire Prorection: Fir* Safety for Texans

When the "link" isbroken, water spraysthrough the head directlyonto the fire. Firesuppression sprinklersare becoming morepopular in homes andapartments.

One code gives veryspecific requirementsfor planning exits frombuildings.

When a city adopts amodel code, the firedepartment hiresinspectors to checkbuildings.


Many other codes giverecommendations forimproving the fire-safetyof almost any business.

The inspectors' job is tobe sure that buildingowners obey the law.

Economics (High School): Fks Ssfety For Consumers

Insuring Your Valuables


Buying insurance meansthat you are joining a groupthat agrees to share the risk

of loss.

When you buy fireinsurance, you pay a knowncost (the premium) to avoidan unknown cost (the costof replacing what you might

lose in a fire

Anyone who owns a homeshould have "homeowner's


Anyone who lives in rentalproperty (a house or anapartment) should have

"renter's insurance."

Benjamin Franklinorganized the first fire

insurance company in theUnited States. He also

organized the first U.S. firede artment.

Business owners shouldhave commercial insurance

to protect their buildings,supplies and other goods.

Today, most fire insurance.s included in "multiple peril"coverage. The policy covers

other damage, such astheft, wind damage and

water damage.

Teacher: Use with Lesson Four, Page 10. Transfer to overhead transparency.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire &tidy for Texans 20


For decades, fire insurancewas separate from other

types of insurance.

Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers

The Impact Of Fire

rthThe United has oneof the worst fire records in

e world.

Replacing propertydestroyed in fires.

Paying the medical costs ofpeople who are injured infires. (Burns are among themost expensive injuries totreat.

Each year, based on thepercentage of thepopulation who die in fires,the United States has threetimes the fire deaths inSwitzerland, Australia,Japan, and several othercountries.

Losing the productivity ofpeople who die or arein'ured in fires.

Losing jobs whenbusinesses are damaged infires. (Sometimes thebusinesses never re-open.)


In 1992, Texas suffered90,000 fires:

43,000 outdoor fires25,000 building fires22,000 vehicle fires

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Texans Icst propertyestimated at $325 million.

Two hundred, thirty-fourpeople died in fires, and1,630 people were injuredin fires. Another 1,000 firefi hters were in'ured.

Arson and suspected arsonare serious fire problems.Almost 25 percent of Texasfires are arson or suspectedarson.

About 20 percent of allinjuries are caused by arsonand ected-arson fires.




Arson and suspected arsoncost Texans $92 million inproperty loss.

5:17 4...r

Teacher: Use with Lesson Ave, Page 11. Transfer to overhead transparency.

Commission on Are Protection: Fire Safety for Texans

9 121 Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers


Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers POST-TEST

Circle True or False.

1. Fire safety is important, but it isn't related to economics. True False

2. Products that are fire safe (less likely to cause fires) may cost more to buy, but

they cost less to own and operate. True False

3. People who rent homes cannot buy fire insurance. True False

4. Many products have been made more fire safe because of government

requirements. True False

5. Economic decisions affect all aspects of our lives as parents, caregivers,

homeowners and apartment dwellers. True False

6. Consumers in the United States are allowed to make unwise and unsafe buying

decisions. True False

7. The United States has a very poor fire history that is, many people die in fires

that cost communities billions of dollars. True False

Circle the best answer:

8. Which of the following government 10. A fire code tells how to:

agencies are concerned with fire safety: a. react in a fire.

a. Local fire department b. prevent a fire.

b. Consumer Product State Commission 11. Give three examples of items that

c. Texas Commission on Fire Protection might be included in a fire code:

d. All of the above a.

9. Buying fire insurance means:

a. you never have to pay for any damage b.

from a fire.

b. you share the cost of fires with other c.people.

c. you will not have a fire.

Teacher:Use after completing Lesson Five, Page 11. Duplicate for student use.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety to! Tains 22 Econornics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers



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Commission on Fire Protailion: Firs Safety for Tenni


income And OutgoDeoson4boo ROME AM Moos


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Economics (High Schcol): Fire SefMy For Consumers



The Not-So-Secret CodeDeolOordirq MOM Aid MON*

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Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for Texans 24 30 Economia (High School): Firs Safety For Consumers



The Impact Of FireOsmierolalimo Pam/ Ms Araives

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Commission on Fwe Protection: Firs Safety for Texans

The Impact Of Fireoeseeaarde-e Ian* MS Morse tore...0)

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-X Looms no boor Pio Oa* to Carom

3125 Economics (High School): Fire Safety FOr Consumers

Student Materials

Duplicating Masters



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11 I


Income And OutgoDecision-Making Activity And Analysis

Start with $200

Make a choice:

What kind ofproduct should

you buy?

Option A:

Buy the item that isrecommended asthe safest by the firedepartment.

Consequence A:

If you chose A, youdo not have a fire.

-Y Enter $200 here

Option B:

Buy the item that isthe leastexpensive, eventhough it might beless safe.

If you chose A,subtract $20 >-

If you chose B,subtract $10 0-

Whai Do Yo'iu Think?

Consequence B:

If you chose B, youhave a fire thatcosts $30 to repair.

If you chose A,enter $0 >-

If you chose B,subtract $30>-

New Balance

Write a paragraph about the activity you just completed. Answer the following questions:

How do you feel about the decision you made?How would your decision affect those who live with you or those you care for?

If you faced a similar situation again, would you change your decision?

Teacher: Use with Lesson One, Page 7. Dupicate for student use.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for Texans

3430 Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers


Providing For The General WelfareDecision-Making Activity And Analysis

Start with money leftfrom Lesson One

IMake Choice 1:

Will your community vote to pay taxes for a fire department?

Option A:

Vote to have a firedepartment and paytaxes.

Enter last balance inLesson One *

Option B:

Vote against a firedepartment. Pay notaxes.

If you chose A,subtract $10 ).

If you chose B,subtract $0 *

New Balance *

Make Choice 2:Will your community vote to pay taxes for the Consumer

Product Safety Commission and Texas Commission on Fire


Option A:

Vote to pay taxes.

Option B:

Vote against payingtaxes.

Move out of thecommuntty to avoidtaxes, and get your

taxes back.

What a. 3 it Nnsequences of your choices if there is a fire or if astarts oroducinq a very dan erous roduct?

Consequence A:

If you chose to live inthe community andpay all taxes, you willlose only $10 in a fire.

If you chose A,subtract $10 * I

If you chose B,subtract $0 *

New Balance *

If you make thischoice, add $10 *


New Balance *1

Consequence B:

If you did not livein the community,but paid the othertaxes, you will lose$20 in a fire.

Consequence C:

If you chose to nothave a fire depart-ment and to not payfor other protectiveagencies, you willlose $50.

Consequence A,subtract $10 *

Consequence B,subtract $20 *

Consequence C,subtract $50 /0-

Teacher: Use pith LefAal.Two, Page 8. Dupkate for student use.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for Texans

New Balance *

Economics (High School): Firs Safety For Consumers

Providing For The General WelfareDecision-Making Activity And Analysis (continued)

.0 What Do You Think?Write a paragraph about the activity you just complet

How do you feel about theHow do you feel abouWas your decision tti

If you faced a similar situation a

'Answer the following questions:

cisions made by the group?decisions you made?t effective decision?ould you change your decision?

Teacher: Use with Limon Two, Page 8. Duplicate tor student use.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fire Salary for Texans

3 632 Economics (High School): Firs Safety For Consumers


The Not-So-Secret CodeDecision-Making Activity And Analysis

Start with money leftfrom Lesson Two

Make Choice 1:

Will your community vote to adopt a firecode and pay taxes to enforce it?

Option A:

Vote to have a firecode and pay taxes toenforce it.

Enter last balance inLesson Two *

Option B:

Vote against a firecode. Pay no taxes.

If you chose A,subtract $10 *

If you chose B,subtract $0 *

Maklakia New Balance *

If your class chose Option A: Make Choice 2:Will you abide by the fire code?

If your class chose Option B,skip to the "Consequences" boxes below.

Option A:

You make necessarychanges in yourbuilding to abide by thefire code. It costs $10.

Option B:

Even though yourbuilding doesn't followthe code, you do notmake any changes..

If you chose A,subtract $10 *

If you chose B,subtract $0 *

New Balance *

What are theconsequences of

our choices?

Consequence A:

If your communitydecided to not adopt afire code, A:our buildingmay not be safe. Youlose $20 to a fire.

Consequence B:

you abide by thefire code, yourbuilding is safeand you will nothave a fire.

Consequence C:

If you do not abide bythe fire code, yourbuilding is not safe soyou have a fire andwill lose $30.

Consequence A,subtract $20 *

Consequence B,subtract $0 *

Consequence C,subtract $30 *

Teacher: Use with Lesson Three, Page 9. Duplicate for student use.

Commission on Fire Protection: Fite Safety for Texans


New Balance *

Economics (High School): Firs Safety For Consumers

The Not-So-Secret CodeDecision-Making Activity And Analysis (continued)

c. What Do You Think?Write a paragraph about the activity you just completed. Answer the following questions:

How do you feel about the decisions made by the group?How do you feel about the decisions you made?

Was it the most effective decision?If you faced a similar situation again, would you change your decision?

Teacher: Use with Lesson Three, Page 9. Duplicate lor student use.

Commission on Fire Protection: FRI Safety for Texans 34 Economics (High School): Fire Safety For Consumers


Insuring Your ValuablesDecision-Making ActMty And Analysis

Start with money lettfrom Lesson Three

Make Choice 1:Where will ou live?

Ail IN.._


Enter last balancefrom Lesson Three ).


Buy a house.

Option B:

Rent a house or anartment.

If you chose to buy anouse, the mortgagecompany requiresyou to buy home-owner's insurance,which includes fireinsurance.


IIf you rent a home, make Choice 2: I


Option C:

You decide buyrenter's insurance,which costs $10.

Option D:

You decide not to buyranter's insurance tosave money.

If you chose A,subtract $20 for


New Balance Yr-

If you chose OptionC, subtract $10

If you chose OptionD, subtract $0 ).

What are the consequences if you have a fire In your home?

Consequence A:

If you own a homeand have home-owner's insurance,you lose only $20.

Consequence B:

if you rent a homeand have renter'sinsurance, you loseonly $10.

Option C:

If you do not haveinsurance, you lose$80.

Teacher: Use with Lesson Four, Page 10. Dupticate for student use.

Commisskn on Fire Protection: Fire Safety for 'Nuns


Consequence A,subtract $20 >.

Consequence B,subtract $10

Consequence C:subtract $80

New Balance *-

Economics (High School): FIN Sofoty For Consumers

Insuring Your ValuablesDecision-Making Activity And Analysis (continued)

0.* What Do You Think?Write a paragraph about the activity you just completed. Answer the following questions:

How do you feel about the decision you made?Was it the most effective decision?

If you faced a similar situation again, would you change your decision?

Teacher: Use with Lesson Four, Page 10. Duplicate tor student we.

Comnission on Fire Protection: Fire Se lety for Texans


36 Economics (High School): Firs Safety For Consumers


The Impact Of FireDecision-Making Activity And Analysis

Begin again with $200

Effective fire prevention requires a series of choices.

Enter $200 >

LErcle_the optio.............,...vouldOption A:

Pay a little extra for

products that are made to

be fire safe. Cost: $10.

Option B:

Live in the city and pay city

taxes to be protected by a fire

department. Cost $10.

Option C:

Pay taxes for the federal and

state agencies that help

protect consumers. Cost: $10.

Option D:

Buy a smoke detector, and

install it properly.

Cost: $10.

Option E:

Install fire-suppression

sprinklers. Cost: $50.

Option F:

Buy homeowners or renters


Cost: $20.

Add up your

choices, and

subtract the




Option G:

You improve your building to

meet all the req&ements ofthe fire code. Cost $20.

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1What are the consequences of your choices?

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Consequence A:

If you selected less than two options, your home is destroyed by fire. Hand over the rest of your money.

If you made other selections, but you didn't choose Option F, your home is destroyed by fire and you have to pay

for it. Hand over the rest of your money.

Consequence B:

Count the number you selected from Options A, 3, C and D. From each, you get a return on your money because

you are less likely to lose your home or business in a fire. Add $5 for each one you checked.

Consequence C:

If you chose Option E, your home is very well protected from fire. You get a 100-percent return on your

investment. Add $50.

Consequence D:

It you chose Option F BUT you did NOT choose ALL of Options A, B, C and D, you have a fire that costs you $30.

Subtract $30.

Consequence E:

If you chose Option F plus Options A, B, C and D, you have a fire that costs you $10. Subtract $10.

Consequence G:

If you chose Option G, you are very well protected from fire. You get a 100-percent return on your investment. Add

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Teacher: Use with Lesson Ave, Page 11. Duplicate tor student use.

Commission on Fire Prolection: Fire Safety for Texans

4 137 Economics (High School): Fire Set* For Consumers

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we What Do You Think?


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