Doctors 2.0 & you 50 testimonials

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

The networking opportunity Doctors 2.0 & You presented me was very important and vital to my career aspirations. Other attendees were approachable and I would attend the conference again if given the opportunity.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Fabrice Angelini (FR) Thermofisher Scientific

Doctors 2.0 & You is a must event if you want to understand the evolution of the practices and use cases that will be the basis of tomorrow's relationship between the patient and clinician.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Denise is a strategist with professional qualities indispensable in highly regulated industries: she can deliver projects taking care of complex details under time pressure, she demonstrates agility and a down to earth business thinking. She matches foresight, strategy, marketing and excellent international networking to design much acclaimed events. She is open minded, trustworthy, hard worker, focused on real results and does not hesitate to scout new path.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Doctors 2.0 & You’s diversified agenda touching various health 2.0 topics and audiences pragmatically is a real strength. Putting early seed initiatives and mature consumer-oriented and medical team focused trends on the same podium gives a unique 360° vision of the health 2.0 arena. Doctors 2.0 & You provides great business development potential for both health providers and entrepreneurs.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

I attended Doctors 2.0 & You in Paris in June 2014. Not only was I very impressed with the creative structure and concept of the meeting, but also with the wealth of experience and expertise Denise clearly has in the area of digital health. Wholeheartedly recommend the event and the team behind it!

Aidan Brain (UK) EyeForPharma

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

I support the Doctors 2.0 & You conference. It combines the expertise of healthcare professionals from Europe, Asia and North America and also allows patients to have a direct contribution towards the healthcare industry. Every medical conference should be like this!

Dr Bart Brandenburg (NL) Physician

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Doctors 2.0 & You is one of the best conferences in Europe and is full of new, inspiring ideas.

Janine Budding (NL) MedicalFacts

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Yvanie Caillé (FR) Renaloo

You must participate in Doctors 2.0 & You, because patients and the Web are the future of medicine, whether 2.0 or not.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Doctors 2.0 & You and to learn more about the global digital health explosion… It was an honour to represent South African facial difference patients, to meet some of the most influential minds in global health, and to be in a patientincluded conference... And now to return in 2015.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Social media will continue to alter the landscape of medicine. The Doctors 2.0 & You conference is a fantastic initiative, with people who can change the future of the medicine for the better by exchanging their ideas with a wider global audience. I am a strong advocate of Doctors 2.0 & You and would urge other doctors to attend this type of conference.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr Larry Chu (US) Stanford Medicine X

Doctors 2.0 & You’s main objective is to bring stakeholders, patients and healthcare providers and researchers together and to unite and work closely on global healthcare issues. This initiative truly carries great potential for the future of healthcare. I’m very proud to work closely, as partners, with Doctors 2.0 & You.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Joao Costa (PT) Truewind-Chiron

Doctors 2.0 & You is the most vivid, participated and motivating conference I've seen in quite some time!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Sarah Kucharski (US) FMD Chat

Doctors 2.0 & You allows patients’ voices to be heard and will in turn improve the doctor-patient relationship, as well as improving healthcare.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr Jennifer Dyer (US) physician entrepreneur

Doctors 2.0 & You has given me the opportunity to meet fabulous people who are dedicated to improving the lives of others.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Michaela Endemann (AT) Consultant

Doctors 2.0 & You is great for networking, new medical insights and integrating potentially exciting ideas.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

This unique event, brilliantly orchestrated by the indefatigable Denise Silber of Basil Strategies, brings together doctors, patients and healthcare innovators in a truly participatory event to share and learn from each other. It is so much more than a conference - it is about the exchange of stimulating ideas, the spark of creativity, and the illumination of inspiration. It is the must-attend event of the year!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr Loïc Etienne (FR) physician + entrepreneur

Why attend Doctors 2.0 & You? Because a great part of medicine's future lies in listening to patients, collecting their symptoms, even if it's a machine that does this.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

« At Doctors 2.0 & You, I stepped into a rich experience I hadn’t imagined. The content was both about the future of digital but also very operational. This was an ideal digital conference. »

Hervé Franck (Fr) Axa

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Christian Funk (DE) Medisana

Doctors 2.0 brings together innovators in the digital health field from all over the world. It´s great to hear their ideas and learn from their experience. Best place to network.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

At Doctors 2.0 & You 2014 I had the sincere pleasure of meeting a diverse cross-section of key people in our industry ranging from forward looking doctors, academics researching information seeking patterns, many ePatients, pioneering entrepreneurs, and more. My only regret is that there were so many amazing people that I didn’t get a chance to meet them all. The startup contest we participated in was very well run and we were thrilled and honored to have won the competition. I wasn’t sure at all as there was close competition. The venue was great and it was really an outstanding event. The prize for winning was also terrific – presenting a plenary at the sister conference, Stanford Medicine X (and coming back to present next year). I look forward to Doctors 2.0 & You 2015 and will bring more of the team to experience the event and meet the amazing group that congregates in Paris each year for this important international event.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Paul Grant (UK Creation Health

For myself and other attendees, Doctors 2.0 & You was a fantastic opportunity to hear new insights and viewpoints from experts operating in this space, illustrating the new possibilities and importance of this.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Alexane Gurwic (CH) Roche

The Doctors 2.0 & You conference gives a 360° look at healthcare stakeholders and what they are doing in the digital space. It is thus a great opportunity to see what is developing and to meet and exchange with people that you would not get to see otherwise.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

A.R.J. (Rob) Halkes (NL) Consultant

Doctors 2.0& You is a true forum for innovators and those who want to know about it. It’s all of healthcare working together to build an understanding, thanks to Denise’s very early understanding of the need for collaboration.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr Tamas Horvath (HU) Physician

After running a medical blog and Facebook fanpage for the last few years, I fully realise the importance of social media in the health industry. It has been great at Doctors 2.0 & You to meet like-minded from the health and pharmaceutical industries and share ideas at this global and unique conference.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Doctors 2.0 & You is my favourite international healthcare confer- ence because of the amazing breadth of speakers and attendees. Patients focussed on healthcare providers, healthcare providers focused on the healthcare industry, industry representatives focused on healthcare professionals and any number of combinations of people interested in other people!” Denise is highly knowledgeable about healthcare tech, amazingly well connected and a pleasure to work with. She founded and developed Doctors 2.0 & You and is making it into something really unique. Something that shows her personality and talent throughout. Something you can’t get anywhere else in the world. Something I support enormously.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr. Bernadette Keefe (US) Physician + inventor

I had the honor of remotely attending the Doctors 2.0 Conference June 5 & 6th, 2014 and curating the twitter hashtag feed. To all of you: fabulous attendees, brilliant speakers, innovators, e-patients, enlightened industry execs, startups, conference organizers and Symplur with its’ webs & networks~ you made my work completely pleasurable.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr Carole Lapra (FR) Physician

Doctors 2.0 & You gets you right up there on the health web train. Don't miss the next edition.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Doctors 2.0 & You was an awesome conference. It accelerated us a lot in networking (e.g. more than 100 new twitter followers); in meeting many very interesting VCs and getting in contact with a lot of synergizing business partners. We can totally recommend this conference to any startup and any VC that are interested in eHealth around the world!!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr Andrew MacAulay (UK) MentalHealthTV

It has been great to hear different experts educate me about different types of social media. At times, it can seem like a lonely activity being at the cutting edge of medical technology, however Doctors 2.0 & You has allowed me to meet and converse with fellow travellers who share similar struggles, hopes and ambitions for the future.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

John Mack (US) PharmaMarketingNews

I loved the diversity of people who presented and attended. I especially liked the short presentations made by Start-Ups and the Panel discussions. The enthusiasm was great! Of course, I loved being in Paris! If you also like these things, then you should be sure to attend the next event!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Two days in an intense series of debates, exchange, innovation, discovery and sharing experiences. Doctors 2.0 & You was a wonderful adventure that I would repeat as soon as possible. I recommend this rendez-vous in Paris as the major event in Europe for all people interested in Health and Medicine 2.0 and Social Media!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Florian Martin (FR) Guerbet

Doctors 2.0 & You is a treasure of information, if you are interested in connected pharma. Two days that are rich in shared experiences.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Dr Berci Mésko (HU) Medical Futurist

Doctors 2.0 and You is today's most informative conference focusing on the digital revolution in medicine. It has been the most useful event to attend for me. I look forward to speaking there and I encourage everyone from pharma to patient groups and doctors to participate in these discussions.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Basil Strategies produces Doctors 2.0, the best digital health conference in Europe, especially if you are on the provider side of the industry. Denise and her team have a wealth of expertise in health tech and social media, which they showcased on a very important project for WorldOne with written reports and virtual workshops which enabled many members of our team to participate in an interactive fashion, further enhancing learning and retention). It would be a pleasure to work with the team again.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015



I would like to thank Denise and her team for this very interesting exhibition; for my first attendance I was very impressed by the quality of the topics and this improved my job as disease marketing manager. We are now looking at how to apply it directly day to day.


Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

It was a real pleasure to be involved with Doctors 2.0 and You in Paris this past June. As a media sponsor, this innovative event was an easy sell to clients who were keen to attend a conference where doctors and the healthcare industry were able to share their preferred social media norms and learn from one another on how to improve their experience online. The event was superbly managed, the stage placed all speakers in a captivating spotlight. We look forward to the next edition

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

I have had a long interest in social media and I see it as a key medical educational tool for future doctors. The great thing about the Doctors 2.0 conference is the huge diversity of speakers with exciting projects. It is also a fantastic opportunity to develop networks across the world. The ability to foresee the future of healthcare in the next two decades is available at this conference and unique opportunity that ought to be taken!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Gérard Peccoux (FR) Callimedia

As digital health specialists, Callimedia was one of the first sponsors of Doctors 2.0 & You. This unique European conference dedicated to the patient-physician relation and digital health is enriching and complete. Don't miss the next edition!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Christian Perrudet (CH) Servier

This meeting is outstanding to meet leaders in ehealth (starts up, doctors, patients or health care administration).


Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Whilst so many people keep talking about digital, 2.0, social media... applied to the healthcare world Denise helps make it happen. Her outstanding business acumen, openness,skills at bringing la crème de la crème together, trends spotting talent and her leadership speak for her. Doctors 2.0 is a best practice in Europe!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

We decided to attend and sponsor Doctors 2.0 & You from the 1st year, just following our “intuition”: the focus on health 2.0, social media, and empathic marketing communi-cation. I must say the results were very good: pragmatic shared experiences, excellent network and great business opportunities. In addition, we are now involved in a vibrant and collaborative community of people who really want to make things change. Congratulations for this excellent work!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

The Doctors 2.0 conference, organized on an annual basis, is definitely one of the premier events for showcasing social media innovation and current thinking with respect to health care and medicine in Europe. “Doctors 2.0 & You was a great opportunity to further the development of social media and to help develop a better medical community online between doctors, techies, and interested patients. …interesting presentations with new controversial views.” The conference's curator, Denise Silber, is extremely knowledgeable and articulate on issues relating to social media and health care.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Franck Schneider (CH) Geneva University Hospitals

Each year, the Doctors 2.0 & You conference is a must. I look forward to find the latest innovations and I always learn a lot by going there ! It's a pleasure to work with Denise Silber, she's attentive and always open to new ideas. She is one of the best specialist on the digital revolution in healthcare, on digital strategy, and on ereputation.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Xavier Sédès (FR) IMS Health

Doctors 2.0 & You is the unique occasion to discover the extent and wealth of what's going on in eHealth at the international level. Convincing testimonials and exchanges of great quality. Congratulations to Denise Silber and her team.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

While others say that they are, the Doctors 2.0 & You conference really is a patient included conference. From the moment it starts, patients are an integral part. As we moved through the role of Pharma, the value of patient communities, to a new world of apps and Google Glass, we had a real two day taster of the health landscape from a digital perspective. I would recommend you put it in your 2015 diary now!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Lawrence Sherman (US) Prova

The Doctors 2.0 & You conference united the right people at the right place at the right time.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

This conference has a truly international vision! It demonstrated what is being done in other countries from around the world, and by doing so, showed what could be possible to recreate here in France. I was able to meet and hear from lots of people that I had never had the chance to see before and to encounter subjects that I had never thought about beofre. I especially liked the Workshops and the live tweeting in the plenary sessions!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Paul Tunnah (UK) Pharmaphorum

Doctors 2.0 & You provide a unique and valuable perspective on how health and technology combine. Its founder curator, Denise Silber is extremely well connected, solutions focussed, collaborative and well informed around the key issues here, in addition to being very passionate about driving new solutions for patients.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

For our decision-makers, Doctors 2.0 & You is there to show and talk about the changes happening around the world, to express their needs, to hear from users (patients, carers, developers). And of course, to meet potential partners! It is a great Think Tank to exchange ideas, to show that it’s possible, and to discover amazing initiatives. And it all works!

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Paul Wicks (UK) PatientsLikeMe

The Doctors 2.0 & You Conference is at the intersection between the traditional healthcare establishment and the new cutting edge of the Internet. The people who bridge the gap between the two fields will have a huge success in the near future.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

Gao Zhan (CN) HaoYisheng

We like Doctors 2.0 & You conference, because there are such interesting people here from around the world, and it is very well organized, so that we have time to exchange as well.

Doctors 2.0 & You – Paris -June 4-5, 2015

•  Doctors 2.0 opens the field of view in an incredible way. This is an opportunity to take the height on our communication activities and meet exciting people. We will be back next year with more colleagues!

•  It was an outstanding event that put patients right at the centre of health. Stimulating debate, discussion and topics. More of the same please

•  This was my first 'Doctors 2.0 & You' and found it very informative, useful and well-organized. The Basil Strategies team always was very helpful. Congratulations!

•  The "Doctors 2.0 & you" conference is in fact the "Doctors 2.0 & us" conference. I met many great personalities, friends and business partners there - with everyone looking at the future of digital, social and mobile healthcare. Like!